Friday, Aug. 1, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS < / / Hy I TOLD YOU MO Friday and Saturday \ i 1* < V y JS« < À TiSTHDAt bscoaet th* ddifhtltl chiin** of Tod*’1 CRATER LUlE—A view of l.lao Kmk and th«- colorful cliff* which rise a thousand feet from thl* bluest of blue Lakes. (National Park Service Photo). Elks Bowlers Down Lions By Single Pin People You Know! Craters Tie Red Sox In Pennant Race The Medford Craters went into • Sunday guests at the B L a tie for first place in the second Powell home were Ellen Thrasher. half of the Oregon State l»ax«-ball Avis Pope and Mary Powell of league Sunday afternoon when Portland; Mr and Mrs. Fred they shut out the Silverton Red Kruggel and children, Mr. and Sox 7 to 0 at the Medford park Mrs. George Mason and children The Craters dropped the Saturday and Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Powell exhibition tilt 7-6 Other state league games saw and daughters, all of Ashland. • Mrs. Irwin Bowerman and Klamath Falls, playing at home, daughter of Hood River visited down Toledo 7-3 and Albany's at the Jesse Lilly home for sev- Alco-Oaks traveled to Hills Creek to win 8 to 0 Bend Elks, ttt eral days. FAREWELL DINNER HONORS • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gearhart home, stopped Eugene 8 to 3. • of Klamath Falls visited several REV. AND MILS. BKOSTROM days with Mr. and Mrs. O. R. I The young people of the Church Miller. of Christ served a dinner Monday • Mrs. Pearl Grow of Hornbrook evening in honor of Rev. and Mrs. is visiting with Mr. and M rs. Rain caused cancellation of the C. Alton Brostrom, who are leav­ Waybum Kenyon this week. ing this w-eek for Portland where • Mr and Mrs. Karl Nims went Medford Rogues- Yreka Itaxclmll Mr. Brostrom has accepted the to Eugene Sunday to attend a game at Yreka Sunday with the pastorate of the Englewood meeting of the Oregon Council of score tied 0-0 in the fourth inn­ church. Hospitals. Nims is chairman of ing. The only hit before the thun­ During the dinner hour several the council. der storm came up was Rlney people who had gone to Fir Point • Mrs. Bill Ford and son of Duns- Cook's triple. The Rogues play Grants Paas muir who have been visiting at the M. T. Bums home returned in a Southern On-gon league game at the Medford Fairgrounds park Sunday. HILT NEWS • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zittercob Sunday. The Craters-Roguex game and daughers of Klamath Falls ! scheduled for Saturday night has I Continued from Page Five were week-end guests of Mr. and I been postponed until later in the joyed a picnic at Castle Lake Mrs. G. W. Goswick. season. ----- - •— Wednesday. • Mrs. Paul Home of Klamath • Mrs. Richard Williams and son Falls visited with her parents, Mr. MISS PERRINE HONORED Roy drove to Ashland Thursday. and Mrs. Willard Miles last week. AT SHOWER LAST WEEK • Mr. and Mrs. David Sage drove • Riley Pittinger of Portland is Miss Nellie Marie Perrine to Applegate, Calif. Thursday to visiting with his parents, Mr. guest of honor at a linen shower visit a few days with his mother. Mrs. J. R. Pittinger. Tuesday of last week. Hostesxes • Mrs. Gwen Evarfs left Sunday • Mr and Mrs. Joe Frazier and were Mrs. Cash Perrine and Mrs. for her home in Utah after spend­ daughter of Weaton, Mo are vis- Guy Randles. Miss Perrine will be ing several weeks visiting her iting with Mr. and Mrs. Roy married Aug 10. She received daughter, Mrs. Fred Haynes and Frazier. many lovely gifts. family. • W. D. Jackson was a Duns­ Guests at the shower included • Mrs. Roy Bruch and her moth- muir visitor Tuesday. Mesdames Emma Hager, Henry er-in-law were in Hilt Wednesday, Orr, Virginia Shaw, M P O'Har- called here by the injury of Roy