°7- Pajm *JUai JlaA Sowi/ùny *7<> £ ay -/lud ¿ayA, 9tl It now looks 11» though »ome of the »crap lion wr »old to Japan might lx; tossed back at ua. 111 Can't blame Uncle Sam for "freezing" th«* credit of some country after acquiring Iceland Volume X ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1941 KILTIE BAND TO PLAY AT AIRPORT DEDICATION 111 What explanation can one dip­ lomatically make to the .tourist who inquires about the drooping Neon aign atop the nine »lory pride of Ashland? 1 1 1 Ijiat report» Indicate Germany and Russia me still fightlni from the same report» loth aide» are winning It'» the thousands of poor aoldlera of both faction» who are "caahing in their chip»." 111 Maybe we're dumb, but we don't undciMtand why a few thousand boy» In camp» should consume more food than when in regular civilian duties to the ex­ tent at leant of causing auch a drastic rise In the coat of living 111 Indication» are that the bual- neaa men are going to request their money buck from the 4lh of July fund With "freezing a»- •eta" becoming an Internationa* pastime. it's too bad someone didn't think to freeze the July 4 fund It might come in handy next summer when we are Irving to nay off our ahare In the three and a hatf billion tax • ZONING DESIRABLE To the Editor: A zoning plan for the commun ity, which is now being studied, ia moat desirable and ought to be pursued to a logical conclusion Aahland, like many other munici­ palities. has hern »omething like Topay who "juat grew." There has been little effort to place a limitation upon the tvne of neaa or the kind of building that could be established any place In the city Fortunately, there have been no major abuse» of thia ab­ sence of regulation John W Stoker, writing In a February, 1941 publication of the la-partment of Interim! Affair», points out that: "Zoning 1» a primary and es­ sential element of any thor­ oughly progressive and up to date program for the improve­ ment and extension of a city or town or ths improvement of a township or county, if proper consideration 1» had not only for the health, safety and gen­ era! welfare of it» people, but ulao for its future progress and prosperity." The entire problem of zoning and building regulations should receive serious consideration by local authorities OLD TIMER. Court Proceedings Cases coming ireforc the justice court this past week include the following: Everett Estes Rcebe, guilty of driving without operator's license, fined $1 and coats. John A Noslen, guilty of driv­ ing truck with inadequate clear­ ance lights, received fine of $2 50 and costs Agnes Emma Wheeler, guilty of driving without operator's license, fined $1 and costs Inez Ludell Van Dyke, guilty of passing when view wax not clear, fined $1 and coats. ('ho in IX h |<1» Moore, guilty of reckless driving, fined $25 and costs. ------------•---------- OI R HONOR ROLL New subscription to the South­ ern Oregon Miner: A T. Hodgen. RENEW AI.S Henry Enders Fortmiller» Dick Adams A. L. Wren Sam B. McNair C. P. Talent C. R Bowman A. C. Ninlnger Palace Cafe Jordan’s Electric • MORE BRIGHT LIGHTS Two attractive neon signs have been added to the bright lights of Ashland's "main stem” this past week. The establishments graced with these new signs are Pete's Lunch and the Ashland Bowling Alleys. A. L. WREN and Companion Are Invited to Be Guests of the Southern Oregon Miner To See Their Choice of the Following Varsity Theater Programs: (Friday and Saturday) "A VERY YOUNG LADY" and "CONVOY" (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) "MEN OF BOYS' TOWN" • Please Call at The Miner Office for Tour Guest Tickets ------------------------------------------------ 1 Tlie AiiH-rlcan U-glartment'» statement. "Relative definitely will outlaw the raised final arrangements for the sales humidity coupled with wind and bottom hallock used in Oregon for week, but late enrollments have event and to clear up any ques­ temperature are the three great many years from interstate ship­ kept the total number close to tions that might arise. Further stamp plan aid to local factor* tn detei tuiuing fire wea­ men t next year. *I%e federal offii* the 134 mark established during Although cooperative advertis­ fanners faced with seasonal sur­ the first week. ther That nt why we urge log- cials warned early this year that I According to the instructor, ing is planned, it will be left up pluses of perishable fruits and gers and all other citizens to lis­ they considered the raised bottom there are some very good »wim-1 to the individual merchant, for vegetables was assured today