Friday, Aug. 15, 1911 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 LITHIA About People You Know! Friday and Saturday! kk REACHING FOR THE SUN ” with Joel McCrea Ellen Drew PLUS ’ ---------- WAGON --------------- TRAIN FRIDAY FREE to the Ladies! Constance Bennett COSMETICS SUN • MON • TUE • Mr and Mrs A L. Wren and sons spent the week-end at Hiatt Dam. • Mrs. Jim Elder visited last week with her parents in San Francisco. • Mr and Mrs A. H Beagle vis- ited several days in Red Bluff. Calif, last week. • Mr. and Mrs. J. C. B road y and son visited in Portland and Salem last week. • Miss Genevieve McGee has re­ turned home from an extended trip that took her to many scenic places in the United States She was accompanied by two other young ladies, teacher friends. • Sunday callers at the home of Rev and" Mrs. C. F McCall were Rev. and Mrs. I. G. Nace of Port­ land. • Miss Shirley Willard is vaca­ tioning in Yosemite National park. • Mr .and Mrs. Bill Huffman and daughter of Fort Lewis. Wash , visited several day’s with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Huffman. • Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Marion Mann Aug. 4 in Portland, a daughter. • Mr. and Mrs. Will Dodge spent their vacation in Idaho. Salt l^ake City and Yosemite. While away they attended a regional conven­ tion or district deputies of the Elks lodge which was held in Salt Lake City. • Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Rude. Miss Audrey Rude and Loren Sewell are vacationing in Vancouver, B. C. • John Daughterly is in San Francisco this week on business • Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Brown Aug. 7, a daughter. • Mrs. J. A. Pope and daughter of Boone, la. visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Yeo and i Í Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Yeo. • Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Wick and daughter of Portland visited several days at the J. R. Wick home. -------- • RACING ÂGAÏNST TIME! - Twa io»cy little shtars ra mas beat! 4 HILT NEWS a I • WED & THUR “VIVACIOUS LADY” with Continued from page 1 lovely pink and white birthday cake were served. • Mrs. Olive Allison and Mrs. Beryl Calkins spent Thursday on a fishing trip on Butte creek. • Roy Williams had sufficiently recovered from his injuries to be brought home from the Weed hospital early last week and is now able to be up and around some. • Laura Geroy, Rita Sultana, Annabelle Graves. Betty Dunaway and Jean Harris left Sunday for a week of camping and the Girl Scout camp at Lake ’o the Woods. • Mr and Mrs. Bus Cavin mo­ tored to Klamath Falls Sunday. • Roy Green left for Sacramento Wednesday. • Bob and Allan Oleson are stay­ ing at the club house for a week, visiting their father. • Orin Gossett was in Hilt Sun­ day visiting Sam Dunaway Jr. • Mr. and Mrs. Pitmo Favero drove to Weed Sunday to attend a picnic. • Ernest Dutro and Buster Nel­ son accompanied Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gran to Yreka Saturday eve­ ning. • Horton Geroy returned home Friday from the Happy Hollow dairy near Yreka where he was employed. • Mrs. J. R .Hillhouse nee Rosalie Pennington of Redding visited in Hilt recently. • Miss Donna McCullough of Klamath Falls has been visiting at the home of her _ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Gran and son Billy drove to Grenada Friday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams and son Roy and grandson Gene Watts of Chico drove to Ashland Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. W. Dutro drove to Medford Friday evening to take their dog to the veterinary. I Ginger Rogers James Stewart and “PLAY GIRL” with Kay Francis BARGAIN DAYS ADULTS 15c Z*-ZZVzZ.ZZ/Zzzz>zZ>zzZ'zi*-ZZZ Sunday, Monday and Tuesday £0S TH£ Bulletin Reveals Irrigation Needs Craters Show Power In Defeating K. Falls STRIKE UP THE BAND Mickey Rooney Judy Garland CALIFORNIA for no extra rail fare SUN GOLD BUTTER KENNETH JAMES WRAY Field, Calif. , Saturday can go EAST through KIDDIES a Dime Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at the Litwiller Funeral home for Kenneth James Wray, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Devon Wray. The baby was bom May 15, 1941 and passed away Sunday morning, Aug. 10. The mother had cared for the baby at 6 o’clock and when she went to his crib at 7.30 she found him suf­ focated. Members of the Latter Day Saints church at Medford were in charge of the services. The baby is survived by his par­ ents, grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. O N. Wray of Ashland and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dort of Hamilton ON SPORTS • Born to Mr. and Mrs Bernie Young of Bums, Aug It. a xon. < < < The baby’s mother was formerly By 1 TO1J) YOU BO Jean Claycomb. • Marian A Bell of San Bernar­ dino is visiting her uncle and wife, While looking over the current Mr .and Mrs. Charles M. Giffen issue of Tlie Ring magazine the AT „><• 1 ' i* • Mrs. Don Olton and son of other day, I.Told You So came UF DANCER AND COURAGl Eugene visited last week with Mr. across mention of