Page 8 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, July 11, 1911 * m Y m V a V m V I Craters Turn Back HINDSIGHT j r reseent City Nine n fl n T A I Th'> Or*K°'' State Is* agile '’..I II Hi V NHIInlXI ’"I Cl ‘t* ra turned b It :s. n V/ ■ V Is IV]1 city ,,f the Sou It■••»»» > All V By i • FRIDAY AND • • SATURDAY • LOUIS CONN TIMMY LONDON, above, inter- ** national heavy weight wrest­ I ling champion, opens the sum­ mer wrestling season ut Med­ ford Fairgrounds park Monday night, July It, when he faces Pete Belcastro. Others on the card include Dude Chick vs. Billy McEwen and Ernie Piluso vs. George Wagner. FIGHT PICTURES PLUS BELLVIEW NEWS (Continued from page 1) at Nubieber spent the week-end with his wife and his parents. Mr and Mrs. John Farmer. • Bill Sikes who is employed at the Shasta dam spent the 4th with his mother. Mrs. Grace Sikes. • Rev. Young, pastor of the Lu­ theran church at Medford, held services at the Ed Grimm home Monday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. John Heilmeyer went to Grants Pass Tuesday to visit with their son Archie and Mrs. Heilmeyer’s nephew. Grover s A Pe FRIDAY Free to the Ladies Constance Bennett toi . d guc 31 Friday aftermx I again Saturday afternoon I tune of 7 to 3 ns a part Fourth of July celeb* itton coast city In the junior American circuit. Medford dropped a Sunday double-header at Roseburg 12 to 8 and 9 to ft at the Medford high school park. Bud Provost of Ash­ land pitched the last game which ended 3-3 in seven innings He gave up but two hits. Tin* first clash also went into extra innings and the scoreboard read 8-8 at th** end of nine frames Tin* Medford Rogues take on Grants Pass Sunday in a sol. game. 1 you no •: N I »; Il T A I N M K N T Realizing an eight-year ambi tion, Promoter Mack Ullard has finally signed Jim Londos, inter Bully Matinee 1:15 p. in. national heavyweight wrestling 20 centN champion, to face Pete Bclcaatro in the main event at Medford Evening* 6:45, 30 cent* Monday night The card will be KiddieM it dime the first of the summer season AT 8:30 EVEIH and will be held in the outdooi Wedne*dayN and MONDAY NIGHT arena at the Medford Craters ball Thursday* Dime Day* park luondos is by far the fanciest ('outinumi* show mat performer in the world ami IIIKll.I.S mid EXCITEMENT! mi Sunday* La 11ard has done lhe southern Ore gon fans a good deed by signing him. The king of the world heav­ • Friday, Saturday ies has made more money on the Promoter May Add mat than Jack Dempsey did as boxing champion. He has appear- Weekly Mitt Cards ed in the biggest arenas all over A little later in lhe summer the world and Ullard’s bringing him to Medford puts the town season. Promoter Mack Lillard of Medford plans to put on some among the big-time. boxing bouts along with his regu­ Tickets on Sale at The Owl < * 1 with Chit»—Phone 2300 Martin Herrin and Chet Fowler, lar wrestling program. And then I Iti East Main, Medford Boh Crosby a couple of Alls kills who are if plans of the proposed army can­ looked upon to do things for the tonment develop, Idllard plans to and high school football team next promote weekly boxing cards ns Ruth Terry fers the txivs a chance to learn the season, are conditioning thein- well ns the wrestling bouts. In a conversation with the art of self defense as well a.s to • ■ also ■ — selves in Klamath Falls by rust­ ling freight for the Southern Pa­ Miner sports editor this week, 1U1- pick up a little extra money U • cific company. They will be given lurd said he would Ilk«* to see some local boxing talent developed for llurdic left • Dr and Mis R I leaves of absence next fall to re­ turn 2o Ashland and continue their his cards in Medford and Klamath the first of the week for Nan Luis Obispo where Dr. Hurdle will schooling It wouldn't hurt some Falls. Anyone interested in trnlnlne serve as captain in the 40th of the other grid prospects to do a little summer conditioning, with an eye to some matches on di vision. these cards are asked to get in O Burn to Mr. and Mrs Walter either. touch with Harry Chipman It of­ Smith July 2, a daughter. Wing, who are going bark to Fort with Lewis with the troops. They had a stopover at Grants Pass Archie Charles Starrett will be home next week on a 10- and day furlough Sons of the Pioneers • Mrs R D Reynolds and Esther a le wei r v.-ry successful with AI.NO THE NEWN the concession they had In park the 4th and a nice sum GET RID OF Sunday, Monday realized by both • Mr and Mrs. Victor York and Tuesday daughter Katherine were guests THAT OLD of Mr and Mrs. Dave Hood in Medford the 4th. • Vida Williams is employed part SUMMER time at Hiram’s ice cream parlor. • The 4-H club members are in­ vited to the Lake of the Woods to SLUMP the 4-H club camp. Girls are to with go from July 27 to Aug 2; boys are to go Aug 3 to Aug. 9 These Betty Blythe in Bellview wishing to attend and should phone Mrs Reynolds. Harry Langdcn Hot weather takes away apjietlte for foods—well try sitting down with >i quart of Sl'NGOl.D milk and some crackers or a salad . . . you'll love the cool, delicious • Mr and Mrs. George Ward Jr. flavor of Sl’NGOLD and find yourself ¡topping up Immed­ of Sacramento visited several days iately. Try it today! with Mr and Mrs George Ward • llr and Mrs Marcus Wixxls left last week for San laris Obis|s> where the doctor will give service For home delivery, Phone ti'iil in the army • Mi an