Pap** pOpIll'tl In Oregon as els* wheie. Four of tile five Ashland boys attending Boys State answer to that appel iation. 1 Volume X i ASHLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1941 Number 27 1 With cherries growing as large as golf balls, ti-dwoods to th*' magnitude of a politician's prom Ises and salmon so big that they dam rivers, wr hope we never con tract an Oregon headache. 1 Ji al Satne/lusty *7o £ ay-/Ind £ay¿ 9t! PLANS FINISHED FOR FULL DAY’S OBSERVANCE TO SPONSOR LOCAL RODEO 1 Al Jordan Just displayed other ts>x of lurn.lMut cherries, Hl of which faced a quart box To lo­ cal people Ulis is not news but our veracity will be questioned by tin- Miner's out-of-state readers • With final plans complete, this city is prepared to welcome thou­ sands of visitors and guests for its 16th annual July Fourth cele­ bration this week-end. Highlighted by an elaborate pa­ LENT ME FORGET rade, rodeo, dance and a fireworks To the Editor: display, the program has been de­ signed to provide a full day of en­ "We bold these truths to be tertainment and festivities. Ash­ VTl U ml Yfr x. self-evident: That all men are land's business section has been cl eat i*d equal, that they are en­ » tud / o ' *' , t . >*•,«--. garbed in patriotic colors; Lithia dowed by their Creator with I.V park is being prepared for an in­ certain unalienable rights, that flux of 10,000 persons and from all among these are life, lltx-rty amt SponsorMhlp of the July Fourth célébrât loo rodeo and horw show, to be staged in the afternoon and evening, Friday, ha* been assumed by indications, the 1941 celebration the put suit of happincm* That will be a rousing success. the Ashland Trail Riders (shown above) at thè new and unique Diamond Circle ( orrai* on Willow street in zlshland. to secure these rights, govern­ The first major event on the ments are instituted among day’s program is a kids’ soapbox men, deriving their Just powers derby, the winner receiving a free from the consent of the gov­ trip to Portland for participation erned." in the regional finals. The parade Declaration of Independence is slated to follow the derby and "Americanism is an unfailing will be one of the most elaborate love of country; loyalty to its in­ Herr is the general program for Ashland’s presented here. More than stitutions and ideals; eagerness to Cantonment problems contin­ “Put Safety First on the arrays 200 horses, a larger number of 1941 July Fourth celebration: defend It against all enemies; un- ued to occupy the attention of the Fourth!" at least five bands and divided allegiance to the flag, ami city councilmen at their meeting With this slogan, Earl Snell, floats, units and a variety of spe­ a desire to secure the blessings of Tuesday night. Financial aid was 9:00 a. in.—Soapbox derby, Pioneer street. secretary of state, launched an musical entries, will be seen. lils-rty to ourselves am) posterity." * voted for the coordinating board intensive campaign to prevent cial The late morning »nd tearly af­ I H-flniUon adopted at Uie Joint I and Supt. Elmer Blegel reported traffic accidents in this state dur-. ternoon 10:30 a. m.—Parade will see a program for the conference of the commanders In on his recent trip to California ing the coming Fourth of July youngsters in Lithia park, while chief of the five big veteran or­ cantonment areas holidays. Last year, traffic acci­ 12 noon—Kids’ program, Lithia park first performance of the rodeo ganizations In Washington on Feb. The counicl voted to contribute dents claimed a toll of five lives. the horse show is set for 2 p. m. I 8 IM? Jioo per month to support of in this state and Snell hopes to and 2 p. m. and 8 p. m. — Kodro and horse show, at the Diamond Circle corrals on the coordinating board of the pro ­ eliminate this toll entirely during 014) TIMER Willow street. The rodeo this year posed cantonment upon the under­ Diamond Circle Corrals, Willow street. the coming celebration period. is sponsored by the Ashland Trail standing that the board would "Chief factors in holiday acci­ Riders ( 4MIKE ANDERSON on an amateur basis. Wild conduct a complete housing sur­ dents are crowded traffic condi- 1: p. m. — Band concert, Lithia park. Mis* Anita Cooke. daughter of vey In Ashland Mayor T 8 Wiley range stock has been secured from tions, thoughtlessness on the high- Mi and Mrs. R II Cooke of was selected to represent Ash­ of southern Oregon and ways and fatigue on long trips," ranches 9:39 p. m.