Friday, August 22, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER r Two-Thiril* Leaf "How many people work In the government office?" "About one-third of them. F arm VA os . H arry r © Me C lurl T opics S ao W.N.U.Service INSTALLMENT FOUR—The Story So Far The Maguire* ar* giving a dinner •ar the Newsum*. Shirley Maguire and Jaird Newsum ar* engaged but Mr*. Newsum would Uke to see her son marry Connie Mays, daughter of Coe- * * lngton's wealthleit citizen. Mik* Ma­ guire I* a happy-go-lucky editor and mayor of th* town. Kathleen, younger daughter, is furious at Mrs. Newsum'* patronizing airs. A stranger had helped * • camellia* on a bosom that was al­ ready overshelved. fix a flat tire for her and kisses her. He tell* her he is a newspaper man out of a Job. The first to arrive tor th* dinner are Laura's son. Tom. and hit wife. Mary Etta. POOR CUTTINi RUINS WOODLOT Carelessness Endangers New Stand, Profits. | dk issing l-l «hl V Dear Ma Well, 1 gess maybe I will be tossed Into Uie guard house again or *hot or put peeling more potatus land 1 don't know witch is wor*cr). I got one of them post cards from the Sen. Wheeler First . Committee and what I read tn the newspuper* about all the fuss being made about it makes me aw- ful nervous. I Only some good luck will save me. I wrote a note to the President like the Senator asked me to aaymg I was against getting into the European war. « of flock separately and keep records letter witch she di. tree* of monthly was no longer any question of Mary Laura had trusted to luck and situation. funrtlnnal disturbances? Then try on them. Trapnesting for one got from me and Etta’s resigning her position. For pushed it back into the most inacces­ Lydia E. Pinkham'* Vegetable Com­ year, starting October 1, is highly witch months Tom had been coming to the sible corner. Only of course if there meant CHAPTER VI pound. desirable. point where he could contribute was any weakness in the enemy's for tiie President Pinkham’s Canpound 1» famous "As trapnesting records accumu­ She says that I nothing to their common expenses armor, Belle Newsum could be for relieving pain of Irregular ix-rioda As a matter of fact, the crisis and cranky nervouane»* due to null late, apply minimum standarda. It while Mary Etta’s salary continued trusted to discover it Laura had a resolved itself without fatalities. It am a louse for disturbance*. One of the moat effec­ to increase. Laura knew the situa­ horrible vision of Jaird’s mother be­ was exactly like Mike to sow drag­ is suggested that bands should be ever writing it in tive medicines you can buy today removed from individuals which the first place tion was blistering Tom’s sensitive for thia purpose — made ev’cciolly ing precipitated into the middle of ons' teeth and reap love apple*. Just /or women. WORTH TRYING I failed to lay 50 or more eggs between male pride. seen Nellie 1 Every time I have the floor and refusing to trust her as Kathleen was turning back to the October 1 and January 31. or which have told her I was every inch ■ "Oh. hello, Shirley,” murmured weight again to anything in the Ma­ living room the telephone rang. failed to average 25 eggs a month fighting man and that war held no Mary Etta as her husband’s older guire house. But Kathleen caught "Kathleen?” Alex was speaking for March, April and May; or which terrors for me, no matter whether Doing of Revenge sister appeared in the doorway. the storm signal and acted. and his voice was a trifle thick, a failed to show a persistent produc* it was on home grounds or where, Revenge converts a little right Mary Etta did not care for Shir­ "Dear Mrs. Newsum.” she ex­ bit inclined to run up the scale at ley. She bluntly said that she claimed rather breathlessly, "what the end of words. "Tell Mother I tion of at least 50 eggs between June so I look pretty foolish to her writ­ Into a great wrong. 1 and September 30." ing a letter to the President that thought Shirley belonged in the lav­ do you think of the plans for the can’t make it for dinner.” I am against any war that takes me ender and old lace school. But Kath­ June fete?” "Alec! How could you?” far away from home. leen got on better with her sister-in- Quite dexterously she interposed “Sure. I’m a rat to do the run- • • • law. Mary Etta held Kathleen at her slim self between the lady and out when she's staging a family arm's length as she did all her in­ the point of collapse. Mrs. Newsum, Come what may. ma. I am In a shindig. But that’s how it is. And laws. But she did not take it as a delighted to be allowed to tell about you can't do anything about it. So tough spot and I feel two worried to personal insult if Tom asked Kath­ the very important committee of write more now except to close say­ Does the motor of your tractor take the air.” leen to look them up when she was which she was a member, permitted ing I love you like always. overheat? If it does, G. W. Mc­ "I'm not talking about that. You in town. Mary Etta herself never herself to be ensconced in a sub­ Your loving son, Cuen, farm engineer, Ohio State know what I mean.” UE to dietary indiscre­ proffered such an invitation. Of stantial wing chair. And Laura Oscar. university, suggests checking to "Do I? What of it? You don’t need tions, change of drink­ course she worked and she and Tom sighed with exquisite relief while see if the fan belt is too loose, jf ing water or audden changes had only a one-room efficiency in an Kathleen winked at her over the to tattle to Mother, do you?” » Ima Dodo wants to do her part there is an accumulation of dirt "Don't worry. I shan’t. She still apartment hotel and took most of guest of honor’s elaborately mar­ in weather can tie quickly In the "V" campaign, so she is on the outside of the cooling fins thinks you are worth getting all their meals out But. as she bluntly celled