Friday, July 18, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER For Summer Style Silhouettes Visit Your Corsetry Expert By CHERIE NICHOLAS in outline. Matching panholder» may be made from the parrot-in- cage motif. • • • Z92M, 15 cents, brings this set of parrot tea towel and panholrler motifs In a trans­ fer that will stamp more than once. Send your order u> Box IM W Kansas City, Mo. Enclose 15 cents for sacb pattern desired. Pattern No.. Name Address Pattern No. Z9266 K/fONDAY, Tuesday, Wednes- iV*day, Thursday — each tea towel boasts an industrious parrot busily pointing the way to efficient household routine. Applique Polly and outline the rest of the motif, or do these gay designs entirely thirst qri \< hi it idi ah Tills WEIK'H MENU Ttie thermometer's soaring and the summer sun'a too hut, you say? Then you'll want a cool, gracious drink with tinkling ice to lift your wilted spirits. Indeed the favorite pickup for a sultry day Is nothing more than a simple drink of fruit juice», tea, or frosty milk with shimmering Ice. The tartness of the fruit juices In these drinks will refresh and cool you. soothe your disposition long after you've sipped them. Besides they'll give vitamins and minerals to pep you up even more. For a really quick cooling drink you might try some of the prepared fruit juice powders on the market They can be mixed In a flash and give a very satisfying beverage The children will like working with them, too, and won't muss the kitch­ en if they have this type of easy preparation to use. Summer drinks can be especially attractive when served with those fragrant sprigs of mint you have growing on the side of the house, lihL strawberries from the patch, i s «su «*-» o 1 or long, length- _2<1 _•< w I s e slices of A C lemon to bring out the delicate flavor of tea. Ice cubes with cherries, red berrle», mint leaves, orange or lemon slices, or fruit juices al) frozen In the cubes will make your thirst quenchers s joy to look al •Iced Tea. Tea must be made double strength when used with 1er, so use 2 tea- Spoons for each cup of water Meas­ ure 1 cup of frcthly drawn water, bring to a boll. Pour over leave», let steep 5 minutes, then strain into a pitcher. Cool, pour into glasses filled with ice, two-thirds full. Serve With slices of lemon. You can do such delightful things with this combination of tea, or­ anges and mint, so here's a recipe which you might like to try. It'» a company favorite! Orange Mint Julep. (Serves 10) fl glasses of strong tea 2 cups sugar H cup water 1 orange rind grated Juice of six oranges Sprays of mint Boll the sugar and water and grat­ ed orange rind for 5 minutes. Re­ move from fire, add crushed mint leaves and let cool. To the strained tea add ornnge juice, and pour into glasses which are half-filled with crushed Ice. and sweeten to taste with the strained mint syrup. You'll like this garnished with mint spray» and floating orange slices. For a really exhilarating drink that has nutritive value so vital to lift lagging spirits, here's eggs and milk combined with fruit and juices. It's so-o-o good and loka like a charm. LYNN HAYS: A snowy frost on the glass In which you serve your cooling summer drinks is very attrac­ tive and simple to make. All you do is dip the top of the glass before it is fllled Into slightly beaten egg white und then into granulated sugar, Allow to dry thoroughly before using, If you'd like a true frost for the glass try a drink which is guaranteed to have one. Such arc the old-fashioned “granite” which may be of any flavor you desire. The granit is a half­ frozen drink which is put in the refrigerator or freezer until a light snow-frost appears, but leaves the drink still liquid enough to pour. For a strawberry granit, mash a quart of berries and cover with 1 Mi pounds of sugar, then set aside for several hours to let a syrup form. Drain and press through a sieve. Add 1 table­ spoon of strawberry extract, then mix with 1 pint of water. Freeze until the top is snow-frosted and serve in long, thin glasses. Fruit Cup Noodle Ring with Fried Chicken Cream (Jravy Hot Biscuit» Fresh Asparagus with Browned Butter and Crumb Sauce Tossed Fresh Vegetable Salad French Dressing •Iced Tea Red Raspberry Fluff •Recipe given. Frult Float. (Serves 2) 1 cup water I * I 'HIS is a day and age that de- 2 cup» sugar * mands style-perfection throughout Juice of 2 lemons every detail of general makeup and Juice of 2 oranges apparel. One may be ever so glam- 2 eggs I orously groomed In matter of com­ Mi teaspoon salt plexion, hair-do and fingertips, one's W cup fresh raspberries or straw- I costume may be of fine fabric In berries colors delectable, stylized “to the Chipped ice queen’s taste," but if one's figure Boil the sugar and water for 5 