SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, June 20, 1941 Page 5 —_ i BELLVIEW NEWS About People You Know niüiaHÎIHilNil» < Continued from page 1) Bemiece Rector returned Sunday to their home after spending tne past montn near Portland picking strawberries. • Mr. and Mr». Marion I'age and »on returned to their home last r riday in Kingman, Ariz. after visiting the past several weeks with Mrs. Page s parents, Mr. and Mrs Willis Rector. • M um Mane Walker spent the week-end on business in Klamath Falls. • Mr. and Mrs. George and fam­ ily have sold their home and are moving to Wagner creek. They have been residents of Bellview for the past five or six years. • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodge and daughter were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. B Hull. • George Yockel made a business trip to Portland last week. • Mr» William Byrd was remov­ ed from the hospital to the home of her brother-in-law, G. W. Byrd, Saturday. She is doing wen. u Bellview P-TA held a special meeting at the school house Wed- nesilay afternoon to complete tome unfinished business left from May meeting and to discuss plans tor th 4th of July The P-TA for a number of years has had a con­ cession in the park and the funds have been used to give hot lunch­ es to the school children. V Mr. and Mrs. George Yockel spent Sunday at their mine near Grants Pass. • Premium lists for the grange fair have been distributed. Mrs. Kincaid. Mr. and Mrs. Pankey and Ross Applegate comprise the fair board. • June 26 the Bellview P-TA is holding a round-up at the school house Mrs. Seitz is chairman and Dr Merkel and Miss Helen Par­ rish will give serums to the chil­ dren. The Neil Creek district has been included. • Bert Peachey installed a tele­ phone in the M. A. Ring home re­ cently. The number is 6481. • Mrs Bert Peachey returned home Sunday from Eagle Point where she visited with her mother, Mrs Alice Daly, who is ill. • Mrs. R. L. Brantley returned I • Mr and M ik , M T Bur»», Mr* I'ALENT NEWS Kenneth Burn» and Mia Vern Hanting» vlnltcd In Dunsmuir Hun Trinity Episcopal Catholic Church tiny MI hh Betty Jo Burna, who Dobbins-Minear Rites hud been vlNltlng there, returned Performed Sunday I Rev. W. -I. Meagher, Pastor Church home with them. • Ml»» Ruby Itobblnk, daughter Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Vk-ar Ma»» at 8 a rn. Sunday. • Ml* O'iliirra wuh a business of Mr« May Dobbins of Talent, vlaltor In Yreka Tuesday. Holy Communion 8 a. rn. anil Imren Minear, »on of Mr. and • mhi . » hi nad tin- Mrs Floyd Minear of Anhland, Church school 9.30 a. m. fiiat of the week from IndUimip- were united In marriage at 3 Sermon and morning prayer 11 Foursquare Church olla where he attended the Hhrine o'clock Sunday afternoon The a rn. Fourth und B Street» national convention Holy Communion 9:30 a. m. ceremony took place at the home Rev. Shearburn, Pastor • Mi mid M im Gl.-nii B FMI «nd of the griMims parents with the Wednesday children of Washington 1» C. were Rev E Wine reading the service Choir will meet 7:30 p m. Fri­ Sunday school 10 a. m. H. O. gucata of Mra Alice A Pell the ■ Ml«» Virginia Garvin played the day. Butterfield, superintendent. flrat of the week You are cordially invited to Morning worship 11 a. m. traditional wedding music and • Mr and Mra V W Conley and Mi«« Lyda May Baylor sang "O worship with us Young People's meeting, 6 .30 daughter viaited in Dunsmuir over Promise Mr.” About 