SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, July 25, 1941 About People You Know • Mrs Guy Cornwall mid Mis BELI.VIEW NEWS Cline of l-a Jolla, Calif were guests of Mis Horace Badger last O Rev Young Pastor of the Ixith ern Church of Medford held ser­ Friday. • Mr ami Mrs. M P. O’Harra vices nt the Ed Grimm home entertained ut dinner Inst Friduy Monday evening. complimenting Mrs Lee II Witty • Christina Gary is visiting with Mr and of Portland Guests were U. —1 relatives al Marshfield this week Mrs T L. O'Harra, Mrs Lee H. • Bill Sikes who is employed at Witty, I >alr. Lee and Robert the Shasta Dam spent Wednesday O'Hui ru and Miss Beryl Henal il g - and Thursday with his mother, Mrs Grace Sikes wuite. • Miss Jeanette Burton and Miss • Kenneth Huff of Yreka is visit* Annes Norris have returned from I Ing with his father, Ted Huff. n visit in Sun Francisco, Monterey • Mr. ami Mrs Henry Walters and daughter Jean and son Jim­ hik I San Luis Obispo • Noel Heard was n business vis­ mie who have been spending the itor In Klamath Fulls Wednesday past month with Mr.. and Mr» • Kenneth Burns of Dunsmuir Emil Oassman and Mrs Ellzalx-th visited his parents, Mr and Mrs. Walter. have returned to their Central home In Tegucegalpa, M T. Burns Sunday evening • Di ami Mrs. G W Gregg, Mrs. America Mr. ami Mrs. Walters Katie Scroggins and Mrs Jessie and Jean attended the graduation Taylor spent the week end at of Jimmie from Military Academy at San Rafael, Calif before corning Crescent City. • Mrs Grace Sias visited rela­ to Ashland Mr. Walters is a bro­ ther of Mrs Gaaeman.. tives in Fossil recently • Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Elder of • Mr and Mrs B H. Christlieb. Klamath Falls were week end Mr and Mrs Homer Moore and Mrs. Geo. Nichols with the 4-H guests ut the C L. Ix-wls home • Mr mid Mix Earl lx-evcr have agriculture club attended the coun­ returned from a two week’s vac­ ty 4-H club picnic at Gold Mill ation tii|> In the South and East last Friday. • Bill Carter la at Ixmgview. • Dale Anderson has returned C from a week’s visit with relativen Washington attending a J at Myrtle Creek Penny convention • la-ater J Walton, resident of • Miss Nancy Ring left Wednrs- Medford for thirty years passed «lay for Dunsmuir where nhe will awuy at his home there lust Kat be employed. He was the father of Mrs Dwight • Mr and Mrs R E. Beil Jr of Klamath Falls who spent the Patterson of thia city. • Mr. and Mrs John Poet and week-end here, reported a fine children, Mrs William Bears and catch on a fishing trip near Shale G. W Morris attended the Free City Mcthixllat camp meeting at Port- • Bill Bowden ami Mr. Dauk- worth went to (-ri-xci-nt City on land • About 35 young people of Un­ Sunday to visit with the Dauk- church of Christ In Ashland at- worth family, vacationing there. tended the young pcoplea' confer- • Tlie Bellview school board held Its regular monthly meeting last •nee at Fii Point • Mr und Mrs William Henn- Thursday evening at which the easy of Harper visited several school supplies were ordered for L the coming term. days with Mr and Mrs. R • Mrs Carl Henry and her group Lindner. • Mrs McKee of the New Ash­ of helpers began their work of land Hotel et.joyed a visit from mattress making Fri ComfOrtMV This is a gov- of Stockton recently • Miss Harriet Turnbull has re­ rmmrnt project and Mrs Henry turned home from a visit to her has entire charge of the work sister. Mrs Irene Hutchinson, in They will complete the project in about two weeks I «»a Angeles —--------- • Jeun llohr of Klamath Kalla visited his wife here at the New WILLIAM IIARVEV HAWKINS Funeral services were held Ashland hotel over the week end. • Mrs Schieferstcln of Klamath July 17 at the IJtwiller Funeral Falls and granddaughter from home for William Harvey Hawk­ Grants Pass visited in Ashland for ins who passed away Monday a short time aftemixjn He is survived- by his • Mr and .Mrs Ralph Wooden j widow, three children, Mrs Bertha returned to their home in Eureka ireHsrt of Redding, Harvey Haw­ and Thursday after spending the part kins of Jamestown, Calif Mrs Harry Vestal of Ashland: month in Ashland • Earl Fraley, Jr has a position four grandchildren and five great as Junior Engineer In the navv j grandchildren. yards at Bremerton, Washington • Subscribe for The Miner today. MllülHíÍUilHílN n Church of Christ Second and B Streets Alton Brostrom, Minister Bible schixil 9:45 a rn. classes for all ages L. U. Gresham, sup­ erintendent Morning worship at 11 o'clock Meetings of High School and College C E Societies at 7 p in Evening service at 8 o'clock. ------------- •------- First Methodist Church Cor. N. Main >uid I .mi rei Sts. Dr. (Merge W. Bruce, Minister ^Tunday^cKooFatnrTnr^n/ Morning sermon at 11 o'clock on the topic, "Jesus for Today.” The congregations from Hom- will be brook, llllt and Copco ~ guests of honor at this hour. Epworth and Wesley leagues meet at 7 p m. Union srvice will be in the Pres- byterian church, with Rev C F McCall giving the sermon, The hour Is 8 p. m. -------- ■ — Free Methodist Church East Main Street John K. Poet, Pastor According to figures compiled by the checking stations at the California bolder, for the first six months of 1941. Pacific highway U. S 99 made a six per cent gain over the same months in 1940, or Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor 1,313 more foreign cars This is a good gain considering^ the competition of the Redwood Ma mm at 8 a rn. Sunday and coast highways on the west and U 8 97 and U. S 395 on the east, and there is an indication that 1941 will