Friday, August I, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 S300,000 Grain Elevator Fire r \\ iirnrd by I'. S CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT > *r I I ! r Xr- ,4*-' TRUCK PARTS llenvy*duty Motora, axel« parti botile«. tira», boiata and used trucks > I TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY Washingtun. D. C. DEFENSE ‘I NCI DE NTH* bi J tOtliA.H 1C Hawthorn* Portland, Ora, RABBITS AND SKINS Out of 2 RABBITS WANTED Good whit* fryer rabbit .kins II 10 hnvn evidence that 14 were caused f>cr lt> Write postcard for prices and nforniatlon Buby * Co.. »38 a. W. by sabotage. The other 12 were ac­ Front. Portland, Ore. cidents. Of the 14 sabotage cases, four were tires and 10 were mechanical duniuge. Two are attributed to Communists; the others to Nazi agents There is no indication thut Boll D«v,lop,d and Two Print, from ■ »ch Good M,(atlv, Communists and Nazis worked to­ gether. PBOTO COMPANT Since the outbreak of the Russo- Box WBBTBBW W 4368 Portland. Or,. German war. the Communist party line has somersaulted. The current S PRINTS AND TWO ENI.ARGR- 61 KN TH 16o—Mails by Portland's Inrs dictum is. no interefcrence with de- |aat retail kodak finisher Ratlafao- Quality Picture Co. fei. <■ output It is significant that lion (uurnnteril since tlie Nazi attack on the Soviets Bos W3873. Portland. Or«a. Kiel- Ixnt cump., bls crop Ion* wra.on ing pushed as vigorously as before, All aecoinniodnlloti, in addition Io although with little success. In fact, day nurRrry for children furnl.hed fr,. Io picker. Ilexl.ler In per.on party generals are so dissatisfied at Ranch Offic, or writ, to B. with results that they recently or­ CI.BMBNS MOBBT CO, IUDZZIM dered labor unions dominated by DBWOB. OBBGOB. Tor full parllcu- lara. Communists to help their campuign by offering their halls as soldier rec­ reation centers. FILM DEVELOPING I FAST SERVICE * » 25c I f 5'1 r J This spectacular picture was taken Just as a billow of while hot flame blew off the top of a United States Grain elevator, in Chicago, during a $300.000 fire, of mysterious origin. More than 350.000 bushels of corn were destroyed. Furnace-like heat melted steel girders like butter and drove back tiremen. Son of Red Dictator Captured bv Nazis HELP WANTED A l Japan's Ambassador K. Nomura, after a conference with Acting See- retary of State Sumner Welles, ex- pressed the hope that t'. N.-Japa- nese relations would get "better and better." Welles, however, said he told Nomura, that Japan's actions In Indo-China were a threat to V. s. "security.” Nazi Leader F t J 4 fr F * 3 I » l A : it X- I J 4 (X S- > » r Jacob Stalin, the eldest son of Russian Premier Joseph Stalin, Is Gen. Erwin Rommel, commander shown (arrow) in a German prison camp. He was captured near Ljosno, of German forces in Africa, who Russia, with a number of other officers and soldiers taken by German succeed.« Field Marshal Wilhelm panzer forces under the command of Gen. Rudolf Schmidt, according to Keitel at the Russian front, accord­ i a Nasi communique. ing to the Moscow radio. The Marines Have Landed ‘Unlimited Army’ FOR SÄLE Japanese Consulates. Another significant development in subversive influences relate* to the Japanese. Since the expulsion of the Nazi and Italian consulates, intelligence officers have found that the Japa- nese consulates in Los Angeles and Seattle have become the chief clear­ ing houses for espionage on the West coast. Japanese residents are send­ ing in a constant stream of reports on airplane production, ship move­ ments and other military informa­ tion. The recent arrest of two Japanese spies in Los Angeles caused a flurry in Japanese quarters, and a num­ ber of Japanese rushed to Wash­ ington. apparently to place them­ selves under the protection of their embassy. OUiers hotfooted for Mex­ ico, which may mean they are plan­ ning to shift spy headquarters to Mexico City. SECRET NEW AAA CZAR i ; TD40 WITH NEW 46 DRORKB HEAD A-l condition 1 T10 ro- condltloned «nd new pnlnt. 