Friday, July 18, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 I- Anglers Urged to Use Report Cards Friday and Saturday! The Western sky's the limit for fun and | I i I Another appeal to anglers to utilL e catch report cards and send in data on every fishing trip is being made by the Oregon state game commission. Charles A. Lockwood, assistant supervisor in charge of lake and steram survey and fish liberation, reports that 1941 returns of re­ port cards is far in excess of last year, but even so, many fishermen are not using the cards. Lockwood explains that the ma­ terial sent in on the cards by fishermen is of inestimable value in connection with the survey re- ports of four crews now in the field. The cards may be obtained in any sporting goods store or from the game commission's of­ fice in Portland, require no signa­ ture and are postpaid. State Grade A Milk Good for Army Bids LUPE VELEZ Leon Errol Donald Wood. PLUS THE SEAHAWK HAWKSHAW! ... in a modern murder mystery! ERROL FLYNN TiHE DARK BRENDA MARSHAll Ralph Bellamy Alan Hale Dairymen who have been grant­ ed the right to use the state grade A label on their milk will have no difficulty in meeting the re­ quirements of the quartermaster department for sale to the army, says A. W. Metzger, chief of the foods and dairies division of the state department of agriculture Regulations for those selling milk to the army and to CCC camps are not more rigid than those for meeting the state grade A re- quirements. Bids call, In most cases. for grade A pasteurized milk, The army purchasing officer has in­ formed the department that the army will take state inspection as it has been doing in the past Dairymen under the state grade A regulation have nothing to fear when they submit bids in the de­ fense milk purchases, for these regulations are in many respects more strict than the standard ord­ inance of the US public health service. The US public health milk ordinance is a minimum raqulre- ment covering the various states ------------- •------------- ENTERTAINS FOR FRIEND Mrs. Homer Billings entertained a group of friends Monday after­ noon in honor of Mrs. Earl Fralev of Alameda. California, who is visiting in Ashland with relatives The afternoon was spent in visit­ ing and doing fancy work after which delicious refreshments were served by the hostess Lee Patrick Allen Jenkin» Lucile Watson ♦ PROTECT FREE to the Ladies! Constance Bennett COSMETICS SUN • MON • TUE r-~ ------------ middle again! A. the bi9 U,;«,,, ly£t>on • iwiou. girl fritnd ,r,Tu‘ Mat oC?r Card HINDSIGHT PAC. TEL & TEL' Monday ON SPORTS ISSUE REPORT N R. Powley, president of the 111 Pacific Telephone and Telegraph company, issued a statement re­ lly I TOLD YOU SO cently in connection with the re- L ams lease of the dividend checks to Wrestling, after a two-months shareholders in which he com­ lay-off. has finally got another mented on the indicated adverse start in Medford with promotor effect on the company's earnings Mack Lillard using the Craters' due to its huge plant construction home ball park pending the U. 8 prog ram in excess of 50 per cent army's completion of use of the i i over last year now totaling more Medford armory. The open air aids than $70,000.000. heavy increased the pachyderms during the hot wage payments recently effective weather and gives the fans a cool and the forthcoming substantial place to spend the evening while tax increases. watching some good 'raaalin. In further commenting on the Lillard is figuring strongly on statement to the shareholders, Mi shooting in some boxing cards if Powley stated: and when the proposed army can­ •'Throughout the entire Pacific tonment becomes a reality. The coast we are making huge plant camp should do wonders in Im­ additions to meet the extraordin­ proving the sports calibre of the ary service requirements in de­ Rogue River valley. Among the fense preparedness and the accel­ 30.000 men there should be some erated tempo of business activity. good material for all sorts of ath­ Our working forces have been letic teams including boxing and considerably increased in number and we now have in excess of wrestling. Billy Hulen. in his column head­ 35.000 employees or over 5,000 ed Sports Graphs in the Medford more than a year ago We have Mail Tribune of July 16. has the highest payroll in thu history turned poet and scribbled the fol­ of the company. “Prior to the first wf the year lowing lines: we estimated that our 1941 con­ Joe DiMag is quite a guy struction program would approxi­ He belts 'em far and he socks mate $60.000.000, of which an ag­ 'em high, gregate of $46.000.000 would be But remember, pals, and don't exclusively for new construction forget, We now estimate that this pro­ DtMag will someday fail to gram, which is still in a state of hit. flux, will be in excess of $70,000,- Not to be outdone by our friend 000 and it will undoubtedly be en­ of the MT we to would enter the larged due to the continued un­ usual and unforseen extraordinary realm of poetry: service demands Blessings on thee little Hulen, "The present rate of telephone You are funny, that’s no growth and Increased volume of foolin'* toll and long distance business, Your rhyme on DiMaggio was both at the highest level in the a dilly. history of our company, are due I Even though 'twas rather I in large part to defense prepared- | silly. You've called 'em