Pag© 6 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, July 18, 1941 TERNS LAN IE MAY INSTALLMENT 1» SEWDNG CDKCLE THE STORY SO FAR: Dusty King and Leu Gordon had built up a vast string ot ranches. King was lulled by his powerful and unscrupulous competitor, Ben Ihiirpe Bill Roper. King's adopted son. was determined to avenge his death ir. spite of the opposl- • lion of his sweetheart. Jody Cordon. mad. a desperate but vain attempt to and her Father Roper conducted a great save him. Thorpe's men w.r. attacked raid upon Thorpe’s vast herds tn Mon­ by some of Roper a eowboya. led by tana. Ha was captured by Leathers and Jody Iter joy at finding him waa short Uved. becauae Marqulta told her that Kane, two of Thorpe's men. Leathers' Marqulta. not Jody, waa Roper's girl. girt, pretty Marqulta. loved Roper and a * * • and blue braid, the result ■mart young costume which will add fun to every hour you wear it. Pattcrn No BIMI2 la tn airea 12 lo 20 and Film Fashions American Him producer friend to watch asked an English _ the "shooting” of one of his ciety” IllmN to bcc thut it wus all right. After a time the Englishman usked: "Why does thut man keep his hat on when he's talking to ■ • the lady in the drawing room? "Sure,” said the producer, "he can't tuko it o!T unother ludy's coming in presently, and he's got to raise his hat to her." 40. SUe 14 blouac top requlrea Iti yards pony which know, that It has come 3rt Inch material; Slacka, 2'« yarda; skirt, to the end of the long trail. 2*» yarda, 7>b yarda Inaid tur trim, Jody stood up. She felt suddenly For thla attractlve pattern aend your He drew a last drag from hia ciga­ tired and numb. order lo: rette, and strapped on the gunbelt "I still think a world can be made which he had laid aside. Unhurri­ where decency can live." she said. NF.IVING (IlttT.E PATTERN DEPT. edly, he three or four times drew "Some day, decent things will live 149 New Montgomery Nlrrrt the iron from its leather, to be sure on this prairie, whatever happens to San Franrlaro Calif. that it was running free. Then, with us. But meantime—I guess he be­ Encloar 15 cenia In coin» for a purely unconscious motion, he longs to you." Pattern No... sue... cocked his hat over one eye She held Marquita's stare for a Name.............. went down into the street. moment, then turned and walked to Addi rii.......... He knew that Lew Gordon the door. Opening it. she saw that Quirk wooing* seem to be the gone into thk Red Dog Saloon, the first forlorn cold gray of the fashion. Sort of hlisskriegs. he walked toward it now. winter dawn was coming into the For a moment Bill Roper, raider, sky east of Montana. Much to Learn The black hulk of the horse whose night-rider, gunfighter — dreaded CHAPTER XXV "How docs Charlie make love?" neck she had broken lay at her feet name of the Long Trail—experi­ "Weil, i should desci ¡be it as un­ She pulled from under it the coat It was very early; the sun was enced a twist of tlie heart, terrible, The bus was starting in the skilled labor." acute. Then he with which she had blinded It when only just breaking over the winter- unbelievably midst of a torrent of rain, when she charged the door, and pulled it starved prairie, that Sunday morn­ shrugged, and walked into the Red the conductor put his head inside He'd Bren Told Dog Bar. on; the bitter cold of the dawn was ing as Bill Roper splashed through and inquired: "Will any gentle­ Sergeant A'ou> take that rifle and enough to penetrate to the bones. Lew Gordon stood at the bar of the creek that runs by Sundance, man get out and oblige u lady?" fiii'l out how to uta it. the Red Dog Saloon. The hard line Slowly she uncinched and worked and rode into the little town. "She can come inside and sit Ihallre I i'll me one thing It it true the saddle free, then the bridle. She Overhead the sky was such a clear of his jaw was blurred by a silver on my knee, if she likes,” suid a that the hunter I ¡Hill the trigger the staggered a little as she shouldered crystalline blue as Bill Roper had shag of whisker now, and his mus­ passenger, jocularly, and, to his farther the bullet will go? the saddle, and walked out toward not seen since he left Texas, and tache was silver, and his hair; but great surprise, in bounced u the corral where other, living ponies underfoot his tired pony was sinking the clear blue eyes were unbelieva­ buxom woman* who forthwith ap­ No Accompanist stood, dark humped - up shapes fetlock deep in thawed mud. The bly young, younger than Bill Roper