Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, August 15, 1941, Image 1

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    Some Ashland merchants »till
think thut "white elephant" means
a mammal of uncommon color
ami in no wise connected with
slow moving merchandise.
Volume X
Number 33
To t>e optimistic Jackson coun­
ty citizens may now think the
reason for removing the (N't!
headquarters is to make room for
the cantonment.
e y /
Tiie request for chamber of
commerce support from the city
doesn't seem so out of place when
considering that the work of a
progressive chamber la a i»eneflt
io all residents
e e e
On a week-end trip to the coast
we stopp'-d at Charleston to see.
ex-editor Hall, but as might have
been expected, Hall wax far out
in the Pacific trying for his share
of the precious tuna
T»> the Editor:
According to Noah Webster,
white elephants arc rare and are
venerated in India, Ceylon, Siam
and Burma In the USA a white
elephant 1s an embarrassing pos­
session and hard to dispose of
Local merchants are offering un­
usual bargains this week-end to
"ivory-hunters" In order to get
rid of "elephants" on their hands
r f 1
The cost of living was less in
the old days because a man didn't
have to scrap all his possessions
every year with the Introduction
of new models
f 1 1
Contrary to what most persons
think, the farm la not the safest
place to work Statistics of thr
National Safi tv Council show that
farm accidents last year took
4 500 lives
Mothers who scold little Ijoys
for carrying crazy things in their
|M>ckcts should look in their own
Exnlorer on Stage
At Local Theatre
('apt Harry Schenck of Holly-
world traveler and film pro­
ducer, is appearing at the IJthla
Friday and Saturday in connec­
tion with the showing of his film
of scientific exploration. "Beyond
Bengal." Captain Schenck will ap­
pear in person at each show
The film took the captain and
safari of 1000 men deep into the
Malayan jungles for nine and a
half months A prince from the
court of Klam and a rajah of Per­
ak made the journey and appear
in the film Also appearing In the
picture is the sultan of Perak
who. Captain Schenck explains,
will dispel all previously conceived
opinions of what a sultan should
look and act like
w > mm 1,
Double Guilt Brings
Angler Heavv Fine
Ashland and adjacent trade
area will huve an opportunity for
some real and exceptional bar­
gains here this week-end. IxM'al
merchants are staging what Is
hoped to I m - the first annual
"White Elephant Sale" Friday
and Saturday, Aug 15 and 1«
With nt ¡east half ii hundred
business concerns actively parti­
cipating, the affair is being stag­
ed under the ausfrices of thr retail
merchants committer of the Ash­
land chamber of commerce Henry
Metx, chairman, has stated that
from present indications, the re­
sults should be entirely success­
White elephants are to I m - sten­
ciled on the windows of the par­
ticipating firms in plenty of time
for the opening of the saie Fri
day Stores with the white ele­
phants can be identified ax par­
ticipating in thr sale
The Varsity theatre is offering
a flve-cent matinee on Saturday i
aftem<M>n for all youngsters under
12 vears of age.
Business concerns listed as co­
operating are MAN Food store;
What-Not store; J V W store;
Ramsey Jewelry store; Selby
Chevrolet; Fortmiller's; Jordan
Safeway; Elhart's; Hardy's Hartl-
ware; Groceteria; Whitehouse.
Betty Jane Dress Shop; Icenhow-
er's Second Hand store; Provost
Hardware; Ingle Drug; Wick
Furniture; Bushnell Studio; Broa-
dy Drug. .1 (’ Penney Co ; South­
ern Oregon Miner; iiaily Tidings;
Jordan's Sporting Gotxls, Stevens
Market; Ilodge Furniture store
Drive-In Market; Allin Lumber
Co ; Western Auto; Metz store:
Reed-Young Texaco;
grocery; Claycomb Motors; Bearr
Motors; Ashland larundry; Marl-
den's Tire Shop; Crosby Texaco;
Ix-ever Motors; Westside grocery;
Kerr's Mnrket; Plaza grocery;
IJIIy grocery; Plaza Market;
Mtxire's Bazaar; l>augherty gro­
cery; Cook's Reception; McNair
Drugs: Plaza Trade Shop; Jones
Jewelry, and Idninger's Hardware
Second Plairne Death
In Siskiyou County
The second death from sylvatic
plague in Siskiyou countv. Calif
within the past two months was
reported last week when the death
of a five-year old child in the Mt-
Shaxta community wax definitely
determined ax resulting from the
Dr Karl Meyer, a recognized
authority on bubonic plngue, con­
ferred several days with physi­
cians of the county relative to the
disease and precautions to be tak­
en by the public. Dr Meyer said
that the sylvatic plague is not of
the epidemic type and that it dif­
fers from bubonic plague in that
the latter is transmitted by rats
while the former pertains to in­
fection from squirrels, chipmunks
and other forest animals.
