Paqe 6 Friday, July 25, lf,4l SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Mistake« to Be Avoided In Summer Care of Doga LAN Lt MAY nJ-Phillipr INSTALLMENT 19 THE STORY SO FAR: her father Roper conducted a series of great raids upon Thorpe's vast herds. Aral tn Texas, then in Montana Jody was deeply shaken when Marquita. a saloon hostess, convincingly explained that Roper loved Marquita. and not her Relieving that her love waa unanswered Dusty King and Lew Gordon had built up a vast string of ranches. King was killed by his powerful and unscrupulous competitor. Ben Thorpe Bill Roper. King s adopted son. was determined to avenge his death in spite of the opposi­ tion of his sweetheart. Jody Gordon, and • Jody Irft the man she loved. Lew Gor­ don Anally realised that Roper was right in Aghting Thorpe and Lasham, and went gunning for them. Roper met him shortly before the two gunmen ap­ peared This was the moment Roper had been Aghtlng for during the smoky years. Ry VIRGINIA VALE IRcleusrd by Wnltrn Newspaper Union.I rHEN it was decided that the new Garbo picture would get under way on Fri­ day the thirteenth, the assist­ I ant director called the cast together to see if anybody's superstitions would get in the YOU'RE A NUR-CRAZY DRAFTEE IF— 1. You're ulwuys raving how the girls went nuts over you nt home und you never receive uny boxes of cuts. 2. You think you're the "big boss" us soon us you become the First Sergeant. 3. You sturt forgetting whut de­ tails you jvere supposed to flnlsli be­ fore you're hulf sturted. 4 You believe the only-girl-in- the-world when she suys she's stay­ Itathi, Clipping Can Be Harmful. ing ulonc at home pining for you. •‘I'AOG DAYS" nre corning, but 5. You're dressed in denims most they needn't bother your of the day und you call yourself a dog. With simple, right summer yardbird 326 times a day und expeet core he'll be healthy und cool ■■ it always-to fetch ■ laugh. ■ cucumber! 6 You're in the outfit three Do not clip him, for he aheds weeks and believe the Top Kick hia undercout, leuving hia outer when he says he'll get you u first cont to protect him ugainat the and third. 7. You arc tent corporal, und you hot sun, flics and moaquitoea. get the idea the whole tent must Comb and brush him regularly— but do not give him too many bow to your whims about loud radio baths, us this removes the oil ha plays and blaring news reports. needs to keep hia coat healthy. 8. You believe old-timers when • • • they say this is the worst army Our 31 page booklet gives th» simple aU- they’ve ever been in; and will never yearround car» that k»»pa a dog healthy. again join up. Telia how to choose your pal. feed, house­ 9. You believe ull Die wondrous break and groom him; how to train him to do clever tricks Advises on dog sick­ talcs about the greener pastures to nesses. has Information on rabies. For be found in "other camps." your copy send order to: 10. You think unything will ever come from trying to get Into a HEAIIKR HOME BEKVHR conversation with telephone opera­ Ilf Minna Bl. Baa Fremisca, Calif. tors. S-&10-cent store dames, and Enclos» 10 cents In coin for your canteen girls. copy of HOW TO CHOOSE AND • • old. without that sultry fire to back time lagged forever as Billy Roper's it up. "Well, that wasn't so." pony slowly approached; it seemed They buried Lew Gordon at Miles "You mean—you mean to say—” to her that that slow approach was City. That dot upon the northern 1 "Well." Marquita said, “he did characteristic of all that had hap­ way. Melvyn Douglas said that Fri­ prairie marked, in effect the far- not belong to me, not even for one pened to them—delay, and delay, day was a lucky day for him. und thest north reached by that great minute, in all my life. How do you while wars were fought and raids the fact that it was •nd dramatic upthrust of power think you would like that, in my struck in, all through those smoky the thirteenth would which had welled up out of Texas, place?” years in which they had been apart make it so much the carving new trails, opening new vast And yet, at last, when be stopped "But—at the La shim camp you better. Ruth Gor­ countries, driving herds unnum­ said—" his horse beside her, and they looked don, who guve up a