SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Aug. 29, 1941 - About People You Know • Mr. and Mrs Fred Irwin ar« visiting in Dunsmiur. • Mis M J Bailey, son and • Mi and Mrs Warren E. Sei­ daughter of Birmingham, Mich bert were In Klamath Falls Hal­ ■n<- visiting with U m s C and G il r< lay oil bustness E Gunter families • Mis George King from Pros • Mlxs Barbara Taylor of Monte­ pret Is s|H-nding several days with rey Is visiting with her aunt, Mrs Mrs Malinda King and packing Cuiinii Burton IHMiches at the Homer Moore • Dr. and Mrs George W Bruce have returned from a two weeks orchard. • Ola Ma<- Grimm is employed at vacation sprit at Dallas, Ocean I Medford. I Nike anil other Oregon points. • Mrs John Arnold of Cottar'' • Mrs (Tharlcs Snyder entertain­ Grove is spending this week with ed Thursday afternoon of lust her parents Mr and Mrs G. W. week in honor of Mrs Esther Byrd (Talgmlle of Chicago Guests in­ • Charles Rector left Saturday cluded Mrs Charlotte BH-gid, Mis morning for Portland on a bust­ Murray Murphey, Mrs Edna Bis­ ness and pleasure trip. sell, Mrs Elmer Blcgvl, Mrs Fay • Mr and Mrs Dean Horne spent Brown, Mrs Fred Buehiing and the week-end with Mr and Mrs Mis Sarah Snyder Archie K iik .U'I • J D Taylor and Miss Barbara • Mr and Mrs Henry Strnrud, J'-aii Taylor of Salina«, f'alif r<- Mr ami Mrs Ix>uis Pankey, Mr. turned home Monday after a visit anr-ws and Mrs She spent part of the lime visiting Pendleton, teachers The seventh relatives in Portland Iler parents and <4ghth grades will again be and she also visited Wallowa lake, transported to the Junior high in Mt Rainier, Seaside and Cannon Ashland for the full term Beaches • Carl Moore has accepted a po­ • Miss Evelyn Chipman of Spo­ sition with the government elec­ kane hns returned home after vis­ trical EH and FA with offices in iting the oast month with Mr Salem and will begin his work and Mrs W J ('hipman Saturday He and family will • John Ixmghlln. John Hughes. move from Portland to Salem Sam Jordan Bill Allen, Will quite Bixin Ibxtge, J E Thomton, C. J • G W Jones of Ashland I is Baughman and W G Sonder at- spending this week with his I tended the State Elks convention daughter and family. Mr and Mrs in Aatoria Walter Hash • Mr and Mrs N B Ashcraft of • Mr and Mrs Sam Alsnp and Canyonville and Ensign Kent Ash­ Mr and Mrs Francis Merrick craft of Pensacola. Fla were vis­ and daughter Nancy of Belling­ iting in Ashland Saturday. ham. Wash are visiting this week Two Local Students t <> Enter u. of o 1 TT U 1JWLUI ' I KJIMMV Two Ashland students will en­ ter the University of Oregon this fall as transfers from other Insti­ tutions They are Warren G. Ap­ plewhite from Oregon State col­ lege and Warren Butler Thomp­ son from the Southern Oregon College of Education In spite of the demands that national defense is making upon Oregon youth, to date over 900 new students and transfers have Indicated their intention to attend the University of Oregon thia fall. Almost every state of the union and the territories of Alaska and Hawaii will be represented in this group which will register fo. classes Sept. 26 and 27 SEVENTEEN GIRLS <•<> TO LAKE '<> THE WOODS < AMP Camp La-o-wo, Ashland Camp Fire Girls camp. Is in full swing this week at ixike o' the Woods. A well rounded schedule of events is planned for each day's activi­ ties. Girls attending are Edith Turn­ bull, Betty Jean DeIJsle, Betty Clawson, Barbara Kent. Ix»nna Clark. Gloria Wenner. Mary Ann Lielsman, Mary Ixiuise Tilley, Emily Norris, Eva Smith, Norma Jean Simmonds. Mouryne Burton, Ruth Ager, Marjorie Lutz. Vir­ ginia Lutz, Katherine Grossman and Jacqule Donne Lowe. • ROYAL NEIGHBORS MEET Royal Neighbors and families hqld a social at the IOOF hall Wednesday evening of last week. Following a covered dish dinner served at 6:30. a social evening honoring Mrs Leonora Broiii, re­ tiring state supervisor, was en­ joyed. _____________ _____ i A • ♦ « ¡I Page 5 I First Baptist Church Fourth and It Streets Rev. Shearhurn, Pastor J. R. Turnbull, Minister Bible school 9:45 a. m. C. £ 1 Sunday school 10 a. m. H. O. Corry, superintendent. Morning worship 11 o’clock, Butterfield, superintendent. Sunday, 8 p m, church service. Morning worship 11 a. m. Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer Young People’s meeting, 6:30 praise and Bible study rn. P •— • Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m Week night services Tuesday Catholic Church and Friday evenings at 7:45. Prayer meeting precedes these Rev. W. J. .Meagher, Pastor two services. Young people in charge of Tuesday service. Mass at 8 a. m. Sunday. • - -•----— First Methodist Church Cor. N. Main and I-aurri Kta. Dr. Georgs W. Bruce, Minister Nazarene Church school 9:45 a m T. S Wiley, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. Ser­ mon by the pastor. Junior and YP meetings 7 p. m Evangelistic meeting 8 p. m. Sermon by the pastor. Prayer meeting 7:45 p. m. Wed­ nesday. Missionary meeting 2 p. m. Thursday. Choice of — Ladies’ Home Journal McCall’s Magazine Pathfinder (Weekly) Woman’s Home Companion Modern Romances Photoplay—Movie Mirror True Confessions ('holce of — Collier's Liberty Magazine Look (26 issues) parent’s Magazine Saturday Evening Post Choice of — American Magazine Cosmopolitan Good Housekeeping Popular Mechanics Red Book Magazine Magazine Subs.... $1.00 Miner Subs. $1.50 Total $2.50 value $2.50 Total $3.50 value Dependable Protection at Reasonable Rates M. T. BURNS ON THE PLAZA WATCH REPAIRING Expert Swiss and American watch repairing. Your watch timed and regulated FREE on our Electric Time Michrometer. RAMSEY’S JEWELRY STORE Sweden burg Bldg. Ashland Neighborhood Church Congregational Boulevard and .Morton Streets Clarence F. McCall, .Minister Bible school 9:45 a. m., Mrs. Glenn Prescott, superintendent. Worship service 11 a. m. Sermon subject: "Turning side.’’ Union meeting at 8 p. m. in the I Congregational church. ------------ e------------ BERGSTROM APPOINTED NAVY INSTRUCTOR Word has been received that Ensign David Bergstrom has been appointed primary flying instruc­ tor at the navy air station at Jacksonville, Fla. Ensign Berg­ strom is the son of Mr and Mrs. C. L. Bergstrom of Ashland. Southern Oregon Credit Bureau Ashland Office 1»'/1 NO. MAIN ST. Phone 7321 Medford Office Medford Center Building Phone 2261 Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Holy Communion 8 a. m. Church school 9:30 a. m. Sermon and morning prayer o'clock. You are cordially Invited worship with us. ------- •>------------ YOUR CREDIT RECORD — You Make It, We Record It! First Presbyterian Church BACK-TO-SCHOOL Sunday scr.ool 9:45 a. m. Worship service at 11 a. m. $2.25 Let Us Supply You With Magazine Subs---- $2.50 Miner Subs............ $1.50 PENS and PENCILS W ATCH BANDS BILL FOLDS e TIE CHAINS ALARM CLOCKS Enclosed find $ ............. for one year's subscription to the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER (new .... or renewal ..) luid one year's subscription to (magazine Add reas INSURANCE EVERYTHING for the SCHOOL ROOM $3.50 SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Naine AUTOMOBILE - FIRE CASUALTY - LIFE Magazine Subs..... $2.00 Miner Subs...... .. $1.50 Total $4.00 $4.00 value $2.50 choice) Bible school 9:45 a. m. classes for all ages. L. U. Gresham, sup­ erintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock Meetings of High School and , College C. E Societies at 7 p. m. j Evening service at 8 o’clock. I ----------- •----------- - Miss Nell Marie Perrine, daugh­ I ter of C. J. Perrine of Ashland and Herbert Lewis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lewis of Rainier were married Aug. 17 at the home of Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Wood in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Lewis will make their home in Grants Pass where Mr Lewis is a teacher in the high school. $1.50 TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SAVINGS NOW! PRICES ARE GOOD FOR BOTH RENEWALS OR NEW SUBSCRIP­ TIONS. INQUIRE AT THE MINER OFFICE FOR OTHER MONEY-SAVING COMBINATIONS! Complete coverage of local hap|MMi lugs each week and news from the communi­ ties of Bellview, Hilt and Talent. Also current news pictures, comics, flc* tlon and many other features. Second and B Streets Trinity Episcopal Church BIGGER THAN EVER No Increase in Prices I renewal Watch for our sale bills for a complete list of “Back to School” bargains HUGE EXHIBITS Including A Mammoth FARM MACHINERY SHOW AHORSE RACING Read the Southern Oregon Miner Church of Christ Sunday church school 9:45 a m. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock Subject: "To him that overcometh will I give hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and Upon the stone a new name writ- ten, which no man knoweth sav- Ing ho that receiveth it.” Rev. Full Gospel Temple 2 17. The choir will provide spe- E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. dal music. L. P. Furman, Paator Fellowship Methodist Youth at 7 p. m. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Union service will be held in Morning worship 11 o'clock. this church at 8 p. m. The mes­ C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ sage will be given by Rev. C F. McCall of the Congregational ning Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o'clock. church. C. A. service and choir practice Prayer meeting 7:30 p. m. Wed­ 7:45 Tuesday evening. nesday. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. ------------•------------ Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth and C Streets f I I Foursquare Church at the Charles Rice home. Mrs Free A Isop is a sister of Mr. Rice and Mrs Merrick a niece. Marcella Methodist Church Rice has entered the Medford East Main Street Business college and Tom Rice John R. Poet, Pastor has entered the US naval training school at San Diego. Sunday school at 9:45 a m. • Miss Marie Walker and Miss Gladys Whitson with Medford Bernice Beare, superintendent in friends spent the week-end at charge. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Crescent City Junior meeting and Young Peo­ • Kenneth Bell, with the US navy has left San Diego and will be ple’s meeting at 6:45 p. m. Even­ ing worship at 7:30 p. m. sent to Honolulu. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ • Mr and Mrs Arthur Benstead from Kansas City, Mo., are spend­ nesday evening at 7:30 p. m. You are welcome to all services. ing the week with the George ------------ •------------ ' Yockel family Mrs Benstead is a sister of Mr Yockel and has vis­ ited here several times, Church of the ^—1—-.—-------------------------------- Your Favorite Magazine with the SOUTHERN OREGON MINER at Unbelievable Savings! i PEKKINE-I-EWIS CHAS. A. WHITE JEWELRY E 5c-10c-25c-$l Store Pari-Mutual Harneaa and Run­ ning Racaa, «vary afternoon except Sunday. PLUS Special Acta Between Raceal ★ TUNZAPOPPIN" 75 Famous Pariormara including 18 Glamorous Girla in Hout- and-a-Half Night Show at Race Track Grandstand I fl > ■ > 'A'Nite Horse Show Plenty of Hori.-action PLUS Unuaual Spacial Acta I > * Midway Thrills ■ Plua Many FREE Acta I > > FAIRGROUNDS SALEM > > The World’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily Neuspa/ier PMuM by THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCIETY One, Norway Street. Boston, Massachusetts i* Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased—Free from Sensational­ ism — Editorials Are Timely and Instructive, and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly M.igarine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price J12.00 Yearly, or 41.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, ¡12.60 a Year. Introductory Offer. 6 Issues 25 Cents. Obtainable at: Christian Science Reading Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon A-*-