Page 8 Friday, Aug. 29, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Craters Break Even In Make-up Games In a second half Oregon slate league make-up game, Silverton blasted the Medford Craters II to 0 at Silverton Saturday. In a first half make-up on Sunday the Cra ters turned back Toledo, which hasn't won a glime all season. 10 to 6 with the timely aid of Al Wray's two-run homer Bend won a pair of league games when they trounced Eu- | gene 19 to 3 Saturday and Hills j Creek 4 to 1 Sunday. In the Southern Oregon leagu«'! Grants Pass took a 9 to 2 win over Crescent (Tty Sunday to as­ sure themselves of a right to play I the Medford Rogues for the league championship. The game will la- played next Sunday on h field as yet undeslgnated ut tills writing Meanwhile th«* Rogue» took oh Yreka in a king's-ex gam«* and ■ came out on the short end of u 16 to 2 tally In the Oregon softball tourna-1 ment at Oregon City. Klamath I Falls, winner over Medford for the district title, lost to Grim- »haw Tin*« of Portland in th«* quarter-finals by a score <>f 14 to (> ON SPORTS y < / By I TOLD YOU SO LITHIA Daily Matinee 1:4ft p.m. Last week-end a young junior 20 cents high school student consult«*»! your scribe asking for information re- Evenings tiiilft, 30 cents gavding his use of tobacco. Kiddies a dime It seems this student has played Friday and Saturday! Wednesdays and ball for Coach Al Simpson in the past and showed great promise Thursdays Dime Days ; because of his toughness anil gen­ Continuous show eral football ability. In his last out for JUS ball this |>I. i \ i - i on Sundays had been ejected from the team because of his continued use of Friday, Saturday tobacco. He was given his choice ... A BOLD of giving up the “weed" or the BUCKEROO gridiron and he quit football It Ellery Queen’s might also be well to add that his -BLASTS THE use of tobacco has been without aa BADLANDS! the consent or knowledge of his parents. The other day Simpson asked him if he would give up smoking and come out for football next with month. In consulting I Told You So, the student said he liked foot­ Ralph Bellamy "The Great American Broadcast," -Oth Century-Fox*» latewt hit, ball but also enjoys his cigarette ROY ROGERS and could not make up his mind Margaret Lindsay stars Alice Faye, Jack Oakie, John Payne and < esar Itoniero in JOAN W0008URY which he wanted to give up He a picture that ha» been called the greateat musical of them all. This and 1 tthUCC Wilt LEGAL NOTICES tuneful story of the courugvous. talented people »»ho first filled the even ventured the opinion that he 1 might decide to quit school. air »»axes with song and laughter is ap|>earing on the Varsity School systems go to a great NOTICE OF HEARING ON screen Sunday, Monday ;utd Tuesday. expense to build up an athletic program for the students and the FINAL ACCOUNT OF She's the Pamperer i Ashland system is no exception EXEAT TKIX of the Pampas! It is a known and proved fact that In the County Court of the State tobacco and athletics, when in­ of Oregon in and for Jackson dulged in by young men and boys, County | just do not mix Medical reports • Born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis In the Matter of the Kalat«* of have laid the facts of the harmful An unofficial announcement Bill Elliott Pratt at Klamath Falls Aug. 22, I> PEROZZI, Deceased a son. Before her marriage. Mrs early this week says the WPA practice before the American pub­ AI/4O TIIK NRWH NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN has given final approval to a lic for years and it has MM Pratt was Islay Jewell. systems but that the undersigned Executrix of • Mrs Ted Pearson entertained quarter-mile cinder track to be taught in our Maureen O'Hara Sunday, Monday constructed along »ivith the Wal­ still this student thinks ho is the Estate of D. Perozzi, Deceas­ at the Chateau Saturday in honor Jeunes Ellison ter Phillips athletic field at Ash­ doing the "smart" thing to quit ed. has filed in said court her of Miss Eva Landing who left and Tuesday Alberto Vila Monday to spend a few days in land high school. Previously, the football, and possibly even school, Final Account in th<* matter at Buddy Ebsen can openly enjoy his ! ll" '”'1 th.