is not expertly and scientifically minutes. Cool. Mix all the ingredi­ brought under subjection into lines ents except the ice and beat thor­ of smooth contour and grace via oughly. Chill. When ready to serve, faultless foundation-garment tech- pour Into glasses half filled with Ice. ' nique, all is lost in matter of style- Garnish with a few whole berries. ' right and charming appearance. Fruit Hwlssle. Note how slim, svelte and gra­ ciously satisfying the fashions pic­ (Serves 8-10) tured are to the eye. They demon­ 1 quart strong tea strate the efficacy of corset wizard­ 1 quart ginger ale ry in giving the much-to-be-coveted Juice of 3 lemons 1 small bottle maraschino cherries smooth silhouette that modern fash- l Ion demands. In the foreground the Juice of 3 oranges "portrait of a lady” demonstrates 2 cups pineapple juice 1 cup diced or crushed pineapple how distinctive a smartly conserva­ Mix all the Ingredients together, tive graceful sheer print redingote I costume looks when the wearer is sweeten to taste and serve Iced. Here's an old-fashioned treat that nicely fitted in the correct founda­ always makes new friends. I can tion garment. In this instance the still remember simple styling of the redingote with how nice the its accent of tiny white buttons down kitchen smelled the front calls for a well-constructed when mother corset in order to show to advan­ used to put it up, tage the slender-waisted figure. and then again Diminutive quill pens darting from how hospitable tiny inkwells make the attractive everyone thought white-print patterning on fine dark she was when un- expected guests came and she served this drink, It has n delight- ful color, and unusual flavor. Currant ftyrup With Raspberries. (Makes 3 quarts) 1 pint currant juice 2 pounds sugar fl pounds currants 1 pound sour cherries 1 pound raspterries 1*4 pints water Pick. wash. seed, and dry the cur­ rants carefully. Seed and stem the cherries, and the raspberries Pound and mash them well and let stand in a cool place for 36 hours. Then strain through a bag. Cook the sugar and water until it will snap when tested In cold ya ter. Then add the fruit syrups, let boil 5 min­ utes, remove from fire Let it get cold and then put up in bottles. Cinnamon Almond Float. I (Serves 6) *4 cup sugar Vi teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 quart cold milk 1 teaspoon almond extract H teaspoon vanilla 1 pint vanilla ice cream Combine sugar and cinnamon; add milk and flavorings and stir un­ til sugar is dissolved. Pour into tall glasses and top each with a gen« erous spoonful of ice cream. Coconut Flake Cookies. (Makes 5 dozen) lMi cups sifted flour 3 teaspoons double-acting baking powder H teaspoon salt 3 cups corn flakes or bran flakes 1 cup butter or other shortening 1 cup granulated sugar H cup brown sugar, firmly packed 2 eggs, unbeaten It is u treasurable little hat and dress of cunning pique, patterned 1 teaspoon vanilla 1*4 cups shredded coconut with pink rosebuds that this darling Sift flour once, measure, add bak­ little girl is wearing. The gay posy ing powder and salt, and sift again; pique is just the thing for the mak­ add flakes. Cream butter, add sug­ ing of this little sun suit. A match­ ar gradually, and cream together ing bonnet completes the vision. well. Add eggs, one at a time, beating thoroughly after each. Add Mithly Blouse Types vanilla. Add flour and flakes mix­ One of the reaction» to the vogue ture, mixing well. Add coconut. Drop from teaspoon on ungreased for long-torso lines is the revival of baking sheet and bake in moderate the middy blouse. The latest types oven (375 degrees F.) 12 to 15 min­ accent the lowered V-llne neck. utes, or until done For variation H Middy sweaters are very smart White cup chopped nuts may be added to worn with pleated skirts. wash-fabric middies are also good mixture before baking. Style. (RelsuaSd by Western Newspaper Union.) Hat to Match I Matches should be kept in non- inflammable containers where children cannot reach them. • • • 6,760 Languages One reason jelly is tough is be­ cause too little sugar is used; an­ It seems incredible that there other is overcooking. are as many as 6,760 languages in It takes less time, fewer hours the world, but a census taken re­ cently by philologists reveals that of labor and, therefore, costs less such is the case. Most of the lan- to roof a house with strip shingles guages are *‘dead” tongues, and than with individual shingles. • • • only 2,796 are now spoken, but even this seems a staggering num­ Proper drainage should be pro­ ber. vided under concrete floors and Among the white races English porches, and around wall footings is most widely spoken, then Rus­ and foundation walls. • • • sian, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Italian, in