Page 4 -* i TALENT NEWS Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON ¥ Entered as second-class matter February 15, 1935, at the postoffice at Ashland, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879 ★ TELEPHONE 8561 CHAS M GIFFEN WILLIAM SAVIN Publishers . * SUBSCRIPTION RATES (In Advance) ONE YEAR $150 SIX MONTHS ......... 80c (Mailed Anywhere in the United States) SET YOU FREE" What About The Concert Shell? ———— • Guests at the George Newlin home the ¡>ast week were Quentin LeMaster of D»ng Beach, nephew of Mrs Newlin, whom she had not seen for 18 years, and a daughter and son-in-law. Mr and Mis Joel Caldwell of St Helena. . Calif., and their son Kenneth and I family of Sprague River: Mr ! Newlin has been confined to his bed for the past year. • Mr. and Mrs Delbert Clark and family spent the week-end at Crescent City. • Mrs Gladys Reed, formerly Gladys Goddard, of Yakima, Wash, spent the Fourth with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Delbert Goddard on I Wagner creek • Frank Manneas of Hoopa. Cal . | spent the Fourth vacation in Tal- i ent visiting his sister. Mrs Eliza I beth loaming and faintly. • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walty Sometime ago the proposal of a concert shell and and son Jack left Tuesday for Idaho where they were called by dance floor for Lithia park grew out of the progressive the serious illness of Mrs Walty s planning stimulated by the cantonment possibilities. father From the time of its conception, this project has gain­ I • J. Peterson, a disabled war is being cared for at the ed considerable support from civic groups and the veteran, home of Mr and Mrs Guy public, but this favor was to no avail in its recent en­ Staiger. • Talent grange met Thursday counter with the park board where it was discarded to evening and elected Dale Dobbins a new member. Program for the the rubbish heap in short order. was of a patriotic na­ Before consigning this project to an untimely evening ture and opened bv all singing grave it seems that it might be worthwhile to review ■‘America the Beautiful." YGA en­ a picnic at McKee bridge its merits once more and be certain that the public is joyed Wednesday Home economics club ■ agreeable to the "thumbs down" decision that it has had a picnic and meeting at the I IJthia park Tuesday. Hospitality been accorded thus far. committee for the next meeting Of course the primary purpose of the project was will be Mr and Mrs. Floyd I-acy, i Borg and Lydia Baylor to provide recreation for soldiers in the event of an Marian • Mr and Mrs. L Putman of army camp and to help prevent the growth of parasite Nebraska are visiting relatives tn I Talent Mr Putman recently sold ' honky-tonks at the outskirts of the city. However, his ranch and plans on spending I aside from its connection with camp recreation, a mod­ the summer in Oregon visiting ' places of interest and later locat­ em concert shell and dance floor has considerable ing in southern Oregon merit as a contribution towards a bigger and better • Mr. and Mrs. C. A Moore left Thursday morning for a 10-day Ashland, in that it would provide an attractive amphi­ vacation They will visit relatives theatre for various community programs; it would in Klamath Falls and will leave provide controlled recreation; it would not damage the there for San Luis Obiitpo Calif park but would add to its attractiveness by replacing the present outmoded bandstand, and judging from previous experiences with similar projects, it would very likely pay its own way. So even though there seems to be a lull in canton­ ment interest pending definite congressional action, that hardly seems an excuse to curl up in the shade and pull a Rip Van Winkle until rudely awakened by