- Honor.tble J Portland before going to her plans did not call for WPA con­ so that | B Coleman. County Judge, has U school teaching work in Lake­ struction of the track. It will be tobacco. In the summary of an article on ' designated Monday, the 29th dav complete with curbs. view. Floors are now being poured in I the use of tobacco in a current of Set»tember, 1941. at 10 o'clock • Mrs. K M. Stearns of Pine A M*, at the Courthouse In Med- with street has received word of the the dessing rooms and showers, magazine the writer says nothing ' ford, countv, as the time and marriage of her grandson. Joe seats are being laid and the rustic favorable can be said about the ' place said Bud Abbott for hearing thereon use of tobacco regarding its ef­ Bowdoirt. to Miss Barbara Tyr­ siding is being put in place. 1 Anyone having an objection to Common labor necessary to fin­ fect on the heart. Another article Ixiu (’ostello rell at Rogue River Aug 24. • Mr and Mrs. W H McNair en­ ish the landscaping and further goes to great lengths to dMCrttw said account Is required to pre- tertained several guests at dinner construction of the track surface the unhealthy effects on the lungs sent th«* same on or before the I Wednesday and After talking to Hindsight. th.- date of said hearing Sunday evening including Mr and and baseball diamond is lacking, Mrs. W. A. Holloway. Mr. and since the men are being used on above-mentioned student decided LOUISE PEROZZI Thursday 10 Doubi«-Hit Song» by Rodgers and Hart Mrs. Lau and Mrs. W H. McGow­ the Medford airport national de- to quit smoking and spent the af­ Executrix ternoon in a local movie After • an of Medford; Mr. and Mrs. Ev­ fense project. the show he claimed he was a BRIGGS 4 BRIGGS, erett Faber of Central Point; Mrs “nervous wreck" because he did Pion«*er BuikHng, Ashland. Ore . Mollie Britt, Emil Britt and Mrs Golf Club Elects not have a smoke during the en­ Attorneys for Executrix. Lulu Saulsberry of Jacksonville, Date of first publication: Au­ tire show and then rushed out to and Mr and Mrs. J. H. Hardy of New Set Officers gust 29. 1941 buy a package of cigarettes Ashland. ----------- a------------ To sum up the above para­ • Dr. Mattie Shaw has returned I The Golf club recently held FREE to the Ladies! home MISS CHASE ELECTED TO graphs. this department maintains after visiting several weeks election of officers which r«*sult«?d that not only athletes but every­ ENGLISH DEPARTMENT in the following people being nam ­ in Seattle. Constance Bennett • J. B. Platt spent last week in ed to office: Miss Margaret Chase has been one else would be much more and Dr. Harvey Woods, president; healthy if they passed up the urge elected to the junior high school San Francisco on business. English department She succeeds • Mrs. Chartley Butler and Mr. Ralph McCulloch, vice president; to smoke until they had at least Miss Lois Hogan, resign«*«!. Her and Mrs. James Christman of Jean Eberhart, secretary; P. R. completed their eduaction. work in addition to English class­ San Francisco were gu«*sts of Mr. Hardy, treasurer; P. R. Hardy, es will include charge of the li­ Charles Fortmiller, Dr. Harvey Officers Plan For and Mrs. Fred Tayler last week. brary, dramatics and the junior Woods. Bill Allen, John Daugh­ • Harry VanDyke of Placerville SUN • MON • TUE visited several days with his par­ erty, Dom Provost, Ralph McCul- ! Bowling Competition high paper. Miss Chase graduated from the ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Van­ loch, I. C. Erwin, Earl Newbry, | Officers of the major league of Myrtle Point high sch«x»l and the Earl Leever and Jean Eberhart, the Ashland bowling association Dyke. University of Oregon She also I.EM.M1E K COOK THE • Mr. and Mrs. G. M .Johnston of directors. met Friday night and discussed Military funeral ■«•rvices in Standing committees appointed plans for the coming season which has studied toward her Master’» GREAT STARS! Westphalia, Kas. visited last degree She haa taught in Flora charg«* of the DiMubl«*d American week-end with Mrs. Jessie Quin- by the president include: Social- will begin Sept. 15. and Glendale, Ore. schools. Veterans