Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, August 22, 1941, Page 5, Image 5

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Friday, Aug. 22, 1941
Page 5
About People You Know
• Mr*. Effie C. latiig win honor­
ed at a birthday surprise party
at the home of Mr* V. C. Kirk
Patrick recently Guests Included
Mr* Effie Long, Mr* Bayne and
(laughter, Mrs JoiMe Ferrari, Mn
Mary Freeman, Mrs E Flacku*.
Mrs C. O. Presnail, Mrs Morri-
son. Mrs V C Klikpatriik and
daughters, Mrs Myers,, Mrs An
na Prescott, Mrs. Walker, Mrs
Hcofield Mrs C. W Ki n h-V. Mr*.
Hlmpsori and Mrs John Poet and
• Guests at un Informal dinner
party given by Mrs Theo J Nor­
by and Mr*. Frank Vail Dyke at
the latter's home Friday evening
included Mr and Mrs Frank Da-
vis, Mr iiml Mis II I Flaharty,
Mrs H 8 Schilling. Mr and Mrs
Fred Engle and Miss Gertrude
• Mr and Mrs Albert Johnson
are vacationing in Nevada City,
• Hum to Mr and Mrs Headrick
Baughman at Klamath Falla. Aug
19. a daughter. The mother was
formerly Juanita Moon
• Miss Genevieve McGee spent
the week-end in Eugene visiting
• Mr and Mrs Roy Titter of
Sacramento were guests of Mr
and Mrs C, E Barron several
• Bud Provost and David Fort­
miller are visiting in I»* Angele*
for two week*.
• Mrs V G Bamthouse and
daughter Margarette and Mrs
Helen Fisher have returned from
a vacation trip to British Coluro-
bin and various spot* in W»»h-
• M rs Beulah Whetstone visited
last week In I xm Angeles and San
• Mr and Mrs Hugo Reinbold
and daughter have returned from
a vacation trip to Vancouver. B.
• Dr. and Mr* R E Poston and
children and Mrs Josephine Wur-
zrr went to Crescent City Sunday
• Mr and Mrs W D Jackson
went to Corvallis Friday to at­
tend the funeral of Mr Jackson'*
aunt. Mrs Ella J Taylor
• Mr and Mr* C E Froman and
daughter* spent the week-end in
• Mr and Mr* B E Culy of
Copco visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs H L. Moore
• Mr and Mrs G W Go* wick
visited in Klamath Falls Sunday
with Mr. and Mr* Jack Zittercob
• Mr and Mrs Roy Smith of
Portland are vlaitlng with Mr*
Smith* parents, Mr. and Mrs
Tony Franco.
• Mrs. J B Platt ha* returned
from a visit io Vancouver. B C.
• Mr and Mr*
Mrs Enrl Newman
and son of Lincoln, Neb arc vts-
iting with Mr. and Mm F L
• Mr and Mrs Jack Pearce and
children of Albany visiter! last
week with Mrs Pearce's parents,
Mr and Mr* J F Emmett.
• Mrs D M Rrower has return­
ed from a vi*lt with her sister in
Aurora and her daughter in Al­
• Itoy Coftnan, who fell from a
scaffold while working on a build­
ing on his premises and Injured
hi* foot, la able to be about on
• Mr* Glen Brown and children
irf the Shaw Bertram Lumber
company camp spent the week­
end visiting her father. Bell Clark.
• Mr. and Mis Clayton Blake
of Weed wer* in the valley Huk
urilay and Sunday buying fruit
and vegetables.
They called on
friends in Talent.
• Word has been received here
that Lyle Tame of Dead Indian
district, former postmaster at Tal­
ent, cut hla foot and was U Ash­
land receiving medical attention.
• Mr and Mrs Willard RarfMMtt
have sold their property near the
Methodist church to M C. TTior-
enaon. The Sargeant a are looking
for a location in the country.
• Mrs Joe Tryon returned to her
home Sunday evening from a two
weeks visit in Portland She was
accompanied home by Mrs. Mary
Porter, a sister of Mr. Tryon,
who will remain for a visit
• Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cochran
and *on Keith returner! to their
home in Eugene after a week's
visit with relatives
• Mr and Mrs Arthur K Howe
of Klamath Fall* have been visit­
ing Mrs Howe's parents, .Mr and
Mrs M Barrie for the past week
• Dudley Estes returned home
Tuesday morning from Crescent
City where he has been visiting
with hl* brother and sister-in-law,
Mr. and Mr* Charles Estes.
• Mr* H A Harlam of Alameda,
Calif la a guest of her parents,
M r. and Mr*. A Graham, thia
• J P Morgan purchased the
StancUff projierty where Mr and
Mr* C W Turpin have been liv-
ing the past year. The Turpin*
moved into Chase Gardner's house
on Gibson avenue.