30 gue«tn P rn. the week-end. Evangelistic service 7:45 p. m. | were present. • Mr and Mra J A Yeo spent Week night services Tuesday First Methodist the week-end In Brooking« and • Mr and Mm Raymond Clark and Friday evenings at 7:45. Creacent City. Prayer meeting precedes these Church and family of A ah land «pent Sun­ • Mlaa Carrie May Smith viaited day with Ben Clark. two services. Young people in Dr. George W. Bruce, Minister In Portland over the week-end. charge of Tuesday service. • Mr and Mm Kingrey and • Mr and Mra Howard Rose at­ daughter •>{ Sprague River were • Sundayschool at 9:45 a tn. tended the lioae Festival In Port­ week-end guest» of Mr. and Mrs. I with Allen O. McGee, superintend- hind, Gtorge Newhin, parents of Mrs ent. In charge. First Baptist Church EXCHANGE: Fruit or vegetalihw Kingrey Mr Newhin has been Since the pastor, Dr O. W J. R. Turnbull, .Minister taken an payment on old or confined to his bed for the past Bruce, is attending annual con- new HiilmcrlptIona to the Miner. year. ference in Eugene, there will be ^Ti7bie^«choon?45^a^^Tr^C^^ • Dr. Oeorgie W Bruce, pastor of • Mm Kenneth Zerlein and chil­ no church service at 11 o’clock. Corry, superintendent. the MethiMiiat church, viaited in dren of Yamaey lumber camp in Member» are urged to take ad­ Morning worship 11 o’clock, I jom Angelea last week with hl« Klamath county and Mrs Earl I vantage of thi» opportunity to Sunday, 8pm, church service. ■On, I >r B A Biui r, a dentist Allen of Siskiyou were calling on visit other churches in the city. Wednesday, 8 p. m., prayer • who luut been called to report for friends in Talent Saturday. praise and Bible study ----------- •— urmy «ervice a» captain tn the • Mr and Mm Harold Sloper and daughter Roberta and Mr dental corf». Free • Mr and Mr« Kenneth S Wood and Mm Floyd Goin of Prospect Church of Christ were week-end guests of Mr. and Methodist Church and children returned to Portland Second and B Streets Hut unlay after a two week«' visit Mrs Robert Logan. East Main Street C. Alton BroMrom, Minister • Floyd Yarnell had the misfor­ at the Homer Billing« home. John It. Poet, Pa»tor • M ik Charles A White and tune to lose the fl mt joint of his Bible school 9:45 a m Program daughter« »pent the week-end in forefinger on his left hand last Sunday «chool at 9:45 a. m. Thursday while working a pulley Sadie Simpson, superintendent, in lad by Mra Bogers I, U <;r•­ Eugene visiting relative« am. superintendent • Mr and Mr« IHck Trite«, Mr in a hay lifter on the Jennings charge Morning worship 11 O’clock, and Mra. Thoma« Ixilrd ajx-nt the ranch. Morning worship at 11 o’clock. At 7 p. m , meetings of the week-end on a trip to the court • Ths Talent grange attended Junior meeting and Young Peo­ College arid High School C. E. at Marshfield, where the lailnla the Methodist church in a body ple's meeting at 7 p. m Evening societies. Sunday morning After church all worship at 8 o'clock. remained for the week Evening service at 8 o’clock. • Charlen Jandreau returned the members and friends of the ------------------- •------------------- Mid-week prayer meeting Wed­ church and grange went to the Monday from a vacation ajient ini nesday evening at 8 o'clock. grange hall and had a bounteous 1«» Angelea You are welcome to all services. Full Gospel Temple • Born to Mr and Mra Floyd dinner which was enjoyed by all • Palmer of Medford, June 9. a • Mr and Mm Elmer Miller of E. Main and Siskiyou Blvd. daughter Ik-fore