with ten in each night to the forecasts container deceptive, but withheld conduct of the sale is to be with­ the release by the U. S. depart­ Persons contemplating outdoor cracking down until next season. mera in the life-saving classes out cost to those taking part. ment of agriculture of the blue trips especially should hear the After this warning, the depart-' Examinations will be given today ------------ •------------ stamp list for August. to determine those who will be forecasts and thus know what sort ment held a hearing as result of named to the presented with certificates The Zoning Map Studied list All by commodities of weather is in prospect for the which it made any 12-ounee net the secretary of agricul­ large beginner classes have also ensuing 36 hours weight hallock or box a standard ture may be purchased with blue "Low relative humidity is what j container in Oregon. This permit­ progressed rapidly, many of the By Planning Board stamps by those families taking The recently organized planning part in the food stamp plan. M. makes the forests particularly 1 ted use of the raised bottom hal- children now swimming the width of the pool. susceptible to fire That is why all | lock for interstate use. board met Tuesday evening to Louis Belangie. surplus marketing Eaton was high in his praise study a preliminary zoning map logging In the state stopped when | Now, however, there seems to administration area supervisor, relative humidity drops to a read­ be some sentiment that one single of the Twin Plunges as an ideal prepared by Chester Corry, park announced that 60,000 low-income ing to 30 or under A reading of container without a raised bot- . swimming place and expressed his superintendent, and City Supt. persons were participating in the 60 lx «-oiiipui itivi-ly safe Any tom should be adopted in this regret at the necessity of leaving Elmer Biegel. Oregon area. reading below that point is on the state, so there will be no diffi- i Ashland after a very pleasant two After a discussion of the plans, Blue stamp foods as designated weeks. border-line, and in warm weather culty about Oregon hallocks or it was decided to submit the map for the month of August are as ------- • ------- ix likely to drop fast Often only boxes in interstate shipments in to Fred Cuthbert of the University follows: Fresh vegetables, includ­ two hours will sec a change from the future. of Oregon, an authority on plan­ ing potatoes; fresh plums, fresh This matter of stan­ Councilmen View "safe” to dangerous” humidity ning and a representative of the prunes, fresh pears, fresh oranges, dard dimensions will be discussed "So, next time you fee! like thoroughly at the hearing. League or Oregon Cities. When fresh peaches, fresh apples; com Plans for Hospital complaining about the humid wea­ The city council met Wednes­ the map is returned the board will meal, shell eggs, hominy (com) Growers, packers, box manufac­ ther, just remember what moist turers and everyone having any day morning to study tentative call another meeting to discuss grits, dry edible beans; wheat air means to the forests and the interest in the berry deals are in­ plans of the proposed PWA im­ comments and suggestions made flour, enriched wheat flour, self­ industries of your state durihg vited either to attend the hearing provement at the Community hos­ by Cuthbert and to work out in rising flour, enriched self-rising summer Humid weather is com- 1 or to write their views on stand-1 pital; however, no action was tak­ detail the preparation of a final flour, whole wheat ( graham ) paratively safe It helps Keep Ore- I ardizatlon of berry hallocks to en and the matter was referred map which will be used for future flour: dried prunes and raisins. gon Green and is worth thousands Frank McKennon. chief of the back to the committee until Fri­ zoning activity. Self-rising flour is interpreted of dollars to all of us." ------------•------------ plant division, state department of day night when it will receive I to be flour which contains soda, JACK ENDERS CHOSEN further study by the council. agriculture, Salem. phosphate and salt. On the July 77^. ----------- •------ ------- REBER --------- AHN. ™ ODIIIKI.I.OWS According to the plans a PWA AS INSTRUCTOR list, but eliminated from the Au­ grant will be sought for the con-1 Out of a graduating class of 200 gust list, is pork and pork lard. INSTALL OFFICERS MRS. NETTIE THOMPSON Funeral services were held at I struction of an addition to the at Kelly Field. San Antonio, Tex., ------------ •------------ Hope Rebekah lodge No. 