Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, August 29, 1941, Page 3, Image 3

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    Friday, August 29, 1941
Woolknits, Jersey (Jay Plaids
Big Three’ (Jampus Wardrolx
To prevent silk dresses from
slipping off wood and iron coat­
Dear Nellie—
Thia ia just to explain again that I
am awful sorry about getting mixed
up and aendmg to
President Roose­
velt the love let­
ter I meant for
you, and sending
you the protest
witch I wrote for
the President on
account of a ap­
peal from Senator Wheeler and
witch I wish I had of ignored in the
first place. Everybody has apolo­
gized In this matter now. including
the Secretary of War and me.
Do not worry about what Mr.
Roosevelt will think about getting a
letter from me addressed to "Dar­
ling Nellie” and signed with two
rows of kisses a* he will know it was
a error, and even if he did not
know this he wood be glad to get a
latter from anybody these days that
just expressed affeckshun and not a
lot of complaining. You say I never
should of wrote no letter in response
to the Wheeler postcard and I ad­
mit it, but I was just in a writing
mood that day.
style and wear It among your own
crowd. Dotted voile, dotted satins,
polka dot crepes and novelty taf­
feta are materials they are using.
• • •
hangers, paste or sew a piece of
velvet on each end of the hanger.
• • •
If one-half level teaspoon of bak­
ing powder is added to every four
eggs used in making a souffle it
will not fall after it has been re­
moved from the oven.
Pattern No S967 covers odd sizes 11 to
19 Size 13, short sleeves, takes 4'» yards
35-lnch material.
yard contrast for
collar and bow. Finish with 11s yards ma­
chine made ruffling. For this attractive
pattern, send your order to:
Before applying linseed oil to
out ¡de of soapstone sink or tubs,
first go over with sandpaper to
make them smooth.
• • •
Leftover bits of Jelly can be used
for stuffing pears or apples to be
• • •
Add raisins to your conserves,
jams and chutney to give them
pleasing chewiness.
• • •
When the cork breaks in a bottle
pour out the liquid it contains and
put enough ammonia in the bottle
to float the cork. Set away until
the cork crumbles.
• • •
Colorful appetizers may be made
by steaming dried fruits about 15
minutes and topping with well-
seasoned cream or grated Amer­
ican cheese.
Well 1 wish I could see you often-
er Nellie dear and if I ever get out
of here I will marry you like I
said but you can forget al) that stuff
about a little house in the country
becuz after all the walking I have
Two travelers had just met.
done ail I want after this is a flat
One was doing most of the talking.
right near a subway or a block
"Yes,” he said, “I arrived home
from the office so I will never have
morning after midnight and,
to do much on foot again for the
rest of my life. You here a lot of 'as I opened the door, I saw a
talk about this being a mechanical stranger kissing my wife.
war but you can't tell this to me
At 1 a. m. I
with my feet in the shape they are ried downstairs,
I opened the door
in. It is no more a mechanical war came back.
so far us I can sec than the Revo­ softly—and there was the strang­
So I
lutionary War and my part in it is er, still kissing my wife.
done Just the same as at Valley
"Just a minute,” interrupted the
Forge, except at Valley Forge the
grounds was harder and there was other man. "Why did you keep
galloping downstairs? Why didn’t
not so many potatus to peel.
119 New Montgomery Street
San Francisco
Endoso 15 cents tor each pattern.
Pattern No........... . ......... Size...................
Name ............................................. ..
Address •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
If you have any doubt about what
to give a man in any of the nation’s
military or naval services, send a
carton of cigarettes or a pound tin
of smoking tobacco. Tobacco rates
first as a gift with them. And when
you check up, actual sales records
show that in Army, Navy, Marine
Corps and Coast Guard service
stores (where the men buy their
own) Camels outsell all other cig­
arettes. It is well-known that
Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco is
the "National Joy Smoke." Local
tobacco dealers are now featuring
Camel cartons and pound tins of
Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco as
number one gifts for men in Uncle
Sam’s services.—Adv.
H as n't Asking for Trouble
That Early in the Morning
every occasion, from must formal
to most Informal and sports.
The new woolknits are simply
amazing. One of the big favorites
Is the trim swank Jacket suit that
looks as if It hud been expertly man-
tailored of a stunning wool weave.
