Friday, June 20, 1941 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Paqe 6 ^eSMOKyy^Tj bv~ÀLAN Lt MAY 1 Easy Home Short hand Course 4 INSTALLMENT 14 Dusty King and Lew Cordon had built tip a vast string of ranches. King was killed by his powerful and unscrupulous competitor. Ben Thorpe. Bill Roper. King's adopted son. was determined to avenge his death tn spite of the opposi- THE STORY SO FAR: Wile» to find him They were attacked lion of his sweetheart. Jody Gordon, •nd her father. After wiping Thorpe by some ot Thorpe's men hiding In Rop- er a shack. Wilce escaped, but Jody out of Texas. Roper conducted a great was captured. Roper was approaching raid upon Thorpe's vast herds in Mon­ one ot his own shacks when he no­ tana. Unable to reconcile her father ticed outposts keeping a caretui watch with Roper. Jody set out with Shoshone i • • a e main unskilled nt a disadvantage in Job seeking. And if you long to t liter some fascinating field fash­ ion, buying, advertising remem­ ber, shorthund usually opens the door. It is fun to practice it. * -c J Hl.Phillipr p THE NEW BUNKER IHI.IS • a a Fit yourself for well paid worltl Our IS- pass shorthand manual gives IS easy step-by-step lessons, dozens of short forms, tips on acquiring professional speed. Send for your copy to: ("W e muil 6» realhtic about ibul MWrd 'attack.' Il can begin anywhere in the u eilern hemn/ihere. If you ucul to shoot until you see the uhilei «»/ lheir e»es at at Hunker Hill sou will never hnote uhat hit you."— I*re»i