Page 6 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, August 29, 1941 (%.>. <». (v e. (v a . r. r <* <*• <^- r r- r r r o- (v 6 WHO’S ASK ME 9 ? ANOTHER ■ 'n,o,m<”ion R- R Ì A quiz with answers offering r H arry © Me C ium . P uqh W. N.U. Service INSTALLMENT FIVE—Ths Story So Far Kathleen Maguire io peeved. Her mother I* giving s dinner for the New- sums, whose son Jaird. ta engaged to Shirley, her sister. Mrs. Newsum. bow- ever, would like him to marry Connie Mays, daughter of ths town's' richest a man. Kathleen had been kissed by a young stranger who fixed a flat tire tor her. He is a newspaper man out of a job. Her father Is a happy-go-lucky editor and mayor of Covington. Tom. her brother, and hit wife. Mary Etta. and the Newsum« arrive Another broth­ er, Alee, out of a job because of the depression, phones he won't come. Then, to cap the climax, the father brings the stranger, Ritchie Graham to the dinner. Kathleen ia annoyed. NEWS THIS WEEK on various subjects * r r T o- (V. A A A-f'-A. A- (V|\. R-R R- A-A- A A The Questiona R. AAnAA A A (' (' (' C R- O 7. What is Polaris? 8. Who was secretary of state In George Washington's first cab­ inet '• 9. How much of Greenland's total nr quart miles) is ice-free lund? 10. Where is the world's largest organ? 1. In navy slung, whut I m known as an “ash can”? 2. Which of the following is not both in Europe and Asia— Russia, Turkey and Iran. 3. Which, Plato, Aristotle or Socrates first expounded his philosophy? The Anauiera 4. Where is the original Bridge of Sighs? 1. A depth bomb. 5. The projectile called shrap­ 2. Irun. nel is named after a general who 3. Socrates. served in what country's army? 4. Venice (connecting the pal­ 6. What are Kiushiu, Shikoku ace of the doge with the priaon). and Riukiu? 5. Britain (Henry Shrapnel, 1761 1842). 6. Islands of Japan. Prolific I nsec tn 7. The North star. 8. Thomas Jefferson. 9. Only 31.284 square miles. Every season the white ant or 10. In Convention hall in Atluntlo termite proudly produces a million baby termites to swell the world’s City. It contains seven manuals, ant population. Toads and frogs or keyboards, 487 keys. 933 stops, both have large families, the for­ 32 pedals, 7 blowers, with motors mer in the neighborhood of 6,000 totaling 365 horsepower and 3.3.056 nt a time, and the latter half that pipes, ranging in height from a quarter inch to 04 feet. number. Snakes are three to four times as prolific as rabbits, for whereas the latter rarely produce more than a dozen baby rabbits at a birth, a snake often produces 40. The king of the jungle, Lord Lion, is usually the proud father of quads, and his hereditary enemy, the tiger, can boast of the same number. Finally, the ele­ phant, last descendant of the pre­ historic monsters, rarely has more •han one baby elephant at a time. • • e e newspaper assignment I had? The eyes and something new in the curve "Father’s here." Kathleen whig- one that made me Anally decide to of her mouth. Something shy and pered to her mother. "And—hang cut all holds. They wanted me, uncertain of itself. Laura's hesrt By LEMUEL F. PARTON on for dear life—he brought a me as had thought 1 was a red- gave an odd knock. And she leaned (Consolidated Feature« WNU Service.! guest.” Laura looked as if she were blood. he-man's reporter, to go out a little forward for a better view of X’EW YORK.-Evcr loyal in word going to faint so Kathleen added to a society horse show and report- ■ the young man whom Mike had A and, more importantly in deed, hastily, “But it's not so bad as it on the sort of riding breeches the brought to dinner. to his liege lord, King-Emperor sounds. Alec isn’t coming to dinner. local debutantes were wearing Rid­ At first Laura had been inclined George VI, as to those who hud pre­ He got caught with a flat tire or ing breeches! I ask you Especial­ to think him too handsome, if any­ viously oc- something and can't make it" ly those belonging to the knock- thing. It had not been her experi­ Ruler of Patiala c u p i c d the Laura did not say a word. But It kneed daughter of the local beer bar­ ence that beauty in the male is al- I 1 All That Oriental throne of seemed to Kathleen that for a mo on. He spends a million a year ad­ ways