Page 4 Friday, June 27, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER • Mr and M in Hill McNair at­ tendevi a state druggist convention ut Geni hurt thls weck • Mr und M in Culi Boyil of lam Angeles, enroute to BHtlsil Co luuibia, vlsited Tueaday wlth Mrs ltoyd's uni’lr, Andrews. HILT NEWS Southern Oregon Miner Published Every Friday at 167 East Main Street ASHLAND. OREGON Parties Feature Social Life of Hilt CHAS M. GIFFEN WILLJAM SAVIN Publishers • The Women's Society of Chris tian Service met Thursday after­ noon at the club house with Mrs T Anderson as hostess. Mrs. John Ik* Witt, president, conducted the I Entered as second-class meeting which was opened by the , SUBSCRIPTION matter February 15, reading of the first Psalm by Mrs ' RATES 1935, at the postoffice at ■ Quamme and prayer by the* chap- : (In Advance) Ashland, Oregon, under lain, Mrs Arthur Pedersen. Fol- I ONE YEAR ........... 31.50 the act of March 3, 1879. lowing the regular business an i SIX MONTHS 80c announcement was made that * (Mailed Anywhere in the there would be just one meeting TELEPHONE 8561 United States) I in July. Those who attended were ' i Mesdantes John De Witt, T. An- j j derson, Arthur Pedersen, Bert SET YOU FREE” ; Mitchell, W Holmberg. T. Quant- I me, H. De Jarnott, Frank Bern- heisel, A. Samuelson. W. Dutro, F Haynes. Ray Elliott. E. Rich­ ardson, Enzie Wright, W. Gran. Bemheisel, Maud Wert. Stella Although the cantonment civic coordinator has O Roop. E. Robinson. Frank Ohlund stressed the “if, as and when’’ basis of the proposed and Crandall. Refreshments were by the hostess. Mrs An­ cantonment, planning work should continue with all served derson. possible haste, for the effects of such a project are too • Mr and Mrs. Walt Foster cele­ A few of the 359 British refugee children, cared for until they ■i RODEO StAltlS brated their first wedding anniver­ could lie placed In families, by the Netuncn’a Church In*tltuti* of immense to be gambled with. sary Thursday with a dinner at New York, Episcopal church organization at the New 1 ork waler (inns The project already has had its progressive influ­ their home which was attended by front. They came from London, Oxford, Col entry, with memorlrs ( iip* Mr. and Mrs W W Walker and of Mack-outs and liomhlng?«. Now they are safe for the duration ence by making the general public more keenly aware sons Drop In and mm * our new of the war. Buster and Billy and daugh­ M iT mirali 1 «•<•«1 with a picnic party in Lithia park Thursday followed by a show in • The Boy Scouts attended the naught. Still more enrollees are needed the afternoon. A lovely lunch show at the Craterlan theater Ln One worthwhile project suggested as a direct result which included a pink and white a group Thursday evening. The for the summer sports program, accoidmg to Al Simpson, direct- ‘ of cantonment planning has been the proposed con­ birthday cake with 10 candles was next meeting will be held Thurs­ i or. Tennis and swimming are be­ day evening in conjunction with enjoyed by the party. Donna re­ struction of a band concert shell and dance floor in ceived ing attempted between showers many nice gifts. Those who the Townsend club. but clear weather will find these Lithia park, the primary purpose in mind being to help attended were Ruth Rosecrans. • Mr. and Mrs. L. S. DeBord sports going in full swing. Again who operate the Talent lunch Babe and Helen Bemheisel, Au ­ provide for the recreation of soldiers who will overflow drey Graves. Marylyn Dunaway, stand spent Sunday in Canyon Simpson reminded that, especially these two s(M>rts. need more par­ into Ashland. A supervised community dance, it was Judy Bray, Diane Ward, Barbara City guests of relatives. • Mrs. Leo Nelson and two chil­ ticipants badly for better compe­ j Alphonse and Laura Geroy, and pointed out, is a big “ounce of prevention” against the i the hostesses Mrs. Walter