• Mrs Art Eastland and son
Richard of Emmett, Ida and Mrs
Wiley Jones of Ashland called on
old neighbors and friend’ Thurs­
day They were former residents
irf Talent
• Neil Britt who has operated the
garage and repair shop st the
Bates service station for the past
year has leased part of the con­
crete building belonging to G S.
Butler of Ashland and moved
there this week.
• Mrs Al Sherard, who suffered
n stroke early in the summer and
has been confined to her bed and
a wheel chair, is improving and
was able to be taken for a ride
and visited friends tn Ashland last
Wwk. •'
j». ,4
• Erwin Miller and family of Spo-
ane were dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs George Ph elf er Saturday
The Millers were enroute from
San Francisco where they have
been vacationing, to their home
in Washington
------- • . -------
• Mr and Mrs T L. O’Harra,
Bobby O'Harra and Eugene Rush
spent the week-end at Crescent
Permanent PRICES!
823 Hlsklyou Blvd
Pays for three years insurance
on $1,000 dwelling or household
goods inside Ashland city limits.
Lower rates if building qualifies •
240 Eut Main Street
Phon* 3731
Foursquare Church
Fourth and B Street*
Rev. Hhearburn, Pastor
First Baptist Church
J. R. Turnbull, Minister
Bible school 9:45 a. m. C. E
• Mr, and Mrs Ed Derrington
and son of Glendale, Caiif were
guests of Mr. and Mr* Charles
M Giffen Sunday and Monday.
Mr. Derrington is a senior design
engineer in the Lockheed Aircraft
Corporation in Burbank, Calif
• Mr. and Mrs George Icenhow-
er are spending their vacation in
Sunday school 10 a. m H. O. I Corry, superintendent
Morning worship 11 o’clock,
Butterfield, superintendent.
Sunday, 8 p. m , chureh service
Morning worship 11 a. m.
Wednesday. 8 p. m„ prayer
Young People's meeting, 6:30
praise and Bible study
p. m.
Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m.
Week night services Tuesday
and Friday evening* at 7:45.
Prayer meeting precede* these
Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor
two services. Young people in
charge of Tuesday service.
Mass at 8 a. ro. Sunday.
------------- •—
Farming Is more than growing
crops. It is as much a business
a* running a store or factory. It
involve* all of the problem* that
must be solved by the merchant
and the manu­
Perhaps one
reason why more
farmers are not
successful is that
they do not
meet and solve
Cor. N. Main and 1-aurei St*.
Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister
lem* of keeping
Sunday church school meets at
cost record*, or 9 45 a. m.
knowing what to
Morning worship at 11 o'clock.
plant, and when
to tell their crop*
will meet at 7 p. m. for worship.
Unfortunately, tn most year*,
------------- e.
crop price* tend to be low when
harvest ha* been completed. That
»• a natural working of the eco­
nomic law of «upply and demand
For today'« price* do depend upon
East Main Street
•upply, and upon the number of
John R. Poet, Paator
people who want to tell, TODAY.
It isn't always a simple matter
Sunday school at 9:45 a m.
to decide upon the belt time tc Ben »ice Beare, superintendent in
aell, and It ha* been our obser­ charge.
vation that the price you receiv*
Morning worship at 11 o’clock.
is only one of the element* that
Junior meeting and Young Peo­
make for profits.
ple's meeting at 6:45 p. m. Even­
Perhaps the experience of twe ing worship at 7:30 p m.
Maryland farmer* will best illus­
Mid-week prayer meetiner Wed­
trate our meaning.
nesday evening at 7:30 p. m.
These two men had nearly iden­
You are welcome to ail services
tical farm*. Soil condition* and
weather were about even, and
both raised the same kind of cash
But Farmer “A" always «old hit
crops a* soon as they were har­
Bertrand F. Peterson, Paator
vested, while Farmer "B” held on
Fourth and C Street*
-io hi* crop* until he thought h<
could get the top price.
Church school 9:45 a. m.
Botn or tnese men kept book*
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
on their farm operation*, They
Meetings of Juniors. Young Peo-
knew what it cost to grow crops, ?le and Adults by departments,
a* well a* to handle them and
p. m.
store them.
Evangelistic service 8 p. m.
After several years of opera­
Prayermeeting Wednesday, 7:45
tion, the book* showed that B p. m. Choir practice at 8:45
--------------- •----------------
averaged about 10 percent more
money for hi* crop* than A. But
the book* also showed that A had I
made about 10 percent more
tual money than B. It cost B ex­
tra money to handle each i crop
__ _
Boulevard and Morton Street*
more than once and it coat him
Clarence F. McCall, Minister
interest on his money, and insur-
ance, and there was generally
Bible school 9:45 a. m., Mrs.
something to be deducted for Glenn Prescott, superintendent.
shrinkage or spoilage. That’s why
Worship service 11 a. m.
