SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, July 11, 1911 LEGAL NOTICES About People You Know • Jackie Pn H|M*ll iu Glengi-t has tri r ived from a visit in Kliiniath F m II m mid Chiloquin. • Mn Harold ,M ofiror < if Medford Is u guest of her mother, Mrs. Mae Lamb • Mrs Ailiiin Beagle Is visiting In Moonstm* .Beach mid < ¡arls-r ville, California mid Reno, Nevin la Haket • llaiold Glllniom of has arrived home for a visit with Ills parents, Mr and Mrs. C. N. < illltllOl I' • Mr« Oscar Wlnther, who has lieen visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs II C Gnlry, has returned to hei home In Henttle • M L Mcllaffle of Ixia AngdcH la visiting his sister, Mrs Lulu Wilson • Mi mill Mis Olney C’lvyd and Mr mid Mis Gordon Allay of Sheridan were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs < ’halles M Giffen mid William Savin. • Mr mid Mis O W Sorenson I of San Francisco visited i with Mi uml Mia Holier! Dodge ■ several days • Mi anil Mix C II McKern of Keno were week-end gu<-sts at the Ben Anderson home • Mrs Erin Temple and Mt iu>d M in Mpeeler mid daughter of Han la Rosa. Calif visited Wednesday with G S Hut !■ i Page 5 • Mi mid Mi« H II Qcurhai visited liiNt week In Naps. Oak­ land uni) Sun Rafael Calif. • Mi mid M in James Hcrra <>t Dili Ins were week-end guest» at the (’ II Jrssei home • Mrs Ed Grilling mid M in E hi I Roger« attended the atutc Chris Unii convention at Turner. 4 Week <-nd guests of M in Al iiiedn Russell were Mr and Mrs. M*onaid Rosander of Aberdeen, Wash., Mi and M in ('laienee Ito «ander of Taholah, Wash ami Mr mid Mrs llay Duncan <>r Klamath Fall« • Mrs I • Perozzi has returned home from a visit in Portland. • Mr« It T Goode of Merced, Calif I« vl«IUng with her daugh­ ter, Mr» Sid Reed, and family • George leenhowei I« attending district conference of the Full Gospel church at Brook«, Ore. • Horn to Mi mid M in William Ken July 9, a daughter. • Ted Lockhart in attending Elks grand lodge at Indianapolis, Imi Mn. Ux.'khart accompanied him, and before their return they will visit In New York City. • Rev <’ F McCall I« attending ii ministers' institute In Pullman, Wash M in McCall I« visiting het «on in Mvingrton, Mont • <’ E Huffman was a busincHN visitor In Medford Tuesday • Mr« K II l ark« mid children of Moscow, Idu are visiting Mt anil Mrs H L Powell ENS JEWELRY STORE HERE Church of Christ NOTICE OF SALE OF HEAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County, In the Matter of the Estate of 6-20—4-11 I Addie Halley, Deceased. Rev. W. J. Meagher, Pastor NOT1CT IS HEREBY GIVEN, M hmm at K a rn Sunday. that the undersigned, L. F. Bel­ knap, Executor of the Estate of Addle Halley, Deceased, by virtue of an order duly Issued out of the I County Court of the State of Ore­ gon for the County of Jackson on I the 18th day of June. 1941, will Bertrand F. Peterson, Pastor sell at private sale at the office of Fourth ami C Street* Frank J Van Dyke, lawyer, First I National Bank Building, Ashland, Church school 9:45 a m I Morning worship 11 o'clock Oregon, at any time from and af­ Communion service ter July 19, 1941, to the highest Junior, Young People's meetings bidder for cash or on terms all 7 p in. the right, title, interest, and estate Evangelistic service 8 p. m which the said Addle Halley at Evangelistic services July 16-18, the time of her death, had in and 8 p. m, with Evangelist Elmer to the following described premis­ Gandy es, to-wit: I»ts 17, 18, 19 and 20 of Block 20 of the City of Medford, Ore­ gon, as numbered, designated and described on the official Fourth and B Streets piat thereof now of record. llev. Sheerburn, Pastor Beginning at Southeast corner Sunday school 10 a m. H. O. of Lot 1, Block 10, Beatty’s Butterfield, superintendent. Addition to Medford. Oregon: Morning worship 11 a. m. and running thence North Young People's meeting, 6:30 26% feet; thence West 200 feet; thence South 53% feet; P m. Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. thence East 200 feet; thence Week night services Tuesday North 26% feet to the North­ and Friday evenings at 7:45. east comer of Lot 2 in said Prayer meeting precedes these Block 10, being the place of two services Young people in beginning. charge of Tuesday service. Lot 1 of Block 26 of the City of Medford, Oregon, as num­ bered designated and described on the official plat thereof now of record. J. R. Turnbull, .Minister Lot 2 of Block 26 of the City of Medford, Oregon, as num­ Bible school 9:45 a. m. C. E bered, designated and describ­ Corry, superintendent ed on the official plat thereof Morning worship 11 o’clock, now of record. Sunday. 8pm, church service Wednesday, 8 p. m.. prayer Terms and Conditions of Sale:* praise and Bible study Ten per cent of the price bidden ----------- shall be paid at the time of sale and balance of the amount bidden to be paid on the confirmation of | E. Main and SUkivou Blvd. R. E. Schmidt, Pastor Catholic Church Second mid B Streets ('. Alton Brostrorn, .Minister Bible Nchool 9 45 a rn CiasseS for all age« L U. Gresham, sup­ erintendent. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Meetings ut High School and College C E Societies at 7 p m. Evening service at 8 o’clock. First Methodist Church Cor. N. Main and luiurel Sts. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister I Sunday church school at 9 45 a I m Allen O McGee, superintend­ ent Morning sermon at 11 o'clock; subject, "Follow Me.” The adult choir will lead the singing and furnish special music. Epworth and Wesley l«-aguos meet at 6:45 p. m for worship This congregation will attei.d the union service In the Congre­ gational church at 8 o'clock p rn. Dr. Claude Sayre will give the sermon Free Methodist Church East .Main Street John R. Poet, Pastor Sunday school at «4* 45 a. m. Sadie Simpson, superintendent, in charge. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. i I Junior meeting and Young Peo­ ple « meeting at 7 p rn Evening worship at 8 o'clock. Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ nesday evening at 8 o’clock. You are welcome to all services. Foursquare Church _________ !_________ First Baptist Church Full Gospel Temple Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ Holy Communion Ham ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ Church school 9:30 a m. Sermon and morning prayer 11 low at 7:30 o’clock. C. A. service and choir practice m. Holy Communion 9:30 a. m. 7:45 Tuesday evening. Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday Wednesday. Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. Fri­ evening. Everybody is cordially Invited day. to all services. You are cordially invited to ------------ --------------------------- •--------------------- worship with us Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vicar Neighborhood Church Congregational Boulevurd und Morton Street« Clarence F. Metall, Minister ^Kev^^LZ^^W’aHcer^wni guest speaker, bringing the ser­ mon message at 11 a m. Regular Bible school classes at :> i . i n. Union service of all cooperating churches will be held at the Con­ gregational church at 8 o'clock p. in. with Dr Claude S. ivh - oA the Episcopal church as the speaker. Please plan to attend all these services. <’. it Ramsey, former owner of the Carlisle Jrwelry company Klamath f alls, o | m - iici I ills new store, the Kanisej Jewelry Store, the Sweileiiliiirg tnillilliig In Ashland Thursday. Hr will I m - assisted by >lrs. IL unset mid other experienced help. The Ramseys are making their home in Ashland. They have a small daughter. I Cleaning Special T SUITS, PLAIN DRESSES, PLAIN COATS First Presbyterian Church Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Worship service at 11 a. m. ------------ a------------ PAST NOBI.E GRANDS MEET The Past Noble Grand club held regular meeting Friday at the IOOF hall. Hostesses were Mrs. Julia Rice, Mrs. Carrie Winkler and Mrs. Gladys Robbins. Mrs. Nellie Madsen, vice president, was in charge of the busines ssession. The new president, Mrs. Blanche Trimble, was installed. FREE PICK-UP 163 East Main Phone 6281 A GREAT NEW RIDE WITH THESE PLAIN FACTS with mort i than a Dozen Big Improvements! SHOCK ASSORSI«» $5“ SPRINGS STABILIZU S1ATS I. C. ERWIN 210 East Main Street 8'i Inches longer than Car B. 3% inches longer than Car C. and if you're out to buy a 1941 CAR you'll first want to know the 1941 FACTS! Front (hock orb«rt 20‘ < larger. All 4 loiter in action. Softer and slower in action. New improved deiign. N Seat» rofter, more luxuriouxly cuihioned than ever. Q There ere many more 1941 Facte on ride in addition to these set out above. They sum up to a 1941 Ford ride so soft and smooth and quiet that you’ll find it altogether new to the low-price field I Pays for three years insurance on .$1,000 dwelling or household goods inside Ashland city limits. Lower rates if building qualifies Phone S7»l 11 £ DELIVERY STANDARD CLEANERS THE FORI D BRINGS NEW RIDING EASE TO THE LOW-PRICE FIELD 125 inch«« 3 FOR $1.25 • Mr. and Mrs. William Wimer and family of Omaha. Neb. are visiting Mr. Wimer's parents. WE BACK UP 1SRINOBASI F L BELKNAP, Executor. Church of the Nazarene e Trinity Episcopal Church sale by the said County Court. Said sale will be made subject to confirmation of the above entitled Court. L>ated at Ashland, Oregon, June 20, 1941 ‘*1(1 A ride can be only as good as the engineering facts behind it. We believe the 1941 Ford ride is without any question the finest ride ever built into a low- price car; and we print at the left a few of the many engineering facts which back up that statement. Another 1941 Fact: the Ford has the most passenger room of any low-price car. ROOMINISS . .. QUALITY... Another 1941 Fact: in the 1941 Ford you get more than 30 major features that are not available in any other low-price car. DIAL ... In addition to the impressive superiorities you get in the Ford itself, we give you an unusually attractive deal. Why not phone for a demonstraiion? GET THE FACTS AND YOU'LL GET THE BIG 1941 % YOUR FORD DEALER BEARE MOTOR COMPANY “ON THE PLAZA”