Univ of Cretin Library F ouki H Or TXw Pap** *1kai Jia* * brat Ion here wan >< complete ■ucce»» In our opinion the Judge» erred in their decision of prize float« but that 1« excusable We too naw only the occupants until the wife called our attention to the float Perhaps the Judges were NUililenly affected with "bird eye«" eye« thut Jumped from limb to limb. 1 f 1 The "Who’« Who" of world war II la «till pretty much of a puzzle At the beginning France ami Eng­ land were buddies and Russia and Germany played on the name team but NOW, Germany and Russia are in a death struggle and Eng­ land ha« Just won a victory over France, < < < Ixroka an if FDR must clean house lignin with Wheeler and Taft wanting our front door yard kept open for Nazi occupation Suppose Secretary Knox did im ply that the navy may have to «hoot In the occupation of Iceland They are going to «hoot sooner or later in any event. eve Erstwhile Publisher Hal) report« fishing good over on the coast 1 1 £ ay--And £ay* 9tl juoi / What Adolf would like to know In Joe Stalin or Russian • NOME OBHEKVAT1ONN To the Editor: Speaking of additional taxes to be levied by Uncle Sam, who re­ members when the only federal taxes we knew about were repre­ sented by the blue «tamp« on the cigar boxen in the nhow case at the corner grocery? r < / America is a composite A re­ cent survey shows that we have one fourth of the world's Jewish population. enough to equal the entire |x>pulatlon of Massachu­ setts We could build another Philadelphia with our Mexicans, a Cleveland with our Czechs, a Pittsburgh with our Jugoslav«, a Cincinnati with our Slovak«, Rus­ sians, Ukranlans or Magyars In New York. Boston, Newark, Buf­ falo. Cleveland, lx>well, Chicago. or Milwaukee, over 7» per cent of the total population Is foreign- born, or of foreign parentage OLD TIMER SWIM CLASSES TO BEGIN 21ST Free swimming and life saving classes are scheduled for the two weeks period, July 21-Aug 2, at the 1 win Plunge« Till» valuable inatructiun, for which there will be no charge except the small pool fee of 50 Cents per week, i« made poaatble by the American Red Croaa and ia being sponsored by the Ashland Lions club. This year’s classes will be under sup­ ervision of Charles Eaton, »ent here by the Han Francisco branch office of the Red Cross. According to Eaton, the purpose of thia campaign i« two-fold in­ dividual safety fur beginner« and life saving technique for advanced swimmer« Beginner» are taught to swim correctly and how to handle them- selves in the water a« well as be­ coming safety conscious trther valuable inatructiun contributing to water safety will be when and where to »wim, how to handle cramp» and how to disrobe in thr water. For advanced »wimmer» the course will offer instruction in correct »wlmniliiK strokes and methods of life saving Thr schedule for classes has been outlined as follows 9 to 9 45 a m . beginner«, girls; 9 45-10:30. beginners, buys: 10:30-11:15, in­ termediate, girls and boys; 11:15- 12, swimmer«, boy« and girl». 2 p. m -3:30 p m , Junior life saving; 3:30-5, senior life saving, 5-6, ad­ ult life Having. Students are requested to bring their own towels and suits and to be ready for class«-» 10 minutes before the scheduled time Regis­ tration cards will be available at the Twin Plunges, the chamber of commerce and at the Miner office The Lions club committee in charge of arrangements for the classes includes Ivor Erwin, chair­ man. Elwood Hedburg. Karl Nlma and Bill Savin. WORLD CHAMP Court Proceedings HEADS CARD Recent cases coming before Jus­ tice court were: Curt Newman French. Medford, found guilty of driving without an operator'« license and without a truck license, was fined Jl and costa on both charges Everrett Dossie Nance and Maurice Dale Williams each re­ ceived a fine of *l and coats for throwing torpedoes on the high­ way In Phoenix Edward lx»Roy Walter, Talent, was fined $l and coat« for failure to atop at an intersection. Irving Hudson Warner, guilty of drivinr without operator’s license, fined $l and coats Ix-land Silver, Ashland, plead guilty to police charges of tres­ passing and received a Jail sen­ tence suspended six months de- penden’ on goixt behavior Dan Fianklin Barrett, Medford, guilty of driving while intoxicat­ ed, received fine of $100 and costs 30-day Jail sentence and an indefi­ nite suspension of his driver's license Aaron Alvin Van Curler was found guilty of driving a garbage truck on the highway without an operator's license and fined $2 50 and costs. Many Ticketed for Overtime Parking By Thursday morning, 10 of­ fenders had left their ball at the city police station as a result of the campaign against overtime parking. Those receiving tickets may either forfeit the small ball or face charges in the city court which would very likely prove more expensive. Those who appeared on over­ time parking charges thus far were Ray Buyers, Thomas Mans­ field. C. W Smith, V E Seitz. G M Green. Lee Ryan. Fred Van Curler, A H. Jones, Aubry Miles and Wallace Reeder. ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1941 Volume X Jim Ixtndoa. the biggest name in wrestling news, will make his first Medford appearance Mon­ day night, July 14. when he faces the Wild Italian of Weed. Pete Belcastro, in the top main event of the first summer card at the outdoor arena tn the Medford fairgrounds park. Ixindos, holder of the interna­ tional heavyweight championship. Is a clever mat artist but can get rough and tough as the next one if the opponent wants it that way He specializes in the airplane spin and has at his disposal a multi­ tude of other fast and fancy man­ euvers He will weigh 4n at about 207 pounds while Belcastro will tip the beam at about 195. Dude Chick, Junior heavyweight champion of the Pacific coast, meets Billy McEwen, a newcomer from Texas, in the middle clash and Ernie Piluso, always a favor­ ite from Klamath Falls, faces good-looking George Wagner in the opener at 8:30 p. m. “High Tor” Tickets Now’ Available Ticket reservations for the | Southern Oregon College of Edu- | cation play "High Tor," may now | be made by calling 5041 at the college or at the desk of the’ Lithia hotel The curtain will rise on this unusual play at 8:30 o'clock Thursday evening. July 17. For the production of this play, velvet drapes have been hung at the front of the auditorium, great­ ly improving the acoustics. ------- •------- Employment Bureau Asks Registration Residents of Ashland and this section of southern Oregon who1 have been registered with the em- I ployment bureau in the local chamber of commerce are advised | that re-registration is requested | ------------------- •--------- (--------- as all former files have been • Mrs Elizabeth Fowler of destroyed. Rogue River visited last Friday In an effort to keep employment I with Dr. and Mrs. E. A Woods. Information as current as possi-’ ble, the files are cleared on a I r—- --------------------------------------------- quarterly basis. Registration is BEN NIVISON free as the employment bureau is another service provided by the and Companion chamber. Are Invited to Be Guests of the At the present time, employers Southern Oregon Miner report difficulty in acquiring lum­ ber workers and farm laborers. A number of calls also have been To See Their Choice of received for women desiring the Following housework. Those persons who reei«»ere-i Varsity Theater between March 1 and June 30 are Programs: asked to again leave their names. ------------- •-------------- (Friday and Saturday) OUR HONOR ROLL "LADY EVE" New subscriptions to the South­ ern Oreron Miner: Mrs. Lulu Howard, L. E. Warren. (Sunday, Monday, Tuenday) Renewals: Bohemian Club. W.' "ROAD TO ZANZIBAR" D. Jackson, Pete’s Lunch. Ash-1 land Hotel Beauty Shop, Mrs. O. | Winter, Lydia McCall, Jordan’s. Please Call at The Miner Office Old Vintage, W. O. Sander. Elmer i for Tour Gueat Ticket« Biegel, J. P. Dodge and Sons,1 • M, T. Burn«. rOUR DEMOCRACY- »’»Hl »»Hf Ml» "he "W ’ ” • T he redwood is AN AMERICAN TREE. IT OUTLASTS ALL OTHER. TREES. OUR OLDEST REDWOOD IS THE OLDEST LIVING THING IN THE WORLD. E xamination of THE ROOTS OF A redwood show THAT THEY ARE - STRONG AND FAR SPREAD. SO ARE THE ROOTS OE OUR DEMOCRACY. E xamination of THE GROWTH RIN6S AND THE WOOD STRUCTORE OF A REDWOOD SHOWS 8Y SCARS AND BURNS THAT IT CAN TAKE PUNISHMENT AND STAND UP UNDE R IT SO CAN ‘ The following books recently have been added to the Aahiand public library: Anderson Home Town; Bailey The Blue Cloak. Baldwin And New Star» Bum; Beal« The Riv­ er Rise»; Booker New» Is My Job. Brown I Travel by Train, Burbank Mexican Frieze. Canby The Brandywine Cerve Ite­ r. and M rs rnuria, Corbett li Mr. Meigan; Corbett Out at the Sol- dler»’ Home; Davis Land of the Foster The Attractive Eye; Free Company — Radio Child; Plays; Haven Many Ports of Call; Haycox Rim of the Desert; Xozlenko 100 Non-Royalty One- Act Plays; Lent Sixty Acres Less; McKay They More or Dame to a River; Millay Make Bright the Arrow»; Monroe-- Sparks from Home Fire»: Neifeld Personal Finances Come of Age; 'ilxon Comer Druggist; Ormi- oee 'Die Story of American Fur- dture; Pedler Not Heaven Itself; Pinkham — Aunt Elsa. Post Children Are People. Rainier My Vanished Africa; Reeves — A House for Emily; Shuster A Stu­ dy in Teaching Slide Rule; Valtin Out of the Night, and Wise Wheels in the Timber. MANY SIGN FOR CIVIL RESERVES OUR DEMOCRACY. 