Paji+l *1ktd olai S&tntiküty At least since Russia entered Ute free-for-all fight in Europe, they arc not waiting for Hitler to cop all the prizes, as shown in the Iran squabble r r r 'Hie Washington school laaue ia leaving few neutrals in Ashland and the "for and against" ele­ ment just about equals the "pios and cons." e < Volume X £ay.-/]tul 9V ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1941 Number 35 BOND ISSUE DEFEATED 466-112 < It is hoped thut those climbing on the "full block or none" band wagon In the school election are sincere rather than using it as the best way to defeat the issue 111 News reports Indicate that boot legging has entered a new phase Only now instead of "corn llkker," I tool leg metal ia being sneaked to small manufacturers whose exist­ ence Is threatened by metal ahort- ages V y * One of tin- most deplorable things that could happen to any city ia stalking Ashland ut this time lack of support for a Now If chamber of commerce never before Ashland needs such an institution Many citizens either ure Igno­ rant of the good the present chandter officials are doing or else they are little Interested In the progress of the town in which they live. Such lack of Interest th» clerk, who is unfit for that building program that included and health and physical education 1 standards for admission have re-' type of work. The men were or­ me entire block With the power­ Students enrolled in junior college suited in 50 out-of-state applica­ dered to take this outside employ­ ful "entire block” faction joining work are able to complete from tions being rejected. with those opposed to a building ment or be released from WPA HOME OBSERVATIONS Freshman week opens Sept. 22, employment. one to two years of work in med­ program mere was little chance Ry OIJ> TIMER icine. iaw, forestry, engineering, with old students scheduled to re-1 for survival of the $90,000 bond • home economics, business admin­ turn Sept. 27. To help solve the The best of southern Oregon issue. To the Editor: housing problem for girls, those' Craters and Red Sox In planning for me proposed istration and many other fields. products will be on view at me Next Monday will be observed new building the board considered Students enrolling at the college planning to join sororities are to To Clash Sunday ooumem Jackson County fair as laibor day Agitation for th* for the first time should submit a come back this year Wednesday wrncn is being held at Bellview . purchase of me remainder of me celebration of the day was begun transcript of their high school or evening. Sept. 17, for a three-day The Medford Craters and the Saturday and Sunday. Tne lair is i block, but decided that me $14,- by the Knights of Liisir who in college record sometime prior to rushing period, so that all dorm­ Silverton Red Sox will clash on being sponsored by the Bellview 000 expenditure was unjustified. 1882. 1883 and 1884 paraded on registration It would be particu­ itory space will be available for the Medford Fairgrounds ball In view of the election results, grange and is the to be that day in the city of New York larly helpful to new students to others at the start of Freshman park Sunday afternoon to determ­ neid in mis section. second According to me school board expects to con- In 1884 the organization adopted call at the office of the registrar week ine the second half championship fair board members, much interest ! tact L. S. Traver, adviser and a resolution that the first Mon­ before registration day in order I of the Oregon State league, ac­ has been shown and it is expecteq | construction man for me state day of September should be con­ to make nut their fall program cording to announcement yester­ mat the entries will even surpass board of higher education, and sidered I>abor day and have It get his recommendations and opin­ College entrance examinations day. those of last year. recognized as a holiday Oregon for all freshmen students will be Silverton and the Albany Alco- Premiums are being offered for ions in regard to me Washington on Feb. 21, 1887 passed tin- given Tue»n the highway un ­ called on Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Refreshments will be available -------------- e—. “FOR RENT” cards at the ies.* drivers exercise additional ther, J. F. Emmett. Henson Tuesday evening. and games have been arranged care and avoid dangerous driving for the added enjoyment of fair Miner office. practices, he said. The secretary visitors. of state urged each individual ------------ •------------ driver to accept as his respond-1 Cases appearing in the justice bility the burden of preventing DEFENSE IT 7 80th State Fair i court this past week include the traffic accidents BOND following: To Open Labor Day Inasmuch as 75 percent of the James Willant Hilton, Ashland, accidents in the state occur on I Q. Why should Americans I Another Oregon state fair—me guilty of having no operator's li­ highays in the rural areas, most 80th will be unfolded to the pub­ buy Defense Bonds and Stamps cense and no tail light, fined $5 of them resulting from speed too lic early next Monday morning. now? ami coats on the first charge and I great for conditions, drivers were A. Among the reasons are: Labor day, when gates are un­ *1 and coats on the second. ' naked to observe these simple (1) It is the quickest way in locked on the big seven-day agri­ Norman Robert, charged with precautions: which every citizen can both cultural exposition at Salem. operating without a PUC permit, I 1. Reduce speed before entering serve his country and conserve forfeited $15 bail Fair officials have set their curves. his earnings, and (2) the pur­ 1 a verde Shively of Hilt, charg- sights for an attendance record 2 Reduce speed at night. chase of the Bonds and Stamps ed with driving with only one li­ mat will definitely scrap every­ helps not only to finance Na­ 3. When caught in long lines cense, forfeited $5 50 bali thing mat has gone before, and of cars, be patient, don’t take tional Defense but also to pre­ Harold E. Malatka of Iy>s An- dangerous risks attempting to i indications in the few days before vent high prices and increased geles, Calif, received a fine of $25 pass the cars in front. me opening are mat they will cost of living. and costs for having an overload­ not be disappointed. Officials pro­ 4. Never attempt to pass an- Q. Can I pledge a Defense eel truck. mise that the fair, in turn, will j Bond as collateral for a bank other car on a curve, while ap­ Justice M. T. Burns reports that proaching the brow of a hill or not disappoint the patrons. Liter-| loan ? 11 more cases are scheduled to when vision is obstructed for ally thousands of exhibits will be A. No. Bonds are registered come before the court in the next some other reason. on hand to compete for me $42,-I and not transferable. They are two days as a result of a traffic 000 premium money; and there payable only to persons named 5 Don't drive when sleepy or check-up the first of the week. will also be a wide variety of on the Bond. fatigued. special displays. 6. Avoid driving after over-in­ • Mr. and Mrs. G W. Goswick dulgence in food or drink. On the entertainment side, the spent several days at Gold Beach. fair goes superlative too, for spe­ • Emily and Ruth Staannard, cial attractions and features ar­ I ranged for the week hit a high who have spent the summer with Taylor R. Williams Mr, and Mrs. Walter Herndon, not only in quality but also in' returned last week to their home And Wife Leave Soon quantity. Popular program for j 1» Maricopa, Calif. , each day will be "Funzapoppin,” ■ Mr. and Mrs Taylor R. Wil- the nightly revue at the grand­ llama, who have successfully op- stand with a cast of 75 name per- i erated the Western Auto Supply T. E. FOWLER formers. And each day except the I store here for the paBt several closing Sunday there will be the ' years, have expressed no definite and Companion pari-mutuel races, night horse plans other than making a trip Are Invited to Be Guests of the show and dancing to Leon Moji- 1 up the coast country where they ca's orchestra. Other daily events Southern Oregon Miner hope to locate. Failing in finding will be special free acts on the j desirable employment, Mr. Taylor To See Their Choice of grounds: music concerts by the I said that they may go back to the Following Oregon Federation of Music clubs; ! Detroit. band concerts, free educational Mr Williams has been an active Varsity Theater and industrial movies. member of the local chamber of Programs : commerce and a staunch booster A variety of special events are for Ashland. He made the state­ on the bill for special days, in­ (Friday and Saturday) ELWOOD HEDBERG in a ment to the Miner that Mrs. Wil­ cluding the state fair Blondes’ "IN OLD CHEYENNE" liams and he hope to return to contest Tuesday afternoon; the dither getting ready to attend and Ashland at some future time to grange song contest Friday morn­ the PEO supreme convention at THEY MET TN ARGENTINE make their home. ing; the children’s day program Vancouver. B. C. (Incidentally. ----------- • ------------ Saturday morning; editors' lunch­ Mrs. Hedberg will accompany (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) UNION SERVICE SUNDAY eon Saturday noon, and Townsend him). "THE GREAT AMERICAN HARRY MITCHELL trying program Tuesday afternoon. The Sunday evening union ser­ BROADCAST" to explain why his "kid" brother vice will be held In the Methodist • Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Walton has all the size of the family. church at 8 o’clock Rev. C. F. and two sons of Whitfield, Kas. McCall, pastor of the Congrega­ JOHN BROADY seeking to Please Can at The Miner Office have been guests at the home of placate for Your Quest Tickets tional church will give the ser­ disappointed coupon Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Russell. mon. holders. FAIR TO SHOW COUNTY’S ‘BEST’ • EXAM CALLED FOR P. M. JOB Court Proceedings I ----- •----- SEEN IN A DAZE •