Saturday. ra, George Goldy, Mary Hatfield, Bruch in a car accident Sunday • Edward Warrens of Durham is Floyd Rush, James Hersey, W. O. visiting hi« father, Alva P .War- Martin, Frank Laurent, Peggy night. • • Mrs. Tony Mendes and daugh­ rens. Agnew, Rose Potter. Id I han Fan­ ters. Marjorie and Delores and son • Mr and Mrs. W. Foster and steel, Nellie Foster, Burdette Cen­ Irvin spent Sunday in Yreka. Allen Laustalot attended the ters and the Misses Eunice Hager, • R. P. Scheer of Redding was baseball game in Crescent City Mary Frances Rush, Aileen In low in Hilt on business Thursday. He Sunday between the Crescent City and Beryl Bassingthwaite. is district representative of the team and the Medford Rogues. ———•--------- Northern Life Insurance company. • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams KEV. EDDY GIVEN CALL TO • Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Young of and sons Russel and Roy spent PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Stockton were guests of Mr. and the week-end at Chico visiting Mr. The Presbyterian church unani­ Mrs. C. A. Baumgartner Satur­ and Mrs. Nelson Watts and chil­ mously voted to extend a call to dren. day and Sunday. • Mrs. E. Young, Mrs. C A • Fire started in the sawmill Rev. Howard G. Eddy, pastor of Baumgartner and daughter Jean Saturday morning but was discov­ the Weed, Calif. Community called at Braecrest ranch Sunday ered and extinguished before any Presbyterian church to serve here. Rev. Eddy has been guest speaker afternoon. damage was done. • Marriage rites were solemnized • Dan Eastman of Medford was at the local church on two occa­ for Miss Elizabeth Clevenger and a business caller on Sam Duna­ sions and it was with disappoint­ ment that the members learned Fred Gracey of Klamath Falls way Thursday evening. Reno, Nev. They will • Mr. and Mrs. George Willis that he had decided not to accept Saturday in ~ make their home in Klamath called on Mrs. Mary Dumas, en 1 the call. Falls. For this coming Sunday Rev. route to Hammond, Ore. • Mr. and Mrs. Homer Vincent • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pettibone' William B. Richmond of Turlock, motored to Cinnabar Springs and and»3 g.oup of friends spent the | Calif., will preach. Beaver Creek Sunday. week-end at Crater Lake and Kla­ • Mr. and Mrs W. W. Walker math Falls. Mr. Pettibone is em­ VET PICNIC SUNDAY and family and Donald Henderson ployed by the highway construc­ The district picnic of the Vet- attended the show in Ashland tion company here. erans of Foreign Wars wax held at Lithia Park Sunday. About 100 were in attendance, In addi- tion to Ashland members, there Reward your fam Ay with a vacation at were delegations from Grants the HOT1L MANX — San Francisco's finest Pass, Klamath Falls, Medford and Brookings. located hotel .. . Powell at Union Square ... in With a margin of only one pin. the Elks bowling team avenged a recent defeat by the Lions club at the Ashland Bowling Alleys Tuesday night. The total score was 1619-1648. Travis of the Lions team had both the high game of 201 and high series of 546. Rolling for the Elks were An­ dres, Allen. Erwin and Reed. The Lion bowlers were Travis, Wil- liamson, Eaton and Hull. a 5 th CONVOY Rogues-Yreka Game Rained Out in Fourth Clive Brook FRIDAY | FREE to the Ladies! i Constance Bennett COSMETICS j I I OIrwT Ä tfAXT a TTTV SI 5 9 .'lUA • 1 U E • WED & THUR • “GUNGA DIN i Rater from and Victor McLaglen “LITTLE MEN FRANCISCO ENTIRE FAMILY From $4 ADULTS 15c KIDDIES a Dime END at Paxton, on the glamorous Feather River, where you can pan for gold and heln nay for your vacation. Rater from $2 DOUBLE DATE’ with Edmund lx>we Una Merkel “RETURN OF DANIEL BOONE” with Bill Elliott