propriated the offered knee. "What is your occupation?" His against the snow. mud itself was predicting a spring had ever seen them before. After a time the man, Brown, •'An organist." hands were folded quietly, one el ­ which Roper believed now he would by name, got into conversation "Organist, eh? And why did you bow on the bar; and so greatly did CHAPTER XXIV never see. with his burden, und asked her give it up?” Without sign from the rider. Rop­ this silver-haired man dominate the where she wus going. On hearing "The monkey died.” space in which he stood that It was Bill Roper and Bob Stokes—the er's pony drew up before the Palace her destination, he exclaimed, minutes before Roper realized that King-Gordon cowboy whom Roper Hotel and Livery. "Why, that’s my house!” there was a bartender there at all. had not known—had finished their With some difficulty Bill Roper "Well, then," replied the woman, "So you came." Lew Gordon said. makeshift dressing of Old Joe's roused a sleepy and resentful indi­ blushing, "I'm your new cook." "Of course. Lew. Didn't you know wound, and were working on Jim vidual. Leathers. Jim Leathers lay perfect­ "Feed this pony, and feed him I would come?" New Jobs Being Offered "In one way," Lew Gordon said. ly still; only his eyes seemed alive. well." “How's she feeling?" Bill Roper Casually Roper strolled along the "I'm glad you came. I want to say By U. S. Civil Service asked. corral where stood the loose horses a couple of things to you. Billy, my boy. I done something wrong, “The Gordon girl? She's all right \\rHAT a parade Uncle Sam K Billy." "You was right and I was She went out to look over the horses ** could lead of his workers— wrong. You fought him; I tried to or something.” workers of every kind. You may smooth things out. I*m glad I've * "Bob, you better go see nothing's have often wondered if there is lived to Jell you this: you was right happened to Jody." a place for you in that parude. and 1 was wrong!" YOUR boat or on dry land ‘TH go in a minute, soon as we're "Lew—” Bill began. you'll enjoy this play suit What chance would you have in through here." No Halfway the United States Civil Service? "I should have killed him, Billy," I which features the smart nautical But Jody came in of her own ac­ I hate to see a thing done by New tests are being given all Lew Gordon said. theme. The sailor collar top cord. before that. She went straight halves; if it be right, do it wholly; mates well with either slacks or the time and there are literally if it be wrong, leave it undone.— "Lew! What are you telling me? ” to Old Joe. "I know I was wrong." Lew Gor­ a skirt—have both in your vaca­ "Are you terribly uncomfortable. Gilpin. don said. Yet, somehow he did not tion ensemble! Make it in faded Joe?” seem unhappy. "Always I stood for blue denim, trim with red, white “I feel great” Joe said with spir­ law. for order—the decent thing, the it "I been hunting for a vacation thing that would build this country for fifteen years, and this is my into something my kid could live in. first excuse!” But—I guess it wasn't meant to be. 'Tm sorry. Joe. You’ll never Cranky? I should have swung with you when know how sorry I am. I tangled Can't sleep? Tire you tied into him in Texas, and eaally? Becauae of A A General Qui* things up pretty badly, I guess.” diatrrae ot monthly again when you tied into him in the "You done wonderful,” Joe told functional dlaturlianna«? T?ien try north! But I aim to square it all up I.ydia K. ITnkliam's Vegetable Com­ her. "You saved Bill’s neck, all today!” pound. right. They had him hog-tied like a The Question» "You mean—?” said Bill Roper. Pinkham's Compound la famous mosshorn, and the girt too, when 1. How many tablets of atone for relieving pain of IrresularpeHoda "He's coming to meet me here." we busted in.” and cranky nervouaneaa due to auch held the Ten Commandments as "With how many men?” Roper dia turbane ea. One of the moat effer- Jody shot Marqulta a glance in given to Moses? Ur. medicine, you can buy today asked again. which the only light was a faint con­ for thia purr*me — made opcctaUy 2. The average amount of blood "What does it matter?" Lew tempt but she did not comment /or women. WURTH TRYING I in the human body is about what poured himself a drink. “I'm riding back to Miles." she proportion of the body weight? Outside, on the board walk of Sun­ told Joe. “On the way I’ll send 3. "Double, double, toil and There May Be a Piace for You dance. were sounding the heels of help back, and everything you'll Pride No Reward trouble; fire burn and cauldron approaching men . . . need. And I’ll see that you’re moved Unless what occupies your mind bubble” is a quotation from what? thousands of different jobs. Per­ "I can kill him, ” Bill Roper said. in a spring wagon, soon as you feel 4. What is a binnacle? Bill Roper splashed through the haps you, too, are the kind of be useful, the pride you derive “I can kill him even if I die." like moving. I appreciate what from thence is foolish.