Friday, July 4, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 4 —- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - NOTICE OF MALE OF REAL PROPERTY In the County Court of the Htate BID FOR TIMBER of Oregon for Jackson County United States Department of In the Matter of the Estate of Published Every Friday CHAS M GIFFEN the Interior, General Lind Office, Addie Halley, Deceased. at 167 East Main Street O. and C Administration, l*ort- WILLIAM SAVIN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, ASHLAND, OREGON liuiii. Oregon Scalis I blds, marked lhiblishers outside "Bid for Timber", and ad­ that the undersigned, L F Bel­ ¥ ★ dressed to the Chief Forester, O. knap, Executor of the Estate of Entered as second-class und C. Administration, 410 Cue Addie Halley, Deceased, by virtue SUBSCRIPTION matter February 15. tom House, Portland, Oregon, will of an order duly issmsl out of the RATES 1935, at the poetoffiee at be received until 10:30 A M . I*a County Court of the State of Ore­ (In Advance) Ashland. Oregon, under cific Time. July 15. 1941, for the gon for the County of Jackson on ONE YEAR $1.50 the act of March 3, 1879 purchase of timber u | h > i > tracts the 18th day of June, 1941, will SIX MONTHS MOc hereinafter described; each bid sell nt private sale at the office of ★ (Mailed Anywhere in the must state the amount per M Frank J Van Dyke, lawyer, First TELEPHONE 8561 United States) feet B. M . which will lie offered Natlonul Bank Building, Ashland, for each species mid the total con­ Oregon, al uny time from and af­ sideration which will I m * paid for ter July 19, 1941, to the highest the timber No bid for less than bidder for cash or on terms all the appraised value will be con­ the right, title, intereat, and estate sidered Each bid must I m * sub­ which tile said Addle Halley nt mitted in duplicate mid be accom­ the time of her death, had in and panied by a deposit in the form to the following described premis­ of a certified check in favor of the es, to-wit: While observance of our nation's birthday is in the Chief Forester of the O. and C Is>ts 17, in. 19 and 20 of Block minds of all patriotic citizens today, of greater import­ Administration The deposit of 20 of the City of Medford. Ore­ gon, ns numbered, designated any successful bidder will be cred­ ance is the matter of being alive tomorrow to tell about and described on the official ited on the contract Pajman! in the wonderful time we had on the Fourth. The entire full nt the time of filing tbe con­ plat thereof now of record. Beginning h I Southeast corner tract is required in sales amount - nation will be on wheels, literally, not figuratively, of Lit I, Biock 10 H.attv < to $2560 or less For copies of the and it behooves the party at the steering wheel to be Addition to Medford. Oregon; form of proposal, form of contract | and running thence North and bond, terms of payment, on the alert every second if an unprecedented number 26«» feet; thence West 200 amount of de|M>slt required with I of accidents is not to happen. That this question is bld, amount of bond required with I feet; thence South 53’» feet; contract and other information, up thence East 200 feet; thence foremost in the minds of editors in other sections of plication should be made to the ad-| North N% feet to the North­ the country is attested in the following editorial cop­ dress shown above IN JACKSON east comer of Ix»t 2 in said Biock 10, living the place of ied from the Daily Leader-Times, published at Kittan­ COI M l : T 3 7 S R I ■ BSC beginning. 17. all merchantable timber desig ­ ning, Pa. The editorial was published in the issue of Ix>t 1 of Block 26 of the City nated for cutting on the SEQ- of Medford, Oregon, as num- June 24. 