Friday, June 27, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER F the sunny side of life 1! Paqe 7 TRUCK PARTS I Clean Comics That Will Amuse Both Old and Young BIG TOP SIFIED | - avy-duty Moiora. ii «I i parts, ilea, tire*, hoiwt« and nurd trucks. BUCK WREC KING COMPANY h A H. E. Hawthorne. Portland, Ora. SCHOOLS By ED WHEELAN REGISTER NOW! For Summer term. Easy payment plan. Free Life employment eervlce. WE8TE1M BEAUTY COLXsIGB Portland, Or«. Tit ■- W. 4th Ave. RABBITS AND SKINS Poultry, rabbits, rabbit skins. Write post card for prices. Prices very high now Buby k Co.. »35 8. W. Front, Portland. Oro. FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE Developed and Two Prints from Bach Good negative 25c WBBTBBM PHOTO COMPAHT Box W-4265 Portland. Ore. A U.eful Gadget LALA PALOOZA ARlSTOPOLIS JUNIOR "VTT DON'T BOTHER THE TAX MAN - COME - \ I'LL BUY YOU A , » . NEW HAT ’» < ! By RUBE GOLDBERG s ARlSTOPOLIS JUNIOR NO LIKE NEW HAT­ Picture Co.. P.O. Box 489, Portland, Oregon. $ PRINTS AND TWO ENLARGE­ MENTS 25o—Made by Portland’s larg­ est retail kodak finisher Satisfac­ tion guaranteed Quality Picture Co. Box W3573, Portland. Oregon. MAKE FINE MOULD _ FOR COFFEE RING ■/ k L>' JX, c-k J NOW GO IN THE KITCHEN AND SHOW YOUR FATHER HOW NICE YOU LOOK OUR NEW STREAMLINE 1 ' NUMBER X FOR THE KIDDIES z > DON’T FORGET THE DATE, have It put in corner of picture, no extra cost. Roll developed 8 prints and one enlargement 25c. 2»x5| en­ largements 5c each. Money refund­ ed If not satisfactory. ■nporlo» SISS y A | /I f ft . J! I STUFF J 4 et FOR SALE 9 * z 9 III, \ > _ zj eV J :o w, 2S0» ACRES. CREEK. 4 SPRINGS. 175 Acres cultivated with 7 In Delic­ ious apples. 2 houses, large barn, sheep sheds, chicken houses. 2-car garage. $15,000 terms. No trade. S’ Oron Shock, Tonasket, Washington. 9 9 >- 2880 A. Stock Ranch suitable for Cat­ tle or Sheep, 1000 A. Cultivation and Crops Under lease 4100 A. all fenced, rood bldgs. $5000 payment will buy. o 9 Writs John Rickert, Mesa. Wash. Ï » — 4» f — ’ -jyixJii, L'l.’Hi, "r‘ S’MATTER POP—Big Storm! Whi.ker. On It! By C. M. PAYNE S'PI-O ô - t /- V REG. SPOTTED POLAND CHINA SWINE Quality breeding. National Record only. L. Byrl Burnatu, Pull­ man, Wash. \ • 9 9 ^4 /j ¿o 120-ACRE stock and dairy ranch; all farm oqulpt.; cream separator, wind­ mill and pump engine. 1000 acres neighbor ranches fenced for rent, cheap; plenty outside range, 4 work horses; 1 pony. Owner ill and wants to retire. Write Johan Hein­ rich Peters, Brothers, Ore. place Is 10 miles east of Brothers, 1 mile north of Bend-Burns hl way, from mailbox. .2 '-k '' & YEAH? ive rockin ’ chair > WHAT MULE/ BATES BOUGHTED HAS? X came . *7 t; A J Kettle Falls. Wash. There’» No Place Like a Second Home i rFt $2500 CASH—ISO A. SUBIRRIGATED soil. 15 cult, mostly alfalfa; free cattle range, tine furnished bunga­ low, electricity, lawn. $ high bred Jersey stock. Owner, E. Moan. ? —L MESCAL IKE By il huntley FRtlAHT I r< rOH, ILL BET MRS. BATES WILLJ^ / MULEY5 \ BE TICKLED. 1 SUPPOSE ff FIX in »' UP HlS ' ITS FOR THE LIVING J FAVORITE CELL ROOM ?ft—f Z w AL, NOT EXACTLY, MISS 1 over to th ' j < SALLY- y Xu AIL HOOSE / r 0 j J m BY YOUR UUIATIVK-REL1EVC CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY /■ V By J. MILLAR WATT I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME • ? YOU LIFT YOUR RIGHT ELBOW TOO MUCH » r? I; Immortality All men desire to be immortaL —Parker. ì A i The Neighbor hood League /FEMALE PAI» fj f/. WITH WEAK, CRANKY NERVOUS FEELINGS— J* Tou women who suffer pa In of irreg­ ular periods and are nervous, cranky due to monthly functional disturb­ ances should And Lydia E. Pink­ ham's Vegetable Compound »imply marvelous to relieve such annoying symptoms. Pinkham’s Compound is made especially for women to help relieve such distressing feelings and thus help them go smiling thru such •■dlfflcultdays.”Over 1.000.000 women Lave reported remarkable benefits. ^ORTH^RYING^^nj^drugstore^ THE SPORTING WNU—13 **' É2W i>. r — !. frZ—V —C ¿T —— l¿£- \ B, GLUYAS WILLIAMS 0 $Ti By LANG ARMSTRONG • When you feel gatsy, headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowels, do sa milhons do—take Feen-A-Mint at bedtims. Next morning — thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn’t disturb your night'» re»t or interfere with work the next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, yourself. It tavtei good, it’s handy and economical... a family supply FEEN-A-MINT To< » t NEW fireproof building, fully equip­ ped for cafe, good going business with cottage In connection, central­ ly located in leading Oregon coast town. Price $5500 cash. Best of raisons for selling. G. H. Ward, Tillamook, Oregon. DON’T BE BOSSED >.• !• » P r Real Bargains — $2500 will handle cafe, cabins, ice cream parlor all complete. Fine bottom farm, 100 acres, all modern Improvements. $5500 will handle. C. A. Bolack, Realtor. 133 W. First, Albany, Or». 5 POP—A Common Fault I PLAÆD A TERRIBLE- GAME TODAY, COLONEL 1—D-< Caterpillar tractors, wide gage, thoroughly reconditioned. 1—11» cu. ft. Flamo Electrolux re­ frigerator 1—Mellote cream seperator. 1—200 amp. portable GE arc welder. 1—No. 2« Caterpillar with 20-ft. head­ er. partially on rubber. In good condition. L. a. PABMAH k BOMS. Condon i—l- ... ' / ’•0*L ¿ÿ., 4 * 26—41 Watch Your Kidneys./ Help Them Cleanse the Blood of Harmful Body Waste Tour kidneys are constantly filtering waste matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometimes isg in their work—do not act as Nature Intended—fail to re­ move impurities that, it retained, may poison the system and upset the whole body machinery. Symptoms may be nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of disainess. getting up nights, swelling, puffiness under the eyes—a feeling of nervous anxiety end loos of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis­ order are sometimes burning, scanty or Coo frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect, l ee Doon's Pills. Doan's have been winning now friendo for more than forty yearn. They have a nation-wide reputation. Are recommended by grateful people the country over. Aik your iwigkbor/ D oans P ills