Th® effects <>i defense shoi tag®» air becoming mon* ami more wole spiral It has been suggested that Indies’ dresses should be shortened to conserve textile®, but consider- able opposition is expected unless the ladies are assured of a plenti­ ful supply of sheer hose 111 Volume X PLAZA CORNER ACTION SOUGHT ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1941 OUR DEMOCRACY by Mat Battery B Private Kills Self at Canby Number 36 LOWER FLOOR TO BE USED AT WASH.SCHOOL Ti>e Bellview fair wax an eye KE OUR LANGUAGE, Private Erwin W Hilkey, 20, of opener to those of us who are OUR COMMON LAW, Medford, died Wednesday at the newcomers In this area. The AND OUR REVERENCE Fort Stevens hospital from what Ralph Koozet and City Attorney giu|M-s were ns large as plums, authorities announced was a self- FOR THE RIGHTS AND the plums as large as apples and Frank J. Van Dyke wen* in Port­ inflicted rifle wound in the fore- DIGNITY OF THE the apples ax large as pumpkins! land yesterday representing Ash­ head. land at a meeting of the state INDIVIDUAL,OUR 111 At a special meeting of the Hilkey wax serving with Bat- highway commission Their at- SYSTEM OF Failure of any bids to show up tendance wax to seek definite ac­ tery B, 249th coast artillery unit school board Wednesday evening for construction of the fire house tion in regard to the plaza corner LIFE INSURANCE from Ashland which is stationed it was decided to hold all classes foundation suggests the tempo of project and other highway im­ at Fort Canby He was found near i on the lower floor at the Wash- CAME FROM business activity In this territory provements here and came ax a the rifle range Tuesday wounded | ington school until Lou S. Traver, BRITISH ISLES. in the forehead by a regulation I adviser and construction man for result of city council consideration 111 ’ army rifle and headquarters an- j the state board of higher educa­ Shortage of labor is also Indi of the mutter Tuesday night. I nounced discovery of an incoher- tion, may be able to make an in­ At the council meeting it wax cated by Governor Sprague's re­ I ent note addressed to a friend in- vestigation and recommend future quest for Oregon soldiers on fur­ indicated that Chief Highway Kn I dicating worry over a girl friend action in connection with the use lough to do their bit In harvesting gineer B H. Baldock excused the Hilkey is survived by his mo­ I of the present building. the bean, hop ami prune crop* delay* tieciiu**- of the short-hand- The board contacted Traver im- ther, Mrs Ethel Hilkey of Med­ where greut losses are threaten®« edn<-xs of the highway depart- , mediately after the negative vote ford men tn, but that he had promised by lack of pickers. on the bond election last Thurs­ • that a man would «x>n lx* on the day. but it was learned that other SOME OBNKRV ATIONN job to secure th)* options It also business would prevent the con­ was reported that the commission (Hy OI.I> struction man from making an in­ had tentatively approved the pro­ To the Editor: vestigation before the first of Oc­ ject, but that there would be no Henry Ford, the Detroit fllvvei funds available until the first of tober. wizard, is developing one of hb At the board meeting Wednes­ [O ver there , as here , the companies are the year Ashland city schools will open day evening it was thought best Ideas, the making of automobile* Other buxinexx taken up at the PRUDENTLY GEARED TO WITHSTAND , y next Monday, according to an an­ to use only the one floor even out of vegetables One of his veg nouncement this week from the though such an arrangement will «table jallopies Is now on exhibi­ Tuesday right meeting included l PANICS, EPIDEMICS, WAR. for the construction superintendent’s office. A possible ■ result in limitations to several tion it isn't absolutely all non arrangements foundations for the new fire postponement had been rumored | activities. Since the cafeteria will metalic. Its frame, motor ami of approval of the purch-xe of .z1 in view of the need for workers in J have to be used as a class room. wheels have metal In 'em, but oth a hall, bookkeeping machine for the the fruit harvests, but after care­ no cafeteria service