Friday, June 27, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 3 Chic Prints Feature Flowers In Colorful Wide-Spaced Motifs by CkamMeAA. You'll Be Proud of Illese Embroideries By CHERIE NICHOLAS ABSTTHW ro hue nue WA$ ACHIEVED W Mt CUItltS 5MWA, tJHO invente P FIRST FMSFHOMiS the 0err£ii way 10 meat COtKlifWlOH DUE TO LACK OF peoeea •« xk * in the per 6 id COKPECT THE CMME OF TWE TTXXJ0Œ wrrw A PELICIOU5 CEREAL, KELL06ÄS . AU.-MAM...EAT rr EVERY CAY AWP PRWK flEMTy Of WATER. Pattern 6893 IJLEASANT dreams are assured 1 when sheets and pillow cases are embroidered with these lovely flower motifs. The crocheted edg­ ing will be found easy, too. • • • AND HO I HEY AKE .MAKKIED (See Recipes Below.) t Pattern M93 contains a transfer pattern of a motif 7>,i by 19'i inches: 2 motifs T.i by 12’i Inches; directions for edging; Illustrations of stitches; materials needed. Send your order to; AFTER THE 'I DOS' NOW YOl'RE A WIPE Intermittent glunccs at Die third Unger ot your left hand, as you leave the church and hurry home­ ward to greet guests, remind you Unit you're a "Mrs.” now . . . and you've never been so happy! You're too thrilled and excited to •ven think about food, but friends and relatives and your new hus­ band. especially, are more than likely cuger to partake of the very distinctive refreshments that "Mom" has spent weeks planning. And later when you recall the wedding reception. If details have been worked out sanely and care­ fully beforehand, you'll know that yours was an extra special after wedding party. Dainty rolled asparagus sand­ wiches and a luscious peach short- cake, with an iced or hot beverage, are sure to satisfy gay young appe­ tites, as well as appeal to the elders' taste for "something different." Deck the table with fresh flowers. A Atting centerpiece is a replica of the bride's bouquet . . . one exactly like liiat which she carried to the altar. A sophisticated crepe paper bridal couple will complete the ta­ ble decorations. Asparagus Knlled Sandwiches. Remove crusts from a loaf of sandwich bread and cut in one-fourth inch lengthwise slices. Butter slices and cut in half. In each piece, place a stalk of asparagus. Roll bread carefully, pressing well along but­ tered edge to hold it securely. Sprin­ kle asparagus with a little salt and paprika before rolling bread, if de­ sired. The number of sandwich loaves and the amount of asparagus tips you will need will, of course, de­ pend upon the length of your guest Lit. Peach Shortcake. 3 cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon salt 3 tcas|Kx>ns double-acting baking powder H cup butter or other shortening % cup milk 1H quarts sliced peaches, sweetened Sift flour once, measure, add bak­ ing powder and salt, and sift again. Cut in shortening; add milk all at once and stir carefully until al) flour Is dampened. Then stir vigorously until mixture forms a soft dough and follows spoon around bowl. Turn out immediately on slightly floured board and knead 30 seconds. Roll one-fourth inch thick. Place half in ungreased round cake pan; brush with melted butter. Place remain­ ing half on top and butter top well. Bake in hot oven <450 degrees F.) 15 to 20 minutes, Separate, spread bottom half with soft butter and some of peaches, Place other half on top. Spread with butter and re­ garnish with maining peaches; whipped cream. Cut into individual Other fresh servings. Serves 8 fruits may be substituted for peaches. . . . And the business of cook­ ing for two begins! Feeding your husband will be un Important part of your new life really es­ sential to the sme-th sailing of the ship of matrimony. So next week Lynn will devote her entire column to recipes that will help you "hoi dyour man.” They'll be simple enough for the begin­ ner, too. Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. 117 Minna SC. San Francisco, Calif. Enclose 13 cents in coins for Pat­ tern No................ Name .................................. ...................... Address ..................................................... Anger for the first time at her wed­ ding, of the endless quality of true emon the love. Tills cake is cut by the bride and served to the guests as part of 1 new look for the wedding feast, and Is quite dif­ prints is carried in ferent from tiie rich fruit cake that big florals that dra­ Is given to the guests to carry away. matically splash and dash vivid Nor It is a light cuke, like a white cake color in wide-spaced motifs. or sponge cake, and is frosted wlth Is the technique and the eye­ all the curlicues and rosettes thut dazzling color confined to evening prints. While it is true that gor- the home cook can manage. nils cake brings luck to the geous prints ot the type described guests, for it contains a ring, a coin have gone "tops" for party and for and a key — signifying marriage, other formal evening wear. It is also wealth and happiness to those who true that big flowers patterned in And them, If you haven't a ring- few and far-between motifs are the shaped pan, you can bake the cake newsiest news of all in regard to afternoon for smart In an angel-food cake pan or in an materials ordinary cake pan. with the ring out­ frocks. What’s