1 atods! MAC. trnetor 1 tiiodsl A Ford coup«* Ail prlced for qulck sala Bosalla Bdws. Co, Bosalla, Wash. WRITK BATTLKSON Foil CANDY FARMS The Garden Spot of Ora­ son Fre« list. Battl.ion Land Co, Canby. Or,. QBOCBBT, I.ARGB HTGCK AND Fix­ ture*. 12000; ,arn, owner elxht yaara. Kent 116; heat and water furnl,h,d. 1601 - 4th St.. Br,m,rtoa. Waah. Don't Blame Me It Isn't chivalry that makas a man Nonsuit his wife about »vary deal. 11« wants somebody to blame If it goes wrong. Deadly PoiaoB Professor- Whut is the most po­ tent poison? Student An airplane; one drop and you're dead. Thermometer Gonalp Freezing—What a fuss folks make over zero. Temperature—Yes, and he's such a cipher at home. Cool Wealhrr on the Farm Rooster—What on earth are you doing down there in the cellar? Hen—Well, if it's any of your busi­ ness. I'm laying in a supply of coaL Twice as llad Boogy- They say a bachelor la a man who has been crossed in love. Woogy— Yes, and a married man is one who bus been double-crossed. ACCIDENT INSURANCE I ami tv THB I Al I ST IN PR< 'I I < I K >N This Bl'rliirtii pulley InrludtM* all luruibrrw of lit« family up to Bg«» ’ll frvtu baby u> grnuU i>BfvMia ACCIDENT* COME WITHOUT WARNINQ Heinl tbn iiMinea. «lut«'*of birth anil relallotMlil « of all MiniulN’m atol wn will pn.iDDtly until yu| U m (Hilley f r »HMM INMPMPl l<»N llil, pallry cast, la,, than >a • day 7i «rill F<1V (fW I«» M*r*fB Ml »« m >* «*> WESTERN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY It ms • ,-A • ruMoflow a«sil«BWfl. St. I •*«•. «••- PIUNRNIUI IN Uil 1NNI HANIS MINI S UN We Misfits We shall generally find thut the triangular person hue got into the square hole, the oblong into the triangulur, and n square pe rson has squeezed himself into the round hole.—Sydney Smith. Do You Want to Bo a Cartoonist? Far <3ub run. Prit» TUB CALIFORNIA CARTOONIST Cl UB Ml ItorrtMa M. - Be« V..«.!«.«. Cettt. Kindness at Premium CASE thresher, ST Inch cylinder. E.e condition Priced to nail. Oecar M. Loe. 3 ml. B. of Silverton. Fhone Black 133. Tlie world is more churituble in money than in kind words.— Diane. 160.000 — IIIG WHEAT FARM. HE CORNER Album County, Write own­ ers for full deecrlptlon. P. O. Bos 674. Bttwrllle, Wash. RAZOR BLADES • ASK YOUR DEALER TOR THE e WANTC1>—MINNESOTA PROPERTY Liat your Min neapoil a property with OUTSTANDING BLADE VALUE urn for quick ante. 14 reliable peo­ ple tn serve you Anton O. ■«neon Co.. 1513 E. leak« *tM Minneapolis, i Kina. I'lhW K - Sac. S55OO stork and ft* I Gru A tn l’aas. Aged widow roust re- J "TAKING THE COUNTRY BY STORM** Hr* Please d«> not an«« unless able KNOWN FROM COAST TO COAST to finance. Writ« 900 Tyl«r, Eugen«. • cuarvaa coarut • st Louta. aao. e Or«fon. BLADES American Farm bureau and Na­ tional Grange moguls are smart pol­ EXTRA GOOD DIVERMIKIEh FAHSI. Source of Revenue on highway 9S. Good building«, «lee iticians. Although their bill to cre­ Cresaure spring water, bompor crops, Economy is in itself a source of ate an independent, five-man board ay grain, pasture, apples. berrl«a, to rule the AAA has not yet seen garden. Team horses 11 cattle. • great revenue. —Seneca. nogs, Reg Male, *erms Consider the light of day on Capitol Hill, trade ■. A. Mo bl aeon. Chlloo. Idaho. I they are already greasing the way by canny wooing of possible oppo­ nents. Latest to be "propositioned" is Largest and Batt Rudolph (“Spike") Evans, ambi­ tious head of the AAA. who might Located Hotel W. n. GIBBS BACK, be a vigorous foe of their scheme « to gam control of his own agency. 