Friday, July 25, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 Southern Oregon Miner CHAS M. GIFFEN WIIXJAM BAVIN Publishers Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND, OREGON ¥ ★ Entered as second-class matter February 15, 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3. 187». SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR $150 SIX MONTHS 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) ★ TELEPHONE 8561 GOOD.PRINTING JMBUCINB THS AYSHA» TUAN-ABOUND TIMI 01 IACH KAjlAOAD FRIIBNT CA* ONI DAY. SY FAS HA UNLOADING. ADDS TO THI NATION’S FASI6HT CAA SUPPLY TNI EQUIVALINT OF 11 400 CAM f|__ 6 or 8 E«. Rolle B*llniO Dev. noil Printed ftc Extra for PiMichroaiintlc Doubl«- Ml/«« .”>< ALL FINE GRAIN DEVELOPING. GUARANTEED WORK Reprints 2c iu Deckh< edge or plain, double size, 3«* 35 mm. 36 e>. Dev. & Printed, 3*4 prints, V5c roll. Send this ad with your order and wo will send a miniatura frame free. Mali films to ECONOMY PHOTO FINISHERS BOX 1576, NT A. D. LON ANGELES, CALIF. Use That Ash Tray! Thus far this season the Oregon public has set a record in the reduction of man-caused forest fires, but now with most Oregon roads bordered by a heavy crop of dry grass, it is doubly important that the motoi ist keep in mind the fire hazard. State Forescer N. S. Rogers recently said. "If mo­ torists would stop flipping cigarettes and other lighted objects from their cars, the cost of forest fire suppres­ sion in this state would be cut approximately one- third.’’ jAoNEEA AAJLADAfl BUILDEAS IN »I WEST This is a simple, forthright statement by a man WIAE ATTACKED FMQUfNTLY IY INDIANS AS LATI AS IS» TM I ATI IN RAIINMD SUAVtYOM who ought to know what he is talking about, for sup­ WEM MAS SAC MD BY A FAC Ml INDIANS. pressing forest fires is part of his job. Naturally, he would prefer that forest fires didn’t start. We now are TALENT NEWS KILT NEWS coming into the worst half of another fire season and • Mr. and Mrs C. W. Moore re­ • The Women's Society of Christ­ our forest roads are carrying more tourists than ever. turned home Monday from a to­ ian Service met Thursday after­ visit in southern California, noon at the Club House with Mrs And we like tourists even though they do have a bad day where they visited a son and W A Dutro as hostess Mrs El­ habit of tossing any old thing out of their car win­ family. mer Jackson, co-hostess. was un­ • The Epworth League members able to be present due to illness dows—plain rubbish is bad enough, but lighted objects held a picnic at the forks of Wag- Mrs John DeWitt presided over are a crime. ner creek Tursday evening, hon­ the business meeting Mrs Clark, birthday anniversaries of treasurer, who was unable to at­ So, Mr. Motorist, why not use that ash tray so con­ oring three of their members, Elva tend the installation services last veniently located in your car and prevent a repetition Thomson, Art Graham and Lyda month was installed by Mrs. Bert Baylor. Mitchell of the hundreds of fires caused in Oregon last year by Mae • Mr. and Mrs. A. L Daugherty Those who attended were: Mes- careless motorists. and daughter of near Eagle Point dames I. Anderson, Walter Bray ★ ★ ★ were calling on friends here Sat­ urday. They were former residents of Wagner creek. • Mr. and Mrs. John Sloan of Calif, visited Mr and Mrs. As banking authorities are pointing out. saving on Dorris, Walter Gingrich Sunday. • The Methodist Sunday school the part of the public is especially important now. I held its annual picnic in Lithia Saving does two things, both of which are desirable park Friday. There was a good and necessary. First, it builds up a backlog for the fu­ atendance. • Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brooks ture when the defense program will be over and we will of Hollywood are house guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ottinger this have to return to some sort of normal basis of living. week. Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Ot­ Second, it diverts money from the consumer goods tinger are sisters • Ed Smith who is with the US markets—and that, in turn, helps build up the stocks army, called on friends in Talent of materials needed for military preparedness. while on his way from San Fran­ Today the government is urging the people to pur­ cisco to Fort Lewis, W’ash. • Collier Learning who is em­ chase the special defense bonds and stamps newly is­ ployed in the restaurant business sued by the treasury. The banks of America, knowing in Crescent City, spent last week his mother, Mrs. Eliza­ full well the gravity of our economic problems, are co­ visiting beth Learning, and other relatives operating fully in this endeavor, without a nickel of • Mr. and Mrs. H. E Morgan home Monday from a profit to themselves. When we loan to the government, returned trip to Portland where they spent we are directly aiding defense, we are investing in the last week visiting relatives. safest known form of security, and we are helping • Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Huson and children and Mr. Huson's sisters. fight inflation. Be mice and Edith Huson of San Every family should make defense bond purchases Francisco, have been vimting Mrs Huson for a few days. an integral part of its budget for as long as the emerg­ Elizabeth • Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey ency endures. Buy as many bonds as you can. And and Carl and Shirley were week­ guests of relatives at Seiad don’t dispose of