Since the first death, a state
laboratory crew of two trucks
and 10 men has been doing eradi­
cation work in the county
Lester Vaughn, Chiloquin ang­
ler, was fined $50 and costs In
justice court this week when he
was found guilty of having both
exceeded the bag limit and of
¡HMUM-aaing undersize fish
Other recent cases coming be­
fore the justice court were:
Percy Clifford Shutt, 45-year-
old local war veteran, guilty of
disorderly conduct and fined $10
and costs with a 90-day jail
Ix’wis Byron Ansted, Medford,
found guilty of failure to ston at
an Intersection .forfeited $5 50
lAwrence Ellis Knight of Kla­ • George Pheifer and son Jack
math Falta received a fine of $25 ' spent Sunday at their ranch near
and costs on a charge of reckless Trail.
• Mr and Mrs Eddie Jones and
Chester L. Miracle, guilty of family of Central Point were call­
passing on the wrong side of traf­ ing in Talent Monday afternoon.
fic. was fined $1 and costs
• Mrs. Helen Higgins and her
Harvey Albert Thayer, Talent, mother. Mrs. Grant, arrived from
received a fine of $1 and costs Bozeman. Mont where Mrs Hig­
for driving without a tai) light.
gins has been visiting for the past
- -•------------
several weeks Mrs. Grant will re­
main in Talent for awhile.
Miss Harriett Hill, vocal in­ • Earlene Withrow, former Tal­
structor at the local Junior and ent girl and Earnest Aikens were
senior high schools, and John married in Reno last Thursday.
Koehler, art instructor at the Earlene attended the Talent school
same schools, were married at and is a daughter of Mr and Mrs.
Aberdeen, 8 D. Aug. 3 Both Mr. Earl Withrow. They will make
and Mrs. Koehler will continue their home in Reno
their teaching in the Ashland • Mr. and Mrs .Lyle Tame of
schools this year. They will make Dead Indian were business callers
their home at 44« Allison street. in Talent Saturday evening.
• Mrs R L. Dusenberry of Coos • At the last meeting of Talent
River visited several «lays with grange, held Thursday night,
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lay.
member« of the Junior Accordion
band, all under 10 years of age,
r-------------------------------- - 1 under
direction of Mrs Eve Pren-
, tice of Medford, played several
group solo numbers. The grange
and Companion
will hold its annual picnic at Hel­
Are Invited to Be Guests of the
man's Raths Sunday, Aug. 17. Y.
Southern Oregon Miner G. A held its swimming party at
Twin Plunges Wednesday follow­
To See Their Choice of
ed by a wiener roast in the nark.
the Following
Mrs Chase Gardner was hostess
to the Home Economics club on
Varsity Theater
, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. W
Robison and Mr. and Mrs. Alva
! Smith are on the hospitality com-
(Friday and Saturday)
I mit tee for next meeting.
• Mr. and Mrs William Rsrrv,
of Mr. and Mrs. Jason Ot­
tinger for the past week, return­
ed to their home in San Francisco
(Sunday, Monday, Tuesday)
• Mr. and Mrs. Llovd Cochran
and son Keith of Eugene are vis­
iting at the home of Mr and Mr».
Please Can at The Miner Office | Roy Estes and other relatives this
for Tour Guest Tickets
week. Mrs. Estes is Mrs. Coch-
.----------------------------------------------------------- 1
Juvenile Star Joins
i In Fun at Park
( Continued on page 8)
Ax bland youngsters playing
at Lithia park playground
romping about with a real
movie »tar ax a playmate, for
joining In their fun wax Bob»
Watson, 11, who played the
j»art of Peewee in the film
""Men of Boys" Town.”
