( raters Down Eugene Keep Oregon Green (Jets Support in Week-End Series Week Enthusiastic response from ev­ DAVIS BRENT 0mt Eie MARY ASTOR _ Plus- William Boyd IN Si Friday, June 27, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 8 OLD COLORADO” EVERY FRIDAY FREE! To The LADIES Constance Bennett Cosmetics Anchors Aweigh FOR A GOB AND THE SEASON'S MOST HILARIOUS X GAGS! a Cfuij ándale GiOIGI MUa.RHY Wed’sday & Thursday BARGAIN DAYS ADULTS 15c KIDDIES a Dime 2 - BIG HITS - 2 The Medford Craters made a clean sweep of their two-game week-end series with the Eugene Athletics at the Crater park when they took the Saturday night ex­ hibition tilt 5 to 3 and went on to cop the Sunday league encounter 5 to 2. Chuck DeAutremont, former SOCE athlete now playing with the A’s, slammed out the fink homer of the park's season when he belted one over the left field fence with none on. In another Oregon State league game Silverton whacker! Bend 12 to 6 at Bend Sunday after stop­ ping Klamath Falls 10-0 Satur­ day night. The Medford Rogues, traveling to McCloud for an exhibition game, were rained out. The Rogues meet Crescent City in a Southern Oregon league game at Medford Sunday. Grants Pass draws a bye in league play due to Rogue Rivet dropping troin the circuit. —•— I ELKS INITIATE ( LASS REAL PROFERTA’ Eleven new members were in- itiated into the Elks lodge at the regular meeting Wednesday eve­ ning. Irving E. Vining, represent­ ing the lodge, welcomed the fol­ lowing new members: Charles Henry Jessel, Joe Jessel, Bennie King. Fremont Livermore, Donald Brace, Paul Beare, Kenton Rob­ bins, Ralph McCulloch, Eugene Ritzinger, Ramond Guise and Dr R. E. Poston. —---------- •------------- Exchange: Fryer* taken as pay­ ment on old or new subscriptions to the Miner. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County. In the Matter of the Estate of Addie Halley, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, L F. Bel­ knap, Executor of the Estate of Addie Halley, Deceased, by virtue of an order duly issued out of the County Court of the State of Ore­ gon for the County of Jackson on the 18th day of June, 1941, will sell at private sale at the office of Frank J. Van Dyke, Lawyer, First National Bank Building, Ashland, Oregon, at any time from and af­ ter July 19, 1941, to the highest bidder for cash or on terms all the right, title, interest, and estate which the said Addie Halley at the time of her death, had in and to the following described premis­ es, to-wit: Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20 of Block 20 of the City of Medford, Ore­ gon, ax numbered, designated and described on the official plat thereof now of record. Beginning at Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 10, Beatty's Addition to Medford, Oregon; and running thence North 26% feet; thence West 200 feet; thence South 53% feet; thence East 200 feet; thence North 26% feet to the North­ east corner of Lot 2 in said Block 10, being the place of beginning. Lot 1 of Block 26 of the City of Medford, Oregon, as num­ bered designated and described on the official plat thereof now of record. Lot 2 of Block 26 of the City of Medford, Oregon, as num­ bered, designated and describ­ ed on the official plat thereof now of record. Terms and Conditions of Sale: Ten per cent of the price bidden shall be paid at the time of sale and balance of the amount bidden to be paid on the confirmation of tale by the said County Court. Said sale will be made subject to confirmation of the above entitled Court. Dated at Ashland, Oregon, June 20, 1941 Richard Dix in quickly relieves fiery itching of ECZEMA If face, leg», arm» or hands are covered with red, scaly Eczema—for »peedy re­ lief from the terrible itching burning eorenesa—use powerfully »oothing Liquid Zemo. Zemo bring» relief because ____ quick . ’ause it contain» 10 »peedy-acting ingredients long valued for helping nature to heal pimples, acne, eczema, ringworm symp­ tom» and similar skin irritation» due to external cause. First trial convinces! Real severe cases may need Extra Strength Zemo. AU drugstores. K N T E R T A I N M E N T Filone 7IMI1 Daily Matinrr 1:15 p. in 20 cent» Evenings 6; 15, 30 cents kiddies a dime Wednesdays and Thursdays Dime Days Friday, Saturday Governor Charles A. Sprague hands stalenirnt designating June 30 1« July 8 as Keep Oregon Green Week to Nelson 8. Rogers, state forester. A statewide mobilisation Is planned. I BID FOR TIMBER United States Department of Salem. June 18.