Al Kanixick, ’ BEYOND BELIEF I and Mrs. Clyde Caton. former Russian ballet dancer who • Miss Celene Morgan _ visited last I was known in the wrestling world Karasick Captain llarri Shrink. world week with her parents. Mr and I at the Russian Lion. Mrs. J. R Morgan, near Rogue ¡ wrestled many bouts for Promo­ traveler and prislucer of the River. I ter Maek Lillard in Medford and film, "Beyond Bengal," appear­ • Bom to Mr. and Mrs Millard Klamath Falls and was known all ing on the l.lthla Hcrccn Friday Cyester Aug. 5, tn Glendale, Calif. I over the world for his mat ability. and Sntunhiy. ( apt. Schenck a son. I Since i/tlring from actual parti­ hum under fire on the Hurnin • Dr. Mattie Shaw is visiting her cipation a few year« ago, Kara- road less than a year agm He niece, Mrs Nell Francis Knight­ sick has been successfully pro­ has I hm ' ii renting in Vhland tills I moting in Honolulu One of his on, in Seattle. |Hist week anil will ap|>ear in • Born to Mr. and Mrs. Dean big drawing cards is Tony Morelli, IM'rson at the l.lthla to di'scribe the Mad Man frm Manhattan, who Warren Aug. 8. a son. his travels. • J. Morgan Cook, formerly em­ cut quite a swath in Medford with ployed at Fort millers store, now his smother hold. Morelli is a vil­ is employed in Vancouver. Wash lain of the flint order on the BELLVIEW NEWS • George Moore underwent an Islands an<| all other wrestlers appendectomy Saturday at the there are gunning for a victory • Mr an and greatly increased the popula­ • Mi and Mrs W E S having attended the old South tion of Honolulu. The result is were in Klq/nath Falls on business school. He was a boyhood friend need for wholesome entertainment Sunday of Fred Homes. H. C Galey and and Karasick, has answered the • Kenneth Bell who has Ixs-n CAPTAIN MARKY MUHEN«’K others who have made their houie demand by giving thq crowds the visiting his parents, Mr and Mrs —will itpiHMtr In iwroou and in Ashland for many years. very best in professional wrest- R E Bell on a 10-davx furlough • Mrs. Pearl Wardle, Marshall i ling. And at the same time he has returned Saturday to the IJS na­ tell of his thrilling adventure« Shields and two sons, Mrs Elenor I not increased his popular price val training station at San Diego. In world tnisei. Powell and Mrs. Jessie Kilgore scale which probably is the reason • Mrs. Lyle Bressler, Mrs ’Annie were Klamath Falls visitors Sun­ for his capacity houses Taylor and Bonnie Jean Bressler day. His many friends tn southern spent Friday at the A R Kincaid • Mr. and Mrs. J Webb of Lew­ I Oregon wish Karasick continued home. iston, Ida. were guests of Mr. and I success In his wrestling enter- • Ed Grimm made a business trip Mrs. C. I. J. Porter last week. to Medford Monday ------------- •— • Elmer Byrd who lx employed BROTHER OF MRS. WEAVER nt I »orris spent the week-end with KILLED IN MILL MISHAP his family • Bobby Brock from Tacoma ar­ Mrs. Charles Weaver, wife of a rived Sariifday rt<> spend several junior high school instructor here, weeks with re 1A lives in Bellview received word Friday that her and Ashland. brother, Jean Carson, had passed • W O Martin made n business away after injury in a lumber trip to Klamath Falls Tuesday mill. While working at the Bo­ • Mrs Mark True spent Tuesday hemia Lumber company mill he with her father. H I. Gregory. o* was caught in a belt and injured Central Point so badly that he died soon after • Miss Faith Knight of Talent at a hospital in Eugene. ------------ •------------- spent several days last week with Miss Barbara Warren SOCIETY MEETS AT PARK • Mrs W E Siebert and Barbara The Christian Missionary soci­ Warren were In Medford on bust ety met W’ednesday at Lithia nexs Wednesday of last work park. After a covered dish lunch­ • Earl Hamilton left Monday for eon a business session and pro­ a business trip to Crescent City gram hour were in charge of Mrs. Tony Morelli, who I» going good and other coast cities T L. O’Harra. Reports on the in Hawaiian wrestling circle«. • Edith Turnbull who Is staving Turner convention were given by with her sister. Mrs Harold Bohn, Mrs. Earl Rogers, Mrs Charles spent the week-end with her mo­ Blake, Mrs. Ed Gettling and Mrs ther. Mrs Buck Helm, in Ashland. C. O .Holman. * • Pearl Henrv is unending a few — •------- Irrigation requirements of crops days this week with Bettv Dnllv grown in various sections of Ore­ at the Daily mill on the Dead gon range from a mini »till in of Indian of • The mattress and comforter about 18 inches a year In i ntost Led by Dutch Leiber’s ftne the western and couthero counties government protect was complete-* pitching and 15 hits the Medford to a maximum of 84 inches a year Friday Thirtv-xix mattresses end Craters trounced Klamath Falls in some of the sandy soils of east­ 36 comforters were made Mrs THEY SING: 14 to 7 in an Oregon State league ern Oregon, according to a new Carl Henrv wax In cAmnlrte game at Klamath Falls Sunday bulletin,' "Irrigation Requirement char«v of the work and deserves “OUR LOVE afternoon. The win put the Crat­ of Arable Oregon Sods," just is­ a lot of credit for Jhe Mme she