Hix parent», Mr. and Mrs.
J. Cxjy Matson of Hollywood,
were visiting the I. R. Fride-
ger family here, Mr. Watson
and Mr. Frideger being old
friends. After lunch Monday
Bobs accompanied Miss Doro­
thy Frideger, playground sup­
ervisor, to the park where he
proved himself to be n “rfg-
ular feller” as he romped
about with his Icxal play­
After their stop here, the
Watsons visited with Mrs.
Watson's sister in Phoenix,
Ore., and continued on to
Portland on a vacation trip.
Further information has been
revealed this week by Supt. Theo
J. Norby in regard to the proposed
building project for a new Wash­
ington school, which should help
clarify the issue before the Aug.
28 vote on the $90,000 bond issue.
As was announced last week,
this proposed project came after
considerable study of the inade­
quacies of the present structure
and the feasibility of remodeling.
After this study, the board voted
4-1 in favor of a new building.
Voting for the project were Etta
Schilling, Frank Van Dyke, R. I.
Flaharty and Lloyd Selby. The
dissenting vote was that of Frank
In answer to the question of the
need of a new building, Norby
states that parts of the building
have been declared unsafe by an
architect. This is said to be par­
ticularly true of the second floor
which can be used only in a lim­
ited way. Furthermore it is said
to be inadequate educationally be­
cause of the lack of facilities for
Assistance in carrying out the a well rounded educational pro­
activities of the local chamber of 1 gram.
commerce will be requested of the
In answer to questions as to
City of Ashland, according to the 1 the financing of the project Norby
action of the chamber's directorial states that because of the present
board this week.
favorable bond market, now is a
Prsident R. I. Flaharty request­ particularly opportune time to
ed that the chamber finance com­ build and that the board has
mittee meet with the finance com­ worked out a plan whereby there
mittee of the city council in seek­ will be no appreciable increase in
ing an annua] sum of $1200 to taxes. According to a condensed
make up the tentative budget of statement from the office of the
$4,500. It was indicated that if county treasurer, the district now
this amount could be secured, the has a net bonded indebtedness of
chamber itself, through present $31,398.24 .which will be paid off
county assistance, an increase in in four years. The plan of the
the basic dues rate and a supple­ board is to pay interest on the
mentary budget fund, could make new bonds until the old have ex­
up the difference.
pired then payment of the new
Flaharty called attention to the bonds will commence at the same
expansion expected throughout tax level. The payment of the in­
this area in both a military and a terest for additional bonds would
commercial nature. Although no­ increase the tax levy by one mill.
thing definite or official was giv­ For instance, a $25 tax would be
en. it has been felt that the can­ increased by 50c or a $50 tax
tonment hinges on national legis­ would increase $1.
lation increasing the army and
Some Inquiries have been made
local officials now expect word concerning
a definite building pro­
within a short time.
but it has been pointed out
which hold the fish back from
Of the members answering the gram,
their spawning grounds.
questionnaire dealing with in­ that detailed plans would incur
"Spring fires strike pheasants creasing the basic rate, the major­ prohibitive expense whereas the
present architect's fees for the
and other game birds on the ity expressed approval of the plan. structural report on the present
The chamber of commerce also building and tentative plans for a
ground in their nesting season
Often the mother as well as the will make formal request that new project will be under $200.
eggs or young birds is destroyed. 1 Ashland be included in the desig-
The board desires that all vot­
Deer die in every sizable forest ' nated defense housing area, if
ers consider the factors involved
fire. So do elk and bear. It is and when the cantonment con­ and
suggests that any group or
believed that they become con­ I struction is authorized. Bob Ingle,
desiring further infor­
fused by smoke, flame and heat, Senator George Dunn. Dr. R. E. , individual
as horses do in burning stables, Poston and Manager Dean Pieper . mation may contact the superin­
were named as a committee to tendent's office.
and are then easy prey to fire.