—Urging the peo­ the Interior, General Land Office. ple of Oregon to keep forest fires ' O. and C. Admini.-rtration, Port- from the state, as a vital step in i The railroads of this country ’ land, Oregon. Sealed bids, marked national defense. Governor Charles outside "Bid for Timber “ , and ad ­ have adequate facilities for handl­ A Sprague has designated a Keep ing today's record-breaking traf­ dressed to the Chief Forester, O i Oregon Green Week for statewide and C. Administration. 410 Cus-I fic. But railroad cars cannot be used as warehouses. That is the tom House, Portland, Oregon, will* observance. He made this state­ ment: gist of a recent talk by Robert S. be received until 10:30 A. M . I*a- Henry of the Association of Amer­ cific Time, July 15. 1941, for the | purchase of timber upon tracts ican Railroads. .Asks Mobilization hereinafter described; each bid Mr. Henry dealt principally with must state the amount [x-r M "Believing Chat defense of Ore. w’hat he termed "the greatest feet B. M . which will be offered gon's forests is vital to the con­ combined job of transportation, for each specie« and the total con­ tinued prosperity and happiness marketing and storage which is sideration which will be paid for of our people and constitutes a done anywhere in the world—the the timber. No bid for less than very important phase of nation­ movement of the winter wheat the appraised value will be con­ al defense, I hereby designate crop into storage." Many weeks sidered. Each bid must be sub- 1 the week of June 30 to July fl ago the railroads started their mitted in duplicate and be accom­ 1941. as 'Keep Oregon Green preparations. By mid-May, empty panied by a deposit in the form cars were moving w’est in fleets, of a certified check in favor of the i Week'. It Is my earnest hope to insure that a sufficient supply Chief Forester of the O. and C that every adult and child In would be built up in advance of Administration Oregon may be impressed with The deposit of the harvest. On May 30, the seven any successful bidder will be cred­ his or her responsibUlty In roads which handle the bulk of ited on the contract. Payment in guarding our magnificent trees the winter wheat, had a total of full at the time of filing the con­ trom forest fires and wastage of 19,614 such cars lined up—4,631 tract is required in sales amount- I every kind. I call every Ore­ more than were assembled for the to $2500 or less For copies of the I gonian to arms against our for­ gram movement on the same date form of proposal, form of contract est foes. Let this special week last year. Thousands more cars and bond, terms of payment, be a time of mobilization in a are in current use in the grain amount of deposit required with belt, and other thousands still will bid. amount of bond required with great cause. Keep Oregon be sent as needed. Green!" contract and other information, ap­ The difficulty lies in the fact plication should be made to the ad­ that this year's carry-over of old dress shown above IN JACKSON grain is the largest ever recorded COUNTY! T 37 S. R 4 E, Sec. I Membership Invited Elevators in the wheat belt were | 17, all merchantable timber desig­ filled from one-half to three-quar­ nated for cutting on the SE%- John B. Woods, executive secre­ ters of their capacity before a NE‘i, and SE%, estimated for tary of the Keep Oregon Green grain of the new crop was moved the purpose of this sale to be 235 association, reports that plans are The problem, therefore, is to find M. feet stamped White Pine 1st». complete for a statewide enrollment somewhere to put the new wheat. ’ 130 M feet stamped White Pine of active members of the association And that is not a transportation 2nd«, 65 M. feet stamped White during the special week designated problem. Pine 3rds, 115 M. feet stamped Dy the governor Enrollment places To quote Mr. Henry again, Sugar Pine. No bid for less than “Freight cars cannot be used for $8.00 per M for the stamped will be established in every com­ storage purposes either for grain White Pine lsts, $6 00 per M for munity where membership cards or for any other commodity. They the stamped White Pine 2nd«. are too valuable and too necessary $4.00 per M. for the stamped as moving vehicles — vehicles of White Pine 3rd*. $6 00 jar M for Exchange: Fryer* taken a.* pay­ transportation. Those familiar | the stamped Sugar Pine, or a total ment on old or new ntil**cri|>ti