Page 8 Friday, June 20, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS E N T E II T A I N M E N I 111 By I TOU» YOU SO Friday and Saturday! rZ, BIC FtATURil ON THE SCREEN AT LASTI The picture you've waited eight years to see... Picturized by the men who gave you “GRAPES OF WRATH” f Jefe make ■ ' starring CROSBY EVERY FRIDAY To The LADIES Constance Bennett Cosmetics fi ««11» « • e tv « c Wed’sday & Thursday BARGAIN DAYS ADULTS 15c KIDDIES a Dime WILL ROGERS in “STEAMBOAT AROUND THE BEND” f Dully Matinee 1:15 p. in. 20 eents Evenings «: 15, »0 <‘*nts Kiddies a dime Wcdnrsditys anil Thursdays Dime Days Friday, Saturday CALLING PHILO VANCE” with James Stephenson and Margot Stevenson f Leighton Blake, until the end of the spring term athletic coach at Ashland high school, zipped through town Sunday morning in his brand new fire-wagon red Chrysler convertible coupe which he had just purchased in Detroit. He took over his new duties with the Columbia River Trucking company in Portland last Monday morning. Bob Hardy. Ashlander on the pitching staff of the Beaumont Exporters in the Texas league, shut out San Antonio last week 6-0. Hardy’s club gathered seven blows, two by Bob himself, while the losers hit safely nine times. ----------- •------------ READY REC RUITS—With United Service Or­ ganizations campaign under way in all parts of the nation, service men and defense industry workers in the eighth region of USO receive buttons signifying that they have subscribed to the fund for establishment of 360 service clubs to be operated in communities adjacent to army and navy bases and defense industry centers. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY With Manager Paul (Hoosier) In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Jackson County Hoffard doing his own pitching, the Medford Rogues dropped their In the Matter of the Estate of Addie Halley, Deceased. first Southern Oregon league NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, game 6-5 to Crescent City Sun­ day. Hoffard let the Merchants that the undersigned, L. F. Bel­ down with only six hits but errors knap, Executor of the Estate of proved costly to the league lead­ Addie Halley, Deceased, by virtue of an order duly issued out of the ers. In the other SOL game. Rogue County Court of the State of Ore­ River fell before the big bats of gon for the County of Jackson on Grants Pass 12 to 0 at Grants the 18th day of June, 1941, will sell at private sale at the office of Pass. Next Sunday Medford goes to j Frank J. Van Dyke. I^awyer, First Rogue River and Crescent City National Bank Building. Ashland. Oregon, at any time from and af­ plays at Grants Pass. ter July 19. 1941, to the highest -------------------------- •---------- ,---------------- • Mrs. G. Vestal and son Bobby bidder for cash or on terms all are visiting with Donald Vestal in the right, title, interest, and estate which the said Addie Halley at Cottage Grove. the time of her death, had in and to the following described premis­ Four Great es, to-wit: Lots 17, 18. 19 and 20 of Block Book Bargains ■ 20 of the City of Medford. Ore­ (Introductory Get Acquainted gon, as numbered, designated Offer) and described on the official RED - LETTER TESTAMENT plat thereof now of record. (words of Christ in red), large Beginning at Southeast corner print; 5*4x7% inches, 232 pages; of Lot 1, Block 10, Beatty’s numerous Bible helps, handsomely Addition to Medford, Oregon; bound. UNIVERSAL COOK and running thence North BOOK, clear, concise, easily un­ 26% feet; thence West 200 derstood recipes. Covers all meth-, feet; thence South 531., feet; ods of home cooking; 256 pages,* thence East 200 feet; thence cloth binding. WEBSTER'S IL­ North 26% feet to the North­ LUSTRATED DICTIONARY east comer of Lot 2 in said AND ATLAS, the