the or­ Meals with plenty of color are sheer for the redingote with der given. Of the rest, more peo­ not only more interesting, but are matching crepe for the under slip. ple speak and write Chinese than invariably better balanced than Shirred heart-shaped pockets add any other language. colorless meals. interest to the flaring skirt. Slim through the waist and hips, smartly bulky through the blouse and shoulder, the lumberjacket slacks costume shown is beautifully tailored in cool spun rayon for active summer way. For a slim, chic line and comfortable action freedom, the fashion-wise vacation­ ist will wear this trim costume over £¡7 \ • Baking day» are happy days when a sleek panty girdle correctly fitted R? 5^7 \ Clabber Girl is used ... Proud bakers to her special needs. Fresh and cool for summer the sing the praises of Clabber Girl in mil* patrician jacket suit pictured to the lions of home*. left uses fine printed sheer and crepe in a clear white scroll and a f leaf patterning. A self-fabric softly styled jabot at the bodice front gives subtle accent to this sheer- with-crepe frock, with its all-around pleated skirt. The season's impor­ tant lingerie touch appears on the collar of the nipped-in jacket. The influence of the new long-torso Deadly Tongue As Presented line is seen in the attractive spec­ The second most deadly instru ­ We sometimes think that wo tator costume shown to the right in the group. Here a smartly striped ment of destruction is the dyna­ hate flattery, but we only hate the one-piece frock is teamed with a mite gun—the first is the human manner in which it is done.—La- Rochefoucauld. trim short-sleeved jacket in solid tongue.—W. G. Jordan. white. The broad collar of the frock is worn over the jacket collar to heighten the ensemble effect. Worn over a well-fitting foundation gar­ ment. this figure-revealing costume has a slender trim line cf grace and beauty. SHE KNOWS ... CLABBER GIRL • "Baking Powc/er • (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) CityCottonsGo'Tops’ In Summer Fashions Ladies who “know their fashions” dress in gingham. seersucker, chambray, tissue-crinkle organdy, dark boucles and other smart “city cottons.” It is a picture that fash­ ion paints for summer, most re­ freshing and one that goes keen on chic and charm. For downright practicality the jacket suit tailored to a nicety of dark check crinkle seersucker, of plaid gingham or striped chambray takes first prize this summer. Women of discrimi­ nating tastes have yielded whole­ heartedly to the new cotton vogue, a fact impressed on one throughout the summer style parade all along the highways and byways of fashion. Sweaters for Evening Wear Are Very Popular Evening sweaters continue to be a smart fashion. The latest arrival in formal sweaters reflects the bra influence in a most attractive way. It is knitted of pastel wool, comes just below the bust neckline where it ties with velvet ribbon drawn through a deep scalloped V-neckline. Sleeves are short and for an eve­ ning fantasy this is one of the pret­ tiest sweaters imaginable. Dye W hite Venise Lace To Match Your Fabrics The use of stark white stiffened Venise lace is outstanding in the summer mode. So successful has this adventure in lace proved, de­ signers are planning to trim mono­ tone frocks this fall In handsome Venise lace dyed to match the fabric that teams with It Gay Handkerchiefs Carry out a summer note for your costume by flirtatiously flaunting a gaily flowered handkerchief. You can get perfectly fascinating “hankies” with realistically colorful life-size roses printed to look as if they were artfully hand-painted. Others ar» patterned with huge poppies, and the ones with big clus­ ters of natural looking violets are lovely with the new and now-»o-fash- lonable costumes In purple tone». Unblemished Sun Short on Inspiration The sun, though it passes We give advice but we do not through dirty places, yet remains inspire conduct. — La Rochefou­ as pure as before.—Ooke. cauld. Its A GOOD AMERICAN CUSTOM HANDING OUT CIGARS w/H! th» dictir it ¡a: •Will, tld mu, ywdn c Mur! MHhtr nd My tn hi th doing ttt/l" And it*» an American custom from coaat to coaat to enjoy the fine, full flavor of America*» moat popular cigar! Try KING EDWARD today! KING EDWARD Cigars WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER YOU ARE AN I k I r I I I r k I T I A I INFLUENTIAL pE RSQ N The merchant who advertises must treat you better than the merchant who does not. He must treat you as though you were the most influential person in town. Aa a matter of cold fact you are. You hold the destiny of his business in your hands. He knows it. He shows it. And you benefitbygoodservice.bycourteoustreat- ricet