wrong in years gone past. How long will your record last ? Craters Add Two To Victory String The Medford Craters added two games to their mounting consec­ utive string of victories over the weekend when they took a 12 to 3 exhibition game from the Redding Tigers Saturday night and weht on to drub the Toledo Mud-Hens 14 to 0 in a state league game Sunday afternoon. Both games were played at Medford In the Sunday game Al Fleish- mann, Crater first baseman, hit a home run over the left field fence with Al Wray and Lou Sauer on bases. It was the first Crater home run in their own park this season. The Medford American Legion Junior baseball team tripped Marshfield 16 to 4 at Medford tn a district game Sunday. Other state league games saw Hills Creek stop Bend 5-4 and Silverton copped a 7 to 5 decision over Klamath Falls. ------------- •------------- Rogues Vs Craters For Medford Title FIRE never takes a vacation, so be sure your property is adequately and properly insured while you are away from home. For complete insurance protection phone ☆ Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and REAL INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main lau'k of talent has caused Pro- | motor Mack Lillard to change j plans for his Medford Fairgrounds wrestling card next Monday night, according to an abnouncemcnt yesterday. Top calibre material is not available in this locality at the present and Ullaril stilted he 1 would rather not stage a card than to present inferior talent Lillard was unable to state def­ initely whtu he would again resume matches neaa and .as such, have iiwiumed abnormal proportions Current rate of earnings may I m * consid­ ered only ns temporary. "The preliminary earnings fig­ ures for the first six months' per­ iod of this yeur are undoubtedly not indicative of the nite of earn­ ings which will I m * experienced for U m entire year 1941 Substantial tax increase« must lie expected and no provision is included in the six months' statement fOI CCOMB profits tax nor for an increase in federal Income tax Coats. Indus- lve of heavy Increased wage ex- penaea. are rapidly Hsing. The un­ precedented additions to plunt are materially increasing cairying charges which are not yet fully reflected In the earnings state­ ment. All of these factors will in­ evitably result in higher expenses and lower net earnings "National defense considera­ tions. in their full importance, have been prominently in the fore­ ground throughout all our activ­ ities during the year Our resourc­ es, facilities and personnel have been and are all directed toward our company playing its full > f fective and patriotic part in our country's defense program We take justifiable pride in the spirit and competence with which our entire personnel la meeting all of them- activities " LITHIA « I'huiie 75411 Daily Matin«*«* 1:15 p. in. ’!0 cents Evenings 8:15, 30 cents Kiddies a dime Wednesdays and Thursdays Dini«* Days Continuous show on Sundays Friday, Saturday u MEET BOSTON DLACKIE” with Chester Morris and Rochelle Hudson “TRAIL OF THE SILVER SPURS” with Ray Corrigan and The Gang Busters Al-MO THE NEWS Sunday, Monday and Tuesday “THE SIGN OF THE WOLF” GET Rll) OF THAT OLD Jack London’s Story with Michael SLUMP Whalen A TALENT NEWS Hot weather take« away ap|»etlte for food»—well try sitting down with a quart of Ml’NGOLD milk and some rnukrn or a salad . . . you'll love the coot, delicious flavor of MUNGOLD and find yourself |ieppiag up Immed­ iately. Try It today! ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO For home delivery. Phone 6761 (Continued from page 1) the university at Eugene where he will lake school administration • Mr J Britt has the contract for interior decoration of the Tal­ ent school during vacation • Neil Tripp took the local fish- ' ing honors the past week when he caught two large salmon on the Rogue • Mr ami Mrs «'laience Homes of Ashland called on relatives in­ Talent Sunday evening. The Oregon state league Med­ ford Craters have accepted ths challenge of the Medford Rogues, Southern Oregon league member, to play the best two out of three games for the Medford city cham­ pionship. Heads of the two clubs will decide what dates are favor­ able and in what manner the gate receipts will be divided. The Cra­ ters’ next open date is July 23 and it is possible that the first of the series will be held on that nite. Paul (Hoosier) Hoffard, man­ ager of the Rogues, says he has signed a pitcher who has ta-en working in a wildcat circuit in Nevada and has been ousted from I organized ball. Hoffard plans to have him on hand, wearing a mask, for mound duty against the Craters and says he will un­ mask at home plate only if the . Rogues are beaten. Zx-zííí^í'zZZ. A ndy H ardy ' s SECRiWVr can go EAST through CALIFORNIA for no extra rail fare -V ' V Wed’sday & Thursday BARGAIN DAYS ADULTS 15c KIDDIES a Dime If you’re planning a trip East and back this year, just remem­ ber that Southern Pacific round­ trip tickets take you Eatl through California for not lc extra rail fare to most destinations. Add San Francisco, Los Angeles and many other cities to your trip at no additional ticket cost. Fast, air-conditioned trains all the way including streamliner« and coach-tourist economy traini. Ths Friendly Southern Pacific See local 8P agent or write J. A. ORMANDY. Gen. Pa» Agent. «22 Pacific Building, Portland, Oregon 1