SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friduy, July 18, 1941 I About People You Know • Mr and Mr« Alfred Ully were visiting with the James IJIIys ov er the w«-rk end. • Ml«« Celene Morgan Visited ill Medloid Monday evening with her cousin, Miss Lillian Newton • Nathan Gale was a Medford visitor lust Thursday. • Mr and Mtn Dick Trite« went to Medford Monday to visit Mr ami Mr« D Newton. • M in Cauline Fine of 1»« Ari- geles 1« a guest at the C. T. line home. • Ml«« Alum Jessel has returned home from a visit with relatives in Eureka EXchunge: Apricot« taken a« payment on old or new subscrip- tions to the Miner • Mr« D. Perozzi ha« sold her haine on Granite Street to Mr. and Mrs Allan Htnnsby of Klamath Falla. The deal was made through th«- C. E Huffman agency. I • Mr and Mr» Wesley Hoxie and son of Martinez, California epent the week end with relative« at Ashland. • Mr« Dwight L 1 Roys, ’ ~ Sr * has returned home from . . a ...... visit ....... with relative« at various points in < 'nllfornlu ' • Mr and Mrs Henry Lundberg | and daughter of Tacoma have * been visiting a week ut the Martin , A Nel««>n home. 1 • Mrs lu.rry Evenson and four children of Mf Canyonville and their son Ice­ I land of of Fort In-win, Washington Second and B Street« Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor visited last week I with Mr. and C. Alton Broatrotn, Minister and Mrs Mary Mrs J. A. Yeo i Maw at 8 a. m. Sunday. Bible «chool 9:45 a m. classes Bruner. L m . U Gresham, sup­ • Mr and Mr« James McIntyre for ail age« L. and daughter of Alamosa, Colo- erintendent. rado were guests al ÜM Paul Morning worahip at 11 o’clock. Beaie home lust week Meeting« of High School and • Mr and Mm. Virgil Jackson ' College C. E Societies at 7 p. m. Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor and Mr and Mrs. Henry Metz) Evening service at 8 o'clock. Fourth and C Streets visited In Crescent City several day« thia week. Church school 9:45 a. m. • Born to Mr. and Mm IJmey Morning worship 11 o'clock. Williamson on July 13. a daughter I Junior, Young People’s meetings • Mi and Mrs. Bill Snider were] 7 p. m. Yreka visitors Suixlay Cor. N. Main and ! .aurei Sta. Evangelistic service 8 p. m. • Mr and Mm Jim Hudson and Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister children of !>»« Angeles are guest« of Mr and Mm A L. Wren. Sunday church school at 9 45 a • Mm. Charles Brown and m. Alien O. McGee, superintend- Fourth and B Streets «laughter of Portland ure guests Mornlng sermon at 11 o'clock Rev. Shearbum, Pastor of Dr. an«l Mm C A Haines. on the subject “Living Victorious­ • Mr and Mm Don Travis vis ly" In the absence of the pastor, Sunday school 10 a. m. H. O. lt«-d several «lays at Gold Beach Mrs. Chas. M. Giffen will give the Butterfield, superintendent. this week. sermon. Morning worahip 11 a. rn. • Tom Gelling of Grants Pass . _ ....... service will „... be in the The union Young People'« meeting, 6:30 visited with his parents, Mr and Methodist church at 8 p m. Ml|| OetHng Sunday _«________ p. m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. • Mrs James Yeo is visiting with her daughter, Mrs Charles Butch- j Week night services Tuesday and Friday evenings at 7:40. art in Sheridan Prayer meeting precedes these • Mr anr Mm Carl O Baker two servlc«!«. Young people Ln were guests of Dr. and Mm Ar- East Main Street thur 8 Taylor last week charge of Tuesday service. John R. Poet, Pastor • Mr and Mm H A Stearns and Bob Stearns visited friends In Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Medford Sunday. Sadie Simpson, superintendent, in ■- • J. R. Turnbull, Minister ROYAL NEIGHBORS PICNIC I charge. Morning worahip at 11 o'clock. The Royal Neighbors lodge pic- Junior meeting and Young Pern Bible school 9:45 a. m. C. E. nlc was hel«i Wednesday evening I pie'« meeting at 7 p. m. Ev«ming Corry, superintendent. at the IJthia park Mm Wesley Morning worship 11 o’clock, Reed and Mrs Sid Reed were in worahip at 8 o'clock. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ Sunday, 8 p. m , church service, charge iff the arrangements. » nesday evening at 8 o'clock. Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer ------- •------------ You are welcome to all services. praise and Bible study OUR HONOR ROLL Church of Christ I WATCH REPAIRING Expert Swiss and Ameri<-an watch repairing. Your watch timed and regulate«! FREE « hi our Electric Time Michrometer. Catholic Church RAMSEY’S JEWELRY STORE --- •— Church of the Nazarene First Methodist Church Foursquare Church Free Methodist Church First Baptist Church New NutTM-ribers to the SOUTH- EKN OREGON MINER: Trinity Episcopal Church C E. Huffman. W A, Reedy, and Adell's Beauty Shop. Renewal«: Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar T P Franco. Dori« Hall. Lloyd Selby, Carl A Brower. Guy Apple­ Holy Communion 8 a. m. white, Herbert's Grocery. Mad­ Church school 9:30 a. m. den'« Shoe Shop, C. M Litwiller, Hermon and morning prayer 11 Me Nair Drugs, Mitchell Barber a. m. Shop, and Don Spencer Holy Communion 9:30 ► Wednesday. Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. Fri­ day. You are cordially invited to worahip with us. •— Ashland Sw«-d<-nburg Bldg. AUTOMOBILE - FIRE CASUALTY - LIFE IJay Watson, evaangelist, sacred drama producer and director, who will present a drama entitle«! "Our Mother’« God" at the union services to be held at the Method­ ist church at eight o’clock Sunday night. Vivian Watson, wife of the Rev. Watson is th«- l«-ading lady. Mr. Watson plays two parts and Mrs. Fred Engle of th«- Methodist church is taking a |*art. In addition U> the drama, the Watson family will give a musical program featuring violin duets and vocal solos Rev. Bruce urges all who can to see this production which is s|MHisor«-d by the Epworth l^-ague of the Methodist church. Tuesday night the Watson play­ ers will present another drama, "Their l-ast Warning" by .Manford Evans, at the Christian Church. Joyce Watson, nine, has one of the leading [»arts in this play. The public is invited to both of these meetings. An offering will tie taken, twit admission is free. I N S U R A N C E De|H-ndahle Protect ion at Reasonable Rates M. T. BURNS ON THE PI.AZA ------------ —-------- ---------------------- — REAL ESTATE TW O OFFICES E. Huffman 65 N Main Mr» .C. E Huffman 315 E Main c. Huffman Real Estate WHEN COMFORT IS YOUR COAL Neighborhood Church Congregational Boulevard and Morton Streets Clarence F. McCall. Minister Regular Bible school classes at 9:45 a. m. Morning sermon at 11 o'clock ------------- •------------- Full Gospel Temple E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. R. E. Schmidt, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o'clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o'clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:45 Tuesday evening. Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. ------------- •------------- YOURS ♦., almost as a gift First Presbyterian Church I More Adventures of a Sunday scnool 8:45 a. m. Worahip service at 11 a. m. EIJZABETH BREESE Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the Litwiller funeral home for Mrs. Elizabeth Breese, 85. of Talent. She is sur­ vived by four grandchildren of Talent, two brothers in Iowa and a sister in Glendale, California. ------------- •-------------- MRS. VERA CLIFTON Funeral services were held Wed­ nesday afternoon at Melrose for Mrs. Vera Clinton who pased away at her home in Ashland on Mon­ day. She is survived by her hus­ band. James I. Clinton, her parents one sister, and three brothers ELLERY QUEEN FAMOUS DETECTIVE OF BOOK, SCREEN AND RADIO You will be held breathless by these five startling fast-moving mystery stories. Daring, clever, extraor­ dinarily exciting, they are among the most amazing adventures of the famous detective: The Adventure of the Teakwood Case, The Adventure of the Two-Headed Dog, The Adventure of the (ilasn-Domed Clock, The Adventure of the Seven Black Cfets, The Adventure of the Miul Tea Party. ENSE BUY UNITED STATES SAVINGS BONDS AND STAMPS Becaune we want you to know Bestseller Ubrary Books (selected and published by The American Mer­ cury), we’ll send you this one—More Adventures of Ellery Queen— practically FREE. We ll supply the book if yon will puy 10c for postage and handling. Out of more than 100,000 copies printed we have lens than 5,000 left—and they’re going fast. Hurry and send a dime for your complete copy of thin book. (Sorry—only one to a customer). ON Ml I mill RR)srÓHl( E OR HANK AMERICA ON GUARD! Here's my dime. Send me a copy of the Bestseller Library Book, “More Adventures of Ellery Queen.” NAME I AI »DRESS ............... CITY AND STATE C-3 MERCURY BOOKS, 570 Lexington Ave., NEW YORK, N.Y. Above is a reproduction of th« Treasury Department’s Defens« Savings Poster, showing an exact duplication of the original “Minut< Man" statue by famed sculptoi Daniel Chester French. Defense Bonds and Stamps, on sale at your bank or post office, are a vital pari of America*« defense preparations ELECTRIC 4 WATER HEATING fS A LOW-COST LUXURY "INSTALL IT, THEN FORGET IT I” say more than a million users. “That'» the comforting thing about electric water heating — in addition to the physical comfort of having plenty of piping hot water when­ ever you want it. There are dozens of times a day when you just can’t do without hot water — and when all you have to do to get it ia . . . “JUST TURN ON THE TAP — instead of running up and down •tairs — and waiting — why, it is mighty comforting and convenient. Temperatures are automatically controlled, too, with electric water heating. And modern electric water heater models are so hand­ some that they are an addition to any modern home. Many of us in­ stall ours right in the kitchen or the games room. And the hot water service we enjoy is so de­ pendable — so ... “CLEAN, SAFE AND LOW COST," say these more-than-a-mil- lion, more - than - satisfied users, “that we wouldn’t go back to the old way for worlds! Honestly, it’s high time that you, too, looked into this matter of modern electric water heating!" SEE THE Nt.^ ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS TODAY! CITY ELECTRIC STORE