were held at the IJtwll- Hardy, Provost, Fortmiller, Jane tell. GRAND STORY! MUSICAL Entrance fee for each team was ler Funeral h«»m<* Tuesdny after- • Mrs. Jean Graham of Redding Carlton and Gladys Bartelt; tour set at $6.50 from which $1 will be TRI E MILES ADAMS nk He has returned home after visiting nament — Eberhart, Daugherty, . sent to the American Bowling OF THEM True Mile» Adams pa»»ef Phoenix. William of M«*d- • Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hunt of geles and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and possibly a women's league if neth Adams of Ashland. ford, Edward of Butte Falls ami Jack OAKIE Estherville, la. visited several Tisdale of San Luis Obispo were sufficient interest is shown. • days with Mrs. E. Ducile Froh- recent guests of Mrs B. M Heath. • Bom to Mr and Mrs Bill June Thomas of Hornbrook. John PAYNE -•----------- back. • Miss Helen Thomas visited ,sev- DRIVER-DARNELL wirth of Klamath Falla, Aug 9. • Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Moser of eral days in Grants Pass ~ ~ i last a daughter. Th«* babv's mother ■ “ NO HUNTING" card» al the Cesar Romero Miss Myrta Driver, daughter of was formerly June Culbertson. Grants Pass have moved to Ash- week. Miner <>ffl«*e. Mr. and Mrs. William Drtvei land. • Mrs. Charles White, Miss Ag- • Mr. and Mrs. Guy Applewhite. nes White, Miss Lois White and Ashland and Norman Darnel) at Warren Applewhite and’ Mrs. W. Mrs. Cay Huffman enjoyed a two St. Helena, Calif, were married at the Seventh Day Adventist church D. Whittle visited in Redding Sun­ weeks vacation in Los Angeles. day. • Mrs. Roy Mason of Yakima is in Ashland Sunday evening with • Mr. and Mrs Jack Sullivan of visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elder Peckham of Medford read­ ing the marriage service Follow­ Albany, Calif, were guests of Mrs. Yeo. Lena Breeding last week. • Mr and Mrs Homer Billings ing the ceremony a reception was • Miss Jeannette Smith is visit­ and daughter visited with Mr. and held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ing in Indiana, Ohio and Pennsyl­ Mrs. Kenneth S. Wood in Portland Roy Clary. ------------ •------------ vania. last week. MOSELEY AT TALENT • Mrs. G. R. Milford, pastor of • Mrs. Clarence Mittelstadt of Mary Beth It has been reported that J. E. Gig Harbor, Wash., Mrs. Ira Hart the Ashland Tabernacle left Sun­ HUGHES and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul day to study at the Interdenomi­ Moseley took charge of the Rich­ Carlson and son of Nampa. Ida national Bible school in Braden­ field service station and store at NIChOLAS North Talent junction last week. are guests of Mayor and Mrs. ton, Fla. E «RS Thornton Wiley. • Miss Louise Woodruff, vocal Moseley formerly operated a gro­ instructor at SOCE, is visiting in cery store in Ashland. Lincoln, Neb. with relatives. • The Miner for Quality Printing. a. me »aniMi Iheyftiethi PENTHOUSE MYSTERY” “THE SON OF DAVY CROCKETT” People You Know! CINDER TRACK FOR AHS FIELD IN THE NAVY” S'” “THE DOCTOR TAKES A WIFE” FRIDAY COSMETICS “THE GANG S ALL HERE” X ☆ • WED & THUR • BARGAIN DAYS BUY UNITED 15c STATES SAVINGS BONDS ADULTS KIDDIES a Dime The SUNGOLD Family PLUS * **oi*rwM tortone WIAVIR . John HUBBARD A merica O n You Can Now Have— We have just received our new fall line of lockets. Send her to school a proud owner of a Spidel Locket or Bracelet from— SUN Butter Full Cream Milk Churned Buttermilk GOLD Mission Orange SUNFREEZE ICE CREAM guard ! Above is a reproduction of th« Treasury Department’s Defens« Savings Poster, showing an exact duplication of the original “Minut< Man” statue by famed sculptoi I Daniel Chester French. Defense Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your bank or post office, are a vital pari of America'» defense preparations —are a few of the services we offer that will help start the children on their way to school—HAPPY! I ON SALE AT Wl R POST OfflCE OR RANK ☆ WATCH CLEANING JEWELRY REPAIRING PEN ADJUSTING IS GROWING! AND STAMPS ☆ ☆ i ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO For home delivery, Phone 6761 A Ramsey’s Jewelry Store Swedenburg Building Ashland, Ore.