B’s profit* were le«*, even though
Sermon subject: "Turning A-
he got more money when he sold. ■ide"
This is not written to advise you
Union meeting at 8 p. m. in the
to sell your crop a* soon a* you Congregational church.
harvest it. There are certainly
--------------- •---------------
time* when that may not be good
business—when it will pay more
than it costs to hold on.
But it is sound advice to urge
you to keep accurate records of
Dr. (laude E. Sayre, Vicar
all your costs. If you follow the
simple method of comparing the
Holy Communion 8 a. m.
money you have at the start of
Church school 9:30 a. m.
the year, with what you have at
Sermon and morning prayer
the end, you can easily tel) o'clock.
whether or not you have made
You are cordially invited
money, but you may not know worship with us.
why. And the why is important,
for it shows you where you can
do better.
The manufacturer who does not
know how much it costs him to
build his product, and get it te
market, will soon go broke unless
he is unusually lucky. The same
thing is true of the farmer.
If you want help in setting up
a simple bookkeeping system for
your farm operations, why not ask
your County Agent? Or write to
either the State or Federal De­
partment of Agriculture. You will
find someone of broad experience
ready to help you put a yardstick
on your operations. You'll get a
picture of your own work that
will contribute to your greater
success on the land.
• Mrs. Hattie M. Konop and
nephew. Frank O’Connor, left this
morning on a two-weeks vacation
trip. They plan to visit with rela­
tives and friends in Casper, Doug­
las and Lusk. Wyo., and Harrison.
Morrill and Scottsbluff, Neb.
• Mr. and Mrs. Frank Culp and
children have returned from a
vacation trip to Loe Angeles.
• Charlie Jandreau is visiting
with relatives and friends in Los
• Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Williams of
Eagle Point are new residents of
• Mrs. J. P. Halfhill is visiting
in Loa Angeles.
• Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Patterson
were week-end visitors at Lake
o’ the Woods
• Miss Lucille Perozzi of Eugene
spent the week-end in Ashland
• Mrs. L I. Moon is visiting with
her daughter,
Baughman, in Klamath Falls.
• Mrs. C. B. Andrews is visiting
with her daughter in San Fran­
cisco, who is taking nurse's train­
ing there.
• Lt. Kent Ashcraft, flying in­
structor at the naval air base at
Pensacola, Fla., and wife visited
in Ashland Wednesday.
• William Savin. Charles M Gif­
fen and two nieces, Marian Bell
of San Bernardino and Mary
Poore of Stockton, enjoyed a trip
' to Crater Lake Sunday.
First Methodist
Methodist Church
Church of the
Neighborhood Church
Trinity Episcopal
C. E. Huffman 65 N Main
Mr* .C. K Huffman 345 E Main
Huffman Real Estate
Catholic Church
Church of Christ
Sex-ond and B Street*
Dependable Protection at
Reasonable Ratea
Bible school 9:45 a. m. classes
for all ages. L. U. Gresham, sup­
Morning worship at 11 o’clock
Meetings of High School and
College C. E. Societies at 7 p. m.
Evening service at 8 o'clock.
Full Gospel Temple
E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd.
L. P. Furman, Pa*tor
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Morning worship 11 o'clock.
C. A service 6:45 Sunday eve­
ning. Evangelistic service to fol­
low at 7:30 o'clock.
C. A. service and choir practice
7:45 Tuesday evening.
Everybody is cordially invited
to all services.
Expert Swiss and American
watch repairing. Your watch
timed and regulated FREE ! on
our Electric Tlroe Michrometer.
Sweden bur g Bldg.
First Presbyterian
Sunday school 9:45 a. m.
Worship service at 11 a.
------------ •------------
J. Frank Hendricks, 86, a resi-
dent of Ashland for 43 years.
passed away at the Community
hospital Tuesday Funeral services
were held yesterday afternoon at
the Lltwiller Funeral Home chap­
el, and interment was in Moun­
tain View cemetery. He is surviv­
ed by his widow, a step-daughter,
Mrs J. F. Sawyer erf Ashland,
and two sisters in Missouri.
----------- •------------
Clover Leaf Dairy
• Mr and Mrs Robert Dodge
spent last week at Lake o' the
Phone «732
Southern Oregon Credit Bureau
Ashland Office
Medford Office
15'/i NO. MAIN ST.
Phone 7321
Medford Center Building
Phone 22«!
It, We Record It!
.... and what can do more towards making a house a
home than the innumerable comforts and conveniences
provided by ELECTRICITY! Proper lighting, hot water
heating, cooking and the many household appliances
which are disproving the old saying “A woman’s work
is never done.” And don’t forget the economy of elec­
tricity. See your dealer today.
Ashland Light Department
“Your SERVICE Department”