Southern Oregon miner. (Ashland, Or.) 1935-1946, July 11, 1941, Page 2, Image 2

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Friday, July 11, 1941
Nazi Tank Kr*I.oa<ls \\ itli Shells for Reds
1)< )WI1 I he W ays
alibi abas
Washington. I). C.
Following the outbreak of the
Nazi-Russian war. European capi­
tals buzzed with reports of a Ger­
man offer to Britain to make peace,
then turn their united forces against
Soviet Russia. These reports were
not empty rumors, they were abso­
I Consolidated Features—WNU Service >
lutely true.
EW YORK—The army could
Behind them ia a story of the most
use a few top-flight Broadway audacious and astounding Nazi in­
playwrights, particularly those who trigue of the war to date. Its open­
have had war experience. But it ing scene was the sensational Hess
already has
Army Impretario its own Da­ "flight” to Britain; its closing para­
graph the "surprise” Nazi declara­
Inject» Realitm vid Belasco. tion of war on their ally. Red Russia.
War games,
The inner details of this brain­
Into War Garnet to condition
reeling plot are not yet unraveled
our new army of 1.400.000 men for and all of them won't leak out until
real combat now provide the ut­ the history books are written. But
most in dramatic realism. There authorities have pieced it together
are machines to simulate faithfully and it is now possible to get the
the screaming of Stuka bombers; main outlines.
there will be the roar of gunfire—
Hatred of Communists.
with blank cartridges, of course;
Following the victorious Balkan
there will be parachute attacks, ma­
campaign which made Germany
chine gunning from airplanes, and
master of Europe, powerful military-
every possible device to keep the
Nazi elements, always hating the
boys from forgetting that "they’re
began urging peace
German soldiers load shells into a Nasi heavy tank at Grodno,
in the army now.”
with Britain in exchange for a Brit­ U.S.S.R.. after capture of that former Polish city from Soviet forces, while
Gen. Lesley James McNair,
ish-German coalition against Rus­ Josef Stalin, Soviet premier, warned his people that they must defend
chief of staff of general head­
sia. After a bitter struggle inside each inch of s >11 and tight to the last drop of blood. This photograph
quarters. a small, keen, alert
the Nazi party. Hitler sided with was transmitted via radio from Berlin.
man who seems omnipresent in
the anti-Red group and the wheels
the army camps, is the impre­
were set in motion to line up the
sario in this the army's biggest
and most serious venture in ap­
It was realized that they would
plied theatricals. He has had
have to be approached in such a
long experience in war games
manner that they could not doubt
and has convincingly portrayed
the authenticity of the Nazi plan. So
them as invaluable rehearsals
Hess was chosen for this mission,
for the real thing, not only for
Not only was he the one man in
the instruction imparted but for
Germany closest to Hitler, but he
the unconscious, reflex condi­
was also known for his hatred of
tioning of nerves and sensitivity
Communism, And before the war
Co the now heightened tumult of
he had had contacts with the British
When the nucleus of a general
So Hess, not flying alone, but ac­
headquarters s’aff was formed July companied
25. 1940, General McNair was put planes; and not taking off from cen­
at the head of it. That subsequently tral Germany as reported, but from
placed in his hands the intensified Norway, made his dramatic descent
■nd expanded war-training maneu­ on the estate of the Scotch duke of
vers, far exceeding anything ever Hamilton.
before attempted, and last Septem­
Hess' Message.
ber he took over the entire training
The message brought by Hess in
program of the rapidly increasing substance was as follows:
(1) Britain and Germany would
It is regarded as an undertak­
enter a coalition as the chief part­
•ng en the utmost importance
ners in a new Axis; (2) Italy would
and President Roosevelt recent-
be placated with some minor pos­
ly promoted the army Belasco
sessions of France, which would be
This soundphoto shows scene at the new naval air base on Tucker's
from major general to the rank
stripped of its empire; (3) Germany Island. Bermuda, as Commander Robert Hickey of the United States
of temporary lieutenant general.
would retain a free hand on the navy read the orders assigning him to take over the base., The Tuc ker's
His knowledge of war is by no
whole of the continent, with Britain Island base is the first of a chain of similar U. S. island defenses to be
means confined to make-believe.
helping to establish that free hand formally dedicated.
He fought with the field artil­
by joining Germany in conquering
lery in France and won the U. 8.
Distinguished Service medal and
The British government's answer
the French Legion of Honor. He
was to incarcerate Hess and imme­
is a native of Minnesota and was
diately notify Washington and Mos­
graduated from West Point in
cow of the plan.