her marriage, Tulc latke visited relatives and II. E. Svhmidt, Pastor Church of the Mr« Palmer win Ml»« Anne Kan­ friends tn Talent a couple of days last week tor. Sunday school 9:45 a. m. Nazarene • Mr and Mra. ('cell Roote of EXCHANGE: Fruit or vegetables Morning worship 11 o'clock. Bertrand F. Peterson, Paator taken as payment on old or Vancouver viaited with Mra C. A. service 6:45 Sunday eve­ Fourth and C Streets new subscriptions to the Miner. Route's «later, Mra. Koy Frazier, ning. Evangelistic service to fol­ lart week. • Mr and Mm Roland Parks "Church school at A 45 a m low at 7:30 o’clock. • Ml»« Margaret Page librarian and «laughter Tammy and Mm Morning worship at 11 o’clock. C. A. service and choir practice at Aahland high schiMrl, plana to Walter Bevington of Ashland "The Meaning of Pentecost.” 7:45 Tuesday evening. attend the University of Illinoia were guests st the home of Mr Junior meeting. Young People’s Prayer meeting 7:30 Thursday library achl at UTirana. Illa, thia and Mm R F Parks Sunday. meeting and People’s meeting evening. • Mr and Mm George Pheifer (adults) at 7 p. m. “ summer Evangelistic Everybody is cordially invited • Dr Bertha E Sawyer has re­ and son Jack caller! at Martin's service at 8 o'clock to all services. fox farm on Wagner creek Sun­ turned from a vialt in Portland Prayer meeting at 7:45 p. m. _______ ♦ _______ ' • Mi» Hal M< Xan ,i 11 •->>•!•■< I the day afternoon. Wednesday. grand ihaptir, < >ES. Ill Portland • Mm Jay Terrill wax called to Choir practice, 8:45 p. m. Wed- First Presbyterian last week. Antioch, Calif, by the death of nesday. • Mr and Mm Frank Wenzel, her slater. Mrs Mae Morris Mm Prayer and fasting meeting, 12 I Church I xi I m White, Itoria Ebnother and1 Morri* was a daughter of Rev I o’clock noon at the church. I Mm S H Short were Medford* and Mrs J. Smith, former resi­ ---- - --- •--------- Sunday scr.ool 9:45 a. m. visitors Friday dents of Talent She attended the Worship service at 11 a. m. • Donald «nd Challaa Jensen of local school, later teaching here I ------------ •----------- Sacramento have arrived In Aah­ for several terms. Funeral ser­ Neighborhood Church PILGRIM MISSIONARY CLUB land for a vialt with their grand­ vices wi re held Sunday. Her pass­ HELD LAST WEEK Congregational mother. Mm H M Jenaen ing was a shock to her many Mrs. C. T. Pine was hostess to Boulevard »nd .Morton Street» • Mr and Mm H I, Moore via­ friends. the Pilgrim Missionary club at Clarence F. .McCall, Minister ited Mr. and Mr« Charlea Gordon • P L Dunham, post office in­ her home Wednesday of last week. In Granta Paaa Sunday spector on the Portland staff, was Sunday 9:45 a. m. Bible school. The president. Mrs. H. B. Carter, • Mr and Mm J C Broady vis- hvif Saturday to chcinl 7c, 4 for 25c lorllz.ed or Plain POTATOES—U, S. No. 1; 18 pound» 25c, 100 |M>undn $1.35 GARDEN FLIT—in handy spray package for flowers and garden. 40c package H|MM'ltil................................................. 18c —THE PLACE— 61 No. Main St. FREE DELIVERY I the RIDE-GRAPHS t ..... new rilf OT L Int vi TH Vi» 1 scarcely bs'1“-'''“,,« „,, t 1ON FORD RIDE ■'x;* "•* SPRINGS" K"' • ,eThe%0Rn°ho *'ott°Sg Widih! g ”“EATEST W‘"aOWS 'irfRi.««;11!TNESS-T'5' ,h‘’ B‘8 F°RD'S flashing new GETV* AY’ Let your whole family 1TY BUY of many years. D compare with this | u -uh »tiffet- faster-acting Showing how. with in the ear spring».J*’”., ,r^d longer-last i««- 1» bound to be both X —■ ... Q n the rig GEST QUAL-