is planned and erwiae It consists of corn, cotton city recorder’s office; approval of ful consideration the board did not it was indicated that the location wheat ami soybeans. Thi'is' ar< a lease to the Flurry mill, and find that the enrollment would be i of the music and art departments xkwushed up into what's referred further discussion of negotiations affected seriously enough to justi­ was still in question, but that to as plastic Til at la. It's a gooe” fy a later opening day. sort of stuff that can tie molded with the Gas-Ice Corporation. I some temporary arrangements Construction of the fire hall Pre-school meetings for this would be made. It's pressed out flat, in panels, to foundations wax turned over week have been scheduled as fol­ ------------•------------ dried ami then mounted onto the City Supt. Rimer Biegel since no lows: Sept. 5. 2 p. m.. principals' frame and around the steering bids were submitted meeting; Sept. 6. 9 a m, new Pre-School Meeting wheel ami motor • teachers meet in central office; It la claimed the plastic will 10 a. m., building meetings, and 2 For County Teachers stand harder bumps than steel A meeting hax been called i p. m . general meeting in the Jun- Ford predicts that we won't have by County Supt. C. R. Bow­ j ior high school library. any slump following our emergen­ man for Saturday, Sept. 6. at The official list of teachers for cy boom, because farmers will be 10 a. m., in the auditorium of j the 1941-42 term will include the so prosperous, by reason of the the court house. This meeting following: enormously Increased automotive is for all teachers who are to An extremely large attendneel demand for their crops GENERAL teach in the public schools of climaxed the second annual South ­ f < 1 Theo J. Norby, superintendent. Jackson county except those ern Jackson county fair in Bell ­ The showman tactics resorted t< Mary Carter, secretary. of Ashland and Medford. by some preachers to attract view Saturday and Sunday, mak­ (I n brita . n , despite the war , T he companies show Patricia Geiser, health nurse The purpose of the meeting crowds. In our humble opinion, ing it an outstanding success Harriet Koehler, vocal music AN ACTUAL /2 MONTHS INCREASE. IN ASSETS, PREMIUM is to distribute material, to pasxcth all understanding A Cali­ That entries were beyond all ex­ supervisor; Junior and Senior high give information regarding INCOME AND PAYMENT TO POUCY HOLDERS. fornia minlstrr recently was billed pectation is evidenced by the fact I school chorus. plans for 1941-42 term of to fill a Medford pulpit ami it wax that the fair committee found j John Koehler, art supervisor; school and such other items announced that "at the 7:30 ser­ the supply of entry cards exhaust- | Junior and Senior high school art as are important. There will vice his subject will be "God's ed long before the Friday night I Gordon Tripp, instrumental mu­ be two sessions, the first from Ix’ssc Lend Bill.” The following deadline. Lions Plan Projects sic supervisor, band and orchestra 10 a. m. to 11 a. m. will be The quality of the produce ex­ questions will be answered: 1 Is HIGH SCHOOL devoted to the administrative At Dinner Meeting the nationnl lease lend bill selfish hibited also was very high with B C. Forsythe, principal: math­ side of the school program or unselfish in its purpose? 2 many of the visitors declaring The Ashland Lions club dinner ematics. and the second session from that it compared favorably with What is good and what lx bad at the Lithia hotel Tuesday eve­ Kenneth A. Wood, assistant 11 a. m. to 12 noon will he about what IJndbergh is doing some of the larger fairs conducted ning was followed by a business A small crew of prospective principal; social science. given over to class room pro­ The exhibits of and saying ? 