—Ok bra tion dance, Ashland Ashland and Bruce Gordon Ander­ land's interests on the coordinat­ northern California and will be Snell declared "By eliminating son. won of Mr and Mrs Charles ing bard seen in action both afteroon and Armory. i these factors, we can avoid vir- evening. Anderson of Seattle were united City Supt. Blegel reported in tually all accidents on our high­ in marriage st the First Methodist detail upon the trip he recently The evening performance is ways and streets." 10:30 p. m.—Fireworks display, Lithia park. church in Ashland Munday after­ made to the cantonment areas of slated for 8 o’clock. Final run-offs The secretary of state listed noon with Dr George W Bruce <'.ilif'irnia with City Supt Fred the competitive events are these precautions for motorists in reading the seivlce, Following Seh*«ffe| of Medford and County scheduled for this time. The Trail during the holiday travel: the service a reception was held I Engineer Paul Ryning Riders also are arranging several When caught in long lines of special drills and stunts for show­ at the bride's home with Mrs According to Blegel the biggest cars, don't become impatient and Walter Herndon and Mrs Harry I problem in dealing with the sol* ing during the two performances. take dangerous risks trying to Myers presiding at the table Mr , diers is the task of finding recrea- The fireworks display will be pass cars. Stay in line till there is Jack Merritt, local boy, received und Mrs Anderson left on a wed­ ' tion to help keep them out of visible from both Lithia park and adequate room to pass safely, ding trip to Canada and upon their mischief Close cooperation with high honors Tuesday when he was the rodeo grounds and will start Never pass on curves or when at 10:30 p. m. return will make their home In Se­ i the military police was said to be represented on KPO in "The Bat­ Lighting effects for Maxwell the white line is on your side of attle A special celebration- dance will ' essential In dealing with the sol­ tle of the Sexes" radio program Out of town guests nt the wed­ diers but the big headache is and was awarded a 17-Jewel wrist Anderson's "High Tor," which is the center stripe. be held at the Ashland armory, At recreation areas, watch for to be presented by students of the ding Wire Mr. und Mrs. Charles usually found to be with camp watch, although the "Westerners'' starting at 9:30 p. m. and contin­ Southern Oregon College of Edu­ children playing or pedestrians uing through 1 a. ~m. Music will Anders***, aii the United States tour sponsored Tickets for the rodeo, as well may be expected. Hold down speed on the high­ as information. _ programs Cleveland and Mrs N B Stoddard lice In force by the YMCA and the YWCA The series of peaks that make up the _ | and the light of his experiences way, especially on curves of Butte Falls, Mr and Mrs Mar­ in the camp areas. Supt Blegel boys, along with many others, are Palisades of the Hudson river. other data, will be available at the “Drive thoughtfully, with due Since most of the playing time vin Eaton. Mrs K Ricard and close cooperation with "seeing America first" on the trip. takes place from sunset to dawn, regard for all existing traffic con- information booth on the plaza. Mis I L F*«eny of Prineville; Mr. j suggested Jack was chosen from 24 others Local chamber of commerce of­ the army, recreational centers for and Mrs W Fugerr. Mis David i the soldiers, a housing survey for to be represented on the program lighting effects must range from I ditions and be a member of July fices will be open throughout the fifth column of safe drivers." I complete darkness to the eerie Osborn. Mrs Wm Gates, Mary workers and rigid control or ban- and many movie stars and people day to assist visitors and guests. Ann Gates, Mm. Herbert Neilson. .' nlng of trailer camps of importance were among the I light of early morning. During ----------- •——— i Corlme Harwood and Olive Eld­ I large crowd at the broadcast in ' the night it is not only necessary MISS R1STORA FRENCH -------->_ ' to simulate an airplane beacon, ridge of Medford. New York. Miss Ristora French, 84, who • The winner, an eastern girl, re- , but also the general effects of a passed away Saturday June 28 J lightning storm and the flashes < l„>ss OFFICERS ELECTED ceived a 21-Jewel watch. Jack, on was bom in Wisconsin and spent the losing side, received the 17- ' made as the ghostly crew of Hud- The Oregon History Club it her life in the teaching profession. j son's lost ship bowl their balls of Ashland Is actively participat­ Jewel watch. the Southern Oregon College ■ >t Pete's Lunch, owned by Earl D. She was a resident of this com­ I fire down the mountainside