Friday, Aug. 8, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 5 About People You Know Q Mrs R i -I hi Ki-lsi-y of Klumilth F'nlls bus moved to Ashland and will establish her home heie •> S Mol-arm of Alaska in a gui-st of hln brother, M J. Mil .ar VII. • M ih Elmer Itolx itnon of Yii-ku I n h new resident of Ashliuid • Mr und M ih <■ W Thornton buve returned from a vacation trip in northern California. • Russell Webber of Prowjiect was a week end visitor at the Gary Newton home • MI hh Florence Allen, Miss Edith itork and MI hh AII ii Norcross have left for a vacation trip Into Cun HILT NEWS Mrs. Carmen Curves Honoree at Shower • Mei Carmen Ihirvi-s was guest of honor at a surprise layette shower Thursday evening at the home of M in Diamond Newman who was assisted by Mrs Earl Wall The guests who attended were Mesdames Tom Callahan of Ashland, mother of Mrs. Purves, M ih Is>n Caliahand of Ashland, sister-in-law. Bert Mitchell, iMin- ovan Ward. Frank Bernheisel, and daughter Curmen, Clinton Cobb, Kenneth Nelson, Ray Vieira, Harry Newman of Ashland. Roy Clevenger, Iris Smith. Waller Pi- anka and hoiih Eric and Michael, Wade Risip, Olive Allison, Ran­ some Smith. Tony Mendes. Don RoHccrans. Bill Gran and Harold 1 Hinge, and Miss Rose Souza of Sacramento, cousin and guest of Ray Vieira, MI m Mai y F M onion and Miss Bitty Stewart All enjoyed a very pleasant eve­ ning sewing und visiting. Mrs Purves received many lovely gifts from those attending and also from a number who were unable to attend Refreahmens of ice cream, cookies, lemonade and cof­ fee were served by the host esses, Mrs Newman and Mrs Wall • Ivan Black was brought home from the Weed hospital Thursday and is rapidly improving • Mr and Mis Andy Vieira and daughters Dds and June drove to Weed Sunday. • Mr ami Mrs W Gran and son Billy and Ikie Geroy attended the show in Ashland Sunday after­ noon. • Mr and Mrs Joe George of Hornbrook were in Hilt Sunday • Alfie,I "Tuffv F..o.<-;. two of his friends from camp at Fort Ord were calling on friends in IBIt late last week. aila • M ih l> M Browci I h visiting with her daughter, M ih William Hobbs In Albany • Boh (¡ale spent the week-end in Klmniith Falls • MI hh Jean Fridegcr han return­ ed home from a visit with friend* in Salem, Eugene and Portland. • dale Adams. who | h collated In the navy, la visiting with Ashland relatives and friends • Mr and Mix M ’I’ Buini purchased the residence of Ber­ nice Cusick which I n located at 211 Van Nena avenue • Mi hihi M ih Ksnnsth Bums and Gloria of liunNinuir visited in AHhland Sunday and Monday • M i and m i ■ Ddwin i ■ Fl k I «nd children of Seattle spent the week-end with Mrs. Iiii.ii and daughU i Mary Thclrkom. of Alhambra. Calif are visiting with the for­ mer’s daughter, Mrs It E. Ste-1 vens • M im Spnretom of Bonanza Miss Hazel Bruner, Miss Grace Lytle, MI hh Alice Lytle und Mias Cora Mason left for a two weckH vacation trip to Glacier National Park and other points of intrrewt in the northwest • W M osch of the Boutlwm Ora gon Credit Bureau left Wednes­ day of thia week for the Commun­ ity hospital in Medfont whirr he underwent a minor operation Carl Brommer of Mrdford will hnve charge of the local office during Moses' absence • It E BtSVSni of St.-Venn Glass Works .who suffered u broken leg some time ago while working, is now able to be at his office • Mrs F II Gaulke who was a guest at the home of Dr and Mrs C 0 imnhiio'. f"i two weeks re turned to her home at Hillcrest east of Portland Wednesday. Mrs Dunham and Mrs () G Crawford accompanied her for a short visit • Bom to Mr and Mra C O'lx-ary July 31, a daughter • Mr and Mrs W D Tuter of MacDoel, Calif spent the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J Chipman. • Mr and Mrs b e Craig re turned last week from California where their visit was shortened by the Illness of Mrs Craig who is Improving at the present time • Mr and Mrs Donald C Wright and children are visiting with Mr. Wright’s father. Wirt M Wright After a trip to Corvallis they will return here for another visit be-, fore going to their home in San Luts Obispo where Mr. Wright is an instructor in the junior high school. • Mr and Mrs