bered. under the name of King-Gor­ "I know I did. I would have got st each other, there was something number of summer don. Jody thought that her father him if I could, in any way 1 could. between them still, as if the smoky stock engagements would have wanted to lie there. years themselves had built a wall. I even came here because I knew to take this one in After that was done with. Jody he was coming here. But now I can Bill Roper said. "Hello, Jody. pictures, declared went back to Ogallala. just as well tell you it’s hopeless, You're looking mighty well." that she deliberate­ All through the spring news kept and I'm through. After all. I don't Jody said. "I'm all right.” ly walks under lad­ trickling in. A swift bankruptcy need to run after any man; not any There was a pause, curiously awk­ ders. and loves was sweeping Thorpe's loosely more.” ward; in the pause, Jody's horse black cats. Roland grouped organizations. Wiped out of Young said that "You mean—you're w-illing to let struck at the cinch with a hind foot, Greta Garbo Texas by the so-called Rustlers' him go—even if—" tormented by an early fly. he'd bring along War, broken in the north by the "Let him go? I never had him.” one of his china penguins, to break “You didn't come to see me,” Great Raid—the shaken power of An odd edge of contempt came into j the evil spell of the jinx. As for Jody said. Ben Thorpe crumbled fast, now that Marquita's voice, but whether for Miss Garbo, she said nothing- just "Well,” Bill Roper said slowly—"I Thorpe himself was dead. A once Jody or herself was not plain. “Can't showed up on time. didn't know if you'd want me to." unbeatable organization, powerful you get that through your head?" "Don't you know that you're half ----- *— from border to border, was going She turned toward the door impa­ of King-Gordon? And I'm the other Janet Blair used to be the fea­ down tn such utter debacle as no tiently. half.” tured vocalist with the late Hal man could check. Jody Gordon supposed that she "Jody—people like you and me Kemp's orchestra; now she has • And as Thorpe's power vanished ought to thank Marquita for having can't go by things like that—things Columbia contract and one of the into the gunsmoke in which he had come here, for having made the con­ top feminine roles in "Three Girls i like legacies and will»." died, a strange new prestige began fession which she had made, but Jody's voice was very quiet, yet About Town." She'll play the young­ to attach itself to the name of the she was confused, and the words er sister of Joan Biondell. man who had destroyed him. Only would not come. Instead she said. it must have seemed to Bill Roper CAKE FOR YOUR DOG. that she cried out "You're going ----- *- • little while ago Bill Roper had been "Do you know where he Is? Is he LINEN ON DUTY to leave me to carry all this, just Nam» David Niven not only went back an outlaw, a hunted man with a well? Is be safe and all right?” ("It is not enough for us merely to by myself?" Address to England to serve his country, but price on his head, in whose behalf Marquita's smile was mocking. trim the wick and polish the glass in "Lew Gordon left a sound organi ­ he's been made a few men ever dared speak a good "You want me to find him and send the lamp of victory."—President zation,” Bill Roper said, his voice major. Bing Crosby word. But now that his enemies him to you?” Roosevelt.) dead. “ You have many men, and had ■ letter from were down, it seemed that the whole "I think." Jody said, "he'll good men, too. The works will roll. With the lamp on the floor him in which he length of the Long Trail held men come." 'Neath a volley of bricks. I think, with Thorpe gone." mentioned the pro­ who professed themselves his life­ mi? sllrt t lh< Ifoart "Okay,” Marquita said, and she Let no man offer help long, strangely Once more the Hu trap»*! la IM •UMttaaà or gull« mag act !lh» • motion. He heads a long friends. Like coyotes after a pulled open the doer. hair Ulggor un th« boari. Al 11 m OrM alfn at 41«tr«M As a trimmer of wicks. poignant silence, And to Jody it ■Mart awn ami «.. nma .tepeaj «a Hall ana Tablais to squadron of defense killing, like worms after rain, Bill "I want to tell you something," gag h«a No la«a