SOUTHERN OREGON MINER____________________ Friday, Sept. 5, 1941 About People You Know • Mi nini M ih S iiiii J ok I iiii api-nt wvrral day« the first of the week flHhlng mi the ciMMt ut the mouth of the Klamuth river • Mm < inn k <- 'I iiyloi uml Mt und M in Errimt Wallis of Portland were guests the flraf of the Week of Mr. uml M in Juck Young • Mr und M in F H Engle en­ joyed a two weeks' vui'iitlon ut Idilio o' the Woods. • J <’ Crowder of Arizona la vlaltlng with hla - cousin, J. K. Moaeley. • l.t uml M in Malie W Kincaid of Tacoma vialted several days nt Ihr home of Mr and Mrs. A it Kincaid • Mi and M in C E Huffman at tended the fuir In Yreka Sunday mid Monday • Mlaa Hazel Emery and Miaa Page 5 Another S'tale Adds Nursery Agreement MlNsissIppi has notified the Ore­ gon department of agilculture oi NI iiii Emery have returned fio.n . a leciprocal arrangement which two weeks trip to scenic apota In will pel mil Oregon nurserymen to Washington mid <'miada ship into that state without se­ • In ami M in It E 1‘oaton mull curing pel mils or file duplicate chi id ien and Mi Mid Mr* Karl invoices. However, a valid nur­ 1-eevrr went to Shnatu I mm on sery certificate tag from Oregon iNihor day. must accompany the shipment of I • Mi mid Mra la-ater Wilson of stock, and also firms shipping i Gaston visit
  • i mid M ih Aubry Haan and BY IT HONORS MEMBERS daughter of Pulo Alto have re­ Tlie members of the Baptist turned home after visiting two Young People's Union honored weeks with Mrs Gertrude Kenig. several of their members, who • Mt mid M in T I, O'Hma en­ will be leaving Ashland soon, at tertained the following guests a dinner at the Plaza cafe Thurs­ Sunday: Mr. and Mrs E L day evening of last week The hon­ O'llmrn mid daughter of Arcadia. ored guests were Paul Icenhowsr, Calif , Mi and Mis T J O'Harra Leslie Segsworth, Margarette and children of Klamath Falls, Barnthousr and Gordon Miller and Mr and Mrs M P O'Harra Those attending the dinner were mid children of Ashland the honored guests. Rev and Mrs • Mr and M in Charles Burna and J. R Turnbull. Emmy Lou Smith, nona of Klamath Enlln were week Vera Segsworth, Ruby Jo I^ing- end visitors In Ashland ford, Mary Alice Johnson. Trilma • Mi mid M ih F L Nelson have Clark. Marie Garrett. Walter Gra­ returned from n trip to San Fran­ ham, Ralph Gillmore. la-strr Wil­ cisco. cox, Jim Merriman, Dick Merri­ • Mis Walter Herndon visited man, Bob Autrey, and Mr. and the first of the week with rcla Mrs Noel Heard fives in Eugene —•------------- • Mr and Mra .1 M Wagner en­ MOOItE-llH.EY tertained ut a family dinner party Miss Edith Moore, daughter of Thursday of last week The fol­ lowing guests were present: Mi­ Mr and Mrs H L Moore of Ash­ ami Mis R A Wagner and dau­ land and Leroy Riley were mar- ghter, Mis A E Kinney and Misa ried at Virginia City. Nev. Aug Lydia McCall of Ashland; Dr and 22 Mr. Riley is a student at the Mis Herman Sommer and chil­ University of California and Mrs dren of San Francisco; Mr and Riley has been employed in Oak Mia C M Wagner and children land for several years They will of Ixia Angeles, and Mrs T W make their home in Oakland. • Miles of Medford • Dr and Mrs G W Bruce had (JRIFFITH-GETTIJNG Miss Jewel Griffith, daughter of as their guests on Tuesday, Mr and Mis W. G. Wright and daugh­ Mrs Lala Griffith, and Donald ter Elinor from Madera. Calif., Gettling, son of Mr and Mrs Ed where Dr. Bruce was pastor for Gettling .were united in marriage six years The Wrights are pho- j last Friday evening with Rev. C. tographets and are making Pic- I Adrian Sias reading the service lures of Oregon scenery to show Miss Leia Griffith was maid of to their California friends as they honor and Tom Gettling best man describe their vacation in beau­ A reception followed the cere­ mony. tiful Oregon. i First Baptist Church Full Gospel Temple ■I. R. Turnbull, Minister E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. L. P. Furman, Pastor Bible school 9:45 a. m. C. E Cony, superintendent. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o clock, Morning worship 11 o'clock. Sunday, 8 p. m , church service, C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­ Wednesday, 8 p. m„ prayer ning Evangelistic service to fol­ praise and Bible study low at 7:30 o'clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:45 Tuesday evening. Everybody is cordially invited Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor to all services. _________ •_____ •_______________ M.iss at 9 a m. Sunday. Sunday school for children con­ ducted by several Sisters from | the Sacred Heart academy of Medford following mass. Bouleiard and Morton Streets Clarence F. McCall, Minister Neighborhood Church Congregational First Methodist Church Bible school 9:45 a. m., Mrs. Glenn Prescott, superintendent. Cor. N. Main and lenirei Sts. Worship service 11 a. m. Dr. George W. Bruce, Min Inter Sermon subject, "Is it Well with the Child?" Sunday church school at 9:45 a The 1-xird’s Hupper will be ob­ m. with Allen O, McGee, super­ served at the morning service. intendent- Union services at 8 p. m. at the Morning sermon at 11 o'clock Presbyterian church. on the subject, "The Pilgrim's Quid* Methodist Youth Fellowship at 7 p m. Fourth and B Streets Union services at the Presbyter­ ian church at 8 p. m. Rev. Shearburn, I his tor Prayer meeting at 7:30 Wednes­ day evening using the book of St Sunday school 10 a m. H. O John for study Butterfield, superintendent. * ___________ !