Bill Snider were business visitors In Yreka Mon­ day. • Born to Mr and Mrs. R C Temple Aug 5, a son • Miss Ethel < 1st f Minne­ sota is viMting her uncle. Hiram Osterman • Mrs. Will Graef and daughter ited Mr. and Mrs Will Bates Sunday. They plan on leaving • Harry Withrow spent s»veral soon for Hawaii where Mr. Bates days last week vacationing at is employed. • Ml and Mra Inn Aldrige of l^ike o' the Woods Myrtle Creek called on old ac­ • Mrs Thressa Roberts and Mrs. quaintances here Monday. They Fred Hodapp arrived Saturday were former Talent residents. morning from Casa Grande. Ariz They plan on locating in the val- , ley. • H A Autry of Empire is con­ ducting services at the Baptist Expert Swiss and American church this week. watch repairing. Your watch • Roy Coffman met with the timed and regulated FREE on misfortune of falling from a scaf­ our Electric Time .Vlichrometer. fold while working on his house and injuring his ankle and is con­ fined to his home. • Ruth f*urdue returned home Monday from a two weeks visit with relatives In Klarnath Falls Sweden burg Bldg. /Ashland • A reception was held at the Methixlist church Wednesday eve- I ning to welcome Rev. and Mrs Astleford. A covered divh dinner AUTOMOBILE - FIRE was served at 7 o'clock, followed CASI ALTY - LIFE by a program. Marjorie Yarnell, > Marille Thorson and Patsy Sim-1 mons entertainned with accordion music. Other musical numbers De¡M-ndatile Protection at were accompanied by Mrs Frink Reasonable Rates at the piano • Mr. and Mrs Elton Shafer of the western part of the state ar­ rived here Friday to visit Mrs. ON THE PLAZA Elizabeth Learning and family. Mrs. Shafer is a «laughter of Mrs. Ix-aming The Shafers will work , in the fruit harvest. • Mr. and Mrs. Al Sherard mov- ed Tuesday into their home vacat- ed by Mr. and Mrs. M Hlce. The Sherard* have been residing at the home of their daughter. Mrs Ray Ix-wis, for the past three months Unbeatable Mrs Sherard. who has been very Pair 11!, Is able to be in a wheel chair now. • Mr and Mrs. Elmer Cook are having their house reshingled this week. Try Our Milk and Cream • Mrs. Vic Mason who underwent a mapor operation recently is re­ AN ASHLAND PRODI CT covering rapidly and will be home this week. • Mr and Mrs. Bob Lzigan an­ nounce the birth of a granddaugh­ ter, bom to Mr and Mrs Harold TALENT NEVIS WATCH REPAIRING Bible school 9 45 a. m. classes for ull ages. L. U. Gresham, sup- erlntendent. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. Meetings of High School and Colle, <■ C. E Societies at 7 p. in. Evening service at 8 o'clock. e Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. ('lande F. Nayre, Vicar M hhh at 8 a. m. Sunday. First Baptist Church >L R. 'I urnbull. Minister Bible school 9:45 a. m. C. E Coiry, superintendent. Morning worship 11 o'clock Sunday, 8 p. m , church service. Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer praise and Bible study • Holy Communion 8 a m. Church school 9:30 a. rn. Sermon and morning [»rayer 11 a m. You are cordially invited to worship with us. • First .Methodist Church ( or. N. Main arid Iunirei Sts. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister ■■■ ■— I III — ■■■ . II I Mil Church of the Nazarene Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Courtli and C .Streets Church school 9 45 a m. « Morning worship 11 o'clock. Meetings of Juniors, Young Peo­ ple and Adults by department*, 7 p, m Evangelistic service 8 p. m. in charge of the young people. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:45 p. m. Choir practice at 8:45. • Sunday church school meets at 9:45 a m. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock with D D. Randall, Amer­ ican Sunday school missionary for southern Oregon counties, giving the message. Methodist Youth Fellowship will meet at 7 p. in. for worship. Boulevard and Morton Streets The union service will ire at the Clarence F. McCall, Minister Methodist church at 8 o'clock with Rev James B. Murray of Bible school 9:45 a. m., Mrs. WestwiMMl. Calif gui-nt minister Glenn Prescott, superintendent at the Presbyterian church. Worship service 11 a m. Ber­ preaching. mon subject, "A Key to the Scriptures.'