Friday, August 1, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Fun for the Whole Family BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN Pattern No. Z9324 DERHAPS this is Chicken Littta * and Ducky Lucky come to deco­ rate baby’s crib spread. Twelve adorable blocks are done in out- line and lazy daisy, and a border of color and scallops of white fin­ ish the spread. • LALA PALOOZA THE TAX MAN AWAITS LALA’S RETURN FROM THE MOVIES TO GIVE HER THE RESULT OF HIS EXAMINATION OF HER 1934 INCOME TAX RETURN- SHE IMAGINE9 THE WORST Camping Out e e The hot Iron transfer for stamping In Z9324. 5 cents. There is a minimum oO embroidery on this delightful cover. Send your order to: 9 By RUBE GOLDBERG AUNT MARTHA Box IM W Kansas City, Mo. Enclose IS cents for each pattern desired. Pattern No Name Address OH, DEAR-I WONDER IF HE'LL SEND ME TO JAIL - I'LL LOOK AWFUL IN ONE OF THOSE , STRIPED SUITS S’MATrER POP—Thi* Wouid Call for Whisker* on Every Second Soldier By C. M. PAYNE Homage by Hypocrisy Hypocrisy is the homage which vice renders to virtue.—La Roche­ foucauld. THERE AIN’T NO PRISONER.! WE JUST DONT WANT TO GET SEPARATED IN THACARK SHE KNOWS ... • Fluffy cakes, crisp waffles, tasty muffins . . . ALL yoor favorite recipes actually feme out better when Clabber Giri is used MESCAL IKE Such Things as Come With Spring By 3. L CLABBER GIRL - "Sating Sowaer • Volume to Read Every man is a volume, if you know how to read him.—Channing. That Namin'? Backache POP—Woman • Prerogative By J. MILLAR WATT May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with its hurry and worry; Irregular habita, improper eating ana drinking—ita risk of exposure and infec­ tion—throws heavy strain on the work of the kidneys. They are apt to become over-taxed and fail to filter excess acid and other impurtise from the life-giving blood. You may suffer nagging backache, headache, dixxineaa, getting up nights, leg paina, swelling—feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signa of kidney or bladder disorder are some­ times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan's Pill*. Dcm’i help the kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have had mors tbaa half a century of public approval. Are recom­ mended by grateful users everywhere Aik your wigkbor/ D oans P ills WNU—13 31—41 vüfá. Unbnlanced SPORTING TWO OATS «ND « NIGHT TWO PERSONS INCLUOES: Rooms Bath Dinner or Supper Dancing 'Breakfast LANG ARMSTRONG SAN FRANCISCO