ideal home dic­ Block 10, being the place of tionary. Contains table of weights beginning. and measures and many other Lot 1 of Block 26 of the City helps. Attractive cloth binding, of Medford, Oregon, as num- 480 pages. ILLUSTRATED be red designated and described TEACHERS’ REFERENCE BI­ on the official plat thereof now BLE. size 6x9% inches. Has num­ of record. erous aids, maps and illustrations, Lot 2 of Block 26 of the City presentation page and family reg­ of Medford, Oregon, as num­ ister. Imitation flexible leather bered, designated and describ­ binding. ed on the official plat thereof These four valuable volume« now of record. for only $1.65, postpaid. Terms and Conditions of Sale: NATIONAL BOOK COMPANY Ten per cent of the price bidden P. O. Box 442 shall be paid at the time of sale Washington, D. C. and balance of the amount bidden to be paid on the confirmation of sale by the said County Court. Said sale will be made subject to confirmation of the above entitled Court. Dated at Ashland, Oregon, June 20, 1941 F. L. BELKNAP, Executor. 4 PLUS Randolph Scott In “THE TEXANS |M*d the Sat­ urday night exhibition tilt IS the Sunday after­ to 7 and ..................... noon fracas 12 to 7. This col- umn MiggestN MMiH'thing I«' done to make the Medford ball club worthy of state league competition. FOR THE BRIDE SETS OF SILVERWARE large or small OCR HONOR ROLL Recent new subscribers to the Southern Oregon Miner: Dr. Harvey A W ckm I s Dr Marcus B Woods Mrs O R Miller Jesse tally Walter Johnson Renewals: Ben Nivtson D. Ruger Mrs D. Perozzi | Theo J. Norby l L. D. Meservey Mrs. J. B. Thomas Joseph Lambert G. S. Butler A. Young I. D. Pittman J. H. Hardy Icenhower's Store i Hiram’s Broady Drug Store J. C. Penney Co. George Shaffer Nate Bates Dr. George Hull M. C. taninger Mrs. Gerald Donnigan Rolla. Mo. ------------ •------------ • Among people attending the annual conference of the Method- ist church in Eugene are Dr and | Mrs. George W. Bruce. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Billings. Homer Bill­ ings. Miss Shirley Willard and Dr. , Walter Redford AUCTION SALE! ('hartes Starrett ALSO THE NEWN Sunday, Monday and Tuesday THE MAN WHO LOST HIMSELF” \t 1715 N. Ilixerxlile. Medford. with Monday, June *23, nt I p. m. »harp. The two combined wtiM'ko of DVV1S FEED STORES, Itunk rupt, will lie Mild ut public IU1 and lot« to »nit attend* Ing bidder«. Feed, ««««I«, |H>ultry xiipplien, fertilizer«. lime, brood- ent, tiarn-door track mid hunger«, grim« mid clover «eed, stock mid poultry remedies, hand truck, platform «cale ,etc. Dealer« wel- MHS. EUBANKS HOSTESS come. Col. A. II. Dudley, auction­ Chapter AC, PEO met last week at the home of Mrs G C. eer. Eubanks with Mrs Bum Prnvoet • i >i and |tn George W Bruoe in charge The irnnon wax given by Mrs Grace Turner, who gave a left Tucmiay to attend the m odist annual conference In Eu­ history of rones and displayed gene. lovely rones from her garden. Brian Aherne Kay Francis BOYS! f I ■ OCR NEW BIKES HAVE JUST ARRIVED! See the Different Model« nt WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Taylor II. Williams—Authorized Dealer ✓ —by giving them the refreshing summer meals they really enjoy—appetite provoking meals in­ cluding iced tea, fresh fruits, crisp cold salads, iced desserts—things that are so easy to prepare and keep with ELECTRICAL REFRIGERA­ TION. For only a few pennies a day an electric refrigerator will keep your foodstuffs cold and safe and at the same time supply you with an abundance of iced and frozen desserts. Modern­ ize your living this summer—select an electric refrigerator and enjoy the added convenience, pleasure and economy. SANDWICH TRAPS CANDLE HOLDERN I CLOCKS GLASSWARE Chas. A. White Jewelry Store Ashland Light Department “Your SERVICE Department”