■ Union services at 8 p. m. in the Methodist church. Rev James B. Murray of Westwood, Calif, will pieach. Neighborhood Church Congregational Free Methodist C hurch East Main Street John It. Port, Pastor RAMSEY’S JEWELRY STORE I N S U R A N C E M. T. BURNS Clover Leaf Dairy Phone 6732 Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Sadie Simpson, superintendent, in charge. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Junior meeting and Young Peo­ ple's meeting at 7 p. m. Evening worship at 8 o'clock. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ nesday evening at 8 o'clock. You are welcome to all services. • *** PROTECT Full Gospel Temple E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. 1- P. Furman, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ with Mrs J P Wolff ning Evangelistic sendee to fol­ • Miss Carrie Mae Smith left low at 7:30 o’clock. Friday for Portland where she C. A. service and choir practice will visit with relatives for sev­ 7:45 Tuesday evening. eral days before continuing her Bverybody Is coraiaUy invited vacation elsewhere. to all services. • Mrs Lenora Crow of Albany, —•------------ who has been visiting at the home of J F Emmett, has left for Sac­ ramento by way of Air Unes • Mn Ivan OiVM of Sin ' and Mrs. Leonard Sherman and daughter of Loa Anrrles are Sunday school 9:45 a. m. guests of Mrs. Alice Willits. Worship service at 11 a. m. Rev. James B Murray of Wcst- wimx I, Calif, will give the sermon at 11 a. m. • • Miss Etta Johnson of Medford has moved to Ashland. • Mr. and Mrs Don Evans of Kla­ math Falls visited Tuesday with Mr and Mrs C. E. Home • Rev. L P Furman has gone to Lebanon on business. • Mrs Alice Murray of Eugi-m- is a guest of her brother, Wilbur Bushnell. of Eon i>u Lac Wis are visiting First Presbyterian Church That “stitch in time TELEPHONE MEN hold to the policy that it’s never too much trou­ ble to look for trouble. Usually they find it Boys’ clui» of St. George'*/riplM-upal to youth of all faith*, fun, hobbles, manual skills, as part of prac- tical social service program. Sloper of Prospect Mrs Sloper is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Logan. • Miss Patsy Leep of Portland, Fourth and B Streets who visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Try­ Rev. Shearbtim, Pastor on a few days last week, returned to her home accompanied by Mrs. Sunday school 10 a. m. H. O. Tryon who will visit relatives Butterfield, superintendent. there for a couple of weeks. Morning worship 11 a. m. • Mrs. Royal Bates and daugh­ Young People's meeting, 6:30 ters Veda Rae and Barbara and p. m. son Bobby of Klamath Falls vis- Evangelistic sendee 7:45 p. m. Week night sendees Tuesday / and Friday evenings at 7:45. REAL ESTATE Prayer meeting precedes these TWO OFFICES two services. Young people in a E. Huffman 65 ____ N ______ Main charge of Tuesday sendee. Foursquare Church —•------------ • Mr. and Mrs IJoyd Selby and son enjoyed a week's vacation in Boise, Ida. Why CRIPPLE YOUR PAY ENVELOPE? YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD HERE! before it finds them—-a broken Get Goodrich tires, a radio, scat covers or ti battery NOW* Pay for them later. Our credit plan nuikes it easy to buy—our terms make it easy to pay. insulator—a worn part—a hun­ COME IN TODAY! dred things that might interfere with your telephone service. They rarely do interfere because of this Bell Sys­ tem practice: look for trouble before it happens — don’t let it happen. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEORAPH COMPANY R.L.CR0SDY Certified TEXACO Service Marfak Lubrication Mechanical Service Phone 3911 Main and Helman Mrs .C. E Huffman 345 E Main Huffman Real Estate EXPLOSION is a common cause of financial loss to homeowners. And often repair bills have to be [»aid by innocent victims . . . neighbors of the careless one who caused it. Explosion vou Insurance > protects whether the against loss I explosion originates on or off your premises. It’s ne- protection these cessa ry days. And It is moderate in cost. We’ll be glad to tell you all about it. No obliga­ tion. ☆ Dillings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main 1