1000 ROOMS A Contury of (tontiiutont The farm leaders have sent word to Service to the K’til 1000 BATHS Evans that they will buck him for For Information write to •Sr chairman of their proposed board if DR. H. F. PRICE. Dean «4.00 ONI MUON he will go along with them. »4 00 TWO PINSONS Pores* Qrova, Oregon An inner group of 11 decided on SO Minutes Woe* of Portend MOTH this move at a secret pow- dur­ ing the recent conference in Chi­ cago of the Farm bureau. Grange UNION SQUAB* and National Co-op council on the defense emergency. The master minds also accepted Walter Randolph of Alabama as the Farm bureau's selection on the boards, pledged themselves to take whomever the Grange picked, and D r . H arry St mlir , mSKt ItOC • MOBIMStHl ■FQBTtMP.OBt j agreed to allow this hand-picked trio to name the other two board mem­ bers. Merry Feast "How's your garden progressing? The plan is very pat, but the mys­ He that is of a merry heart hath "Ah, such radishes, such «"Ums, tery is where Roosevelt and Secre­ •uch lettuce!" a continual feast. tary Claude Wickard fit into the * ... .. picture. Under the law the Presi­ dent appoints board members, and on agricultural selections he natur- . ally would consult Wickard. Appar­ ently, the Grange and Farm bureau manipulators propose to do the pick­ ing and force Roosevelt and Wick­ ard to go along. 'Ttancilcch PACIFIC UNIVERSITY— ST. FRRnCIS DENTAL PLATES DudUt No Chance. This photograph was made at Jacksonville, N. C., during marine maneuvers—first time—between army-navy and marines on beach land­ ing practice. Transports unloaded armored cars and troops carrying equipment, etc. Photo shows marines going over the side of transport into landing boats. Arrow indicates Gen. George C. Marshall, army chief of staff, as he appeared before senate military af- fairs committee asking congreaa to authorize a draft army of unlimited size. He spoke of the "grave na< tional peril." Pay Day for Dollar-a-Year Men Another Number Actually, the five - man board scheme has no chance of getting anywhere this year. Not yet even introduced, it faces such a long battle when it does ap-. pear that months will elapse before it goes through the committee proc-' ess. Further, there are indications that certain Farm bureau moguls j privately don't want the legislation considered at all this session. According to Farm bureau insid­ ers, Earl Smith, Illinois big-gun, and Francis Johnson, Iowa chief, secretly want to make it a political issue in next year's congressional election. Militant New Deal foes, they are said to believe that a lot of GOP campaign hay can be made in the rural districts by raising the cry of “give the farmer control of the AAA.” How much control he would have is shown by the fact that the boys already have made sure that they would do the controlling. e e e MERRY-GO ROUND Here are some of the 262 dollar-a-year men in the defense program on their recent "pay day." Total of all payments was only «126 to the 2C2 workers as many of them had not worked a full year and tould not re­ ceive their "total" salary. Distributing checks above (center) is Ed­ I ward Stettinius, priorities director. Secretary of Navy Frank Knox Is shown drawing the second number In the second peacetime draft lot­ tery. The number was 98. First number was 196. Frank Grillo, secretary-treasurer of the United Rubber Workers, is slated for membership on the anti­ discrimination committee that Pres­ ident Roosevelt is planning to set up to eliminate bars against Ne­ groes and other minority groups in defense industries. On the desk of Lawrence Fly, scrappy chairman of the Federal Communications commission, is one of those little plaster busts designed for temperamental people to smash —when they lose their temper. YOU ARE AN INFLUENTIAL p E R 5 Q N <--------------------------------- The merchant who advertises must treat you better than the merchant who does not. He must treat you as though you were the most influential person in town. As a matter of cold fact you are. You hold the destiny of his business in your hands. He knows it. He shows it. And you benefit by good service, by courteous treat- ^nent, by good value—and by lower prices.