a SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 2 Friday, July 18, 1941 Sees I*r«'>i1,000,000, in payment of the amount due on account of the claims of American citizens whose lands in Mexico have been expropriated since years and became an industrial re­ for $2. lock. August 30, 1927, under the Mexican agrarian program. search worker In 1915. 5 III Ills tirsi visit tu the While House since July, 1939, Constantin Oilman- sky, Soviet ambassador to the I'. S., laid Russia's problems before I'rcsl- dent Roose veil In an hour's confer­ ence. He la shown leaving the Whllo House. Milk Trouble on West Coast Sen. Carter Glass. 83-) rar-old Vir­ ginian, Is shown with ralsrd gavel just after hr was unanimously cho­ sen president pro-tempore of thr senate. J c Kcp. Hamilton r Ish of New York, leading house Isolationist, and a colonel In the Specialist Reserve, Is pictured in his uniform in his office In Washington shortly before leaving for a month's active duty at Fort Hragg, N. C. Rep. Fish saw ac tive service In World War I. Mexico Makes Land Expropriation Payment New RFC Chairman A Charles B. Henderson, «8, of Elko, Nev., appointed chairman of $10,- 000,009,000 Reconstruction Finance corporation, to succeed Emil Hchram, new head of New York Stock exchange. 9