them unless it is absolutely unavoid­ end Valley, Calif. Carl remained for able. a two weeks visit there. • Barbara Terrill and Lois Thompson left Saturday for Little River, near Roseburg, to attend the Epworth League conference. They were delegates from the Tal­ ent league. • Freddie Cook of Klamath Falls is spending a vacation at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cook. • Mr. and Mrs Frank Dillard and daughter Kathleen of Eugene visited Mr. and Mrs. Jay Terrill this week. Theye recently returned from the east where they pur­ chased a new car in Detroit and drove it home. • Mrs John Newsted of Detroit arrived Saturday to spend a week visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Dav­ idson. The Davidsons and Mrs Newsted drove to Butte Falls Sunday and visited friends there. ------------ •------------ DODGE APPOINTED Will M Dodge has been appoint­ ed district deputy grand exalted ruler of the Benevolent and Pro­ DELIVERY FREE PICK-UP tective Order of Elks in southern Oregon. Included in Dodge’s dis­ trict are the counties of Coos, Curry, Deschutes, Lake, Klamath, “If it can be done, 163 East Main Jackson and Josephine. we can do it” Phone 6231 Time to Save! Cleaning Special SUITS, PLAIN DRESSES, PLAIN COATS FOR 50c3 $1.25 STANDARD CLEANERS and daughter Judy, Frank Bern- helael and daughter Carmen,, Flo­ rence Clark, John DeWitt, W. A Dutro. Harry DeJamett, Arthur Gilberg and son Gene, Frank Graves. W. A Gran. Bert Mit­ chell, W. Poff and son Duane. F Quamine, Enzle Wright. Frank Ward, Kenneth Brown, Frank Oh- lund. Edwin Richardson and daughter«, and Mra. Alva P. War­ rens and daughter Elizabeth of Durham. Dainty Refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs Dutro. • Mr. and Mrs. John Kalvett and sons moved to Sacramento, Tues­ day • Mr. and Mrs Walt Foster mov­ ed into the Kalvett house which was vacated Tuesday, • Bill Bemhelsel is spending two weeks leave visiting relatives in Hilt. • Mrs. Maud Wert who has spent several days in Ashland visiting her daughter I^la Francis, returned home Thursday evening. • Mr. and Mrs Lorenzo Rossi and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rossi and sons spent the week-end visiting rel­ atives in Mt. Shasta • Mrs Florence Clark and daugh­ ter Doris left Friday morning for a two week vacation trip into Oregon and Washington • Mr. and Mrs W Gran were in Yreka, Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ollom visited Mr, and Mrs. W. Holmberg in Yreka Sunday evening. • Court Rose was home Saturday and Sunday on leave from Fort Ord • Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams and son Roy were in Medford Sat urday. • Gloria Cunlal, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Paul Cunlal. underwent a tonsillectomy at the Hilt hospital Saturday. ------------ •------------ PETERSON-C A RTER Miss Mary Petersen, daughter of Mrs Chris Petersen, and Jef­ ferson William Carter were united in marriage at the Presbyterian church on July 16 with the Rev James H. Edgar reading the mar­ riage lines Following the cere­ mony an informal reception was held in the church parlors. Later a wedding supper was served at the bride’s home Mrs. Carter was graduated from the local schools and business college and has served as secretary to Supt. Theo J. Norby. Mr. Carter was educat­ ed in the Walla Walla, Wash, schools and now is employed as assistant manager of the Ashland J. C. Penney compay store. Handy Desk Models Bostirch Paper Staplers Use them in home, office or school Neater, Cheaper and quicker than old style paper clips Southern Oregon Miner Flic World’s News Seen Through T he C hristian S cience M onitor An International Daily Neu i/>u[>er », III! r'llKISTlAX M IF XI F 1*1 HI l»IUXG MM II TY One, Xu,way Slrert, llmlim, «» Truthful—Conairu, live— IJnbiaaed—Free from Sentalmnal lam — EdKoriala Ar« Timely and Instructive, and Ila Daily Feaiurae, Together with the Weekly Mjgoine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newapaper for the Home. Price 412 00 Yearly, or f I 00 a Month Saturday laaue, including Magarme Section. 42 60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 laauea 2Ï Centa. Obtainable at: Christian Science Reading Room Pioneer Avenue Ashland, Oregon $5.60 Pays for three years insurance on .$1,000 dwelling or household goods inside Ashland city limits. Lower rates if building qualifies I. C. ERWIN REMEMBER WHEN —the entire class lined up for spelling? When you missed a word, the first pupil to spell it correctly moved up ahead of you Thepupils staying near the top were considered the brightest, but at recess some boy from the foot of the class always won all your marbles. Remember? We have “won” confidence by service that in constant—human—and dejiendable. V DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home We Never Clone—Phone 4541 ASHLAND LUMBER COMPANY Phone .3291 KEN WEIL, Manager Oak Street at Railroad Gone are the days of the Wooden Indian —and gone too are the old leaky storage tanks of wood. ☆ We build leak-proof metal tanks for water oil or gas. All sizes and shapes to meet your requirements. —While all grades of red cedar are available at present prices. This is ideal weather for re-shingling and FHA loans provide easy monthly payments for materials and labor. SEE US FOR FREE ESTIMATES! Phan« BÎB1 240 Euat Main Street Do Your Shingling NOW! C.M.Litwiller J SET YOU FREE” T1ÌE TKl TH WllXX^ OAK STREET GARAGE and MACHINE SHOP PHONE 4586 »7 OAK ST., ASHLAND J