'n,.,i/h New Books at Library >> liiiJt ■ nuiH/j Number 28 CELEBRATION IS BIG SUCCESS Vyith some 12,000 visitors in attendance, Ashland's July 4 cele­ bration proved to be a big success from beginning to end. Attention of the crowds was first focused on the derby racers as they came hurtling down Pio­ neer avenue. Here in the final heat Donald Randles' "Skidoo" carried him to victory and a chance to compete in the state-wide derby at Portland In the parade which followed, Fortmiller's float, three baenmg beauties in red, white and blue against a background of glisten­ ing white, drew the grand prize honors with the Elks float win­ ning first prize. The Full Gospel entry was second and the Daugh­ ters of Union Veterans won third place. The Trail Riders rodeo drew a near-capacity crowd of 2,700 for afternoon performance and about 1,500 for the evening show. Floyd Moore of Ashland was the winner of the $75 stock saddle in close competition with his brother, Ira Moore, and Stan Cooley in the ride-off climaxing the evening performance. The fireworks and celebration dance helped to round out a big day for everyone. Although final auditing has not been completed, the committee re­ ports that in addition to the gen­ eral success of the day, the re­ turns indicate it to have been a financial success as well. ------------- •-------------- Ashland residents were given an opportunity yesterday to volun­ teer for service with the Oregon Civil reserves, a part of the nation wide mobilization of civilians who are willing to assist in defense emergencies. A survey of the polling places shortly before closing time last night indicated that the turnout First report of results of would be somewhat below expect- the Keep Oregon Green asso­ ations. the registrations at that ciation'« campaign for mem­ lime varying between 40 and 70 bers is most encouraging, ac­ at the five polling places visited, cording to John B. Woods, ex­ It was generally felt that the ecutive secretary of the move­ rather limited advance publicity ment to keep forest fires out contributed to the lightness of the of Oregon. registration. Membership enrollment sta­ The aim of registration was to tions have been established In provide a handy record of trained nearly all communities of the workers for voluntary civilian de­ state and citizens generally fense in case of any emergency. are showing an interest in Each registrant was asked to spec ­ The Ashland Rotary club was i A group of CCC boys from the lending their full support to organized July 3 at the Lithia Medford district are st'agirig a ify the type of, work for which he the campaign, which has for. hotel Ward Hammond, president water carnival at 8 p m Satur­ is best qualified in emergencies. its slogan. “Forest Defense is The registration was conducted of the Medford Rotary club, as­ day, July 12. at the Twin Plunges. National Defense." at regular election polling places sisted in the organization here Due to the interruption Plenty of action is promised, with with the election boards volunteer­ Officers elected were Theo J races, clown dives, underwater caused by the Fourth of July Norby, president; A V. Hardy, swim« and other water sports ing their services without com­ holiday, the intensive phase pensation. vice president; Dr George W of membership enrollment is ------------- •------------- scheduled for the evening. Bruce, secretary-treasurer; Will being continued this week. SELBY ON SCHOOL BOARD At the conclusion of the carni ­ M Dodge. G. M Green, Arthur Memberships and Keep Ore­ Since Dr. R. L. Burdic was val, 8. M. Bullis, district chapter Hardy, Theo J. Norby, Walter gon Green pins may be secur­ called to army service, a change chairman of the Red Cross, will Redford, G. H Wenner and Dr. ed at the Ashland chamber of present Red Cross awards to the in the local school board was nec­ Harvey Woods, directors commerce until further notice. The new organization will hold 32 CCC boys wno have been ai- essary Frank Davis, vice chair­ ------------- •-------------- regular meetings each Thursday tending life saving classes at the man. was given Burdic’s post as chairman, and Frank J. Van Dyke Plunges under instruction of Fen- noon. ' Charter members of the club no Harness, assisted by Jack became vice-chairman. Lloyd Sel­ by was elected to fill the vacancy are Paul Beare, Elmer Biegel, Bynam. The public is invited to attend caused by these changes. His Homer Billings. George W Bruce, David H Bergstrom of 46 i term will run until June 1942. Will M Dodge, G. M. Green, Ar­ the carnival and enjoy the fun. Chestnut street, Ashland, has ------------- •------------- ------------- •------------ thur Hardy, J. H. Harker. Harry completed the aviation flight Morris. T J Norby. Walter Red­ • Those attending the Episcopal BELLVIEW NEWS training at the Naval Air Station. ford. W W Robinson. Frank Van summer school at Gearhart from • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henderson