"The forest fire is the great study local housing problems.
killer of young wild life—fish,
game and trees. All values of Ore­ ENTERTAIN AT BREAKFAST
I gon's outdoors go up in forest-fire
Mrs. Verne Cary and Mrs. Mrs.
smoke, not only existing values Earl Fraley entertained at a gar­
Members of the Ashland Lions
but those of the future. Fire den breakfast Wednesday morn­ club entertained their wives at the
leaves nothing but death and des­ ing of last week. Guests included club's annual picnic held at the
olation in the forest.
Litwiller, golf club house Tuesday evening.
"I appeal to all sportsmen to Fred Engle. Lawrence Coder. C. Between 40 and 50 were present
help the state forest wardens L. Bergstrom, Eric Weren, Paul for a good time and good eats.
Byers, C. E. Pratt, Homer Elhart,
The committee in charge of ar­
C. H. Putney. Charles White, G. rangements included Earl Leever,
A. Briscoe, G. W. Bruce. Ralph chairman, R. E. Poston and Rob­
Billings. Homer Billings. J. Q. ert Lee.
George Goswick ably
Adams, Walter Herndon, R. L. provided the picnic lunch for the
Crosby, Allen McGee. Frank Da­ group.
Camp La-o-wo. Ashland's sum­ vis. Henry Newton, all of Ash­
mer camp for girls, will convene land. and Miss Gertrude Engle of LOS ANGELES BISHOP
for its 14 th consecutive year at Richmond, Calif.; Mrs. Ocean Pel- VISITS LOCAL CHURCH
I^ake o' the Woods Aug 24-31. lett-Sherman of Los Angeles, and
Bishop Stevens of Los Angeles,
Registration should be made soon Mrs. Sydney W. Hall of Gresham. accompanied
by Mrs. Stevens and
------------ •------------
at the chamber of commerce. The
Miss Ruth Jenkins, daughter of
fee is $4.50 for Camp Fire girl HILT NEWS
the bishop of Nevada, attended
members and $7 for other girls.
communion at Trinity Epis­
Before the girls will be admit-' • Miss Barbara Roush was host­ early
church in Ashland Sunday.
ted to camp, they must pass a ess at a get-together party Wed­
party was on a vacation
physical examination. Girls wish­ nesday afternoon. Chinese check­
ing to go should report at Dr. ers were played with the prize be­ trip and visited Crater Lake and
Crandall's office Thursday after­ ing won by MaEmma Geroy. other scenic spots of Oregon.
noon, Aug. 21. for their free ex­ Those attending were Misses Mar­
jorie Mendes, Audrey Walker, SCHOOL STARTS SEPT. 8
School Supt. Theo J. Norby has
Miss Eleanor Coombe, former Phyllis Alphonse, MaEmma Ge­
instructor of physical education in roy. Josephine Roush and Mrs announced that the public schools
the Ashland public schools, is the William Roush. Root beer, candy, of Ashland will start Monday,
ci nip director. She will be assist­ ice cream and cake were served Sept. 8.
ed by competent counselors, ap­ for refreshments.
proximately one for every six • Mrs. George Wright is visiting
girls. She also is bringing a swim­ | in Santa Anna and Long Beach.
ming instructor from the Univer­ • Mrs. Don Rosecrans was host­
sity of Washington to have charge ess July 29 at a birthday party
of the water front. Mrs. C. L. Ber- for her daughter Donna who is
Q. Where should I keep my
ninghausen of Ashland will be the now three years old. The party
Defense Savings Bonds?
was given at the home of Mrs.
camp cook.
A. In a safe place, because
Camp activities will be varied, Kenneth Nelson.
Games were
they have value which con­
including water sports, camp played with high prize being won
stantly increases. If you wish,
craft, nature lore, handicraft, by Wilma Brown Those attending
the Treasury Department or
sports, library facilities and other i were Doris Wall,. David Franklin.
any Federal Reserve Bank will
special activities.