The subsequent chain of events is
Darlan and Laval were
' I 'HIS writer went to the wedding among the first to get wind of the
A of a young woman friend a few scheme, and rushed to Hitler of­
weeks ago. The bridegroom was fering complete "collaboration.''
a taU. loose-geared, bespectacled This drew withering denunciations
n .. young man from President Roosevelt and Sec-
Perchance Radio ^.,
th an
en- retary of State Hull.
Britain, , which
for ----------
months had
Beam Led Inventor chanting grin
-------- —
. , and a thick been trying to make up its mind
Io Comely Bride thatch of to
attack __ in __ Syria.
an of-
_ , Jaunched
brownish hair. The bride told us fensive with Free French forces to
be was a scientist We should have seize this strategically vital region.
known that he was Russell Varian, Then on June 15, British intelligence
the inventor, with his brother Sigurd got wind of quiet German withdraw-
and several other associates, of the als of air and other forces from
Klystron radio generator which ' French bases. This was why the
American technicians say is better British took the initiative in their
than anything the British have in continuous day and night bombing
their new plane-spotting system and raids wreaking havoc on key Ger-
which has made blind-flying, in fog i man centers.
Russia Fearful.
or night, like a trip around the block
in a baby-carriage.
Fearful of attack and anxious to
Russell Varian worked his way appease in all directions, Moscow
through Stanford, odd-jobbing for the abandoned its stiff-necked coolness
professors. His brother Sigurd was to Japan and hurriedly signed a
a flight captain with the Pan-Ameri­ pact in order to ensure at least tem­
can Airways on Mexican and Cen­ porary tranquillity on its eastern
tral American routes. One day Rus­ border. Simultaneously Stalin aban­
sell got a letter from Sigurd in doned his traditional behind-the-
which Sigurd said he was tired of scenes role and actively assumed
ramming around in fog and night the reins as premier of Russia.
and they ought to get together and Russia began massing 160 divisions
work out a radio beam which hom­ on its western borders.
ing planes could really follow. Rus­
It was at this time that Ambassa­
sell thought that was a good idea, dor John Winant returned to the
so Sigurd brought him his savings U. S. A. at the request of Prime
of $4.000 and the boys set up ■ Minister Churchill in order to give
Troops of the first division are pictured as they boarded a U. 8.
President Roosevelt a complete fill-
workshop at Halcyon.
in and to deliver categoric assur­ army transport vessel in New York, before sailing to take part in
Their facilities just wouldn't
ances from Churchill that Britain joint maneuvers with United States marines along the coast of North
do. Dr. David L. Webster, bead
j will never make peace with Hitler. Carolina.
of the department of physics, at
Note—The British government was
Stanford, provided a laboratory,
so sure Hitler would attack Russia
gave them effective aid in every
that Churchill was able to prepare
possible way and made them
and deliver his history radio address
research associates of the uni­
j only 18 hours after Hitler invaded
versity, but the university could
J Russia.
provide no funds. Sigurd’s (4,000
dwindled to $47. The young men
were living sketchily when the
Sentiment is increasing in several
Klystron came through. A rep­
states for a “Federal Union of Na­
resentative of the Bureau of Civ­
tions ” The North Carolina legisla­
il Aeronautics put them in touch
ture has memorialized congress to
with the Sperry Gyroscope Co.
undertake an international federal
Sperry hurriedly plunked down
union now,
and Representative
a check for $25,000 and built a
Woodring of Pennsylvania is propos­
laboratory for Russell in Garden
ing the same to the Pennsylvania
City, Long Island.
Russell came to New York. His
One of the strongest foes of war
radio beam had guided him straight
in President Roosevelt's inner circle
to Miss Jane Martinson, a comely
of defense advisers is Bernard Ba­
research worker in biochemistry,
ruch, head of the 1917 War Indus­
niece of Miss Bessie Beatty of the
tries board.
Baruch believes the
current radio team of ‘‘Betty and
U. S. is not prepared to wage
Bill.’’ It was a case of love at first
large-scale military action.
sight on the part of both. Hence the
Telling newsmen about his inspec­
wedding, just a fortnight later, in
tion of a new powder plant in Ten­
the East Nineteenth street residence nessee, 0PM Director General
of Adolph Berle, now occupied by Knudsen remarked, "They are turn­
Miss Beatty. Bride and bridegroom, ing out the stuff in great shape,”
Douglas B-19 bomber, largest airplane ever built, is pictured above
both tireless hikers, had their out­ and nonchalantly pulled out of his as It took off on its first test hop from Clover field, Santa Monica, Calif.
door togs ready for a long vaca­ pocket a stick of dynamite. Most The mighty plane lifted from the concrete runway amid a rousing cheer
tion and honeymoon tramp through of the reporters, pop-eyed, nervous­ from Douglas workers and army officials. Army air corps ace test
New England.
pilot, Stanley Umstead, was at the controls.
ly doused their cigarettes.