1941. and reads as follows: NEQ, and SE1*, estimated for HILT NEWS TALENT NEWS the purpose of this sale to be 235 beml designated and drsrrtbrd “The Fourth of July this year w ill bring the biggest on the official plat thereof now M feet stamped White Pine Isis, Margaret Coleman, daugh­ • A baby shower was held at the 130 M feet stamped White l*ine of record traffic jam in the nation's history, the National Safety • ter Miss of Mr and Mrs. O. Coleman, home of Mrj, Rudy Conner on 2nd*, 65 M feet stamped White Lol 2 of Btoek M of the Otty became the bride of Gerald Good­ Gibson avenue Thursday afternoon Pine 3nts, 115 M feet stamped Council predicts. of Medford, Oregon, as num- win, son of Mr. and Mrs. George for Mrs Frank Duncan. Thru* Sugar Pine. No bld for less than ; berrd. designated and drecrib- “More important, it also will bring the biggest holi­ Goodwin, Saturday morning at 11 were about 40 ladies present The . $8.00 per M for the stamped' ed on the official plat thereof o ’ clock at the Methodist parson ­ honoree received many beautiful I White Pine Ists, $6 00 per M for day traffic toll, the Council warned—unless the extra age in Yreka. They were accom­ gifts now of record. Refreshments of cake, fruit | the stamped White Pine 2nd*, i hazard is met by extra caution. panied by the groom's parents salad, coffee and tea were served SI 00 pel M fill the stumped Terms and Conditions of Sale: 'i'. n par east of the pi lea bidden ceremony was performed by • Ml MeNice killed a young < I ' white pm<- nidi $0< mj per M for “More than 30,000.000 vehicles will pack the high­ The Rev. E. E. Malone. The party then gar Sunday on Greensprings I the stamped Sugar Pine, or a total i shall be paid at the time of sale balance of the amount bidden ways over the three-day holiday period, the Council drove to Medford for their wed­ mountain The cat measured seven purchase price of $3.610 00. will I m * and ding dinner. Mr and Mrs. Gerald and one-half feet In length In ' considered. All unstamped Pine, to be paid on the confirmation of said. They will travel four million miles—the greatest Goodwin are to make their home the encounter. MeNice had the und all trees of other species, re- i sale l>v the Mid County Court total ever rolled up on the nation’s speedometers in in Hilt where he is employed. misfortune to lose one of his valu- 1 served from cutting. The right to Said sale will I m * made subject to • A bridge luncheon was enjoyed able hunting dogs He has killed j waive technical defects, und to re­ confirmation of the above entitled any one week-end. Court by the members of the Ladies club 499 cougars in the past three ! ject any and all bids, is reserved “This all-time high will result from the fact that Thursday at Dead Indian Lodge, years. Dated at Ashland, Oregon, June at Portland. Oregon, thia which is the property of Mr. Par­ • Mrs Louise Wilkenson of the Dateil ?o l!»41 23rd iluy of June, 1941 W H full-time production means full pocketbooks and full sons. Mrs. Fred Bayliss was host­ Dead Indian soda springs has Homing, Chief Forester, O. and F L BELKNAP. gas tanks. More people are driving more cars more ess. Those who attended were been visiting her daughter and , C. 6-20 4 11 Executor Administration. Mesdames M J. Bailey. W Holm ­ son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claudei miles. And over the Fourth relatives and friends by the berg. Ben Ollum. Frank Ohlund, Jones. thousands will be visiting the boys in uniform. The va­ R F Schlappi, Richard Black. • Mr and Mrs C C Collins of Florence Clark and her daughter Medford called on Mr. and Mrs cation season will be in full swing. Traffic will be roll­ Miss ~ Doris Clark, and the hostess. Tryon Sunday. ing along on high. Mrs Bayliss and Mrs. W. E. Tallis • Mrs Opal Dimmer of souti son Terry. Mrs Holmberg California is visiting in Talent “To meet the threat of a record-breaking toll, the and won high prize and Mrs Frank this week. She is a former resi­ dent. Council called on every driver and every pedestrian to Ohlund second. • Miss Margaret Coleman was • Mrs Catherine Davidson was enlist in a nationwide effort to avoid accidents. honored with a bridal shower at pleasantly surprised Wednesday the club house Friday aftemixm evening when a group of neigh­ “Thirty national organizations are joining with the The hostesses were Mrs. Gus bors came in for the evening, the Council in a campaign to cut the holiday toll on the Goldenpenny. Mrs. O. Coleman occasion being her birthday At­ Mr.