Friday, Sept. 5, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 CARS COLLIDE SUNDAY 11. L. Moore, local man. and Upton Laporte of Talent collided on the Valleyview road Sunduy. M im Moore suffered from brulsea, cuts and shock Both cars were damaged considerably. Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON CHAS. M. GIFFEN WILLIAM SAVIN Publishers Entered as second-class matter February 15, 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. SUBSCRllTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR ...... $1 50 SIX MONTHS 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) ¥ ★ TELEPHONE 8561 UNION SERVICES MUNDAY The Sunday evening union ser­ vice will be held in the Presby­ terian church at 8 p m Rev. S H Smith, pastor of the Birchwood Presbyterian church at Belling­ ham, Wash , will he the speaker • Miss Frances Schilling went to • Mr ami Mr» Cottage Grove this week where the week end alio will teach Woods ★ • THE TRUTH WILL I Joy «petit SET YOU FREE” C of C Gets Support! Although the returns of the Ashland chamber of commerce refinancing and new membership drive still are incomplete, indications thus far have been very encouraging for the survival and continued activity of the organization. This “thumbs up” attitude of the business and pro­ fessional men of Ashland towards the chamber of com­ 5 ••t'4 merce is very gratifying for it also indicates a ‘‘thumbs JR up” decision for Ashland as a bigger and more pro­ k V J__ onsibilty of maintaining our superior service reputation. 9 GOLD Butter Full Cream Milk Churned Buttermilk Mission Orange SUNFREEZE ICE CREAM DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home C.M.LitwWer We Never Close—Phone 4541 Cleaning Special SUITS, PLAIN DRESSES, PLAIN COATS FREE PICK-UP 3 FOR $1.25 » DELIVERY STANDARD CLEANERS If It can be done, we can do It” 163 East Main Phone 6281 home for the week-end. • N B. Hull made a business trip to Montague, Calif., Wednesday • Mr. and Mrs. R E. Bell have received word that their son, Ken­ neth, who recently joined the US navy, had arrived in Honolulu and has been assigned to a submarine • Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benstead and family returned to their home In Kansas City ,Mo., after visiting last week with Mrs Benstead's brother, George Yockel, and fam­ ily The SUNGOLD Family FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY 823 Siskiyou Blvd • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis. Mr and Mrs. Homer Billings and daughter went to Shasta Dam Monday. • Miss Eva Landing has gone to Lakeview where she will teach this year. • Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Gregg left this week for a visit at their old home in London, O. • Mrs Alice Willits and Miss Ed- ::.1 Goheen have returned from a vacation trip in Washington and Canada. • Miss Barbara Lichte of Taco- ma. Wash., was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grubb for several • Mr and Mrs. Will Dodge went to Lake o* the Woods last week- end. • Walter McKeen of Mather Field, Sacramento, visited several days with Mr. and Mrs. Ben An­ derson. • Mr. and Mrs. Sam McNair were Grants Pass business visitors Tuesday. • George Roddick returned to his home in Stockton after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Preston for two weeks. • Dr. and Mrs. H O. Winter of St. Paul, Minn, visited with Mrs E. A. Oldenburg one day last week. • Mr. and Mrs Perry Wait. Otto Furman, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Dus- enberry of Gold Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs H. H. Elhart Sunday. • Mr and Mrs. C. B. Anderson and children of Eureka. Calif were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jessel. ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO For home delivery, Phone «761 SAFETY TEST Brakes and steering inspected in an instant with this simple machine—the Weaver Brake and Alignment Tester. Just drive on—you don’t need to move out of your seat, or disturb your pas­ sengers or load. Four thermometer-like tubes show con­ dition of each brake, and whether weak, out of adjustment, or O. K. Dial shows condition of steering, and if road friction is scuffing away your tires. Use of this equipment is absolutely free —we have installed it for your safety— drive in today. CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE PHONE 5811 AT T11E KLAM A ill J (J NOTION (MisKiyou Boulevard and Indiiuia Btraat)