Friday, July 25, 19-11 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 (’raters Move Into Second Place ’Fie JERSEY CATTLE People You Know! Men in military service who1 • Weldon Heard visited in I.ake- have been assigned to duty in TOUR SLATED view several days, returning home Oregon may obtain •’resident" Service Men Need Fishing Licenses ' A Jersey cattle inspection toui licenses after i of Jackson county farms, sponsor- Friday and Saturday! S I] 3 I i! iuf CH • f'UD H- VtciORT® fl PLUS “ROUND UP” with Richard Dix FRIDAY FREE to the Ladies! Constance Bennett COSMETICS SUN • MON • TUE “LAS VEGAS NIGHTS” with Tommy Dorsey and His Orchestra Wed’sday & Thursday BARGAIN DAYS ADULTS 15c a KIDDIES a Dime “LIFE WITH HENRY” with Ezra Stone Pius- “WAIKIKI WEDDING” fishing and hunting Tuesday. • Mr and Mrs. Milton Alfred, they have resided within the state ed by the Rogue River Jersey who have been visiting Mr. and for a period of six months. Cattle club will be held Saturday Mrs. S. S. Davenport and Mr. and Under the Oregon Game Code, morning followed by a noon picnic I Mrs. Murray Murphey, left this a non resident is defined as a per­ at IJthin park Tins tour and pic­ week for their home in Huron, S. son who has not lived within the nic conclude three busy days of D. confines of the state for a period meetings and inspections by the • Mr and Mrs Wallace Ingle and of six months immediately preced­ club. daughter of Sacramento visited ing his application for a fishing Inspection tours began Thursday Tuesday with Mr. and Mi's H. S. or hunting license. amt will continue today of 4-H I Ingle. Many men in the service have club Jersey calf projects. Is The • Sunday dinner guests of Mr. had the impression that they commit tee making this tour in- and Mrs. — — — H. C. Boyer were Mr. could legally fish or hunt without eludes C. J. Hunter, Bob Lyt!c, J ■ and Mrs. Frank Barnthouse, Mr a license or with a resident license R. McCracken, all of Ashland, 1 and Mrs. Veri Barnthouse and before six month’s residence in acompanied by laiwrence Francis, daughter Margarette and John the state, but the Oregon State county 4-H club agent, and T R, Boyer. Game Commission has no power Warren of Portland, western rep­ • Rev. and Mrs. H G Eddy were to issue any special licenses for resentative of the American Jet-. MONTANA SOCIETY PICNICS The Montana Society hud an guests of Mr and Mrs. W W. service men. If a man wishes to s< > Cattle club enjoyable picnic and meeting at 1 Robison Sunday Rev Eddy was fish or hunt before he has lived A meeting of the Jersey cattle­ Uthla |>ark Sunday Following guest speaker at the Presbyterian in the state for six months, a non­ men is scheduled at the court church Sunday. resident license would be neces­ house in Medford at H p m to­ lunch the retiring president, John Skibby, presided over the business • Mrs. Leonora Broili has return­ sary. night at which color movies will ed home from an extended trip in For the benefit of persons who be shown of outstanding western meeting ami program New offi­ the east. While away she attend­ desire to fish for a limited time, Jerseys and the modern methods cers elected were all from Med­ ford and included Francis II ed the RNA convention in Duluth, a 10-day fishing license for non­ of milk production. George Riddle Walker, president, Mr Harwood. and took in many scenic places of residents is sold for $3 of Grants Pass, vice president of vice prosident, and Pearl K \\ al interest enroute. —•---------- , the Rogue River Jersey club, also ker. secretary-treasurer The next • Mr and Mrs C E. Huffman SHOWER FOR MISS GILMAN will speak, telling of his recent visited in Klamath Falls Sunday Miss Dorothea Gilman was attendance at the national meet­ meeting will be held the third Sunday in July. 1942, at 1.1 thia • Mr and Mrs. A. C. Strange guest of honor at a shower at the ing of the club in New York park. , , have left for Twin Rocks where home of Mrs. E. G. Davis on Sce­ Saturday’s tour will tiegin at they plan to spend the rest of the nic Drive. She received many love­ summer. ly gifts for her new home. Guests the Charles Campbell farm two I NEW STATE POLICE HERE • Rev. C. F McCall has returned included the honor guest. Miss miles from Medford on the Jack- Robert T Ix*alle, state police home from Pullman. Wash, where Gilman; her mother, Mrs A. L. sonville highway From i there the recruit, replaces Private J k he attended a pastors’ institute for Gilman; her grandmother, Mis. I. group plans to inspect I herds on Beai ms . who has been sent to Kla­ two weeks. S. Hatfield; her great-grandmo­ the farms of W. T I I-a Fount, math Falls Leslie was an out­ • Mrs J H Edgar attended the ther. Mrs. Sarah Holiday, and Henry Enders and Dick Joy ami standing athlete during his high Synodical society sessions of the Mrs. C. A Williams and Kather­ Mr Dickirm. school and college days and holds Warren, field man of the club, several records and le* ere. Pri­ Presbyterian church held in Salem ine. Mrs R. L. Crosby. Mrs. C. H announced that the Oregon club last week. i Thomas. Miss Dorothea Flaharty, vate and Mrs. Italic are making • Mr. and Mrs Bill Bromlev, Mrs J E Leigh. Mrs, I. R. Barks­ picnic will be held July 27 at Sea­ their home in Ashland who have been attending the Uni­ dale. Mrs R W Johnson. Mrs. Lee side and it is expected that Frank venrity of Washington summer Dunkenson, Mrs. J. H. Orr, Mrs.; Branch Riley, noted lecturer and sue of Who's Who of school, returned home Sunday. B B. George, Elinore George. Mrs I former representative of the Ore­ herds, a directory of • Dr. C. A. Haines went to Port­ E. G. Davis, June Davis, Mrs. gon chamber of commerce, will breeders, may now lx- land on business last week. Emma Hager. Eunice Hager and head the dav’s program. Warren from W C. Ix-th. Oregon club sec­ • Donald Randles will represent Mrs. Warren Cook, all of Ashland; also announced that the third is- I retary. Dallas, Ore Ashland in the state derby with Mrs. Ted Albern, Mrs. Alice Bil- his Skidoo raser this week at derback, Mary Bilderback and 1 Portland. His picture was in Tues­ Mrs Katherine Le Gault, all of day’s Portland Oregonian. Medford and Mrs. Charles Hum­ • Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Tully and phrey of Eagle Point. -------- . daughter and Mr. and Mrs. B. U. Casset of Seattle were week-end NEIGHBORS MEET guests at the J. H Edgar home. Neighbors of Woodcraft met • Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Miles visit­ Monday evening with Harry Moore ed with the Leonard Hall family presiding and Mrs. Alma Sten- in Charleston last week. While nett reading reports. Mrs Ada there they accompanied the Halls Jones was elected a new member. on a few fishing trips and report Mrs. Mae Lindner and Mrs. Anna I heavy catches. Leonard remem­ Messer were hostesses and Harry bered many of his Ashland friends Moore had charge of the enter­ with large salmon and for awhile tainment. Friday the refrigerator at the ------------------•----------------- Bohemian club resembled a sal­ • Ashland people attending he mon cannery. young people’s conference of the IS REALLY GRADE A Methodist church at Little River i this week include Dr. and Mrs. George W. Bruce, Bill Cooke, Er- nest Lytle, Wayne Pickens, Dick Churned from choice cream produced Stannard. Wilma F roman, Ida in the Ashland area. Willard, Emily Stannard, Ruth I Stannard. Barbara Cary. Lois' Ask your grocer for Sun (¿old Butter Redford - and Laura Billings Dr Bruce is one of the faculty mem-' today! bers for the conference. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herndon left for their vacation last Satur­ day. After visiting several days with their sons Bob and Bill Hern­ don and families at Eugene, they For home delivery, Phone I planned to visit several scenic places of the West. • Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weitzel and children spent three days the first of the week in Portland. • Miss Helen Montgomery left Sunday for Klamath Falls where she joined a group of Klamath Falls young people who will attend never takes a vacation, a young peoples' summer confer­ so be sure your property is ence of the Congregational church, which is being conducted at Camp adequately and properly Adams, near Oregon City. Miss insured while you are away Montgomery will remain in camp from home. For complete until July 31. Mr .and Mrs. Don insurance protection phone Spencer accompanied her to Kla­ math Falls and then continued their trip to Crater Lake. • Mr. and Mrs. Homer Billings are vacationing this week at Cree- cent City. • Born to Mr and Mrs. Edward Truman July 21, a son. • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chipman and Harry Chipman are vacation­ ing in Spokane this week. REAL ESTATE and • Mr. and Mis. J. E Moseley REAL INSURANCE visited with their daughter Bonnie 41 East .Main Phone 8781 at the Shrine hospital -in Portland I last week. K N T K II TAIN M K N T Photic 75UI Daily Matinee I:I5 p. in. 20 cent* Evening* 6:45, 30 cents Kiddie* a dime Wednesdays and Thursday* Dime Day* Continuous show on Sundays Friday, Saturday “The FACE BEHIND THE MASK” with Peter Lorre and “MUTINY IN THE ARTIC” with Andy Devine and Richard Arlen I ALMO THE NEWM Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “THE LADY FROM i CHEYENNE” GOLD SUN with Loretta Young Robert Preston BUTTER *** PROTECT ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO ☆ Billings Agency With Bing Crosby Bob Burns LITHIA Tlie Medford Craters' 7 ,3 win over Bend at the fail ground. park Sunday moved them into a liCC- ond-place tie in the Oregon Si itc League's second half pennant race Dutch Lieber, on the mound for the Craters, turned in a nice game with the hits well scattered and with plenty of support from the exceptional fielding of Al Wray and Del Schroer. Lyle Turpin, hurling for the Bend Elka, did not faro so well and was driven to cover in the fifth inning when the Craters pounded in four runs to bro« k a two-all deadlock. The fi- nal run for the Craters came its the result of two errors bv Short- atop St el ter Reward your family with a vacation at the HOTEL MANX — San Francisco’s finest located hotel . . . Powell at Union Square ... in the vary heart of the theatrical, from restaurant and shopping district. HOTEL SAN MANX FRANCISCO ENTIRE FAMILY From $ 4 RAINBOW'S END at Paxton, on the glamoroui Feather River, where you can pan for gold and Ir-!-’ pay for your vacation. Ralet from $2 HOTEL SAN CARLOS invites you to Monterey • . . California's mnti historic city . . . overlooking Fort Ord, on th« Blue Bay of Monterey. Ratet from $2.50 HOTEL CLUNIE with its famous "Ultra-Modern Coffee Shop, at Saeramento, Capitol City of California. Ralet from VEY M. $1.50 TOY HOTELS (Afay we tend yoet deicriptive folder) .... . * * * * , EXAMINER COMING A traveling examiner of opera­ tors and chauffeurs la scheduled to arrive in Ashland Friday. Aug 1 and will be on duty at the city hall between the hours of I p m. and 3 p. m. All those wishing per­ mits or licenses to drive cars are asked to get in touch with the examiner during these hours • Mi and Mrs E H Poole and daughter of Granta Pass were week-end guests of Mr and Mis R. E N< -' Mrs. Ida M Poole