*». George Goodwin. The af- tending were Mr and Mrs Harvey highway, on the beach, in the home and from fire­ and temon was spent at bridge and Walters, Jim Walters, Edward works. Chinese checkers. At bridge the Walters, Mr. and Mrs. J C Wil­ winners were Mrs. W Holm­ liams, Mr. and Mrs John Malone, “Last year these same organizations united in a prize berg and Mrs. Harry De Jarnett, Barbara and Beverly Malone, Mr similar drive, and the nation’s traffic toll came down in and at checkers. Mrs John De and Mrs. Quackenbush. Mr and and Mrs. Don Ward. Thirty­ Mrs Eaton, Mr and Mrs Jason July—the only month in the last 19 to show a decrease. Witt four ladies were present Miss Ottinger. Mr. and Mrs Floyd The keynote of this year’s campaign is, “We can do it Coleman was the recipient of Young, Lucille, Davis and Floyd many lovely and useful gifts from Young Jr Cake and coffee were again!” those who attended and also from the refreshments Mrs Davidson “Even with its lower traffic toll, July in 1940 her many friends who were unable received many lovely gifts be at the shower. Delicious re­ • Mr and Mrs Jim Stone who brought death to 9,900 persons through all types of to at Ashland's Lithia Park, the beauty freshments were served by the have been visiting Mr and Mrs Elmer Cook were called to their accidents. More than 900,000 others were injured in hostesses. spot of Southern Oregon! • Mr. and Mrs Sam Dunaway home in Seattle Friday evening accidents, and the economic cost was $300,000,000. In and Our Stare Will B<* (limed the Fourth daughters and Mrs. Dumas to the bedside of their 20-months- visited the Shasta dam project old daughter who passed away traffic alone, 2,790 lives were lost. Monday morning She has visited “Each year,” the Council said, “America ironically Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Walt Foster and in Talent many times celebrates the birth of its independence by staging a Allen Laustalot attended the base­ • Mr and Mrs Claude William» ball game in Medford Sunday. Continued on page five jamboree of carlessness. Walt Foster, who is playing with “ ‘There is no rhyme or reason to this wholesale the Medford team, pitched the two innings. slaughter. It must be stopped. It can be stopped if last • Norman and Allen Bemheisel every one of us uses caution and common sense. The returned home from their vaca­ in Everett. Wash., Sunday. things that cause these tragedies are things we can tion • John De Jarnett of Butte Falls control—haste, selfishness, thoughtlessness, the desire visited Sunday at the home of his son. Harry De Jarnett. to show off. • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Williams “ Tn this time of great national emergency, when of Grants Pass were guests at the of his brother, Richard Wil­ the nation is mustering its vast resources of wealth home and family Sunday. and manpower, accidents are more than ev6r a needless • liams Arthur Gilberg returned Sun­ day from Portland where his little waste. They amount to unintentional sabotage. daughter Karen is in the hospital. “ ‘Don’t join the Fourth Column. Stay out of that • Mrs. Walt Bray. Mrs. O. Cole­ long column of casualties that will be left in the wake man, Mrs. Don Ward, Mrs. Frank Ward, and Mrs. Gus Goldenpenny of the Independence Day celebration. attended the cooking school in “ ‘Take it easy on the Fourth. Be alive on the Y reka last week. Mrs. Coleman, Mrs Walt Bray and Mrs. Gold- Fifth!’ ” penny won prizes of grocery or- ders. *~ ■- »■■■- ■ ■ ■* • Richard Blacks of Ashland 6 or 8 Ex. Rolls were guests of Mr. and Mrs F 5c Extra for Panchromatic Baylis for four days last week, Double Size 25c Printed leaving Sunday for their vacation at Long Beach. ALL FINE GRAIN DEVELOPING. GUARANTEED WORK Reprints 2c ea. Deckle edge or plain, double size, 8c Four Great /| 35 mm. 36 ex. Dev. A Printed, 3x4 prints, 95c roll. Book Bargains ■ Send this ad with your order and we will send a miniature On Friday the entire nation celebrates its free­ frame free. Mail films to (Introductory Get Acquainted Offer) dom. Why not declare an independence day of ECONOMY PHOTO FINISHERS RED - LETTER TESTAMENT BOX 1576, STA. D, LOS ANGELES, CALIF. your own, Mrs. Housewife—with summer heat (words of Christ ir red), large print; 5%x7>4 inches, 232 page«; at hand, why not let ELECTRICITY do its bit numerous Bible helps, handsomely bound. UNIVERSAL COOK to help free you from those endless household BOOK, clear, concise, easily un­ chores and care for your summer food problems. derstood recipes. Covers all meth­ ods of home cooking; 256 pages, REMEMBER WHEN Visit your electrical dealer today and learn of cloth binding. WEBSTER’S IL­ — the minstrel show made the town and the band gave a LUSTRATED DICTIONARY the freedom and comfort that electricity offers. free concert on the corner? Those black faced comedians AND ATLAS, the ideal home