de­ manding realities. HILT NEWS Friday, July 11, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER to visit a son and family. • Mix Groing and son of Port­ land have been visiting Ben Clark for the last week Mr Clark and Mrs. Groing are brother and sis­ ter. • Mr and Mrs Lem Frink and daughter M«*da Jean. Mr and Mia J Anderson, Mr. and Mrs Roy Hill and son D»y. Junior Graham and Mr and Mix R F l’arka en­ joyed a chicken dinner at the Lyle Tame ranch on Dead Indian the Fourth • Mr and Mrs Roy Estes spent the Fourth fishing on Applegate river. • Mr and Mu J I. Tryon had as their guest at dinner Monday Mr and Mu F West of Everett, Wash . Mr and Mrs J Anderson of Ashland ami Mr. and Mrs la'inJ Frink of Talent. SPECIAL The W’ln One Circle of I he Church of Christ met Thursday afternoon with Mrs Jessie Neill In charge Mrs T It Gosnell and Mrs Viola Young were hostesses • The Min.-i foi Quality Prtntlng At Ashland’s NEW "Jewel” MATCHING KING SET CHOICE OF MEN Pink or Natural Gold, n Curved to Fit Wrist . . Small and Accurate $27.50 $19.75 THE WATCH AMERICA IS TALKING ABOUT 17-Jewel Movement . . Pink Gold Case and Dial . . Small, Accurate. A watch of beauty and distinction ’Del Mar’ Hematite Intaglio 44 pieces, Complete service for eight. By 1881 Rogers. Permanently Guaranteed First choice of movie stars $24.95 10K Solid Gold Mounting. Built to Last Hints he Groom $14.95 DAINTY LOCKET To thrill her feminine heart! Delicate carving. Holds two pictures. 18-inch chain to match. Gold filled $5.95 We have the ring to fit the girl—as well as your purse 14K solid gold diamond set Opening Special! $12.50« $100 Your Watch Tested and Timed—FREE ON OUR PAULSON TIME MICROMETER FREE WATCH To get acquainted, we are giving away a lady’s dia­ mond set wrist watch. FREE TICKETS JULY 10-11-12 Nothing to buy—no obligation Winning ticket in our Window Monday RAMSEY’S JEWELRY STORE DEPUTY COUNTY CORONER Litwiller Funeral Home We Never Clow—Phone 4541 • WIN ONE CIRCLE MEI 6-Diamond Duet 14K Solid Gold Mountings —horsepower was truly horse power and you got it at the livery stable? On Sunday afternoons you took your girl riding in a nifty rubber-tired buggy. The traffic wasn’t so heavy then, and you were never asked to show your driver’s license. Remember ? The Funeral Director hax come a “long way” since the horse and buggy days. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pederson haw announced the marriage of their daughter, (‘lata May I’edei son, to Arwld Hall, son of Mi and Mrs Clyde Hall. The marriage <>■ curred in Reno, Nev , June Hi Al ter their return from a trip Io Nebraaka, they will make their home in Ashland Mr Hall la em­ ployed at the Sander greenhouse ami Mia Hall will continue •>. i work at the Aahland Hotel Beauty Shop. OPENING VALUES Waltham Premier $1.00 to $1.50 Leather Watch Straps REMEMBER WHEN PEDERSEN BALL JEWELRY STORE! Eaton Tells Lions VINCENT MANAGER FRUIT GROW ERS’ SUPPLY COMPANY Of Life-Saving Work • C. H. Vincent of Susanville as­ Many interesting facts concern­ sumed duties as the new resident ing the life saving work of the manager of the Fruit Growers’ Red Cross were revealed at the Supply company at Hilt July 1, Dons meeting Tuesday evening by following resignation of Walde- Charles Eaton, Red Cross life-sav­ mar Holmberg who has been real­ ing instructor who will open a dent manager tor several years, two-weeks class at the Twin Mr. Holmberg is staying for a Plunges July 21. short time to help Mr. Vincent Effectiveness of this crusade become accustomed to his new against unnecessary drownings is duties here and then will move to indicated by the reduction from Yreka. 