3 is there any room in this section. meeting consisting of routine re ­ Ashland high school football play­ June Brasted. girls’ health. cedure. In a democracy at a time like this fruit and flowers were particular­ ers is working out daily at RXiller ports by committee heads and dis­ Helen Elam, secretary. ------------- •-------------- ly noteworthy In addition to the for a disturbing element?" cussion of activities for the com ­ Maralee Fry. commerce. COMML’MCATEI) individual displays, the Central field in preparation for the Grizz­ ing year One of the projects to Ho hum' ly's stiff eight-game schedule Gerald Gastineau, boys’ health, New York City. Aug. 29. Point, Jacksonviile .................................. - ■ and - Bellview receive immediate attention *111 granges each had special exhibit which gets under way Friday be that of establishing a school basketball coach Gentlemen: Cornelia Hulst. English. The grange hall was night, Sept. 19. against I-a ke view safety patrol at school crossings booths Please hold the next issues of Marie Loosley. homemaking crowded with prize-winning home here. our paper there in Ashland as we to lessen the traffic hazard It was Five lettermen, Martin Herrin. Elliott MacCracken. science and cooking ami examples of fancy . are starting back across the Russ Hawk. Al Newbry. Don War­ reported that the project had the mathematics. I country. Expect to arrive in Ash­ Erring motorists caught in Inst work full support of Supt. Theo J. Nor­ ren and Ken Caton have reported Frank W. O’Neill, biology and land about Sept. 15. It has been A llst of the premium winners week's traffic check-up arr still practice along with the others by and would also have the coop- > ‘ football coach. interesting to keep up with the lo­ appearing In Justice of Peace M wax not yet available Thursday, for eration of the police department. Margaret Page. English and li- cal affairs by reading the Miner. but the grange officials sponsor- Bud Provost has been watching T Burns' court. Preceding the business meeting. brarian practice but hasn ’ t worked out yet We have seen many beautiful I-a Verne Herbert Dalkenberg ing the fair indicated that the because of boils They are nearly Judson C. Doke, partner in the Frances White, commerce. places in our trip across the US and Grant Hathaway Moore each prizes would be announced soon Ashland Ice and Storage company, cleared up now and he is expected Ruth Woods, languages. received a fine of $5 ami costs for i but few towns as pretty as Ash­ i to start work the first of the was formally Inducted into the JUNIOR HIGH land. violation of the basic rule Ashland Lions den. week. I Earl Rogers. principal Huth Marie l-ay was fined $2 Soldier and Sailor Sincerely, ------------ • ------------ Five other lettermen who are June Brasted, _ girls' health. ami costs for passing with insuffi­ Reunion Held Friday ■ Mrs. S. E. Epler. still working at summer jobs have Rosemary Bell, secretary. cient clearance and Richard B yet reported but are expected Elden Corthell. social studies. ; BABY CLINIC THURSDAY Norris received a similar fine for The fourth annual reunion of not the first of the week They are Minerva Griffis. English and li­ driving without a muffler. Driving the Soldiers and Sailors associa­ The well baby clinic will be held brarian. without a tall light brought a fine tion wax held in Lithia park Fri­ Chet Fowler, Charlie Jandreau, at 1 o’clock p. m. Thursday at the IjiMar Ormond. Clyde Garrett and M L. Kathan, shop. of $5 and costs to Robert Oliver day with 66 members present Af­ Billy Elam. Civic club house. Note that the C. Edna Kennedy, mathematics. date has been changed from the Beaulieu and Ixmald Robert A rd ter the registration, Lt. Col. Mrs The air arm has been recogniz­ Frank O ’ Neil, new coach, plans Lizzie Merritt, social studies and third Thursday to the second paid $2 ami costa for passing with Mabel Roberts presided over the ed as such an important division insufficient clearance. business meeting Fllection of of­ to work his offense from both a of national defense that special English. Thursday. Mildred Million, English. Absence of a stop light brought ficers for the following year re- single and double wingback for­ consideration on draft deferment mation with a lot of short spot Ethel Reid, mathematics. a fine of $2 50 and costs to Milton xuletcd in the following people be­ requests is ordered for students, Al Simpson, boys’ health, gen- Earl Hamilton and IC mt I Ia*e Hol- ing named to office; Frank Men- passes and considerable deception