more the craze for huge, lined in contrasting frosting. The is also re- bride's and bridegroom's Initials in wide-spaced flower prints contrasting frosting may be used for fleeted in sportswear fashions. Even if the material itself is not printed further decoration. the latest gesture of fashion is to Bride’s Cake. make pajama ensembles that have 1 cup sifted cake flour long semi-fltted jackets (some with l< teaspoon salt a tunic flare) of quality-kind white 1 cup (8 to 10) egg whites crepe, splotching them here and 1 teaspoon cream of tartar there with applique of huge florals l¥s cups sifted granulated sugar cut out of madly colorful silk print. *4 teaspoon vanilla As yet these flower-applique outfits V« teaspoon almond extract are shown only in exclusive collec­ Sift flour once, measure and sift tions but the fashion is one that will four more times, Beat egg whites gain in momentum with a rush. You and salt with flat can get atunmng prints with huge wire whisk. When Hawaiian designs that yield cutout foamy add cream motifs for applique that are both of tartar and con­ beautiful and unique. tinue beating un­ I For the most part the new big­ til eggs are stiff flower prints run to hand-blocked enough to hold up types of exclusive and individual in peaks, but not type, Flower-printed sharkskin is dry. Fold In sug­ the "last word" in chic. It is espe­ ar carefully, 2 ta­ cially good style in white with a blespoons at a time, until all is used. background of enormous clumps of Fold in flavoring. Then sift small flowers spaced widely apart and amount of flour over mixture and fairly vibrating with hectic color. fold in carefully; continue until al! Lovely little afternoon dresses made is used. Pour batter into ungreased of this new sharkskin print are be­ angel-food cake pen or ring-shaped ing shown in the shops. pan and bake in a slow oven. Begin Necessarily these strikingly be- at 275 degrees F. After 30 minutes flowered prints have to be made up increase heat slightly (325 degrees); very simple, whether for day or eve­ bake 30 minutes more. Remove ning. but it is with a sophisticated from oven; invert pan 1 hour. simplicity that is purposefully Marshmallow Frosting. planned in order to give accent to Mi cup sweetened condensed milk the beauty of the fabric. The dresses 4 marshmallows H4 cups sifted confectioners' (4X) sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla Cook sweetened condensed and quartered marshmallows in top of double boiler until marshmal­ lows are melted. Remove from Are, add confectioners' sugar gradually, beating until smooth and creamy. Add vanilla. May be spread on cake while warm. This frosting covers tops of two 9-inch layers or top and sides of ring-shaped cake or about 18 cup cakes. Butter Frosting. % cup sweetened condensed milk 4 tablespoons butter There is an old tradition that the 1 teaspoon vanilla luckiest sort of bride's cake is one 3% cups sifted confections' (4x) baked in a ring—symbolic, like the sugar (about) gold band that is slipped on her Cream sweetened condensed milk and butter together. Add vanilla, LYNN HAYS: blending well. Add sifted confec­ tioners* sugar gradually, beating un­ til smooth and light in color. This In regard to after-wedding par­ frosting may be tinted any color by ties, plan a menu that's simple addition of a speck of food coloring. and easy to serve, yet appetizing Pale tints are most attractive. and delicious to eat. Spread on cold cake. Makes enough Since the proverbial color frosting to cover tops of two 9-inch scheme for the bride's table Is One of the most successful and layers or top and sides of ring- flattering fashions of the present green and white, plan to use shaped cake, or about 24 cup cakes. season is the basic dress made to white flowers for the centerpiece; Make the letters of corresponding or look important and lovely with crisp if candles are used, they may contrasting frosting by means of • snowy neckwear and other refresh­ be white or green. pastry tube. It is customary for the bride ing lingerie touches. There is no • • • to throw her bouquet to her at- greater favorite on the list of neck­ If you plan a wedding breakfast, wear types than the youthful looking tendants prior to her departure Instead of an afternoon or evening yoke collar. These yoke collars "do on the wedding trip. reception, include something hot and something" for you. They come in Since the excitement and emo­ something cold for the main course, exquisite lace-trimmed and em­ tional strain will undoubtedly up­ a beverage, ice and wedding cake, broidered sheers, also in pique if a set the bride, she’ll not be able of course. Here’s my menu sugges­ tailored type is your choice. A wide to thoroughly enjoy her own re­ tion: ception. For that reason, a pieoe lace-trimmed flounce edges the en­ Turkey a la King in Timbale Cases chanting yoke-collar pictured. It is of the cake should be cut and Potato Croquettes wrapped for the couple to take made of eyelet embroidered perma­ Baking Powder Biscuits with them on their honeymoon. nent finish organdy with matching Ripe and Stuffed Olives The table decorations should be lace insertion following the squared Ice Cream saved for her to have on her re­ line of the yoke. The fact that this Petits Fours Coffee turn. dainty yoke buttons on adds prac­ (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) ticality to chic and charm. • • • Painfully Good Some people are so painfully good that they would rather be right than be pleasant.—L. C. Ball. Button-On Yoke INDIGESTION may affect the Heart G m traoped to the «xnxrh or guUM may act like • halr-ulafer on the heart. At the first alm o< di »tree» •mart men and women depend 00 BeU ana T»biete to •et faa frw No laxative but made of the fartxwt- •rtir.g AMdulnM known for arid indi »••»Ion If the FTHJ«T DOHK doettn'i prova Bell-ana batter, ratura houle to ua azid racclve DUUKUC Money 25«. Then Came the Rush— And Roth Were Deadheads! I to the right and left in the picture illustrate this idea. The stately fig­ ure standing to the right is gowned in an evening creation styled of a splashy tulip print on a .white back­ ground. The maximum of dramatic effect is reached in the clever use of applique catouts from this splashy tulip print placed at the upper left side of the bodice. Again tulip ap­ plique repeats at the shirred waist­ line. Note the chic long sleeves that are tightly fitted below the elbow. The afternoon dress to the left is a hand-block print in red, green and gray against a white ground. In her hand this lady of fashion holds a chalk white felt off-face hat Bright days ahead are promised by the perfectly charming flowered print dress centered in the picture. This multi-colored floral print is a pure silk crepe which makes it out­ standing because best dressed wom­ en are insisting upon genuine qual­ ity-kind silk. Another important message in this gown is the trim­ ming formed of quilted flowers (cut from the print itself) that edges the sleeves and neckline and goes me­ andering down the front of the simu­ lated jacket top of this one-piece dress that looks like a two-piece. It also delineates the jacket edge around the hipline. This is one of the gay flower types that is very good style for day frocks and seen in the original it is strikingly colorful. As to the hat worn with this winsome frock it is one of the very wide brims such as fashion decrees for summer. Chinese prints with legendary de­ sign and in authentic colors present a fascinating new trend of thought. Some designers are even going so far as to create dresses in the straight, slim Chinese lines thus em­ phasizing the native source of inspi­ ration. It was the night of the grand concert, and approaching the hour at which it had been advertised to start. Blobb and Blabbs had hired a spacious hall and expected profits. "Are the ticket - takers ready?” asked Blobb. “Yes, sir.” “All ushers at the doors? “Right, sir." “Then throw open the portals! The hour has come!” The huge iron doors opened. Two small boys entered. “Please, mister,” said a tiny Defeats Justice ■ voice, “can we both come in on Justice tempered with too much this free pass?" mercy becomes injustice. It's A GOOD AMERICAN CUSTOM KISSING THE BRIDE! Since Colonial days it has been a good American custom to kiss the blushing bride after the minister has said •••,"! now pronounce you man and wife“. And it's an equally good and equally pleasant American custom to enjoy the fine full flavor and mild fra­ grance of King Edward, America's moat popular cigar. Try King KING EDWARD^ WORLD S LARGEST SELLER UgCuS (Released by Western Newsparer Union.» BIG 11-OUNCE BOTTLE OF Irish Crochet Lace Trims Dresses. Handbags. Gloves The pendulum of fashion swings around to Irish crochet lace this summer. Just arrived are a col­ lection of summertime dresses made of cotton bouclé trimmed with that old-time favorite lace—Irish crochet. Then too pique collar sets and yokes are being edged with Irish crochet and pique party frocks trimmed in this lace are the "last word." You can find also little jackets. handbags and gloves to ensemble with Irish crochet-trimmed frocks. Milliners are trimming some of their choicest hats with this same lace. HINDS HONEY & ALMOND CREAM Regular *1 size limited time only Wit and Sense I A small degree of wit, accompa- nied by good sense, is less tire-1 White Jewelry Accents Summer Prints. Pastels If you bake at home, use White hats call for white jewelry. The two are playing a duet this sum­ mer. The new white plastic jewelry, especially the lacy type, is very flat­ tering, giving a fresh accent to dark dresses. Take a look at the new glass bead jewelry, too, next time you visit the jewelry section. You’ll iove it, for it so colorfully accents summer prints and pastels. The peasant theme persists in the ' minds of schoolgirls and debutantes. Of course their fashion hobby at present is the full peasant skirt topped with a gaudy foreign looking blouse. However, if you are older and still feel the urge for a blouse of native Hawaiian, South American or Mexican, it will delight your heart to visit the blouse sections and see the grand array of peasant- inspired blouses to be had. 8 FLEISCHMANN’S I FRESH YEAS W » Gav Peasant Blouses some in the long run than a great deal of wit without it.—La Roche- foucauld. » i The Household Favorite of Four Generations!