Friday, July 18, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Fun for the Whole Family CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT TRUCK PARTS Heavy-duty Motora, azels parts, bodies, tires, hoists and used truck«, TRUCK WRECKING COMPANY 10th A B E Hawthorns. Portland. Oro, SCHOOLS BIG TOP REGISTER NOW! For Bummer term. Easy payment plan. Free Life employment service. WBBTBBW BEAUTY COLLBOB ns 8. vr 4th Avs. Portland. Ore, RABBITS AND SKINS POULTRY AND RABBITS WANTED. Good white fryer rabbit skins SI.IS fier lb Write postcard for prices and nformatlon. Baby B Co, 933 B. W. Front Portland. Oro. FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE Boll Oeveloped and Two Prints irosa Iterativo Bach Oood “----- 25c WMTIB« PHOTO COMPAMT Portland. Ore. Boz W-42M By RUBE GOLDBERG S PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 2 Sc—Made by Portland's larg­ est retail kodak finisher Satisfac­ tion guaranteed Quality Picture Co. Boz W3573. Portland, Oregon. FOR SALE I TD40 WITH NEW 45 DEGRES HEAD. A-l condition. 1 T20 re­ conditioned and new paint. 1 model MAC. tractor. 1 model A Ford coupe All priced for quick sale. Boaalla Hdwo. Co, Rosalia, Wash. MAKE money raising Royal Palm Tur« keys. Poults 2 and 4 weeks old. Writs B. Bowen, 317 American Bank Bldg. WRITE BATTLESON FOR CANBY FARMS. The Garden Spot of Ore. gon. Free list. Battleson Land Co, Canby, Oro. BALLOON’S. We print them In Port­ land. Quick service. All kinds. Jf. W’est's leading dealer. Henry Hall, 326 B. B. Hawthorne, Portland. Oro. S’MATTER POP—S.h! Beat It, Soldier.! By C. M. PAYNE ■TEREOPT1CON, LARGE SCREEN, 2000 SLIDES of art, religion and travels in India. Poland. Franca, Germany. America, Italy. Canada, etc, mostly colored. Good for Grange, church, lodge, school and home en­ tertainment. For sale at bargain to close Edwin B. Lockhart Minister, 8353 M. E. 56th Are, Portland, Ore. DENTAL PLATES D r . H arry S emler , D&disi ALISKrilPC ÌMSMORUtSON PtHITUUID ORE Lasy Horse MESCAL IKE Now All Pa Ha® to Do Is Catch It By S. L HUNTLEY A Negro was inspecting a friend's horse. “You say dat hawse is lazy?” "Lazy? Man—looks dat fly on his nose. Pestehs him consid’able, but he’s waiting til dey's two or three before he bothers ’bout sneezin’ ’em off.” Extreme Willie—Daddy, do lawyers ever tell the truth?” Daddy—Yes, son. sometimes a lawyer will do anything to win a case. Agree at Last Mrs. Peck—Henry, I hope I didn’t tee you trying to flirt with that woman from the West? Henry—I hope you didn't, too. Jack Is Stuck Whiffenpoof—Jack seems to be stuck on Dorothy. Spree—Stuck on? You mean stuck with! One Showing Only POP—(S)Iight Misunderstanding By J. MILLAR WATT Mother—Hurry, darling, or we shall be late for church. Elsie (age 7>—Is there only one showing, mother? The Gentle Sex •They say Mrs. Binks plays foli like a man.” “She should be ashamed to use such words.” They’ve Met Before "Have you ever seen the prisoner at the bar?” "Yes. your honor, that’s where I met him.” Suburban Heights visit. TWO DAYS ANO A NIGHT THE SPORTING THING TWO PERSONS INCLOOES: sRoom & Bath Dinner or Supper 'Dancing 'Breakfast ARMSTRONG SAN FRANCISCO Zrrtÿf