an asset But on closer in­ Britain, the tnent her mother's face looked vertising. Get the picture? I wrote spection she decided that Ritchie Prince Should Be maharajah stricken. It was too bad of Alec. up the damned show. And I put in Graham did not take his good looks of Patiala comes to Singapore with Kathleen's hands itched to get at her the beer baron's daughter, knock­ very seriously. He had a trick of troops from India to look over In­ brother. She hadn't been sure that knees and all. And I slipped it drawing down the corners of his dian forces landed at the Malay Laura knew how he was wasting by the city editor's desk and got it wide mouth in a derisive grin which base some months ago. his time. But mothers have an in­ printed just the way I wrote it. I no man ever acquired from prac­ In Die first World war the maha­ stinct At least Laura had. called her the Pretzel-legged Prin­ tice before a mirror. She suspected rajah placed his entire fighting force cess of Suda. And then I jumped “Hello, everybody." be was vainer of his principles than of 30.000 highly trained Sikhs at the of his disturbing gray eyes. But Mike stood on the threshold. He town before the earthquake.’’ British service and after the war, Mike roared. It was exactly the they were disturbing. Laura glanced had changed into the white linen when revolutionary disturbances oc­ again at Kathleen. It came to suit Laura had laid out for him and sort of thing he might have done, Mike's laughter was always conta- the mother with a pang that her curred in the Punjab, he mobilized he looked as exuberant as a cowboy his troops who took over the pro­ Everybody shared in his baby was growing up. at his first rodeo. Kathleen was tom gious. tection of railroads running through between resentment and admiration mirth. Everybody but Kathleen. She “It's only that she’s so vulnera­ the Punjab to the northwest frontier. at the way he captured the citadel surveyed the young man beside her ble," Laura excused herself. Sir Bhuplndar Singh, ruler of without even trying. No one could with disdainful eyes that were as Such an intense, inflammable, im­ I Patiala, second largest state in the resist Mike’s charm when it was red-brown as her rebellious curls. pulsive young thing. So completely i Punjab section of India and one of hitting on all twelve cylinders. "And so now you’re touring the at the mercy of her emotions. 1 the wealthiest of India's potentates, He flattered Belle Newsum until wide open spaces where a man can “You work, don’t you, Mrs. Ma­ ' has often bedazzled London and oth- her pudgy face lost its dour look. guire?" i er world capitals with his Oriental He gave Laura a grin that chased Laura came to herself with a splendor. He is six feet tall, broad the Uttle pucker which Alec had start. Belle Newsum had flung the shouldered, black bearded. He goes left between her eyes. He told Tom question at Mary Etta with a super­ turbanned, gloriously enrobed, be­ that business was undoubtedly on cilious smile. Laura suppressed a spangled with precious jewels. the upswing and for the first time groan. It was like Belle Newsum Tom’s thin brown face lost its A conservative estimate ha« to discover something to be hoity strained grimace. Even Mary Etta's placed his annual income at $4,- toity about Tom went a little white. bristles relaxed when Mike assured 000.000. He lives up to such a But Mary Etta accepted the chal­ U. S. Voters her that she looked more like a sum. certainly. If a dos «trike« lenge with enthusiasm. She always black and white etching than ever. his fancy he will pay $1,500 for carried a chip on her shoulder and The census bureau estimates He slipped his arm around Shirley the animal, provided he ran get welcomed any opportunity to defend that there are 80,528,000 American while he talked to Jaird, and Shirley it no cheaper, and for a pair it citizens eligible to vote. The total leaned against her father gratefully of flamboyant trouser« of «pe­ "Yes, Mrs. Newsum,” she said in number of persons 21 years of age as if she needed steadying. He com­ rial weave he make« no bones her clear, high-strung voice, "I’m or over, however, is 84,178,000, but plimented Blake Newsum on being about parting with $1,200. Last one of these working wives you hear 3,200,000 are aliens and 450,000 one of the few men who had known time he was in London with a so much about My mother thought maintain their residence in the when to come in out of the economic hundred retainers, a retinue as a woman's place was in the home. voteless District of Columbia. rain. Furious as she was with him, magnificent as any glorified pag- So she bore five children and washed Kathleen had to grin at the way rant, be took an entire floor of a Counted in the voting eligibility WNU—13 35—41 and cooked and scrubbed and died Mike simply wound them all up and great Strand hotel. figure, but who arc non-voters be­ at thirty-one because she was too made them dance to his tune. Coward and Hero He succeeded his father to the cause of tllqess and because they tired to go on living. And my fa­ "Isn't he priceless?” whispered Thia crcuture man, who in hia ther married again, a young woman Patialan throne in 1900 when he have forfeited their voting priv­ Laura. who hated us kids. So he let her was a lad of nine. Taking over di­ ilege are the 563.321 occupants of own selfish affairs is a coward to Kathleen nodded helplessly. push us out to take care of our- rect rule at the age f I of 19. he im- our mental institutions, and the the backbone, will flglit for an Mike regarded her with a cocked mediate 1 y 161,000 members of America's idea like a hero.—George Bernard selves as soon as possible, I made Shaw. eyebrow. He was perfectly well State of Crop» revealed prison population. up my mind then I’d never be sub- aware of her displeasure. But he qualities en­ merged by any man.” In His Domain also felt entirely equal to it Kath­ dearing him Tom stared fixedly at his plate, Tax Barometer leen never had been able to nurse a to his sub­ “Of course.” bridled Mrs. New­ grievance against her father, and sum. 'T’ve always said a man has jects. One of his early nets involved he knew it Nevertheless she did not no right to a wife he cannot af­ the adjustment of taxes in accord­ return the debonair grin with which ance with the state of crops. If the ford. ” She surveyed the young man be­ he approached her. She looked at Jaird, who was gaz­ harvest was poor taxes were remit­ side her with disdainful eyes. “Still sore. Kits?” ing at Shirley. But Shirley’s lovely ted and bis consideration in this She looked sway because it was reserved face did not change in ex­ respect has been exemplified in difficult to glower when Mike didn’t be his own man?” she observed In many other ways, as for instance in pression. a low and decidedly acid voice. want you to. the traveling medical caravans serv­ Tom was looking at Mary Etta Ritchie Graham regarded her "Yes.” she said shortly. almost as if he hated her. Good ing the sick and diseased and injured He chuckled. "He’s a Uttle bit of through narrowed lazy gray eyes. heavens, thought Laura with a con­ of his far flung people. "I was touring,” he amended. aU right, that Graham.” All in all. the maharajah Is a Her heart missed a beat “You stricted heart, they mustn't say "Says youl” snapped Kathleen, prince humane and wise and so rec­ things like that to each other. Words glaring across the room where Tom don’t mean you're settling here?” He reads leave wounds. Wounds which Laura ognized by his people “Why not? It’s a nice little town. and Ritchie were enthusiastically feared neither of them would ever philosophy and scientific works to Small enough for a fellow to have condemning any big city as the most keep his mind on edge and in polo, get over. awful place on earth to live, while a few honest-to-God friends, big cricket and hunting he finds his main “ I can understand a woman de ­ enough not to starve to death look ­ Mary Etta looked scornful diversions. manding more out of life than just As One Heart ing for a restaurant. We bachelors with divine love in it beats with the "PersonaUy,” she observed, "I’d a share tn some man's possible fail­ Men are tattooed with their spe­ same glow under all the patterns A strict Sikh in religion, he rsther die of frazzled nerves from have to eat, you know.” cial beliefs like so many South Sea of all earth's thousand tribes.