Pensacola, Fla., and has been Dvke, Bill Van Vleet, Bob Van here are Peter Barker, Elwood ■ and son Jackie of New Orleans awarded the coveted “Navy wings Hedburg Jr., John McCollum, ' vieet, Ken Weil. J. V Writ: and Mrs. Fred Howell and chil­ of Gold,” it was announced this G. H. Wenner. John Wilkinson. H Tommy Mansfield. Phil Wolcott, | dren, Irene, Marjorie and Fred­ week by Com. Bert H. Creighton, A. Wood«, O. N. Wray and Steve Thelma Morang. Sue Parkinson die of Shreveport, La., visited senior member of the naval avia­ and Shirley Cushing. Zarka. with Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bell tion cadet selection board of the from Thursday until Sunday. Mrs. 13th naval district. Bergstrom has been commis­ Howell and Mrs. Henderson are sisters of Mr. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. sioned as an ensign in the US Robert Bell of Klamath Falls also naval reserve, and has been or­ were guests at the Bell home. dered by the bureau of navigation Saturday the whole party went to to report to the naval air station, ’ Crater Lake and enjoyed a wiener Jacksonville, Fla,, for duty as an roast in Lithia Park after return­ instructor of cadets. Ensign Bergstrom, a former ing. Sunday they went to the Ore- Caves. had dinner at the Chateau, student at Southern Oregon Col­ the southern visitors leaving for lege of Education, received his California via the Redwood high­ elimination flight training begin­ way to visit relatives in San Fran- ning last October at the US naval I cisco. They stopped to see Ken- reserve aviation base in Seattle, and upon being appointed as a neth Bell at San Diego on their naval aviation cadet, was trans­ way home. • Vernon McKennis, Ailene Tam- ferred to the advanced base at ney, Marcelle and Sally Rice and Pensacola. Commander Creighton, who has Bill Shreve were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Joy at Lake of tht offices at the US naval reserve aviation base in Seattle, announc­ Woods for the 4th. «Mr and Mrs Archie Kincaid ed that similar opportunities for and daughter Eunice and Mrs Ar­ this valuable course in flying are thur Hamaker went to Klamath open to other college men between Falls July 2 to see Lt. Leslie Kin­ the ages of 20 to 27 with two caid, who was enroute to Fort years of college credits. Letters Ix'wis from King City. Calif., of inquiry for additional informa­ be addressed to him. where the army war games were tion should ------- ——•------------- held the past month. • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Moore spent the 4th and week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore . For three nights .beginning at 8 • Mrs. Dale Jergenson and bro­ ther Cecil King from San Francis­ o'clock July 16, special evangel­ co visited from Thursday until istic services will be conducted at Sunday with their grandmother. the Church of the Nazarene. Rev. Mrs. Malinda King. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Gandy, formerly official George King of Prospect also artist at Yosemite National park, were guests of of Mrs. King and and since for several years travel­ all were dinner guests of Mr and ing evangelist in many states, will Mrs. Russel Miller on the Green­ be the speaker. The series is the first of several springs. Mrs. Jergenson will be re­ to be conducted this summer and membered as Beryl King • Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Mor­ fall under the auspices of the row and children Betty Lou and young people of the church. ------- •------------- Bobby of Hood River spent the 4th with Mr. and Mrs. John Mann. UNION SERVICES SUNDAY • Marguerite and Billy Sikes of The summer Sunday evening American Falls, Ida. are spending union services will be held this several weeks at the Mrs Grace Sunday evening at 8 o’clock in the Sikes home. Congregational church Dr Claude < Ve’ma Ensor of Klamath Falls j Savre of the Episcopal church is visiting with her grandparents. , will give the message. Dr. G. W. The Twin Plunge« have been «elected for the two-weeks Red CroHs Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grimm. Bruce, pastor of the First Meth­ swimming and life saving classes to begin July 21. Plan to join the • George Yockel returned Sun­ odist church, will preside in the fun and get valuable training besides. The above photo shows a day from a trip to Portland. absence of Rev. C. A McCall, similar class which was conducted last year by the Medford district • Harry Farmer who is employed pastor of the Congregational (Continued on page 8) church, Keep Oregon Green Drive Continues Rotarians Newest Civic Organization CCC to Stage Water Carnival at Plunges Bergstrom Finishes Flight Training PLAN TO GET IN THE SWIM! Evangelist Coming to Church of Nazarene ccc.