7X« Papal *1ka¿ Jlai Samlkiiy *7a ¿Say-Aid £ay¿ 9t! Adolph'« Punzer being kicked by the Russian» 111 For Hale: 7ft nicely printed Directories cheap for cimh -we wiint to paint up! 1 1 1 Ninety degree wentber was quite unwelcome; now wc‘sc his sunny disposition and use expletives not tolerated In ]s*l- ite society while attempting to |a>n a legible message on a post­ card of the present vintage The late Calvin Coolidge Is re­ ported to have told an Interviewer that he felt that mrd ever spent much time lobbying In the court« of Caesar. OU) TIMER Volume X I According to information re­ vealed Thursdny by an investiga­ tion of the office of the Ashland chamber of commerce, it appear» that many of the hUNinrx» men were victimised by a boldly planned aitvertixlng directory racket this j»a»t week. Tiie solicitor, a woman going by the name of Mr». Florence Berry, contacted the local mer- chant« fur advertising apace in a city directory, said to ba »(am. sored by the Free Methuid lifesav­ ing lenaons, starting July 21 at the Twin Plunges We hss«-Maion. was fined $25 and costa George Francis Bcldin, guilty of driving without an operator's licepse, was fined $2 and cost» ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1941 Lt. Jame» M Ferguson, com­ mander of the 79th squadron of the 20th pursuit group which 1» tetn|M>iaiily stationed at Medford, wax the »|H*aker at the Lions club Tuesday. He gave an interesting outline of the organization of the army air corp» and told of the very e- labórate defenne pifen» for the protection of coastal area» and al»<> pointed out the problem« re- »ulting from the great ex|MUi«ion of the air corps within the last year. TALENT NEWS • Mrs Hazel Fern» of Ashland entertained the Talent O. D. O. club at her home on the boulevard Friday. Those who spent the day were: Mr». Edyth Hayman and daughter Bertha, Mrs. Charles Holding. Mrs. Anna Dickey of Talent, Mr» Nida Oatman and Mrs Mary Cave» of Medford, Those present in the afternoon were Mrs. Tom Beil, Mrs. O. L. Penland from Fern Valley; Mrs King from Bremerton, Washing­ ton; Mrs Lloyd I-ucy, Mrs Glen Withrow. Mrs Victor Maxon. Mrs Fred Rapp from Talent. Mrs. Ed Robinson from Wagner Creek and Mis I'larl Wilson of Ashland Refreshments of candy, cookies and fruit punch were served. • Mr and Mrs Ed Foss are on a vacation trip in southern Calif. • Mr and Mrs. J. Halenbrook of Forest Creek were visiting their daughter, Mr». Ray Schumaker and family Wednesday. • The Rev. C. W. Astelford, pas­ tor of the Talent Methixllst church and family arrived recently. • Bob Purvis, a former resident of Talent, now living in Portland called on friends and relatives here last Wednewlay. Exchange: Apricots taken as payment on old or new subscrip­ tions to the Miner. • Joe Rapp and Norman Ryder were among those recently «elect­ ed for employment and training In the Boeing airplane factory in southern California. • Mr. and Mrs Clarence Math­ ews and Mr. and Mrs. John Mal­ one and daughters Barbara and Beverly spent the week end at Crescent City. • Miss Lelaine Graham, a former F. E. WAItREN Talent resident and Glen Rush of and Companion Ashland were married in Medford Are Invited to Be Guests of the Sunday evening at eight o’clock the home of Mr. and Mrs. Southern Oregon Miner at Wayne Carter. Mr. Rush and Mrs. To See Their Choice of Carter are brother and sister. the Following • Roland Parks and daughter Tammy of Ashland were calling Varsity Theater in Talent Tuesday morning. Programs: • Miss Ella Pittinger made a business trip to Ashland Wednes­ .