— is not at all narrow. Once in “You looked Dad up because I ure.” put in Jaird suddenly. Ha traffic jams than rust to death in a smiled wryly. “I guess we men Islanders; but a real human heart Oliver Wendell Holmes. London he visited a Salvation said I'd never see you again.” poky country town.” Army station in the Limehouse "Yes,” said Tom, “you would. "You wrong me. A guy in New have a crust to expect women to district. "Mv faith,” he said to You and nine hundred thousand oth­ York gave me a letter to your fa­ hang around the edges of things, waiting for a guy who will probably the Salvationists, "is not yours. er speed and jazz maniacs.” ther. He seemed to think Mike would in the end turn out to be just an­ Rut truth is a jewel of many Ritchie glanced from one to the be swell for what ails me. Sorry other crumb.” facets.” other. “I could bear it if I never to prick the bubble of your conceit,” His mother gave him a fond smile. heard another street car,” he ad­ he drawled. “Darling.” stye said indulgently, “if mitted. "But then I just happen to "You are calling me conceited!” DEAR ADMIRAL Sherwood Ay- prefer crickets to night club croon­ gasped Kathleen. She was conscious you are referring to the fact you ** erst Taffinder. commanding two haven't as yet made any startling ers. And I’m fed up with being el­ again of a devastating desire to U. S. cruisers visiting Australia on bowed. I’d even like to watch the puncture his abominable cocksure­ progress toward a future, you must a training cruise, spoke like the bluff remember how young you are. ” moon rise once without being told by ness. “Listen,” she said passionate­ __ ___ _ sailorman he Jaird’s clean-cut profile sharpened some flat-footed policeman to step ly. “you may look like Clark Gable Admiral Taffinder is to the wel­ TROTTING RACES and his blue eyes looked a little hag ­ on it” and maybe a thousand girls have Bluff but at Home coming com­ art distinctly Amtrican. They gard. "I'm old enough to hate be ­ And then Hulda announced that told you so, but—you don’t register began tarty in the 19 th Century ing wetnursed,” he muttered under With Alien People mittee of cit­ dinner was served. And Mike pre- with me. You haven't from the first. izens of Bris­ and tract 1850 hart beta tht his breath. sented his arm to Mrs. Newsum And anyway.” she added, “what bane. that greeted him upon arrival. tratt papular ¡part at caunty But Shirley heard. She did not with a flourish that brought a could you do for a living here? Or ’’You must not go all out in these fain. Sutkiet art unknaurn ia lift her eyes. She could, however, pleased simper to her pursed mouth. are you rich as well as handsome receptions,” he said, “for you are furapt. see Jaird’s clenched hand quiver Kathleen realized that she was prac­ and a lady killer?" likely to see more of the United on the edge of the table beside her. tically forced on Ritchie Graham for States navy.” He flushed. “No. I'm not rich. ANOTHER GRAND American It was no news to Shirley that Jaird a dinner partner. He had until then And I’m not a lady killer. Believe custom u daily enjoyment of mild, The admiral 1« at home in ignored her. And even after they it or not, women and I get along was goaded almost to the breaking fragrant King Edward cigart. For alien lands and among alien peo­ were seated at the table he contin­ swell—apart And my face is not point a real winner in smoking pleasure, ples. Once, in line with service "It seems to me," announced ued his heated argument with Mary my fortune. Thank God. It you must try King Edward today. rendered by the United States Kathleen in dogmatic tones, “that Etta. Kathleen had been prepared know, I’m free lancing. Doing a Naval mission to Peru, he com­ to squelch him the moment he series of ar^cles Udes which I'll I’ll proba- if a woman has any sense she will manded the Peruvian navy for opened his mouth. But it was a lit­ bly never sen. Doing them exactly pick her a desirable husband first two years. He was chief of staff tle unsettling when he appeared to as I please. And your father’s giv­ and fall in love with him after­ and aide to the commander of ward. ” have forgotten her existence. ing me desk space in his office for the battle force in 1939 and In She talked