SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, June 27, 1941 I ( fill.OREN'S DAV PROGRAM The postponed Children’s day program presented by the Junior The seventh annual Decoration department of the Church of the day stock car race over the Oak­ Nazarene will be given at 9:4ft land Speedway again proved Ford O'clock Sunday morning Empha­ speed ami stamina when Al Eames sis will center around missionary piloted a Ford to first place in work. three hours, 28 minutes and 15 seconds to average 73 45 miles • Subscribe for The Miner today. Rev. W. -I. Meagher, Pastor per hour for the 250 laps. Tills fact was pointed out this week by local Ford dealers who called attention to the fact that last years race also was won by a Ford driver, by Frank Phillips who came in this year in second place, only 22 seconds behind the Dr, ( laude K. Sayre, Vicar winner. Out of the first 10 to finish in Holy Communion 8 a. m. the race, Ford took first place, Church school 9:30 a m second place, fourth place, seventh Morning prayer a nd sermon , 11 plance and tenth place, again a m. demonstrating in the opinion of Holy Communion 9:30 a. rn local Ford dealers its superiority, Wednesday. stamina and staying power a* well Choir will meet 7:30 p. m. as its speed arid pickup. Friday. "In every stock car test wher­ July 4th, short address and ever it be speedway races, dirt Holy Communion, 7 a. m. i track races, road races in South You are cordial 1 y invited to : and Central American countries worship with us. I or other competitive stock car i events, Ford proves in competition I the claims made by owners and | di alers for its performance," said Fourth and B Streets Paul Beare, local Ford dealer. Rev. Shearburn, Pastor "It is probably because of this exceptional performing ability Sunday school 10 a m. H. O. that Fords are universally pre­ Butterfield, superintendent. ferred by the younger generation Morning worship 11 a. m. and are deemed unexcelled for Young People's meeting, 6:30 powerful car and other strenuous p. m. types of motor transportation Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. where pickup, speed and stamina Week night services Tuesday are the essential requirements. and Friday evenings at 7:45. • Prayer meeting precedes these SHORTRIDGE-POY'ER two services. Young people in Miss Doris Grace Shortridge, charge of Tuesday service. daughter of Gilbert Lane Short­ • ridge of Roseburg, and Melvin Poyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. E B. Poyer of Ashland, were united in marriage at 2 p. m. Sunday. The J. R. Turnbull, .Minister ceremony was performed in the Bible school 9:45 a. m. C. E. First Baptist church, Rev. J. R. Turnbull reading the marriage Corry, superintendent. Morning worship 11 o'clock, lines. Following the ceremony a Sunday, 8 p. m , church service. reception was given at the home Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer of Mr. and Mrs E. B. Poyer. The I young couple will live in Ashland praise and Bible study ----- ------ •- - where Mr Poyer is associated with his father in the dairying business. Ford Is Winner In Stock Car Race About People You Kiww| ' • • Mrs Irma Martin Is visiting ford TUa-sdiiy evening to attend a meeting ot Royal Arch Masons. with her father, A F. Dyer • Mi and Mis Jack Zltteieob • Horn to Mi and Mrs Earl Din- of Klamath Frills were Week-end ingei Juno 24, a daughter. guests of Mr ami Mrs G W • Dr Walter Redford attended a meeting of tile State County Sup­ Goa wick ( or. N. Main and Diitrel Sts. Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister • Horn to Mi and M in living erintendent's association in Salem this week Dr. Redford was one of Wai net on June 23, a * m. Sunday school 9:45 a. rn. with • l>i i' l^figh and Phil Slandsbury the speukeis at the convention. ('hrlstlleb. Dorothy Allen D McGee, general MUfs-rin- have retuinr and lire Robert her husband who has been called dren's day program. Rosenbaum on June 23, a son. Morning worship 11 o'clock. to army service. • John Galey of Portland ami The honored guest, who has "The Blessing program was given under direc­ Kansas City. • Kenneth Caton is visiting at tion of Mrs Will iiodge. Mrs. F. Church board meeting at 8 p. m. the home of Mr and Mrs I >on 8 Engle and Mrs Fred Wagner. Monday. Caton in Eugene this week. Prayer meeting 7:45 p. m. Wed­ • • Mow Sybil P i . i V om I of Sin nesday. Choir practice at 8:45. MARY ’ EI.I.EN LEVY IS Francisco La visiting with her par • Funeral services were held ents, Mr ami Mrs. P S Provost • 1 leorge Fran is Smith vl it« <1 Wednesday afternoon at the Lit- briefly with his mother. Mrs V. O wilier Funeral home for Mrs N Smith, and sister. Emmy Lou. Mary Ellen M-wis, who passed the first of the week, leaving away June 23 She was born Aug. Boulevard and Morton St rents Tuesday evening for Portland to 20, 1847, in Independence. Mo., Clarence F. McCall, Minister < m. it i n d to James K report for military service He ha* been taking special work at the Polk Lewie Feb n. IMS in Stock- Sunday 9:4ft a. m. Bible school. University of Oregon since early ton, Calif Mt Lewie passed away Miss Marjorie Stratton, assistant spring in 1824 She is survived by tl • Bom tn Mr and Mrs Marshall , daughters. Mrs Jessie Kilgore and superintendent. Worship service 11 a. m. Mrs Eleanor Powell of Ashland. Woodell June 22, a son • I '> .in I Mo < ' \, , Mrs 11 B. Kellum of Medford, and in Portland for several days vaca­ 1 two sons. Carl W. I-ewis of Etna tion i and Guy Lewie of luikcview. Rev Second and B Streets • Robert E Dodge went to Med- Everett McGee officiated. First Methodist Church Free .Methodist Church * Page 5 Church of the Nazarene Neighborhood Church Congregational Church of Christ ('. .Alton Brostrom, Minister Bible school 9:45 a. m. Classes for everyone. L. U. Gresham, gen­ eral superintendent. Bethel Tilley, platform superintendent for the day. Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Message by Everett McGee. Meetings of the college and high schixil Christian Endeavor societies at 7 p. m. Evening evangelist service at 8 o'clock. Message by Glen John­ son. Monday evening, meeting of board of elders. Catholic Church Trinity Episcopal Church Foursquare Church First Baptist Church Full Gospel Temple E. Main arid Siskiyou Blvd. R. E. Schmidt, Pastor Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ ning Evangelistic service to fol­ low at 7:30 o'clock. C. A. service and choir practice 7:45 Tuesday evening. Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday evening. Everybody is cordially invited to all services. Cleaning Special SUITS, PLAIN DRESSES, PLAIN COATS 3 FOR First Presbyterian Church Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Worship service at 11 a. m. ------->...- $1.25 COLLEGE ( LI B MEETS At a recent meeting of the Col­ ! lege club, Miss Clara Ann Rober­ son, class of 1941, Ashland high school, was awarded the club scholarship for the year. New of­ ficers elected for the club were Miss Annette Gray, president; Mrs. Horace Thompson, vice presi­ dent; Mrs. J. W. Murray, secre­ tary, and Miss Elizabeth Burr, | treasurer. DELIVERY FREE PICK-UP STANDARD CLEANERS “If’It can be done, we can do it” 163 East Main Phone 6281 Try the Great New RIDE of the 1 1941 Ford with « slow - motion SPRINGS ..... • new ford RIDE V " power »nh «“3 Ford inEr^nRi»>”»±;n"^br travels over road bump. out the Rid« »fter c,r U~ Imo •" entirety n\Wn‘.‘w -Slow-Motion Spring» • • • .r<>u„a ro smooth out the *•••• ------- £:S«^^ ’hi ield ‘,d,rea atched at the p i™-* windsh area sÿCE-S-.... COMPA*« ¡n nearly a u— Come io today • • • ghihukis k j Siti•"* k k UHD ’(Oli li GEI t THE DIG 1941 r ----- t ^„ bigger . gemtler ..... YOUR FORD DEALER BEARE MOTOR COMPANY “ON THE PLAZA”