(Friday and Saturday) day afternoon. "MEXICAN SPITFIRE • Ix'wis Margreiter, a former OUT WEST” Talent man was struck by a hit and and run driver Saturday night FOOTSTEPS IN THE DARK while walking on the hirrhwav n (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) short distance from Talent and left unconscious on the side of the ANDY HARDY'S PRIVATE road. He was taken to the Com­ SECRETARY munity hospital where he received , • treatment It is reported that he Please Call at The Miner Office is recovering rapidly. for Your Guest Tickets • H. H. Lowe left last week for I (Continued on Page 8) ----------------------------- .1 AT HOME ÄS»! z > 1 h 'C -U 71 la If r, » T I H ome - loving people *“^ w " ARE FREEDOM-LOVING PEOPLE DICTATORS KNOW THIS. SO THEY TAKE LITTLE CHILDREN OUT OF THEIR HOMES FOR TRAINING BY THE STATE. AND THEY TEAR DOWN THE SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE AND MOTHERHOOD. H ome - loving and freedom - loving have an ever BROADENING BASE IN OUR. DEMOCRACY, FOR. THE I NUMBER OF FAMILY UNITS PER THOUSAND OF L? POPULATION HAS INCREASED 15% IN 20 YEARS- ! I Collection of scrap aluminum a« a defense measure will be made in Ashland the week beginning Monday, July 21. according to Bill Allen, chairman of the Elks committee who are sponsoring the local drive with the cooperation • of the Lions club. Definite plans were to be out­ lined at a committee Thursday night, but a large crib will prob­ ably be erected on the Plaza as a depositing pla?e for the scrap metal. The local campaign is part of a nation wide drive to collect lumlnum to help relieve the short- ige of that metal for defense manufacturing purposes. In a recent statement William S. Knudsen, director general of the office of production manage­ ment said: "The nation needs al­ uminum for planes and other vita) items in its defense program more rapidly than existing facilities can produce it Additional facilities are being constructed as quickly ax possible. In the meantime, the people of the nation can help by donating all used aluminum ware that can be spared from their households without being replaced "No individual or group or corp­ oration will make any profit out of this transaction. The entire proceeds of the sale will be used for civilian defense. All aluminum will be used exclusively for nat­ ional defense." A- •*'1 ■ ASK xJ '6 KUft ter SWIM SCHOOL TO BEGIN MONDAY Very little time is left in which i to register for the Red Cross swim ming and life-saving course at I the Twin Plunges July 21 to Aug. 2 in order not to miss out on the opening classes Monday is the warning voiced by the Lions club committee sponsoring the swim school. Registration blanks are available at the Twin Plunges, the Axhland chamber of commerce, the Miner office and the Daily Tidings. The course is free with Mr. and Mrs B F Craig cele- only a small pool fee of one dol­ brated their 50th wedding anni­ lar which will cover the two weeks versary Tuesday. They were hap­ Tuesday evening a severe elec­ of the classes. py in the presence of their child­ Charles Eaton, the instructor, ren and most of their grandchild­ trical storm climaxed the day's ren. In the evening dinner was 97-degree temperature and was I is just finishing a successful followed by a downpour of almost . 1 school in Medford and promises served to 23 guests After dinner a reception was held when many one half inch A lightning hit on to provide training to fit the needs friend» and neighbors came to the power sub-station at the city , i of everyone from beginners to ad- warehouse blackedout the business i 1 vaced swimmers offer congratulations. Those from out of town attend­ district on the north side of East , Realizing the need for the sup- ing the celebration were Mr. and Main from the Ashland Bo«,’*»”r | port and cooperation of the par­ Mrs. R D. Craig of Fresno, Mr alleys to Third Street. Some forty ' ents. Theo J. Norby, Ashland and Mrs Harry N. Dangerfield transformer fuses were also blown | superintendent of schools, issued and »on of Drumright. Oklahoma: by line hit» at various parts of i I the following statement Wednes- I day: Mr and Mrs Henry McKee and the city. Numerous fires were started in , "An outstanding program for daughter of Santa Anna, Mr and Mrs Claire Irwin, Mr and Mrs forest lands, but most of them the people of Ashland is the swim minor and were quickly campaign which is to be held R. R Misenhimer and children, were ..... — storm -- l ■ Mr and Mrs Raymnd Misenhimer doused by the downpour The here July 21 to Aug. 2. To know engulfed most of Oregon and more how to swim may be regarded as David James, Anna Belle, Patsy Ruth and Donnie Misenhimer, all serious fires were repored in many much of a 'must' as learning to read and write