ALSO THE NEWS Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “THE PENNY SERENADE” With Irene Dunne (ary (¿rant Dime Night Shows “VOICE IN THE NIGHT” ------abo “LADY BEHAVE” Doorbell ringing** easy style There’s nothing mysterious about the way advertising works. It’s like the salesmen who go from house to house looking for custom­ ers. Advertising does the same job on a larger scale. It’s Quicker—reaches more people at a lower cost per call. In other words, it’s a time saver, which means it’s a money saver as well. Southern Oregon Miner \ UNITED STATES SAVINGS ^BONDS HOTEL SAN CARLOS Rater from AND STAMPS $2.50 CLUNIE with it* famous "Ultra-Modern Coffee Shop," at Sacramento, Capitol City of California. Rater from M. $1.50 TOY MOTELS (May we tend you dercriptive¡older) GOLD SUN BUTTER IS REALLY GRADE A ON SAI I AT YOUR POST OFFICE OR RANK VEY Friday, Saturday BUY invites you to Monterey , . . California's mn«t historic city . . . overlooking Fort Ord, on ih* Blue Bay of Monterey, HOTEL BARGAIN DAYS Dally Matinee 1:15 p.m. 20 cents EveningN 6:45, 30 cents Kiddles a dime Wednesdays mid Thursdays Dime Days Continuous show on Sundays LL.'JK RAINBOW’S Jack Oakie Sgt B«>b Krnnaxtoo, the raxs- lin villain from Gold Hill, has re- | gained the world Junior-heavy­ weight championship from Frank­ ie Talalx-r during his present cam- ! paign in the east. • • Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs C. It Bowman were Mr and Mrs G M Frost and Mr and Mrs. J W McCoy Phone 7561 EFENSE *2 HOTEL MANX with Cary Grant Death took ii deep cut nt col­ legiate football Sunday with the passing of Howard Harding Jones from a heart attack Th«- AA-year old o-m'ii i>“'i boon at the IJnl veraity of Southern California since 1925 and had been drawing down $15,IKK) a year since 1934 Jones played football nt Phil lips-Ex«>ter Academy and at Yal<- but was not an outstanding player He wax far bettar at allowing aoin«*onc elae how to play than he wax at doing it himself He coached at Syraeuxe Yale, Ohio State, Iowa and Duke lie- fore coming to U8C. Jones had an all-time record of 194 victories, 65 defeats and 21 ties in 29 seaxonx for an average of .754 At USC hix teams had won 121, loat 36 and tied IN Twenty of hia players have been chosen All-American, II of them from Southern California Hr has had five USC t«-anix in the R*we Bowl and all have won lie has had two Big Ten champions and three Pacific (Toast championship teams His teams also tied for the Pacific Coast title five times At USC Jones developed a sys­ tem bearing his name which con­ sists of a full-team shift into an unbalanced strength to either th«- left or right Moot of th«- weight was placed upon the quarterback and. as Jones used to say, th«- rest of th«- backs were in then- only to block He ranked with Knute Rock nr and Glenn S (Pop) Warner ax the greatest football mentor in th«- country. Sam Berry, head baseball and basketball coach at USC, might get the assignment to fill Jones* shoes for the next season since moat of the coaches already are signed for the coming year Berry has been Jones' assistant for some time E N T E It TAIN M E N T I the very heart of the theatrical, restaurant and shopping district. SAN J LITHIA A merica O n G uard ! Above is a reproduction of th« Treasury Department’s Defens« Savings Poster, showing an exact duplication of the original “Mmut< Man” statue by famed sculptot Daniel Ch«ister French. Defense Bonds and Stamps, on sal«- at your bank or post office, are a vital pari of America’s defense preparations Churned from choice cream produced in the Ashland area. Ask your grocer for Sun (¿old Butter today! ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO. F«»r hume delivery, Phone 6761