Once try on a woolknit Jacket two-
piece and Instantly you will be mak­
ing an inroad on your clothes allow­
ance to the extent of the amount on
the price tag There is a great deal
to be said for Wv-dknlts “as Is"
these days. Their production has
been so perfected they neither
stretch nor sag and they are styled
to the 'nth degree of chic and
See the charming machine-knit
you walk right into the room?"
dress shown to the left in the illus­
"What?" cried the talkative
This casual two-piece of
What I wood give to be back in
gold nubby wool chenille yarn has all civilyun life where people still get i man. "And have my wife catch
I me coming home at that hour?"
the appearance of a "classy" ex­ a vacation in Au-
elusive handknit, it's only trim is gust! If you had
the knotted plastic buttons and of told me last
crescent bordered pockets, With it summer I wood ■■
is worn a new and flattering hand­ spend this sum- BB
knit hat made of bows that stand mer without no
up behind a pompadour, the bows vacation I wood yc Z2-1
attached to a bund of the same 'of said you was
rrt t I a
hand-knitted yam. The accent on crazy. In a army
knitted and crocheted hats and you get twice as much work in the
trimming details on wool dresses is vacation season as any other time
"strong" this season.
and if you ain't come to a boil by
Not His Want
Jersey for this, jersey for that, noon you ain't rated as in perfect
"Well,” asked the landlady,
jersey for everything from hats to shape. If a jeep looks cool and
dresses and blouses is a trend that dry all the officers get together and showing a prospective lodger her
Is bringing vast influence to bear discuss whether to give him some best bedroom, "what do you
as to what must be included in new injections, change his diet, put think of it as a whole?”
"Oh, I suppose it’s all right as
every well-ordered wardrobe of him in the guardhouse or work him
schoolgirl and college miss. For of­ harder, and the last always wins. ljoles go,” was the reply, "but it
was a bedroom I wanted.”
fice wear, unwrinkuble, unstretch-
• • •
able jersey is regarded as the ideal
There has been a lot of rain lately
Don't bother about the size of
fabric. The Jersey dress pictured
and I do not know witch is the' the man in the fight. What counts
to the right is designed on a pattern
worscr, summer mud or spring and is the size of the fight in the man.
of simplicity that's news for fall of
autumn mud, but I gess summer
Smooth “dropped-shoulder"
mud is more exciting as there are
yoke, elongated molded midriff, ac­
more turtles and snakes in it Who­
cent on hips are exclamation points
ever said there was few snakes in
of high fashion that point to a def­
America was nuts. I even found
initely new silhouette for this casual
one in my bunk. In some of the
gray jersey frock, The plaid suit
mud I have been doing manoovers
in the oval also announces a sil- in lately I wood not be serprised to
houette so new and “different" it
come up with a wild duck in my
is sure to intrigue the interest and
shoes. I got everything else in 'em,
of every
but my dogs is so numb they don’t
school-faring maiden.
feel nothing no more.
* I 'HIS is the hume-from-vacatlon
• time of the yeur and "so what"?
There's no guess work about the an­
Throughout shopping dis­
tricts from coast to coast the very
air Is vibrutlng with the message
of a wild “rush" in pursuit of
clothes such as go to muke up the
perfect campus and classroom
wardrobe for Miss Collegiate and
her pert little sister, who must an­
swer "present" when the back-to-
school role is called.
Campus clothes collections are so
intriguing this fall it is going to be
difficult to arrive at actual choices.
After you have window shop|>cd and
looked to the limit, the better part
of wisdom Is to calmly and delib­
erately take time off to go into con­
ference with yoursejf. To think it
through with the aid of notes you
jotted down as you meandered
through miles and miles of aisles
and aisles of sports clothes sections,
dress shops and departments, mil-
llncry displays and so on.
Sifting it through you'll find that
all signs point to woolknits, also
handknits, jersey dresses and guy
plaids (especially smart for suits)
playing the role of "Big Three" in
a college girl's wardrobe, Invest
in a woolknit two-piece, a plaid suit
that has the "new" look silhouette,
Add a jersey dross cut along a pat-
tern of chic simplicity as expressed
in the new drop shoulders, deep
armholes and sleeves cut in one
with the yoke (see illustration) and
you will be started In the right di­
rection toward a wardrobe that will
serve you faithfully throughout your
fall and winter campus career.
A new day of triumph is dawning
for knitted fashions. Sweaters es­
pecially were never more attrac­
tively designed and varied in mood.
Plan to buy several sweaters for
they are so versatile they tune to (Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
Plaid Ensemble
Brown Outstanding
Color for Autumn
If in doubt, choose tones of brown
for your color lead in assembling a
new autumn wardrobe. With brown
as a basic color, you will make no
mistake. Opening displays put the
emphasis on brown suits, brown
dresses, brown fur coats and brown
furs as trimming on cloth conts.
The milliner, the Jeweler and the
glove maker have all Joined in the
brown fashion crusade this fall.
With the now-so-fashionable beige
and biscuit colors you will find thrill­
ing schemes that call for acces­
sories in the new browns. The new
topaz and amber Jewelry is especial­
ly attractive. It will be very much
in the foreground this fall. Brown
leather buttons and beltbuckles
match the new brown gloves and
many sports hats are now trimmed
with brown suede or smooth-finished
Sweaters Very Fanciful
For Modern School Girl
Every little girl starting out to
join the foil and winter style parade
will be wanting a cunning little
plaid ensemble that teams a Stuart
plaid kilt with a matching plaid tarn
o’shanter as pictured here.