AFFAIR” ers in a tie with Silverton for first sued by the experiment station I donated All those taking advan­ • »t*«r Ul, place. In spite of doubles by The bulletin summarizes exist­ tage of the protect were wel* Wray, Sauer and Leiber, the Cra­ ing data from most sections of the pleased with the results ters lost the Saturday night state, even .though in some cases A Mr and Mv*. Carl Henrv and king’s-x game 8 to 4. the information may be incom­ family were dinner guests Sunday In other state league clashes. plete pending further research. of Mr and Mr.s Charles Whitnhrr Silverton stopped Toledo 11 to 1 One section of the bulltin deals at Butte Falls The Whitcher f«m and Bend whipped Albany by the with irrigation requirements of llv are former BMIview residents same score Hills Creek took the I Willamette valley soils, in which having moved to Butte Falls measure of Eugene 7 to 5. region the farmers of western Or­ about a vear ago In the Southern Oregon league egon have led the country in adap­ A Mr and Mrs Fred R Nichol.« 11 Medford, Grants Pass and Cres­ tation of the sprinkler method for and danehter from Klamnth Fa'*« cent City, the only three teams supplemental irrigation of inten­ Mr. and Mrs Robert Nichols and with entered, found themselves all in sive crops. babv from Grants Pass and Mr a tie for first place as a resqJt of A four-year study of irrigation and Mrs Darrell Nichols from the Crescent Chty Merchants’Yi to efficiency is reported on showing Wolf Creek wet-^f dinner greats 2 win over the Rogues at Crescent that findings have already been of Mr and Mrs Jim Tucker Sun­ City Sunday. With ex-Crater Bob used in some cases in streamlining day. The Nichols boys are sons of Fox on the mound, the Rogues pumping plants and distribution Mrs. Tuckep. o took an 11 to 2 win over Grants systems. The experiment .station ------- •_---------- Pass in a Saturday night exhibi- began its Willamette valley irri­ SYKES ICFJ KIVES SAW YER M>H E tion affair at Medford. gation studies 32 years ago When RADIO DIPLOMA ---------------------------- Miss Alice Sawyer, daughter of practically no farms had irriga­ Wayne E Sykes, son of Mrs. Mr and Mrs I J Sawyer, for­ • Mr. and Mrs Wyatt Padgett tion systems. Now some 50.000 went to Crater Lake Sunday. acres are irrigated in that region., Grace G. Sykes of Ashland, was merly of Ashland, tend David A. one of a class of radio men receiv­ Lowe Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs --------- —♦--------- — • ing diplomas at Scott Field ¿east of D. Arthur Izowe of Seattle were TALENT NEWS St. Louis last week. ’ married at the First Christian After having completed the reg­ church in Salem Aug. 2 Follow­ (Continued from page 1) ular 22-week radio operators’ and ing the ceremony a reception wax run’s mother. , . mechanics' course, the men are held for the relatives After a • Mr. and Mrs Andy Carrol and qualified for active duty with any wedding trip to British Columbia family of near Trail called‘in Tal­ army air corps in the United the couple will live in Seattle ent Sunday evçning. Mr. Carrol States or her possessions. I , i where Mr. Lowe is employed. and daughter Esther remained and will work in pear harvest. • Harold Thompson who is em­ ployed at Silverton at a lumber camp, spent the week-end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson. • Mr. and Mrs. Bert Cook and Mrs. King of Ashland and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Parks of Talent spent Sunday with KJr. and Mrs. Victor . Milbum on Thompson creek. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith and small daughter of Ashland called » on relatives hère Sunday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Forest Jennings moved from the Golden property into the Thompson house across from the Bchool house. * • Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Baker of Whittier, Calif purchased the ranch of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fox on Anderson creek Mr. Baker plans Fast, air-conditioned train* all on building a new log house as the way including streamliner* one of extensive improvements to and coach-tourist economy trains. the ranch. The Foxes purchased the property belonging to Mrs. | Lizzy Wagamot. Mrs Wagamot has lived on the place for the past 35 years. The Friendly Southern Pacific • Mr. and Mrs. L Putma of Ne- See local S.P agent or write J. A. braska, who are camped on the ORMANDY, Gen. Pass. A Kt nt. 622 property of Sam Hamilton, re- Pacific Building, Portland, Oiegon turned home Monday from a twt) For home delivery, Phone «701 weeks trip in Washington and J northern Oregon. I SAWMSAMW IS REALLY GRADE A If you’re planning a trip East and back this year, just remem­ ber that Southern Pacific round­ trip tickets take you Eati through California for not lc extra rail fare to most destinations. Add San Francisco, Los Angeles and *nany other cities to your trip at no additional ticket co*t. S« Churned from choice cream produced in the Ashland area. Ask your grocer for Sun («old Butter today! ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO.