Friday, August 22, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 THE SUNNY SIDE OF LIFEÌ CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT •s'* ■SB/- S - ' r TRUCK PARTS Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young Heavy «duty Motors, axels parts, bodies, tires, hoist.*« and used trucks. THICK WRE( KING COMPANY lOth A H K Hawthorne Port land. Ore. RABBITS AND SKINS_ By ED WHEELAN BIG TOP imp . risers ofp . rvv - th RObT HAO FALLCM AGAINST HAL'S MJlRt • ‘L uckily our or W ÛEE.M/EO '•!' ■ ’ I V’HE STAKB.S > JOE SOON AFTEPV/Z-Pps, HAL D>O HIS SEHSATMAL SLiDt FOR LIFE'.' O ui T e UHAWARE THAT * SILK' HAO PLAHNEP HJB Ce4T5?uCTiON| - noLt> rr. HAL- WAfT A MIHUTh V I« z" . ( VEH, MAVee A 't]TW«T LOOSENEt»} a 'EM !• / FULL'IltY AND RABBITS WANTED. Good whit, fryer rabbit akin. 11.1* per lb Writ. i> tcard for price, and Information Ruby R Co., 935 B W. Front Portland. Ora. FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE Roll Developed and Two Print, from Bach Good negativa 25c WESTERX PHOTO COMPAWY boa W-4265 Portland. Ora. « PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25c—Made by Portland', larg­ est retail kodak finisher Satinfac­ tion guaranteed. Quality Picture Co. Box W3573, Portland. Oregon. MV, WHAT HERVE !J HELP WANTED WANTED 2000 HOP PICKERS By RUBE GOLDBERG LALA PALOOZA sis , the income TAX MAN WENT AWAY AN’ LEFT HIS REPORT ( GLUB! GO 'WAV VINCENT I'LL READ IT THROUGH THE KEYHOLF I HARVEST STARTS THE DATE PART of August. Famille, preferred. 509 Acre, of high trelllaed hope. Excel­ lent camp., big crop long season. All accommodation. In addition to day nursery for children furnished free to picker«. Reglater In person at Ranch Office, or write to B. CLEMZXS HORST CO, INDBPSX- DEXCE, ORZGOX. for full particu­ lar». , HOP PICKERS WANTED WIGRICH RANCH located five miles South of Independence, Ore. 409 acres good picking no »eedle.. hops. High wages paid Modern shady sanitary policed camp, with store, butcher shop, restaurant, cabins, tents, stoves, wood, running water, electric light, dance hall, nursery, straw, showers Visit ranch or write for job. Address:— WIGBICM RAXCH. Box B. Independence, Ore. FOR SALE GROCERY, LARGE STOCK AND Fix­ tures, 12000; same owner eight years. Rent 145; heat and water furnished. 1601 - 4th St, Bremerton, Wash. By C. M. PAYNE S'MATTER POP— What to Do in Case of Two Lunche« For Sale. Good Grocery stock and fixtures. Est. 25 yrs. In main part of good college town. Good lease require about 22500. For details. H. A. Stearns. 137 Oak St, Ashland, Oregon. rYOU HAD Two lunches MISSUS OOM F F U-v asked me )TO COME BACK HDWE—Sac. 16500 Stock and fix.. Grants Pass. Aged widow must re­ tire Please do not ans. unless able to finance. Write 960 Tyler, Eugene, Oregon. Monkeys. Parrot». Love Birds. Finches, Supplies. Wholesale and retail. Canaries "ranted. Montarllla Pet Shop. 422 8. E. 81st Ays, Portland, Oregon. - .FOR LUNCH A6AIN ^r -SOMETIME-/ For Sale. Confectionery fountain. Beer and wine business. Good cold storage. Good paying business. Mrs. H G. Moe, The Mission, Dayton, Washington Sell or Lease—1660 A. stock ranch on river. Irr. bottom; wheat land, exc. range. Elec, avail. Good cond. Buy personal. Age. X. Hansen, Bock Creek. Oregon. MESCAL IKE Pa Knows All the Answers By s. l . huntley 54500. Grocery, beer, service station, hay. feed, living quarters. 11100 monthly turnover. Small town, good schools. On main highway. Sick­ ness cause of selling. Standard Service, Athol, Idaho. BEER, wine, sands.; llv. qtrs. No compet. Prop, includ Walk-In re­ frig. Logging list. Box 35, Alpine, Oregon. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY---------- W. T. GIXRSBACX. President A Century of Continuous Service to the West For information write to DR. H F. PRICE, Dean Forest Grove, Oregon SO Minutes West of Portand By J* MILLAR WATT POP—Pain in the Purse Now Watch Your ____ Kidneys/ Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Watte Your kidneys sre constantly titering waste matter from tbs blood strain. But kidneys sometimes lag in their work—do not act as Nature intended—fail to re­ move impurities that. If retained, may poison the system and upset tbo whois body machinery. Symptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headacne, attacka of dizziness, getting up nights, swelling, puffinem under ths eyes—a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis­ order ars sometimes burning, scanty or too frequent urination. There should bo no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Use Doan's Pills. Doan's have been winning new triends for mors than forty years. They have a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people tha country over. Ask your neighbor! D oans P ills READING TO HIMSELF WNU—13 ASKS FMHfK t) REAP AiWÇIV HIM GLUYAS WILLIAMS By LANG ARMSTRONG ♦ •Ils says what wm good enough tor thio granddad Is good enough tor him." I BACK ID FLOOR. SPELÒ EACH WORD OUT IN A muD, clear voice tisNEHiMsaf tourne 1RM6EEHS BOOK FROM FLOOR 1t> ARM {f OW