___________ Morning worship 11 a. m. Young Peoples meeting, 6:30 p m. Second and B Streets Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. Week night services Tuesday Bible school 9:45 a, m. classes and Friday evenings at 7:45. for all ages L. U. Gresham, sup­ Prayer meeting precedes these , erintendent. two services. Young people in Morning worship at 11 o'clock charge of Tuesday service. Meetings of High School and ------- <— — College C. E. Societies at 7 p, m. Evening service at 8 o'clock. • Foursquare Church TWO OFFICES E. Huffman 65 N Main Mrs.C. E Huffman 315 E Main Huffman Real Estate AUTOMOBILE - FIRE CASUALTY - I.IFE INSURANCE De|>endable Protection at Reasonable Rates M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA WATCH REPAIRING : Expert Swiss and American watch repairing. Your watch timed and regulated FREE on our Electric Time Michrometer.' RAMSEY’S JEWELRY STORE Swedenburg Bldg. Ashland C hurch of Christ Free Methodist Church • Church of the Nazarene East Main Street John It. Poet, Pastor Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth mid C Streets Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Bernice Beare, superintendent in [ Church school 9:45 a. m. T. S charge. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Wiley, superintendent. Junior meeting and Young Peo­ Morning worship 11 a. m. Ser- | ple's meeting at 6:45 p. m. Even­ mon by the pastor. Junior and YP meetings 7 p. m. ing worship at 7:30 p. m. Evangelistic meeting 8 p. m. I Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ nesday evening at 7;30 p. m. Sermon by the pastor. Prayer meeting 7:45 p. m. Wed- : You are welcome to all services. ---- »---------------- nesday. Try Our Milk and Cream AN ASHLAND PRODUCT Clover Leaf Dairy Phone 6732 • Subscribe for The Miner today. Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Ylcar Your Favorite Magazine with the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER at Unbelievable Savings! ------- ——— - - — — — ■ . REAL ESTATE Catholic Church ■------------ NOW MISS YOUNG ATTAINS POSITION IN SACRAMENTO Miss Floy Young, daughter of Mrs C. R Bowman of Ashland, has received appointment as vocal supervisor in the city schools of Sacramento. She received her Master's de­ gree in music from Northwestern this spring. Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church school 9:30 a. m. Holy Communion and sermon . 11 a. m. Holy Communion, Wednesday, 9:30 a. m. You are cordially invited to j Worship with us. __________ *_______________ | First Presbyterian Church Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Worship service at 11 a. m. Rev. S. H. Smith of Bellingham. Wash, will preach. 3^1 Southern Oregon Credit Bureau Ashland Office Medford Office 151J NO. MAIN ST. Phone 7321 Medford Center Building Phone 2261 YOUR CREDIT RECORD — You Make It, We Record It! zúfuí»! F saw» « nv»**. » f ON LABOR DAY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SAVINGS NOW! PRICES ARE GOOD FOR BOTH RENEWALS OR NEW SUBSCRIP- TIONS. INQUIRE AT THE MINER OFFICE FOR OTHER MONEY-SAVING COMBINATIONS! Read the Southern Oregon Miner SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Eiichmed find $ for one year’® Niibsciiption to the NOUTIIKKN OREGON MINER (new or renewal .....) mid one year’s nubncriptloii to (magazine Complete coverage of local happenings each week and news from the communi­ ties of Bellview, Hilt mid Talent. choice) Naim* Address Also current news plctur«*s, comics, fic­ tion mid many other features. . . . the nation paused to give recognition to the work­ ing man. With the security of America at stake, labor has set a pace never before attained and a contributing factor in making this great production possible has been electricity. Yet this power giant of the mills and factories also finds its way into the most humble of homes bringing cheer and comfort in innumerable ways—ready to serve no matter what the task. Are you taking full advantage of the offerings of electricity . . see your electrical deal­ er today! 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