13,000 in 1914 to 7,000 in 1940; • Mr. and Mrs. W. Dutro and however, the speaker indicated sons Ernest and Norman spent there is still much to be done to the holiday week-end visiting rouse public interest and safety their daughter, Mrs. Jack Frey. consciousness for 80 per cent of • Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gran and the population are still unable to son Billy, Horton Geroy and Ted swim. Jorgensen were in Yreka Thurs­ Briefly reviewing some of the day evening to supper and a show. facts about drowning revealed by • Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ekwall, Red Cross studies. Eaton pointed Axel Ekwall, Russel Williams and out that most deaths from drown­ Irvin Mendes spent Thursday and ing occur during the adventurous Friday in Klamath Falls. ages between 15 and 25 with the • Godfrey Walker of Westwood ration of 10 men to one woman is visiting at the home of his son, and that majority of these drown­ W. W. Walker and family, who ings are within 40 feet of the spent the Fourth on a picnic in shore where they should be pre­ Lithia Park and drove to Burney ventable. Saturday to visit relatives. At the conclusion of the meet­ • Mr and Mrs. Donovan W’ard ing, the Lions unanimously voted and daughter Diane spent their to sponsor the local life saving Fourth vacation in Humboldt classes and to assist in the ar­ county. rangements and publicity. • Mr. and Mrs. Marlow F. Geroy and family went on a motor trip • Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Robinson uic week-end nccn-cuu .visiting ouiWLa tuic uunuav v»ccn- over the Shasta | cuiu and sun son spent the holiday week- dam. Eureka and Crescent City.' end with her mother at Susan- • Among those who spent Fri­ ville. day in Ashland were Mr and Mrs • Mr. and Mrs. W. A Gran and M. Seif and grandson, Jere; Mr. son Billy and Mrs. G. G. Black and Mrs. Andy Vieira and daugh­ and children spent Sunday visit-1 ters, June and Lois; Mr. and Mrs. ing relatives at Cave Junction, George Vieira; Mr. and Mrs. W. Ore. A. Gran and son Bill, Ted Jorgen­ • Mrs. E. Hjertager of Yreka sen and Audomar De Clerck; Mr. was visiting in Hilt Monday. and Mrs. Walker, daughter Au­ • Mr and Mrs. Walter Bray and drey and sons Billy and Buster; daughter Judy. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams Frank Ward and Mr and Mrs. and son Roy; Mrs. G. G. Black McCullough spent the Fourth at Fort Bragg. and children, Ivan and Lois. • Mr and Mrs Robert Trinca • Mrs. Frank Ollund was hostess i and Mr. and Mrs. John Trinca at a one o’clock luncheon for i and son spent Friday at Crater Mrs. W. Holmberg last Tuesday. Lake. Those attending were Mesdames • Mrs. Olive Allison spent the R. F. Schlappi, Nora Bailey, Ed j week-end with friends at Smith Adams, Bill Roush, A. Hail, Ben | River. Ollom, W. Tallis, John De Witt, | • Gerald Black and Billy Bray Harry De Jamett, W. A. Bray, spent Thursday and Friday at the Ray Elliott, A .Pedersen, Flor- ence Clark, Fred Bayliss, Frank ranch at Bray. • Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vieira drove Graves and the guest of honor, to Sacramento for the week-end. i Mrs. W Holmberg. NEWTON-PUTMAN Miss Lils Evelyn Newton daughter of Mr and Mrs Klmei Newton of Murshfleld, and James Byers Putman, son of Mi and Mrs James A Ihitman of Ashland were unltted in marriage July 4 at the b’nst Church "i >'!• >let in \ > land with the Ri-v Wendell lieili tson of Eugene leading the mar­ riage lines Following the cere ntony a reception was held nt th< home of Mr. and Mrs. J A I hit­ man. The young couple will live in Eugene where Mr Putman is em­ ployed. On Wednesday evening before her marriage the bride was honored at a shower at the home of Mrs George A Andrews As slsting hostesses were Miss Etna Davis Miss Maty Esthit Davis “THE HOME OF BETTER JEWELRY” 1 I SWEDEN BURG BUILDING ASHLAND, OREGON