instructors and workers in avia­ DEFENSE TT’Y The plays will not consist of as eral science, coach. lerook wax fined $1 and costs for zog of Medford, Colonel Com­ tion. much spinning as last season but BOND Chas. L. Weaver, social studies driving without a tail light. mander; J C. Wood of Centra) that effort will be devoted more According to word received at' • ------- Point. Major Commander; Wal­ to power. i the Southern Oregon College of, Carolynn Wolcott, homemaking. Q I would like to provide a Ol'R HONOR ROM, ter C. Harmon of Grants Pass. | An effort is being made to turn Education by Marshall E Woodell. LINCOLN regular income for myself w*hen New subscribers to the South­ Lt Col.; Mrs Lulu Howard of Edith Bork, principal; sixth lights at the south end of coordinator of Civilian Pilot Train­ I retire. Can this be done by ern Oregon Miner: Ashland .chaplain, and Mrs Viola the two field so that the players may ing, Brig. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, grade. buying Defense Savings Bonds ? G. R. Wilcox. Youngstown, O. Wilkins of Grants Pass, adjutant. the Martha Addy, fifth grade. practice on the space between the deputy director of the selective A. Yes. If you purchase a Ruth McColllster, Ashland At noon a covered dish dinner field Florence Allen, fifth grade. service system, has instructed fence and the tennis courts Bond for $37 50 each month, Harry Woagant, Ashland was served in the Civic club house. This will Betty Hileman, third grade. enable the squad to prac­ that all local draft boards "give RENEWALS each Bond will mature in ex­ After dinner the following pro­ tice at night Mary Helen King, second grade and O'Neil feels that serious consideration to the defer­ actly 10 years. Thus at the end Dora R. Gulley, Klamath Falls gram was given given; ; "God Bless Lillian Nicholson, first grade. ment of men receiving instruction can get more boys out. of 10 years you will have $50. R. C. Logan, Talent. America,” sung by the group; he The Bertha Stephens, fourth grade Grizzlies will be a colorful in accredited flying schools, stu­ payable each month as each of George Goxwick, Ashland Salute to the Flag; address by ball club Ethel Stockard, first grade. dents in college aeronautical engin ­ on their new green turf your Bonds reaches maturity. Ben Heath, Ashland. Mayor Thornton Wiley; memorial this season get eering, airplane design and kin­ WASHINGTON Q. But I will need more than G. R. Carter, Medford. service conducted bv Mrs here in time if for the the uniforms Gareth Goddard, principal; sixth dred cources, as well as instruct ­ season. Na­ $50. a month. Ernest Rogers. Keyport, Wash Lough; readings by Mrs. Margar- grade. in those divisions A. Then you should invest a Mrs. Walter Redford. Ashland. it<* Wingfield of Grants Pass, Mrs I tional defense has slowed con­ ors Referring Eugenia Carson, first grade. to workers in aircraft ------------ •------------ struction in the mills but O’Nei' larger amount each month. Viola Wilkins of Grants Pass and Edna Goheen, fifth grade. plants, General Hershey ’ s order MRS. M. E. DUTY is of the opinion that the suits Every $75. you put into De­ Eunice Hager, third grade. Funeral services will be held Mrs Millie Tucker of Medford: were ordered far enough in ad­ said: fense Bonds will pay you $100. address hy Rev. H. S. Reichard of Doris Hitchcock, fifth grade. "Shortages exist in practically at the local Adventist church this vance that delivery will be possi­ ten years from now. Meanwhile Melvin Smith, fourth grade. all types of occupation. The de­ afternoon (Friday) for Mrs M E Grants Pass, and a vocal solo by ble. your money serves your Gov­ V. D Miller. Alice F. Willits. mand for such men is far greater Duty of Grants Pass. Up until two The jerseys, which have already ernment during this period of ----- ■----- •------------ years ago she made her home In arrived, are white with red neck­ than the current supply. If they national emergency. are inducted into the army, the Ashland for the past 50 years She “Blue Stamp” Foods bands. sleeve stripes, and big red Drunken Drivers will not be met." was 91 years old. She is survived , block numerals on the front