and do 'rithmetic.' of Talent. One son Basil Craig is sections. Ijite Sunday a similar storm of "Every parent should do every­ associated with his father in bus­ less intensity and with very little thing he possibly can to teach his iness. rain also started many small fires children to swim The Ashland ---------------------- •----------------------- and some damage was renorted Lions club is certainly to be com­ IOWAN'S TO HOIJ) PICNIC The Iowa club of southern Or­ in the forest lands of the Siskiyou mended for sponsoring this splen­ did swim campaign with the aid egon will hold its eighth annual country. of expert certified Red Cross picnic in Jacksonville this year' swimming instructors.” on the lawn of the old courthouse In view of the fact that some building on Sunday July 20th. children might be unable to fum- All Iowans and families are cor-j ish the pool fee. the Lions have dially invited to attend. Dinner A school music concert will be provided for the financing of de­ at 12:30 Bring well filled baskets of dinner. Coffee will be furnished presented at 4 o'clock Sunday serving cases. Those interested A. E Steinbaugh, sec .treas afternoon at the Lithia park. The should contact Ivor Erwin at 240 Mrs. Oliver Rogers, pres combined band and orchestra of E. Main. 65 players of the Ashland public schools will be under the leader­ GUILDS MET FRIDAY ship of Gordon Tripp The Martha Gillette guild of the Presbyterian church and the Wes- 1 The concert comes at the con­ leyan Service guild of the Method- , clusion of a special six-weeks The Rev. C. Alton Brostrum ist church were entertained last | music course and the players are has accepted the pastorate of the Friday evening at the home of at various stages of development Englewood church in Portland. Mrs. O. Winter, After a covered from beginners to advanced stud­ His duties there will begin August dish dinner the evening was spent , ents. The combined group makes first. His new work takes him to in playing various forms of games possible a varied instrumentaUon. a newly built church in the north­ east part of Portland near the ar­ my air base. Rev. Brostrum came to the local chuhch a year ago. He has been very active in church duties add­ ing 74 new members to the church DON'T FORGET! rolls. The local church,board will try to fill the vacancy caused by his leaving as soon as possible. D uring this period home ownership increased BY 52%, SAVINGS BY , AND EACH FAMILY HAS ON THE AVERAGE 200% MORE LIFE INSURANCE THAN 20 YEARS AGO. Craigs Celebrate 50th Anniversary Music Concert at Lithia Park Sunday Swim School JULY 21 - AUG. 2 9:00- 9:45 9:45 - 10:30 10:30-11:15 11:15-12:00 2:00- 3:30 3:30- 5:00 5:00- 6:00 Beginners, girls Beginners, boys Intermediate, girls and boys Swimmers, girls and boys Junior life saving Senior life saving Adult life saving Students must bring their own suits and towels and should be ready for classes ten minutes before starting time. Extension Staff Joins Drive for Aluminum The extension field staff, con­ sisting of county agents, home demonstration kgents, and 4-H club agents, has been called upon by William A. Schoenfeld, direct­ or of the OSC extension service, to assist county defense councils in every way posible in a nation­ wide aluminum gathering cam­ paign set for the week of July 21. This request to all members of the staff followed a letter re­ ceived from Dean H. Walker, act­ ing governor, and Jerrold Owen, coordinator of the Oregon state defense council, who are directing the campaign in Oregon. The nation-wide drive to collect old and unneeded aluminum of all kinds is to obtain additional sup­ plies for use in production of de­ fense equipment. Farm families, as well as those in the city, will be asked to contribute old alum­ inum utensils and unused alumin­ um parts of any kind. Items suggested include pots and pans, radio parts, toys, shak­ ers, screening, old washing ma­ chine parts, picture frames, book­ ends. ice trays, measuring cups, camera equipment, kettles and double boilers, bottle and jar caps, refrigerator plates, electrical ap­ pliances of all sorts, and, in fact, anything made of aluminum that is no longer needed or is worn out. Tentative plans call for visits to be made at farm homes, be­ ginning the week of July 21. when the aluminum will be called for. It is estimated that the collec­ tion of aluminum scrap will pro­ duce some 20,000.000 pounds of aluminum, which will go to smel- tering plants, where it will be made into secondary aluminum, which will in turn release 20,000.