14 and hospital upon the event five were chosen as instructors. BRIDAL SHOWER FOR the OF an.I InstiK t r . . " Rev. and Mrs. W. G. Shearbum cently went to Texas to attend and daughter, Miss Maty McMil­ Alma Stennett and Mrs. R Shaf­ ginia Myers of Auburn. Wash., I FORMER PASTOR TO SPEAK the graduation exercises of his AT METHODIST CHURCH lan, Mrs. Irene Keil. Mrs. Ball fer, Grand Marshal for the Re­ and several nieces and nephews son. ------------ • ------ . - ---- Dr. Sydney W. Hall, formerly and granddaughter Jerry, Kather­ bekahs. ------------•---- ;------- ine Hoodenpile, Bonnie Lewis. The following officers of Hope TENNESSEE PICNIC SUNDAY pastor of the Ashland Methodist KOSKEL.A-RUDE MARRIAGE The Tennessee state society will church and until the last session Rebekah lodge were Installed: Miss Volma Koskela of Ilwaco, Mrs. Olen McCoy. Mrs. Nancy Noble grand, Helen Pittman; vice hold its annual pcnic in the city of the annual conference district Wash., became the bride of First Phillips. Mrs. C. E. Crouch, Mrs grand, Esther Sullivan; secretary,! park at Dallas. Ore., Sunday. Aug. superintendent, will give the Sgt. Laurence Rude at Seaview. Nance. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lacy morning sermon at the local children and Rev. and Mrs. Ida Crandall; treasurer, Lura Ap­ Wash., last week. Sgt. Rude is an and •------------ church Sunday morning. Edward Wehtz and sons of Med­ plewhite; RSNG, Alma Stennett; Ashland young man. After a week I j SNG, Alta Nichols: RSVG, Ha­ • Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Huffman < Dr. Hall now is pastor of the spent in Portland they returned to ford. ------------ •—.-------- zel Fems; I j SVG, Mae Lindner; went to Buckhorn Lodge Tuesday. Methodist church at Gresham. Seaview where they will make • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bennett conductor, Edith Sloan; warden, their home. and son have returned from a va­ llazrl Neff; outside guardian, FUTURE SWIMM ERS! -------------------------- cation trip in Washington. Maude O'Harra; inside guardian. WHO DO CLASS MEETING Ix'na Breeding, and musician, Nel­ The Who Do class of the Meth- ‘ lie Madden. odist church held its regular ( The following officers of the monthly social meeting at the IOOF were installed: Noble grand. home of Mrs. Frank Davis on . Loren Sewell; recording secretary. Scenic Drive Friday evening. Af­ < ;<'orgc Nichols; treasurer, Cliff ter a picnic supper, the evening Hazelwood; warden, Leo Schown- was spent in visiting. Husbands iger; conductor, W. M Flackus: of class members were special chaplain, T. L. O'Harra, and in-, guests at the affair. side guardian. George Trimble ----------- •------------ After installation light refresh­ NEW PASTOR AT ments were served by Mrs. Lulu FULL GOSPEL CHURCH Wilson and committee. At the board meeting of the • Full Gospel church held Tuesday PASTOR LEAVES FOR evening it was voted to elect Rev. SAN FRANCISCO L. P. Furman, formerly pastor of the Full Gospel church in Leban­ Rev. Bertrand F. Peterson, pas- i on, Ore., to the pastorate here. tor of the Church of the Nazarene, | Rev. Robert Schmidt, former left with his family Wednesday nastor of the local church, has for San Francisco for a few davs BILL ALLEN denying that been called to serve in a Portland his aluminum shower indicated visit While in the citv, attention | church. will be given to the correction of any romantic entanglements. ------------ «--------- a _ an eye affliction of the son Wes­ ASHLAND LIONS "carrying KANSAS PICNIC SUNDAY ley. Former residents of Kansas will on" with their songfest even Services at the church wi” be Shown above lx the beginner girls' eraxx at the Red Cross xwim held at the usual hours on Wed­ school conducted at the Twin Plunge» the past two weeks. This hold their annual picnic Aug 3 though the hotel management nesday and Sunday, and sunnlies class hud an enrollment of 48, which wax the largest In the school. . at Lithia Park. The hour is 1 did see fit to close the doors. DEAN PIEPER borrowing a will be arranged by Rev. C. O. Standing at the side of the pool are, left to right, Ivor Erwin ' o’clock p m. and all persons at- chairman of the Lions committee sponsoring the school; Bill Snider, 1 tending should bring picnic lunch nickel from GUY APPLE- Presnail. The family plans to return Aug. Lions club president; Joe Spade, assistant instructor, and Charlea ' and service for their families. Cof- WHITE with which to match 8. I Eaton, instructor. i fee and lemonade will be served. for a cup of coffee. FRESH FRUITS ON STAMP LIST SEEN IN A DAZE