The idea of a little Jumper skirt
that can be worn with a change of
blouse each day, will delight moth­
er, for it solves the problem of send­
ing forth little daughter each morn­
ing to school looking as “fresh as
a daisy" and quite picturesque too
with a wee bit of Scotland Injected
Into her costume.
It is the opinion among enthusi­
asts on the knitted theme that a girl
starting to school should take along
at least six sweaters. And there's
a reason. Sweaters this season cov­
er the entire field of both utilitarian
and social needs.
Then too, not
only is there a sweater for every
occasion but the new sweaters are
simply irresistible, having taken on
intriguing detail that is fascinating.
You will find the new sweaters
made very fanciful with wool fringe
trimmings, little dangling yarn ball
treatments. Then there are quilted
effects, wondrously achieved, and
plaid patternings and color contrast
with bright yokes, sleeves and
banded sections. Formal sweaters
have flattering decollette treutmetfta
•nd sparkling embroideries.
Quickening Emotions
When men are rightly occupied,
their amusement grows out of
their work, as the color petals out
of a fruitful flower; when they are
faithfully helpful and compassion­
ate, all their emotions are steady,
deep, perpetual and vivifying to
the soul as is the natural pulse to
the body.—John Ruskin.
'T'HE new style the young jitter-
* bug fans are looking for. They
like the wide gathered skirt, the
snug waistline which flattens the
tummy in front, and the frou-frou,
feminine collar with the large
bow. Be first to make this new
• Grandmother's bak­
ing day secret, the
baking powder that has
been the farorite of
millions of proud bakers
for years and years.
Well, this is not much of a letter
to you Nellie so I will close now
just to say you are in my mind al­
ways even in the heat of mimic bat­
tle and that even at night when I
am nursing my feet witch are so
sore 1 ache all over I think of you
With oceans of love.
P. S.— xxxxxxxxxx
Some people think necessity is the
mother of intervention.
Hitler says he has the Rus­
sians running around in circles.
In other words he thinks "The
Mujic Goes 'Round and 'Round.
• • •
The Vichy regime has also come
out against hunting in its accepted
forms. From now on all hunters
must belong to one club controlled
by the government, Maybe this is a
natural outcome of the widely cir-
culated report that a member of
the Vichy government went hunting
recently and encountered a rabbit
Instead of putting up a fight against
the bunny, he entered into a collab­
orative agreement, the tale runs.
• • •
Ima Dodo thinks the franking
privilege has something to do with
hot dogs.
• • •
Her Prospect
Father—Isn’t it time you were
entertaining the prospect of matri­
Daughter—Not quite, Dad. He
won’t be here until eight o’clock.
• Having Powde'- •
The theory of flight is being
Your Situation
taught in some jails to prisoners.
Despise not your situation. In
Some of them would probably it you must act, suffer, and con­
be more interested in its practice. quer. From every point on earth
we are equally near to Heaven
and the Infinite.—Amiel.
As a Beginner
Two cavalry recruits were haling a
"Talking about riding," said one, "I
once saw a chap in a circus who jumped
on a horse's back, slipped underneath,
caught hold of its tail, and finished up
on its neck."
"So what?" retorted the other. “I did
all that in my first riding 'esson!"
Thousands of women
are helped to go smll-
Handed Down
M _ •AT lar to women—caused
“And do you really mean to say
W»by this period In life—
I’m the first girl you’ve ever
with Lydia E. Plnk-
ham's Vegetable Com-
Chairman of the Dance Com­ kissed?"
pound — famous for
mittee—Can't you stretch the mu-
“Yes, darling. Any skill I may
over 60 years. Pinkham's Compound
— made especially /or women—has
sic a little—just a dance or two have is inherited."
helped thousands to relieve such
weak, nervous feelings due to this
Orchestra Leader — Say, this
Internal Use
ain't no rubber band!
“And how did you find the bath
salts, madam?" asked the drug­
And Half Wrong
As You Live
“Jane says she thinks I’m a
"Well, they taste very nice,"
If you live according to nature,
great wit."
said the shopper, “but I don’t
never will be poor; if accord­
"Well, she’s half right, any­ think they have the same effect
io the world’s caprice, you
as a real bath."
will never be rich.—Seneca.
SO 600D
If at cafes your meals you take,
This trouble you must bear:
No matter how you order steak.
You get it BURNT or RARE!
• • *
Vichy has decided to prevent
pharmacists from selling anything
except medical supplies. Can this
mean that Petain is about to blame
the fall of France on drugstore sand­
wiches and apothecary shop coffee?
• • •
What America needs most is a
committee to suppress committees.
28'* Less Nicotine
than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes
tested—less than any of them—according to independent
scientific tests •/ the smoke itself I
• Actual sales records
In Navy Canteens and
Ship's Service Stores
show the largest-sell­
ing cigarette is CameL