- 000 pounds of first-class alumin­ um for use by the airplane indus­ try. This extra 20.000,000 pounds is enough to provide aluminum for 2000 fighter planes. ------------•------------ POSTS IN 40 ET « SOCIETE When Voiture 165, American Legion 40 et 8 Société, met in Medford last Friday evening, sev­ eral local men were elected to of­ fice. Dr. Arthur S. Taylor was ----------------------- •----------------------- elected chef de gare: Oscar Silver, WINS SCHOLARSHIP correspondent, and R. W. Coolev. Miss Mary Jean Barnes of Phoe­ trustee. Headquarters will be nix recently has been awarded moved to Ashland. Legion posts a $200 cash scholarship to Reed of Kerby. Grants Pass, and Med- College, Portland. She has been ford are also included in the mem- enrolled as a junior college stu-. bership. ------------ •------------ dent at the Southern Oregon Col- I lege of Education for the past two MONTANA PICNIC TO BE years and has done outstanding HELD SUNDAY AT PARK Former Montana residents are work in all her classes. invited to attend the 17th annual ------------ •------------ Montana picnic to be held in Lith­ WSCS HAVE MEETING ia Park Sunday, July 20. All The Woman s Society of Christ­ should bring their own lunch, and ian Service met at the Methodist the committee will serve coffee church last Friday morning. Mrs. ( and Ice cream. Ralph Billings was in charge of ------------ •------------ the business session and at noon ■ ENLARGES BVSINESS a delicious luncheon was served I C. ______________ E. Huffman _________ annouces _____ that by the hostess committee, Mes- he has established a branch office d^mes n ---- * " —“L "" — in ... Parol Pratt, C ” F. TUton, his real ........................ estate business Mrs. Harry Yeo, Minnie Davis. K. O. C. E. Huffman will continue to Hyle, Earl Newbry _ and Frank operate the __ _________ office at _____ 345 ______ East Davis After lunch Mrs. Nan Eu-. Main, and C. E. Huffman will on- banks led the devotions and Mrs ' erate the new office at 65 North ■ Loren Messenger gave the lesson. Main. Rev. Brostrom Goes To Portland Aug. 1 RED CROSS Speedy P-40 fighting planes buzzing about the Medford airport this past week has indicated the presence of the 20th pursuit group from Hamilton field. Calif, which has gone into camp at the Elks picnic grounds for two weeks of training maneuvers in the south­ ern Oregon area. The group consists of 80 officers and 350 enlisted men under the command of Col. Ira C. Eaker. Their schedule during the two- weeks encampment on the Rogue calls for air maneuvers and study each morning, except Saturday and Sunday, with most of the afternoons given over to recrea­ tional activities The plane» now stationed at the temporary base at the Medford air port include: six fast P-40 pursuit ships, two AT-6 advance trainers and one BT-14 basic trainer Although the planes are closely guarded, they may be viewed from a short distance. The commanding office,Col. Ira C. Eaker is an outstanding figure in army air circles as a holder of the Distinguished Flying Cross, as the pilot of the 'Question Mark’ in an endurance refueling record in 1929 and as the first pilot to fly blind cross-country in 1936. He is also known as the co-author with Maj. Gen H. H. Arnold of two books, "The Flying Game” and "Winged Warfare ” The 20th Pursuit Group is a de­ fensive unit stationed at Hamilton field, to protect the San Francisco harbor and the coastal area as far north as southern Oregon. On Wednesday Brig. Gen. Will­ iam Ord Ryan, commanding offi­ cer at Hamilton field, arrived in a big new bomber to spend two days at the encampment. Col. William O. Butler, chief of staff of the 4th air force, also arrived Wednesday for a short stay with the 20th Pursuit group. ------------ •------------