elaborately to Blake a negligible sum and the stimulation Mike sniggered and Kathleen previous years was engineering Newsum and fumed inwardly and scowled at him. of my society. I understand you and at other times, navigation wished she were less naggingly come down every day to do the so­ “Is that how you intend to do it?” officer of various warships. aware of the arrogant black head ciety column, so I’ll be seeing you.” inquired Ritchie Graham with an of the man to her left. It didn’t help He commanded the Battleship “I don’t believe you’d be happy ■mused laugh. her temper any that the rest obvi­ here,” she said in a funny quiver­ “Yes,” said Kathleen thickly. “If Texas in 1935 and many a young ously found him attractive. Even ing voice. you ask me, ft’s all phooey, this officer sat under him when he held Laura smiled when be told about love racket and letting it make a courses in navigation and engineer­ "Don’t you, Kathleen?” being ordered to move on by a dumb screaming idiot of you. I’m sure ing at the naval academy He wears Her name was like music on his traffic cop the day he stopped in St I'd hate being some man’s domestic the Victory medal with the Atlantic Louis to view the Sphinx on the top Ups. A wild sweet song that strained slave. Just for the sake of ■ few fleet clasp for service in the first of the civil courts building which he at her heart A little blindly Kath­ kisses. They always seem to dry World war. Born at Council Bluffs, had driven four hundred miles to leen turned away from the urgency up after the honeymoon. Haven’t Iowa, in 1884, he was graduated of his eyes. see. you noticed? And then where are from the National Service academy “No,” she said very distinctly. "I tell you,” he insisted, “the big you? Sold! F< a gob of romance. on the Severn In 1906. city is death to individuality or ini­ Only the romance has gone to seed Advertising and high prices do not go together at all. CHAPTER VII tiative. Kids grow up warned to or petered out or something. But! I) ETURNED from England where They are extremely Incompatible to each other. It Is keep off the grass, forbidden to you've got to go on slaving for friend * he had been inspecting aircraft At I the other end of the table, touch the flowers in the park, herded only the product which Is unadvertised, which husband, because it’s • life sen­ production, Merrill C. Meigs, head like cattle in pens on the way to the Laura i regarded her younger daugh- tence.” has no established market, that costs more than you of the aeronautical department of slaughterhouse. And at twenty or ter. She thought Kathleen had nev­ "Not necessarily,” remarked Tom the OPM, takes just enough time can afford to pay. er looked prettier. There was a younger they develop into first class dryly, and looked at Mary Etta. out to be married—in Maryland, to gangsters and thugs. My God, how flame in her cheeks and stars in her "There’s always Reno.” Mrs. Blanche McKeever—before re­ Whenever you go Into a store and buy on item of ad­ can they help it?’ Laura felt as if the words had turning to his official duties. He vertised merchandise, It doesn't make any difference "Sixteen years ago," said Mike, bruised her. But Mary Etta mere-1 was born on an Iowa farm. At 17, •1 told the editor of a Chicago news­ what, you are getting more for your money—more In ly shrugged. he went to Racine, Wis., to sell paper» he could take bis old job “Thank heaven,” chuckled Mike, threshing machines, later going to quality and service—than you would get If you spent the and jump into the lake with It be­ “I couldn't pay for a divorce if Argentina In line with his business. same amount for something which was not advertised. cause I was done with being pulled Laura wanted one. It’s just another At 43, he became a publisher of a about like a monkey on a chain.” one of these newfangled gadgets Chicago newspaper and from this Ritchie gave him a frankly envi­ you'll have to do without, old lady.” position was called to Washington. ous glance. “Do you know the test I ITO BE CONTINUED) CHAPTER VI— Continued It’s A GOOD AMERICAN CUSTOM KINGEDWARD WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER UgCliS HIGH PRICES Do Not Go WITH ADVERTISING It Is Not Too Late