SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Aug. 1, 19*11 Page 5 HILT NEWS I About People You Know I • RioM en joy ing a family pit ni< at Junction Sunday were Mi and Mix Elton Hobman, Mrs A E Huff and Betty Jean und Chi iMtlllH Gary, all of Ashland; Mr. and Mis A L Carver of Bruster 1 Valley and daughter El- len of Myrtle Point; M in Ixira < 'in ver and Cecil Carter, also of Myitlc Point, and Mr and Mrs. Walter Huff and daughters With- nets and Maijoric of South C« mm River. Margaret Huff, who hud been visiting in Ashland, returned to hrr home III (’«>«>« Buy and Christina Gary, who had la-en visiting In Coos Bay returned to her home In Ashland • Mr and Mis Ralph Morgan and son of Algomil were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W D Morgan • Miss Bi tty Jo Burns Is visiting with Miss Eunice Putman at Eugene • Mi and M in Headrick Baugh­ man of Klamath Falls visited last w«-«-k with Mr. and Mrs Clint Baughman • Rev and Mrs J It Turnbull hav«< returned from a vacation trip to Vancouver and Victoria. B C. • Mm Ha Mint h liai n tt fol a vacation trip to the Hawaiian Island« • Mr and Mrs Merritt Handles and sons spent the week-end in Portland when* I »on entered the state Soaplxtx Derby Sat unlay • Dr S I < Thaney and son of Redwood Cilty were Thursday night guests of Dr and Mrs C. F Tilton • Mr and Mrs B F. Craig ac- compunl<-d their mum, R D Craig, and family of Sanger. Calif, to their home for a visit They also plan to visit a daughter, Mrs Harrv M■ I-.- ■ .it Santa Anu Calif • Born to Mr and Mrs Meri«- Glllx-rt July 24, a son • Mr and Mrs «Jury Newton were week end visitors at Inde- penitence • Mr and Mrs Bill Sunday on a wedding trolt • M ts F V Barrett of Phoenix was a Sunday guest at the home ■ Mi and Mra R K st«••.. ■ i • M in D Peru //, and M i ■ ban mu Warner are vacationing on the c«>aat. • Mr and Mrs Jack Lucas have returned from a trip to Portland • Mrs Clark Crocker of Eugene, a former resident of Ashland. Is visiting here • litl I.... .. Sherman and daughter of Ix>s Angeles were week-end guests of Alice Willits Two llilt Motorist Seriously Injured • Roy Williams and Ivan Black were sriously injured Saturday night when their car was wrecked near Mt. Shasta They were taken to Weed hospital for treatment, Ivan Black is expected to be home so«/n He suffered a broken leg and cuts and briuses. Roy Wil­ liams received a skull fracture and broken jaw besides cuts and bruises. The car was badly dam- BELLVIEW NEWS Jersey Cattle Club Visits Ixical Dairies Church of Christ Second and B Streets <'. Alton Hroatroin, Minister • Fifty members of the Jeisey Bible school 9 45 a m. classes Cattle club visited the dairy herds at the Enders and Joy dairy Hutch for all ages. L. U. Gresham, sup­ and the II. II Dickson dairy Sat­ erintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. urday Tills was followed by a pic­ Meetings of High School and nic dinner In IJthiu park • Mi und Mrs George Helms Colle] ■ C E Sot I' tn-s at 7 p. m Evening service at 8 o'clock, und son Burnie and Mr. and Mrs —•------------ George Yockei and family spent Sunday nt Crescent (Tty. • Christina Gary haa Iatin >•• • i Trinity Episcopal home from a three weeks visit Church with relatives in Marshfield. Dr. Claude E. Nay re. Vicar • Chillies Rector underwent an iip|wnde<-tomy at the Community Holy Communion 8 . m. hospital Tuesday morning He had Church sch--------- • Mr and Mrs S W Rice arrived Tuesday from Santa Cruz, Calif for it visit with Mr and Mrs W First Methodist O Martin and Mr. and Mrs W E Church Seibert and D. F Korth and family. Cor. N. Main and laurel Nt*. I • Mr and Mrs. A R Kincaid Or. George W. Bruce, Minister and daughter Eunice, Earl War­ ren, Mr and Mrs Henry Stenrud, Sunday church school meets at Mi and Mrs i. a Pankey and 9:45 a m. Morning sermon 11 Marie Walker were picnicking in o'clock with Dr. Sydney W Hall, the Siskiyou« Sunday formerly pastor of this church, • Mrs R E Beil left Monday giving the message. night by plane to visit her daugh­ Methodist Youth Fellowship will ter and son-in-law. Mr and Mrs. meet at 7 p. m. for worship. Allen Miller at Seattle The union service will be at the • Betty George of Ashland sjs-nt Congregational church at 8 o'clock Monday with Inez Yockei Sermon subject, "Patching Old • Mr and Mrs Jesse Morgan and Clothes." children Larry and Martlou spent Prayer meeting at 7:30 p m. Saturday night with Mr and Mrs. Wednesday. Ted Huff and family • Mrs Melvin Conley of Duns­ muir spent the week-end with her Free parents. Mr and Mrs R D. Reynolds Methodist Church • George Yockei and daughters East Main Street Edna and Inez made a business John K. Poet, Pastor trip to Dunsmuir Friday • Mr and Mrs Harry Farmer Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. from Nubieber cam«- Friday for a Sadie Simpson, superintendent, in visit with Mr and Mrs Farmer charge. ami the Rector family. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. • Mr and Mrs Roscoe Applegate, Junior meeting and Young Peo­ Mr and Mrs Ix'o Potter and chil­ ple's meeting at 7 p. m. Evening dren Nancy and Jackie, Mr and worship at 8 o'clock. Mrs Glenn Bennett and Mrs Beu­ Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ lah Bennett were picnicking in nesday evening at 8 o'clock. dint riot Sunday the Applegate .. _ You are welcome to all service«. Nancy came home with Mr and . ------ •------------ Mrs Applegate for a week's visit • Th.- Bellview Telephone com­ Full Gospel Temple pany has receive«! notification E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. from the state tax commission I Catholic Church Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor M umm at H a m. Sunday. ------- •------- Church of the Nazarene Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Fourth and against I loss whether the ex plosion originates on or off your premises. It’s ne- protection these cessary days. And it Is moderate in cost. We'll be glad to tell you all about it. No obliga­ tion. R. E. Schmidt, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o’clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:45 Tuesday evening. Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. L -------- a Foursquare Church Fourth and 11 Streets Rev. Shearbum, Pastor Sunday school 10 a. m. H. O. Butterfield, superintendent. Morning worship 11 a. m. Young People's meeting, 6:30 p. m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. Week night services Tuesday and Friday evenings at 7:45. Prayer meeting precedes these two services. Young people in charge of Tuesday service. --------- «--------- I Peter Trimble Rowe, oldest Bishop of Episcopal church in active service, holds Communion service for native congregation. He has l>een Bishop of Alaska since 1895. / a À . A Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main J loAi 1 » r«j ■ SETH First Baptist Church J. H. Turnbull, Minister Bible school 9:45 a. m. C. E Corry, superintendent. Morning worship 11 o'clock, Sunday, 8 p. m , church service. Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer praise and Bible study that it is free from taxation. This means a saving of $20 a year for the local concern. • Mrs. Willis Byrd made a trip to Walla Walla. Wash, recently to visit her brother, Virgil Till­ man. She will return to her home here today, • The Dead Indian 4-H club met Saturday evening at the Apple­ gate home. The meeting was in the form of a party honoring the birthday of Pearl Henry. • Barbara and Joane Helm are visiting at Prineville. They went up Sunday for a family reunion. ------------ •------------ LAMB-WEBER WEDDING Miss Della LaVeme Lamb, daughter of Mrs Mae Lamb, and Mr. William Weber were united in marriage Sunday afternoon at the Methodist church with Dr. George W Bruce reading the service. Miiss Lois White sang “At Dawn­ ing" and "I Love You Truly.” Mrs Frank Davis presided at the organ. Miss Marjorie Stratton was bridesmaid and John Barker best man. Mr. and Mrs. Weber left 1m- mediately after the ceremony for a wedding trip to the coast. Mrs. Weber is a graduate of SOCE and has been teaching at Roseburg for several years She will have mu­ sic in Klamath Falls schools this coming year Mr. Weber is em­ ployed by the M. C. Lininger firm. From Your Electric Refrigerator I) <1 With an Electric Refrigerator in the home, cool, appetizing meals are possible at a moment’s notice. Crisp salads, iced desserts and drinks may be kept "just right” even during the hottest weather. Electrical refrigeration also works an economy in the preservation of foods and in mak­ ing possible the purchase of larger quantities. See your Electric Dealer today. Ashland Light Department ) Your SERVICE Department