break all records for travel through the Shasta- Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor Cascade area, where the total gain Fourth and C Streets is 36 per cent over the same per­ iod of 1940 These figures are for Church school 9:45 a m Morning worship 11 o’clock. foreign cars only arxl the local Junior, Young People's and Ad- travel has been even better. Choir practice 8:45 p m Wed. COOPER JOHNSON Evangelistic service 8 p. m Miss l-n Velle Cooper daughter Prayer meeting 7:45 p. m. Wed- of Mrs Thora Cooper, and Albert ulta, meetings 7 p. m. Johnson, son of Mrs I»uise John­ nesday. son of Jacksonville were united in marriage Saturday evening, July 5, at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fourth and It Streets George Icenhower. The Rev. Gor­ don Lindsay read the marriage Rev. Shrarburn, Pastor lines Following the ceremony a Bunday school 10 a. m H. O. reception was given After a short wedding trip the young couple Butterfield, superintendent. will make their home in Ashland. Morning worship 11 a. m. Young People’s meeting, 6:30 • EVENS COMMISSION p. m. Jack Enders, son of H G. End­ Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. Week night services Tuesday ers of Ashland completed his and Friday evenings at 7:45. course at Kelly Field Texas last Prayer meeting precedes these week earning a second lieutenant's two services. Young people in commission • charge of Tuesday service. • Ed Hunt has moved from Tal­ ent to Ashland. Catholic Church WATCH REPAIRING F*|M'rt Swiss und American watch repairing. Your watch timed and regulated FREE on our Electric Time Michroriieter. RAMSEY’S JEWELRY STORE Swedenborg Bldg. \-.hl:md Church of the Nazarene Foursquare Church First Baptist Church REAL ESTATE c. TW O OFFICES E. Huffman 65 N .Main Mrs .C. E Huffman 345 E Main Huffman Real Estate Trinity Episcopal Church Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Holy Communion 8 a. m. t’hunh school 9:30 a. m. Sermon and morning prayer a. m. Holy Communion 9:30 Wednesday. Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. Fri­ day. You are cordially invited to worship with us. ------------- •------------- f Kull Gospel Temple E. .Main and Siskiyou Blvd. R. E. Schmidt, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o’clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:45 Tuesday evening. Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. —•------------- Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Worship service at 11 a. m. •--------------------------------- Neighborhood Church Congregational Boulevard and Morton Streets Clarence F. McCall, Minister Neat shirts arc essential now if you wish to enjoy the distinc­ tion of a carefully dressed man. Send your shirts to the Ashland lannulry If you wish thiMii to look neater and stay neater longer. Traffic Count Shows Gain on Highway 99 Bunday school at 9:45 a. m. J. K. Turnbull, Minister Sadie Simpson, superintendent, in charge. Bible school 9:45 a. m. -C. E Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Junior meeting and Young Peo­ Corry, superintendent Morning worship 11 o’clock, ple's meeting at 7 p. rn. Evening Sunday. 8 p. m , church service. worship at 8 o'clock. Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ praise and Bible study nesday evening at 8 o'clock. You are welcome to all services. First Presbyterian Church Shirt Sleeve Days ARE HERE! Page 5 Biblie TchooTanTlE^^n" Kiiss Marjorie Stratton, superintendent. Worahip at 11 o'clock, sermon subject, "The Behavior of Two Men at a Time of War.” ------------- •------------- OSCAR FRED RIEBEL Oscar Fred Riebel, who passed away July 3 at his home in Ash­ land, was bom Sept. 19, 1870. at Sheboygan, Wis. He had been a resident of Ashland since 1902, where he was employed as a rail­ road engineer. He is survived by his wife, one daughter, Iona Riebel of San Francisco, two sons, Ches­ ter Riebel of Wake Island, and Clifford Riebel of Ponderosa. Cal. Funeral services were held in Sa­ lem July 5. FENSE BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS X E « à » WHEN SAFETY IS YOUR GOAL... “SAFE AS SUNSHINE I” say more than a million users. And electric water heating lets the faucet do the foot-work, too. No running up and down stairs in our homes. No, sireee! Electric water heating is completely automatic . . . delivers all the hot water we want . . . whenever we want it . . . without our giving it a single thought I What’s more, it’s ... “CLEAN AS SUNSHINEI” Why, many of us have our electric water heater installed in the kitch­ en or the games room because they are so clean. And so good-looking. Those modern models really do dress up a room. And as for being dependable, why, electric water heating’s... “MORE CERTAIN THAN SUNSHINE! Yes, it is. Never a day but what electric water heating does its job thoroughly, efficiently and economically! That’s why we’ve gone modern,” say these more-than-a-million, more-than-sat- isfied users, “and why it’s high time that you, too, looked into this mod­ ern way of heating water.” TREAT YOURSELF TO LOW-COST LUXURY WITH ON SAL I \l MUR POSTOFFICE OR RANH ASHLAND LAUNDRY COMPANY Phone 7771 : «1 Water St. ‘‘For the ideal washday— Just call, That’s all.” = AMERICA ON GUARD! Above is a reproduction of th« Treasury Department’s Defensi Savings Poster, showing an exact duplication of the original “Minuti Man" statue by famed sculptoi Daniel Chester French. Defense Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your bnnk or post office, are a vital pari of America’s defense preparations WATER HEATING CITY ELECTRIC STORE