must Education have elected the follow- ing in Governor Sprague's "Keep Nutter, was moved Tuesday into munity for the past 13 years, be portrayed. ing officers for the summer sess- Oregon Green Week," as are other its new home which has been Funeral services were held Tues- In keeping with the mood of the Ion President, Albcrt Hyde of cities throughout the state under construction for some time. day afternoon at the Perl Funeral play, Art Director Otto J. Wilda Oregonians seem determined to Medford; vice president, Janet Both the exterior and interior I home in Medford with Rev. C. F. has designed an elaborate set Field of Medford; secretary-treas­ ■ make the slogan "Keep Oregon McCall, pastor of the Neighbor­ which gives a feeling of depth and of the new building are done in hood urer, Mrs Gertrude Stanley of | [ Green" more than a slogan They Church Congregational of white, with the booths, counter space never before achieved on the Eagle Point; and faculty advisor. | ' are translating it into terms of Ashland in charge. Miss French's and finishings in a dark stained SOCE stage. A major factor in The Medford Craters dropped | Dr Arthur 8 Taylor of the local | I action, according to reports reach- pastor reported that she living on history department. . mg the office of the state forester the first game of the Oregon State i "High Tor's" dramatic value is veneer, providing a nice contrast a small allowance herself always league second half schedule Sun- j Anderson's use of contrast. This on the inside. Flourescent light­ managed to save part of it to help 1 from every part of Oregon. i "Enrollment of members in the day afternoon when Dutch Leibei enters into the set in those scenes ing and air-conditioning also con­ people in need. I Keep Oregon Green association is and Red Miller staged a pitchers' where we see a modem steam tribute to the comfort and at­ I progressing very satisfactorily," du,■! that saw Miller and the Al- | shovel perched on the edge of the tractiveness of "Pete's" new home. The new building provides for I reports Dean Johnson, chairman bany Alco-Oaks win out by a 3-2 I incient cliff. Intensive research and work by two booths, nine counter seats and decision. The Oaks won the ex ­ i of the association, which is a non- Recent cases coming before the 1 the members of the stage costume roomy kitchen space in which is justice court included Harlan A. , i profit organization set up by a hibition Saturday night tilt 11 to and design class under the super­ installed all new equipment. Westfall, who received a fine of committee appointed by Governor 8. Both games were played at vision of Mr. Wilda has made In addition to the usual lunch­ $1 and costs for fallut*- to stop Sprague to lead the fight to keep Albany. possible authentic period costumes es, sandwiches and drinks, the Klamath Falls took a 6 to 4 H fires out of the state this at an intersection. I league win from the Bend Elks at for the ghostly characters which new’ cafe now offers a complete Elmer F Snodgrass found guil­ year. "Citizens unanimously agree ix ;.*iit.itH Falls Sunday after cop­ are in keeping with the era they fountain service. ty of violating the basic rule was Another attractive addition to that it is little short of criminal ping the Saturday night mix 5-4. represent. fined $5 and costs. Production is set for Thursday, Ashland's business district will be It was a king's-x affair. that GOO forest fires should have Wiliam Toopa received a sent­ Silverton blasted Hills Creek July 17. according to Director Adell's Beauty shop which will ence of 15 days in the county jail been started in Oregon last year open in the same building about Sunday afternoon in another leag- Angus L. Bowmer. by careless smokers They are on a charge of vagrancy. July 7. I ue game at Swimmer's Delight James Albert Franklin enter«! aroused to the vital need for de­ I ----------------- e------------------ a plea of guilty to a charge of manding enforcement of the forest . near Eugene. The score was 8-3. In the only other OSL clash disorderly conduct and was sent­ laws and educating every citizen enced to six months in the county to realize his or her individual re­ Eugene held Toledo scoreless to sponsibility in checking the dam­ win 10 to 0 at Toledo. jail Enrollment dates for CCC appli- J Another addition to the business In the Southern Oregon league, age and waste causer! every year 1 Medford Rogues annexed the first cants in Jackson county have been district of Ashland is the jewelry by man-made, preventable fires." Little girl from California r Every