—Phaed. creek that runs by Sundance. 5. In Greek legend, who sowed person our government needs. you've done. Joe.” Lew Gordon's face changed swift­ ... the dragon ’ s teeth? "Hey, look.” Bob Stokes began. which were being boarded here. He ly. Suddenly he was the indomita­ To find out what your chance, are. how 6. What country named its cap- “You can’t be riding off like this in was chewing a straw as he came ble old man whom Bill Roper had you ahould apply, see our new 32-pase after an American President? ital the middle of the night!” booklet Lista leverai U. B. Civil Service back to the sleepy man who was always known. 7. What is meant by 0:15 a. m.T poiltlon. with salaries and requirements “It’s coming daylight fast. I’ll be now shaking down hay. "Ben Thorpe is for me,” Lew Gor­ all right” 8. Who were Egbert, Ethelwulf, Explains rules for applying, trial period, "I see you have a 9B horse there— don said, "to make up for the quiet promotions. Increases and benefits Includ­ Outside, in the gray light that a good one.” Ethelbald, Ethelbcrt, and Ethel- ing n years . . annuities. Send your seemed colder than the air, Jody order to: And Bill Roper, looking deep into red? "Yeah?" HEN kidneys function badly and Gordon bad mounted as Bill Roper "1 figure Lew Gordon rode that the young eyes of that ageing man. T/ie An»wer» you suffer • najgmg backache, came to her stirrup. with dittinest, burning, scanty or too finally said. "Okay.” horse in?” HEADER HOME. SIKVK B Two. 1. “You mustn't go yet,” he told her freauent urination and getting up at 11? Minna Nt. Nan Franrlaro, Calif. "And supposin’ he did?” And then the door darkened, and 2. One twentieth. night; when you feel tired nervous, gently. "These boys are fixed as "Where is he stopping?” the approaching heels on the board Enclose 10 cents In coin for your 3. "Macbeth." all upset ... use Doen's Pills. comfortable as they can be; there's copy of GETTING A JOU WITH THE “How should 1 know? This dump walk were silent because they had 4. A box containing a ship’s Doan's are especially for poorly no hurry to get help. You'll be is good enough for his horse, but arrived. The man Lew Gordon had U. S GOVERNMENT. compass. working kidneys. Millions of boxes wanting some coffee; and I have to it ain’t good enough for him. He sent for had come . Name ......................................................... are used every year. They are recom­ 5. Jason. talk to you, Jody.” went to sleep with some friend or mended the country over. Ask your It was Ben Thorpe who stepped Addrcss ■•••••••••••••••••■••••■•«••• 6. Liberia (Monrovia, named "I’m not interested in talking to something, out at the edge of town. »» neighbor! quickly through the door, and one for President Monroe), you.” Jody said without expression. "I’ll take a room facing on this pace to the left, so that his gun. al­ 7. Fifteen minutes after mid- “Why, Jody—look here—” street," he said. ready drawn, swept the bar. It was night. The zero is used to denote "I got you into this,” Jody said. A little while later Roper sat at Walk Latham who followed him that the first hour of the day has "I got you into this because I was a last with his heels caught in the through the door, stepping one pace not elapsed. Friendship is like rivers, and tool. So I bad to get you out. That's window sill, resting as be regarded to the right, so that the door was 8. The first five rulers of Eng- the strand of seas, and the air. all over now. I don't want to talk to the empty street clear for the three unknown gun­ land, reigning 12, 19, 2, 8, and 5 common to all the world; but WNU—13 2941 you, now, or any time.” That Ben Thorpe was here was fighters who tried to enter all at years respectively, from 827 to tyrants, and evil customs, wurs, She whirled her horse sharply, so known to every cattleman in the once. Eloquent Silence 873. Their conquest formed part of and want of love, have made them that its hoofs sent up a scurry of north country. Ben Thorpe had been "Draw. Ben," Lew Gordon said; the