Friday, June 20, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Page 7 Sii/i.suif, Frock and I ion net for the Tot Fun ior the Whole Family BIG TOP By ED WHEELAN .......... • ■..... ^T hat AII6MT Twe C rowd was even greater tvian at the aftfrnoon E m OMA , ! OH. HAL. WHAT A WONDER rUL CROWD Tt> PLAY TO - T X TUST LOME IT !! ^-*rr > ' * IT'3 > SWELL ’ YOU frr.M'/RA, AMD ESELlEYE Mt ' * toeAN\Wl-ULe'.*3lLK''HowLeR HAO SL1PPPD OUT THAT MO& IN THERE IS. zx F ine ' < OF THE'BIG TOP AHÙ WA3 IN CAPNfST COMVrPSÄÜON V/CTV4 TWO FAY-STF RiOUS STPAN&fRS -TRIBUTE TO JEFF BANGS' HONEST/AMD SHOWMAN SHIP- x HE CERTAINLY MADE SHORT OF- THE ST i HGER bPoS. OPPOSITION aih T < IT 1 « - • Mutism Ir ■ V,*# V/ r * . 1 Io EP LALA PALOOZA Musical Accompaniment I'LL LEAVE YOU ALONE SO YOU CAN CONCENTRATE ON ALL YOUR ADDIN' AN' SUBTRACTIN' h NICE AN' f fl QUIETLIKE 7 SOMEBODY SEND FER US? By RUBE GOLDBERG YES-THE L RADIATOR IN THERE NEEDS FIXIN'- IT WHEEZES MY AFTERNOON SLEEP J*X S’MATTER POP—Officer« at Chow SyndlcaU, lac. By C. M. PAYNE HUH TN ONE pattern, sunsuit, frock * and bonnet are all included. Even if she’s only two, she can put on the front-button frock all by herself; the plain neckline and ruffly wing sleeves will be cool and comfy, all summer long. This trio is sweet in percale, gingham, linen, seersucker. • Pattern No. 2 to • years. terial without this attractive • • 8871 11 designed In all sizes Size 3. 3 yards 36-inch ma­ nap; S‘,i yards braid. For pattern, send your order to: SEWING CIRCLE PATTERN DEPT. 14* New Montgomery Ave. Saa Francisco Calif. Enclose IS cents In coins for Pattern No................ Size........ Name ......................... . ...................... . Address ..................................................... MESCAL IKE By s. l huntley Pa Should Write His Congressman Conscience and Passions Conscience is the voice of the soul, the passions are the voice of the body.—Rousseau. it /MIDDLE-AGES WOMEN [S] HEED THIS ADVICE!! POP—Better Make It a Seat Without Arm« Thousands of women are helped to go smil- Ing thru distress pecul- M _ AT lar to women—caused ■ •Tl by this period in lite— “ with Lydia E. Plnk- ham's Vegetable Com- pound — famous for over 60 years. Pinkham's Compound — made especially for women —has helped thousands to relieve such weak, nervous feelings due to tills nmctlona^llsturbance^^^t^^^ By J. MILLAR WATT Useful Daughters He that has daughters to marry let him give them silk to spin. DON'T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY • When you feel gassy, headachy, logy duo to clogged-up bowels, do as millions do —take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning — thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your normal energy and pep, feeling like a million! Feen-A-Mint doesn’t disturb your night’s rest or interfere with work the next day. Try Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, yourself. It tastes good, it’s handy and economical... a family supply WILD PITCH THE SPORTING FEEN-A-MINT To« WNU—13 WHILE PLAYING CATCH WITH EDDIE SELZER, UN­ CORKS A PRODIGIOUS WILD THROW WITH HORROR SEES IT SAIL TEN FEET OYER EDDIE'S HEAD STRAIGHT FOR NEIGHBOR'S GLASSED- IN GUN PORCH STANDS, ROOTED, WATCH­ ING WHILE HIS^TOMACH SEEMS TO DO FUNNY THINGS INSIDE HIM 25—41 Miserable with backache? HEN kidnoys function badly and you suffer a nagging backache, with diftiness, burning, scanty or too frequent urination and getting up at night; when you feel tired, nervous, all upset... use Doan's Pills. Doan’s are especially for poorly working kidney*. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom­ mended the country over. Ask your neighbor! W By LANG ARMSTRONG RUN, BUT HE SEEMS POWERLESS TO MOVE “I’d like to >ee somrthin' lung and racy lookin' to go with this." AT LAST SECOND TURNS HIS BACK AND BRACES HIMSELF FOR SOUND OF SHATTERING GLASS BALL MISSES SUN PORCH BY INCHES AND LANDS IN SHRUBBERY. AT ONCE BURSTS I DOANS PILLS