They Were That
A Hollywood Him hero lind hud
five wives, each of whom hud
promptly divorced him.
Ho was now declaring his love
to the prospective sixth.
“But I've heard some queer
stories about you," suid the girl.
"Don't worry about that," re­
plied the star. “They're only old
wives' titles.”
U. S. Takes Over New Naval Air Base
Off for Joint Maneuvers With Marines
Giant B-19 Takes Off
Called Iler
**.4>iv Anieea or «ritiors to srlrof,
mn'um.*” inquired th- man at the door.
“¡ton'l think uo Aule,** replied the
/acetiom yoiiris wife, “but cun )ou
ihar/ien will?"
“lea, i/ you've gol any!'*
Quick Effect
“Wus your lecture on economy
a success?" asked Blankley.
"Yes," replied Blinkson, "they
gave nte two hearty cheers.”
8. 8. President Polk, newest of
Foiling the Doe
America's ships, going down the
Smart — You don't look well.
ways at launching at Newport News.
The ship was built for the American Jacob. What's the mutter?
Jacob—I've just been to ■ce ■
President lines, and will be another
cvrr-lncrraalng doctor, and he's going to take
away rny appendix.
American merchant marine.
From Ecuador
Take uwuy your appendix? Don’t
let him do it. Put it in your wife'a
nume, and then he can’t touch itl
Juan de Ilio» .Marlines Mera, for­
mer president of Ecuador, and a
leader in his country, shown on ar­
rival in New York with Mrs. Mar­
tines, aboard the 8. 8. Santa Lucia.
Tv Cobb Wins Match
C onstipation due to lack
Wrru a delicious
Z- fe
Fruit of Labor
It is not by suying “Honey,
honey,’’ that sweetness comes into
the mouth.—Turkish Proverb.
r Tf HJI 1
rillr. after
many years uf world-
wide uae, aurely mutt
H lie accepted aa eeulenca
And favorable public
iIMPL Y J opinion aupporta that
ol the able phyaiciana
who teat the value of
Doan's under eaaeting
laboratory eondrtiona.
Theao phyviciana, too. approve every word
of advrrtiainy you ><■-. I. Ike
live of
which ia only to recommend /losa'i /'U/r
aa a g-.--l diuretic treatment for diaorder
of the kidney function and for relief ol
the pain and worry it eauMO.
If more people were aware of how the
kidneys must constantly remove waste
that cannot atay in the blood without in­
jury to health, there would be* better un
derstondin* of why the whole body Buffers
when kidneys |a<. and diuretic medica­
tion would be more often employed.
Ilurning' scanty or too frequent urlna
tion sometimes warn of disturbed kidney
function. You may suffer naraiiig bark
ache. |«rsiatrnt headache, at larks of dir
tineas, vetting up nights, swelling, puffi
nest under the eyea—feel weak, nervoua,
all played out.
Use poen'i Pill,. If Is better to rely on
a medbine that haa won world wide ac
claim than on aometlnng leva favorably
known, /frb your neighbor!
L s
Ray Joslyn of the Golden Rule
Farm for boya In Franklin, N. Y.,
for whose benefit this charity golf
match was played at the Common­
wealth Country club, presents Ty
Cobb with the Bette Davis trophy,
while the Georgia Peach Indicates
with his fingers the three-up score
in which he beat Babe Ruth. The
Golden Rule Farm received the
proceeds of the “feud” match.
D oan spills
28 -41
^Ta. età oft
Argentine Quiz
• • •
represents the leadership of
a nation. It points the way.
We merely follow—follow to
new heights of comfort, of
convenience, of happiness.
The Argentine congress commit­
tee has requested evidence uncov­
ered by Dies committee on Nazi In­
filtration Into Latin America. Shown
is Robert Stripling, Dies committee
secretary, addressing pouch with
evidence of such Infiltration.
As time goes on advertis­
ing is used more and more,
and as it is used more we
all profit more. It's the way
advertising has —
bringing a profit to
•vorybody concerned,
the consumer included