Friday, July 4, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 WOMAN’S ASSOCIATION MEETING THURSDAY The Woman's Association of the Presbyterian church is meet­ ing today i Thursday I for an all lav session. Mrs. Phil Stansbury is presiding Lunch will be served at noon followed by a program • FRIDAY AND • • SATURDAY • JULY FOURTH INCH E A S E I» MEANS FIKE HAZARDS. KE SI KE YOU AKE ADEQUATELY INSURED BEFORE ANY LOSS (MX l RS. SEE I S TODAY! Billings Agency REAL ESTATE and KKAI. INSURANCE Phone 8781 41 East Main SOCE Students Plan Social Program HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS i i I The associated summer school student« of Southern Oregon Col­ lege of Education have planned the following social and recrea­ tional program for the first sum­ mer session: Tuesday. July 1 Swimming party. Twin Plunges. Janet Bax­ ter, Baker, chairman. Tuesday, July 8 Oolf party. I Ashland Golf club. Edmund Dew». • Ashland, chairman Saturday ami Sunday. July 12.1 Idenie at Lake of 13 the Wood«, Roland Park«. Spra- 1 gue River, chairman Tuesday, July IS Oregon Ilia- 1 tory club trip to Jacksonville, sponsored by Oregon History club Thursday, Julv 17 College plav. ’’High T m SOCK auditor ium, Angus L. Bowmer, director Two successful events, a steak feed and a gym party, have al­ ready been held Damon Clifton and Austin Haddock, both of Asli land, were chairmen of these events, respectively, according to Marshall E. Wocxlell. registrar at the college. i By I TOIJ) YOU SO Walter Phillips field, the new Ashland high school athletic en­ terprise. is at last beginning to look like an athletic stadium The grass is up and was mowed for the first time this week. The grandstand is beginning to take shape' so that a person can tell by looking at it what it is intend­ ed to be The fence la nearly com­ pleted around the whole set-up Speaking of the fence, it looks to Hindsight that the ft- ball officials are still going to be troubled with having to chase the ball into the Phillips’ back yard every time a pass or goal kick is attempted at the north end of the stadium In order to make the project level, the north end of the grid is raised considerably and the top of the north fence comes just •bout level with the field It looks as if longer boards should have been used on this northern fence. But the construction men probably know what they are doing. And if that grandstand is completed in time for the opening game with Lakeview here Sept. IS), this department misses its guess. When the project still was on paper. Hindsight stuck out for a color scheme of red and white, to match with the school colors, but it looks as if we lost out for Supt Theo J Norby says it will be done in green with a cream trim. . « . Lee Ryan, varsity theater boss, says the Joe Louis-Billy Conn fight picture« will be on the Var­ sity screen Friday and Saturday. July 11 and 12 The pictures made by Pa the and distributed by RKO, are the clearest and best pictures it has ever been the prlv ilee of this department to see and anyone missing them will miss a great right picture Recreation Program Needs More Youths Still more youngster« are need eel for the summer recreation pro gram, according to Director Al Simpson Ashland has been divided into four sections for softball and a league will lie formed with the teams of these four sections mak ing out the schedule The dividing lines are Second xtiect mid Sinkt you boulevard. Now that the rain apparently is over, Simpson ex|a*ct« the pro- gram to get into full swing. There are schedules for golf, I misc I mi II school, swimming, tennis ami other sports available for all in­ terested. Simpson says anyone from six to HO can come out • EHMI Nl> DEWS RECEIVES SCHOI. VltSlllp AT STANFORD Edmund Itews, a junior college student at the Southern Oregon College of balneation, lias Just re­ ceived word from President l.y- man Wilbur of Stanford that he has been granted a full tuition scholarship at Stanford Univers­ ity fol the school year liril 42 Mr. I tews has been a student at the Southern Oregon College of Education for a period of two years During that time he has made practically a straight A average for the two years He Is a graduate of the Ashland llleh School and Is the son of Mrs Ruth iH-ws of Ashland Or, if you can’t call in person. MAIL THIS APPLICATION! storm-tossed waters..comes the greatest of mo spectacles! (Street or RPD address) (Po,tomc<) ( County) (State) OWN SIXTEENTH with Elviry and the Weaver Brothers and Sunday, Monday and Tuesday ASHLAND ICE & STORAGE CO For home delivery, Phone «7«! I 4 NOW OPEN! ALSO THE NEWS THE NEXT TIME WE LOVE’’ James Stewart and Margaret Sullavan • Mi Mrs C R owner« of the new Jewelry «tore In Ashland, have taken up resi­ dence at 108 Nurwry «treet They arc recent arrival« from Klamath Fall« and have a daughter two year» old ASHLAND’S NEWEST MODERN LUNCHROOM Enjoy the same high quality of food and service in the pleasant air-conditioned comfort of our new lunch room KEEP OREGON GREEN HEADQUARTERS 712 Porter Bldg., Portland, Ora. I with to join the fight to keep Poreat Fir»« out of Oregon. Enter my name on the memberahip roll and aend my Keep Oregon Green pin. I encloae I-------------------- cents. (Member­ ahip fee from 25c to any amount you with to aubecribe.) SUN« “THE ARKANSAS JUDGE’’ THAT OLD Hot weather takes away iip;*etite for fiHxl»—well try sitting down with a quart of SUNGOI.D milk and some crackers or a salad . . . you’ll love the cool, delicious flavor of S* N'GOLD and find yourself |M-pping up immed­ iately. Try it today! What 'Keep Oregon Green* Means to You: Available at Friday, Saturday with YOU have a direct, self interest in joining this fight to keep forest fires out of Oregon! Ashland Chamber of Commerce Evenings 6:45, 80 ernis Kiddies ii dime Wednesdays and Thursdays Dime Days Don Red Barry SLUMP ASSOCIATION Governor Sprague has designated this Keep Oregon Green Week Daily Mut iure 1:15 |>-11. 20 cents GET RID OF SIMMER KEEP OREGON GREEN JOIN AND GET YOUR PIN TODAYI Continuous the 4th, Saturday, Sunday with Join Up Now! ClarencoBuddington Kelland's famous character... on the screen LITHIA THE WYOMING WILDCAT’’ FOREST DEFENSE is NATIONAL DEFENSE Scenic beauty which each year attracts hundreds of thousands of tourist.•if Shelter for wildlife which makes Oregon world famous as a fishing and hunting stele. "irThe source of 12 cents of every dollar paid in taxes by all the people lo the Counties and the State, Steady work and high wages to 60% of all persons gainfully employed in Oregoo manufacturing, 64 % of the value of goods exported from Oregon, goods which pay for things that Oregonians buy in other stales and foreign countries. •