and demand Draft boards are advised, how­ Slay 16 in Six Months bv one daughter. Mrs Maude Sy- j Same as Last Month back The silk gabardine nants ever. to use caution to avoid phers of Cave Junction Food» available during Septem­ will be red with white stripes. ; granting deferment to men who Traffic accident statistics for Two dozen complete outfits will he ! ber for purchase with blue stamus may have enrolled in some avia­ the first six months in Oregon in use and the squad will practice 1 by families taking part in the food tion enterprise for the evident show that 714 drunken drivers' CLAY DAVIS stamp plan in Oregon were an­ in last year's uniforms and keep purpose of avoiding a call to mili­ were responsible for 16 traffic nounced last week hy M Ixiuis their new suits ready for games j tary service. deaths, it is reported by Charles and Companion Following is the season' sched- Belangie, local stamp plan area R. Jones, executive vice president The general's order specifically Are Invited to Be Guests of the supervisor. These foods are ob­ ule: mentions trainees in the Civilian of the American Business Men’s Southern Oregon Miner tainable in local stores through­ Sept. 19 I>akeview here. Pilot Training program as subject Research Foundation, in a review out the month of September and •Sept, 26 Grants Pass here. to deferment consideration until of the compilation made by the To See Their Choice of are the same as those available Oct. 3 Coquille there. such time as they have finished bureau of statistics. In the same the Following during August. »Oct. 10 — Klamath Falls there. their courses, CPT trainees are time. Jones pointed out, 76 drunk­ The complete list of “blue stamp Oct. 17- Open. under pledge to enroll for air en pedestrians were struck by au­ Varsity Theater foods” for the period Sept. 1 thru Oct. 24 Dunsmuir here. corps service in case they demon­ tomobiles, resulting in seven Programs: Sept. 30 in all stamp plan areas Oct. 31 Yreka here. strate, in their flight lessons, that deaths. is as follows: Fresh pears, plums, ♦Nov. 11 Medford there. Of the motorists involved in (Friday and Saturday) they are specially fitted for mili­ prunes, apples, oranges and peach­ Nov 20 Roseburg here, Oregon traffic mishaps in the first tary training. "THE PENALTY” es, fresh vegetables (including po­ ♦Denotes conference game. six months, said Jones, 484 were and tatoes), corn meal, shell eggs, rai­ • John Broadv returned to Broa­ classified by the police authorities "DANCE HALL” sins. dried prunes, hominy (corn) • Dr. and Mrs. Claude E. Havre dv Bros, drag store Wednesdav as "obviously drunk.” These killed A crimson faced JOYE SWAR- grits, dry edible beans wt'e-’t returned Monday from a two after a week's absence because of 12 persons and caused 74 non-fatal TZLEY searching for a back exit (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) flour, enriched wheat flour, self­ weeks vacation trip that took illness. ininries Drivers who had been from the Ashland Beauty Shop "THEY MET IN BOMBAY" rising flour, enriched sclf-risine' them to Yellowstone National • Mr and Mrs. W W. Parish of drinking so thev were classified after opening his mouth and flour, and whole wheat (graham) park. Glacier park and Alberta, i Twin Falls, Ida . are visiting their as "ability impaired," caused 230 putting both feet in it. • flour. Canada. daughter, Miss Helen Parish, accidents, of which four were fatal DON FRYER refusing to loan Please Call at The Miner Office After Sept. 1, no more blue cre­ • Mr and Mrs. Charles Tilford of Medford, county nurse. and 30 non-fatal. Fifty of the pe- his car to a lady friend- who for Your Guest Tickets dit slips will be redeemed by of El Paso, Tex visited Mrs. Min- • Miss Margery Newton is visit- destrians struck by automobiles wanted to take some other chap I nie Barron last week. ing with relatives in Independence, were "obviously drunk." for a ride. ------------------------------------------------ —I butchcrs for pork products, FORESIGHT«® WAR CITY SCHOOL OPEN MONDAY l I'L BELLVIEW FAIR IS BIG SUCCESS GRID PRACTICE GETS UNDERWAY ________ •________ Court Proceedings CPT MEN MAY BE DEFERRED SEEN IN A DAZE