head. relieved by Wakefield’s wearing a V-neck sweater. of the radiator, if the tubes in the hot and bothered about.” Kathleen explained, it wasn’t that Mary Etta Blackberry Balsam. For 94 • • • "Shirley,” whispered Jaird jn a radiator are clogged, or if the wa ­ just did not propose to be used as a voice that was not quite steady, "do soberly replaced the receiver. She years a household remedy. ter jacket of the cylinders is bad ­ TWEET! TWEET! convenience by her husband's fam­ you remember that you were wear­ and Alec had fought from the time Sold at all drug stores. ly limed. The St. George hotel at Bermuda they were both in romper*. There ily. ing blue the first night I kissed Be sure to ask for genuine Is now occupied by the U. S. engi If the tubes of the radiator are were less than two years between Kathleen, eyeing her brother’s you?” neers corps, the picturesque Inve partially clogged with slime, Mc­ their ages. To the casual observer wife, wondered as she had before Did she remember? Shirley looked rurie is occupied by the British Cuen advises this may be cleaned how Tom ever came to fall in love down at the soft clinging folds of they seemed always at the point of contraband control, the Bermudian out by filling the cooling system mayhem. Actually they were tre ­ with anyone who made such an art her blue lace gown. She looked and Princess have been iaken over with a caustic solution such as mendously fond of each other. And of being thoroughly unpleasant. Pri­ stately and a little aloof. Like a girl by the censorship bureau and the half a can of lye in four to five Kathleen, although she had no in ­ vately Kathleen thought Tom was in a painting. Very cool and re- Compound Elbow Beach hotel will soon be oc- gallons of water, or one pound of tention of telling Laura so, was getting fed up. And she didn’t blame mote. And not quite real, But in­ A cupicd by U. S. navy officials, sal soda to four or five gallons heartsick about Alec. He had been him. He looked as if he had been side she was a cauldron of seething Custom a Habit good regulation honeymoon in that of water. drinking. That was why he was not on a steady diet of cockleburr*. emotions. Did she remember? Her Custom is nlmost a second na­ country seems pretty difficult just showing up for dinner. That meant A safe way is to heat the solu ­ "Hello, Kits. Gunning for big heart sobbed, It said all sorts of ture.—Plutarch. now. he had been somewhere with Myra tion and stir it. Then put the so­ frantic things, But her lips only • • game?” he asked with a grin. Boone. lution in the radiator cooling sys­ Kathleen made a face at him. "It smiled—very faintly. THE HONEYMOON IS OVER “Darn cradlesnatchers with bion- tem and thoroughly heat it up "Yes, I remember,” said Shirley ail depends on how you feel toward The two lovebirds dined hair and motheaten morals! ” by running the motor. This gen ­ Mamma Newsum,” she said, then as if it did not matter. Are having words; muttered Kathleen under her erally takes about 15 minutes, Jaird looked white and baffled. squeezed his arm. "Sh! Here they No more you see ’em kissing; breath. after which the solution may be Laura, under the cover of Belle come. My sainted cow, doesn’t she She tried to cook drained and the cooling system She couldn ’ t see how Alec could Newsum’s tiresome monologue on look like Mrs. Astor’s pet horse?” Meals from a book , . . thoroughly flushed out before re­ go that sort of thing. It was such a her own prominent connection with The Newsums were just emerg­ And Page 14 was missing! filling with water. all prominent social functions in pity he had to finish school the year ing from their handsome closed car. —Merrill Chilcote. brand new electrical engineer* were Covington, managed to whisper to J*.rd gave his mother hi* arm. Shir- • • • a drug on the industrial market. Kathleen. lay. looking out the window, felt the LUCK L DUE TO GASTRIC HYPER »ACIDITYJ "Where on earth do you suppose Aiec was a bundle of nervous ener­ Rtfl* wayward jerk which the sight gy. He was better suited for any­ Luck and pluck go hand in hand, your father is?” v.m always gave her senses. He Lightning rods have an efficiency Pluck is Luck’s big brother; Kathleen spread her hands hope­ thing on earth than idleness. Mike 1 of 97 per cent if properly wm probably in no way extraordi- construct- Luck will never come along had tried to find him something to lessly. "Heaven alone knows. Want <7 tart he always seemed so to do on the newspaper. But Alec hated ed and installed. Unless you bring the other. obtained by thousands <»r J wtt Jaird with his clean-cut me to see if he can be located?” Inspection of rodded buildings it. He was created to make things —Gordon R. Higham. "He’s got to be,” groaned Laura. through tiaa of V«n't Pink * a 4 steady blue eye», yet he • a • which have been struck by lightning happen, not to write up the exploits Tablet* — without rigid “Hulda can't hold dinner forever.” all of heaven and hell generally uncover one or more of liquid diet! Simple home of others. With no outlet for his dy­ Simile by R. Roelofs Jr. As pa­ treatment. Learn ell ebout th Maguire. namic desire to make the wheels go several defects, the Board states. tient as a chairman of a chess tour- it. Write today — no obli* zi. ha H mv was mincing along in faster Alec was, or so it seemed to These include lack of grounding to nament. nation. 900,000 ueere. • • • Written Guarantee ae to permanent moisture, insufficient z po-v« that were a gize too Kathleen, cooking up a merry little BOOKIE T Â Money Beck. Bead out ,«....11 1.-4/ chiffon gown was k. A hell all his own, aided and abetted number of points, particularly at Jumpy Julia, the most nervous guarantee, eent with fro* booklet. Write to — * < v/ fGi Lightning Rods A SELECTED STORY BY A GIFTED AUTHOR Stomac n Uke rs- RELIEF SEATTLE VON CO.