Bray. dren of near Medford and Mi's. S tition The director also added that the entire program is going sprouting up of uncontrollable beer and dance dives Mrs. Ruby Coleman, Mrs. Don Drake of Nebraska called on on despite the rain. friends here Monday afternoon. I Ward and Mrs. Frank Ward. outside the city limits. Tin- baseball school Is progress­ ! • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. • Mateline Maxwell, daughter of ing nicely, said Simpson Plans In addition, the plan has other commendable feat­ Donna McCullough, Mr. and Mrs I Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Maxwell, II are under way now whereby soft-; Don Ward and daughter Liane spending a vacation in Lockey, 1 ures aside from its connection with camp recreation. spent the week-end in Klamath Tex., visiting relatives. ball teams will be organized • Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cowdrey presenting various sections A modern concert shell would be an attractive addition Falls. • Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cappello and children Carl and Shirley town and Inter-city games will to the park especially since it would do away with the drove to Weed Saturday. spent the week-end in Selad Val­ played. Simpson also drew attention I present prehistoric band stand and would be a welcome • Mrs. Maud Wert spent the ley. Calif, with relatives. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maygard the fine opportunity offered the week-end in Ashland visiting at addition to the limited recreational facilities of Ash­ the home of her daughter, Mrs I and family of Seattle visited at program participants to learn the home of Mr and Mrs Claude golf. Classes will be held at the land. Aside from its use for community dances, it Ernest Francis. Williams last week. Mrs. Williams golf course every Monday and I • Mrs. W. Walker and Mrs. Walt Thousands of travelers will take would provide an amphitheatre for various outdoor Foster drove to Weed Tuesday Wednesday at 3 p. m. with Jean is the mother of Mr. Maygard. — timeout this year to know Amer­ Fiberhart as instructor. • Mr. and Mrs. Roy Entes spent | gatherings. morning. ica better. "Grand Circle Tour" • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bray and Sunday at Crescent City guests of fares permit you to start your So let’s stay wide awake and keep on planning for daughter trip anywhere, see America from Judy attended the base- Mr and Mrs. Charles Estes. form­ coast tocoast and return to your the future regardless of whether or not the camp ball game in Hornbrook Sunday er residents of Talent. starting point for o nly... and picnicked after the game • Harland Lowe who spent the comes to the valley. past month visiting his parents with relatives. Bill Blackmer of Ashland was • Mrs. Ethel Seif was guest of returned to McCTiord Meld where elected one of the 12 mayors at honor Tuesday at a surprise birth­ he is stationed with the US army. Corvallis Monday ns the fifth an­ —in ihaiz can anJcoaciM« day party which celebrated her • Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stone of Se­ nual Beaver Boys State got under reaching the half-century mark. attle spent the week-end at the way. »135 ROUND TRIP in standard who attended were the co­ home of Mr and Mrs. Elmer Cook ( The Boys' State is s|s>nsored by Pullmans (plus 145 for a Pull­ Testifying before a senate committee, Leon Hender­ Those hostesses and sponsors, Mrs. Clin- Mrs. Cook is an aunt of Mrs 1 the American Is'gion and this man lower all the way, $54.50 for an upper). son, federal * price administrator, Said that he Will Op- ton Cobb, Mrs' Arthur Pedersen t eoersen ! Stone. »tone week at camp mak.-.x it DOMibie , . j and tr — rr»z4 ells, nr>^ t„ actual|y 11(. Mrs. Ed ULr^n«. Wells, and Vf«-« Mrs. Or- ’ (* * Mr and Mrs R. F. Parks were for th,. f pose further wage increases if they force unjustified | nan You can travel as many as 9,000 at ............ dinner Sunday n fainl|lar Lee, Mrs. Olive Allison and ...... entertained --------------- - — -------- .. - in I moc miles, and hy going on one of Mr. and Mrs Ro wUh thc (lutl..w all(1 |M)W(.rM an(1 loomingcamp. The | i Lithia Uthia park by Mr Mrs, Ro-I Ameri- ­ Miss Bernice Bloomingcamp. increases in commodity costs. He then praised Ameri Southern Pacific's Four Scenic a lovely Involu I land Purkii Those rnnM who u/hii enjoyed pnioVMl t ...... refreshments included a land Parks general makeup of all the offices Routes and returning on a dif­ can industry for cooperating with his department in birthday cake baked by Mrs. A. | the party were Bob Bectei of of county, state and nation. ferent S. P. route, you'll see twice Walter Bevington. --------”— Mrs. *—•— the vital work of preventing inflation and holding Pedersen. Mrs. Seif received many Dunsmuir, Attendance at the camp this as much on your Grand Circle lovely gifts and birthday cards Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Parks, Mr. and year is 264 with Medford second Tour of America! down prices. from friends and relatives in hon­ Mrs. Roland Parks and daughter only to Portland in the size of Th« Friendly Tammy. Labor is taking a mighty short-sighted point of or of the occasion. their delegation Others attending Mi Southern Pacific • Mr and Mrs. Ray Lewi* and from Ashland in addition to "May­ • Bob Purvis of Portland is guest view if it believes it can keep on getting higher and at the home of his brother, Jim Carl Slack visited friends in Ga- Be« your local 8 P. agent or writ« or" Blackmer are Bill Green, Hill J A ORMANDY. Gen Agent. zelle, Calif., Sunday higher wages without, in the long run, producing price Purvis. Cooke, Bill Cate and Fritz Buehl- 622 PaciAc building, Portland, Ora. • Casey Jones of Yreka started • Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Moffit increases which will have a ruinous effect on the stand­ to work in the box factory Mon- family of Medford called on Mr ard of living of the great masses of the American peo­ day. and Mrs. George I’heifer Saturday ▼"v w ■» ' w w—» veeeveww'v e « » « w * » ------------ •------------ afternoon. ple. What really counts is a family’s “real wages”— MRS. WILLIAM • Ray Schumaker, wife and LLNDSAY < The World’s News Seen Through that is, its income judged by the light of what it will Funeral services were held Mon­ daughter have returned to Talent < day morning at the Litwiller Fun­ after an absence of four years. buy. Today labor’s “real wages” are the highest in its eral he hristian cience onitor < home for Mrs. William Lind­ Mrs Schumaker is installing a < An Internahonal Daily Neu iffaffer history. Strikes and lockouts which result from unjust­ say, who passed away at her home fountain in the Blake building ad­ Publnird hr 110 < IIRISIIAN S< IF.Nt E I't'HI.ISHING SCK IkTV joining the Norris grocery Mr. June 20. Mrs. Lindsay was born ified and unfair demands on the part of labor must One. Norway Street, Iknton, M.y for your vacation. If so, you probably need accurate wheel balancing. It’s a long story .... we haven’t space to tell it here .... but wheels must be in static balance and in running balance, too. We correct for both. Our service is inexpensive, and stops shimmy, tire W (luLÌuruicd ' gouging, and wheel tramp. If you’re all worn out after a day behind the bl SAFETY « wheel, if your car “goes into a dance” llSERVICE I at certain speeds, you’ll find the answer in this service. Drive in today CLYDE N. CATON GARAGE Ralet from $2 HOTEL SAN CARLOS invites you to Monterey . . . California’« mmt historic city , . . ovcrlooking Fort Ord, on th« Blue Bay of Monterey. Ratet from 42.50 HOTEL CLUNIE with its famous "Ultra Modern Coffee Shop," at Sacramento, Capitol City of California. Ratet from $1.50 VEY M . TOY HOTEL* (May we tend you deter ip five folder) < <