Friday, September 5, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 €) QBH9M3O CSEBEflE □ (BHBHC O CMHHK □ OHMDOOMH 0 (■■■■□ QK9MHS] (0 QIHBBD 03 (SE8BD 0 SHHID O (39599D 0CMHMHD O GEEBEHD □ CE8HBHD® G5SE5SD 0 CSS9S9D0GBBK] □ 0 f -a itn nraawwiB THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFE | CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT TRUCK PARTS 1 Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young | By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP Heavy-duty Motors, axels peril, bodies, tires, hoists and used trucka, TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY 10th A 8. E. Hawthorne. Portland, Ore. RABBITS AND SKINS POUL'IKi AND RABBITS WANTED. Good white fryer rabbit skins *1.10 per lb Write postcard for prices and Information. Baby * Oo, 935 ■. W. Front. Fortland, Ore. FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE Boll Developed and Two Prints front Bach Oood Wagatlvo 25c WESTEBM PHOTO COMPART Bos W-4385 Portland. Ora. S PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25o—.Made by Portland's larg­ est retail kodak finisher. Satisfac­ tion guaranteed. Quality Picture Co. Bos W3573. Portland, Oregon. SCHOOLS BBAUTICIAHS By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA KBBDBD The demand is for competent, well- trained young women with health, ambition and agreeable peratnalltles. You can afford the best training available. Time now Is your most precious Investment. Inquire about the opportunities a- waltlng you In Beauty Culture. MABT STOYE’S The Beauty School of Distinction 309 Union Street Seattle, Wash. SPECIAL TALKIMG MOTIOM PICTUBBS —Furnished— FBBB FBBB To High Schools, Sr. & Jr.. Colleges. Granges. PTA Groups, Etc. Write or call Moore's Motion Picture Serv­ ice, 310-311 Fitzpatrick Bldg., Port­ land. Oregon. • HELP WANTED HOP PICKERS WANTED S’M ATTER By C. M. PAYNE POP— But It Takes Practice WIGRICW RANCH located five miles South of Independence. Ore. 400 acres good picking no seedless hops. High wages paid Modern shady sanitary policed camp, with store, butcher shop, restaurant, cabins, tents, stoves wood, running water, electric lights dance hall, nursery, straw, showers Visit ranch or write for job Address:— WIGBICK RAKCH Box B. Independence, Ore. General Farm Hand. Must be good stripper. 160 Month, room and board. Milo Bentenaar, Route 13, Portland. Oregon. (Sauries Island.) WOMAN for general housework on ranch, unincumbered. Must be In good health, clean, neat and de­ pendable; 130 per month and tx