rich early Saxon-Danish his­ proper and peculiar. — Jeremy Silence can at times be more dry snow; then she was gone, her here many weeks; it was to Thorpe eloquent than words. Taylor. tory of the island. retreat covered by the cabin as she that Bill Roper was to have been and then al! guns spoke at once. In the blast of gunfire that fol­ swung toward the trail. delivered, here, if a kid horse wran­ For a moment Roper stood look­ gler following Jody Gordon had not lowed, no man could tell what hap­ ing after her. Then he stepped in­ shot Jim Leathers down. But, by pened—but Roper knew that al) guns 1 seemed to converge upon Lew Gor­ side. the fine, hard-ridden 9B horse which “You’ll stay here. Bob," he said. Lew Gordon had ridden in. Bill Rop­ don, and frantically he threw the “I’ll saddle and ride after her; I’ll er knew that Gordon had not been lash of his fire at Thorpe, at Lash- am, at the unknown men at the door. ■ee that she gets to Miles.” here long. He judged that he had For a moment the guns spoke in a "Wait a minute," Old Joe said. got here in time. smashing roar, and the powder "You got to wait a minute! There’s Bill Roper sat there a long time. something else you got to know. » I Seven o'clock passed, and eight, and smoke stung Bill Roper’s nostrils; “There’s nothing else I need to nine, while he smoked and waited. and then suddenly there was silence again. know.” Ten o’clock passed, and ten-thirty. "Lew Gordon ain’t in Miles!” Thorpe and Lasham both were Then upon the quiet main street "Then where the devil is he? His of Sundance appeared a figure—the down as that gunsmoke cleared, and daughter—” those other strangers in the doorway one he had been waiting for. "Somebody — Jim Leathers, I It seemed to Bill Roper that Lew had disappeared, except for a boot guess—sent a note to Lew Gordon Gordon walked like a younger man heel that dragged almost out of that his daughter was all right, but than Roper had remembered. Bill sight, and then was still. couldn’t be sent home just yet. No­ Roper knew Lew Gordon by the flash Beside the bar of the Red Dog body signed that note. But it was of silver in his short beard, by the Saloon Lew Gordon still stood. Per­ plain to be seen from it that some old hat, curiously like Dusty King's, haps it was his bullet in the heart war party of Ben Thorpe's was hold­ which Lew Gordon had never of Ben Thorpe—no man would ever ing her some place. So Lew Gor­ changed. But he had to look twice know. don—” to be sure that this man with the He turned now, slowly, elbow upon "You mean that Lew Gordon is springy stride and erect bearing was the bar. and looked at Bill Roper. THE SMOKE OF SLOWER-BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS going on the warpath himself? Hunt­ the Lew Gordon he had known. "Thanks, son." he said. The hand *•/ ing for Jody?” When he was sure, Bill Roper that held the heavy forty-five sagged "He’s going after it straighter stood up and stretched; he filled his deliberately, then dropped the gun; C> than that. Everybody knows Ben lungs with air, and at last let it go it made a strange clatter upon the Thorpe is at Sundance. Lew Gor­ again, with a whoof like that of a unswept boards of the floor. Then don has gone to Sundance to tie into --------------------- r Lew Gordon's knees broke and he Ben Thorpe, and his old gun is than the average of the 4 other largest-aelllng cigarettes tested—less than any of them went down, and Bill Roper caught THIS IS A hammering away at his side.” —according to independent scientific tests of the smoke Ittelf. The smoke's the thing! him as he fell. "He figures to fight Thorpe?" Thin and tinny across the squalid "Bill, it sure looks that way to me town, across the thawing prairie, the What’s strange about that? Thorpe church bell was ringing—a make­ has punished away at Lew Gordon shift church bell ringing, on Sunday -THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS all his life. He’s stole his cattle and morning, as Lew Gordon died. A MAIK Of killed his trail bosses, and fought FINt FICTION (TO BE CONTINUED) CHAPTER XXIII—Continued him in the market fit to break them both, and finally he kills Lew's part­ ner. and still he keeps on." "Joe.” Bill Roper said. "Joe— Walk Lasham himself is with Ben Thorpe!" "Well—I ain't surprised." "But God Almighty, Joe. if he walks into a fight with those two. all hell can't save him! He's as good as dead, the minute he walks in there!" "That." said Old Joe, “is what I figured you ought to know." Rrown II