Lillian Franklin, Howard. Delbert
hold them in safe keeping for
To keep everyone in fine physi­ and Arnold Nelson, Dougis New- you without charge, giving you
cal condition, there will be plenty ' man, Mike Purvis, Ricky and
a receipt.
of sleep, a rest period each after­ Michael Pianka, Vallee and Jim-
Q. Does an album filled with
noon and wholesome, well-balanc­ my Goldenpenny, Kenneth Vin-
Stamps automatically become
ed meals.
cent, Chery! Smith, Patty Hender­ a Bond that will pay interest
--------- e_--------
son. Shirley Black. Mary and Wil­ and mature in 10 years?
• Mrs. W. G. Sander of Ashland ma Brown. Diane Ward, Ruth and
A. No. The completed album
Floral shop was ill several days Donna Rosecrans. and Barbara
must be exchanged for a Bond.
Jean Hawes of Long Beach. Calif .
this week.
Regardless of the amount of
• Bom to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. and Vonnie Tepovac of Gold Hill.
money you have invested in
Ore. Mothers present included
Lootens Aug. 3, a sop.
Stamps, they will not bear in­
• Bom to Mr ana Mrs John Mesdames Jo Goldenpenny, Vir­
terest until they are in the
Hanscam July 31, a daughter.
ginia Pianka, Tris Smith. Richard
form af a Bond or Bonds.
• Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown of Vincent, Opal Ward, May Nelson
NOTE. To buy Defense Bonds
Corvallis visited several days with and Marv Rosecrans Donna
and Stamps, go to the near­
Mr and Mrs. R T. Crosby.
the recipient of many lovely gifts
est post office, bank, or sav­
• Ben Balis received word that from those who enjoyed her party
and loan association; or
his brother, Newton B. Balis of
write to the Treasurer of the
Oakland, was struck by an auto­ unable to attend. Each little guest
United States, Washington,
received a party favor and deli­
mobile and killed Tuesday.
D. C., for a mail order form.
• Miss Camille Clemenson spent cious refreshments including a
-- •---
Forester Says Fire Is Great
Killer Of Young Wild Life
SALEM Aug 13- The sight of
streams covered with forest-fire
ash in which trout and salmon lie
belly-up is only too common to
state forestry department war­
dens, N. S. Rogers, state forester,
declares in a plea to Oregon re-
“When trees bum, fish bum,”
says Forester Rogers. “I suggest
that every man and woman who
goes into our woods to enjoy the
wonderful sport of rod and line re-
■ * • t hew five wotds every time
a match is struck The fish die
from streamside forest fires be­
MUM their stomachs get filled
with ashes. Often trout have been
seen to strike at live coals the
moment they touch the water.
They die instantly and in large
numbers Salmon-run streams are
frequently jammed with burned-
down snags and other debris
A visit through the E. T. New-
bry and Son packing plant at
Phoenix was an interesting event
as well as an enlightening one to
the writer.
The large and newly remodeled
plant is now packing approxi­
mately 2000 boxes of Bartlett
pears daily The plant is employ­
ing 60 people and will continue at
this rate for about 15 or 20 days,
according to Mr. Newbry.
In the box department 175 kegs
of nails are used each season.
About $1200 wax spent this sea­
son for modern machinery, the
installation of which makes this
one of the most compact and ef­
ficient plants in the state.
Some idea of the magnitude of
the Rogue River valley pear crop
may be gained when one under­
stands that the large output of
the Newbry plant is mainly from
their own orchards of 250 acres.
‘ Last year,” said Newbry, “we
shipped 35 cars of pears to one
firm alone in New York."
This of course was only a small
part of the output At the present
time about one-half the run is be­
ing shipped to Del Monte canner­
ies Tons of fruit that housewives
in the intermountain states would
eagerly buy at top prices are cull­
ed out daily.
Until the European squabble.
Newbry enjoyed a fine export
trade. His trade mark. "Nuf Sed,”
picturing a large polar bear and
ice floe is known in Asia or more
accurately now—the eastern as
well as the western hemisphere.
------------ •------------
• Miss Jean Billings, who h«d
been employed at the Universitv
of Oregon at Eugene, has gone to
a secretarial position in Sre
Francisco. She visited here last
week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Billings.
----- •-----
Camp La-o-wo Dates
Set for Aug. 24-31
several days in San Francisco.
(Continued on Page 8)
------- •-------
Lions Entertain
At Annual Picnic