SOUTHERN OREGON MINER Friday, Juno 20, 1941 New Chief Justice and New Associates CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT WHO’S NEWS THIS WEEK k..., Washington. D. C. OASLE88 SUNDAYS SPECIAL ■BW «OTBL PASCO Official AAA Hotel Air Conditioned H«a»»iiiulila ItutaB CUFFKK BUOI* EXCELLENT FOOD. On U. K No. 1»& and No. «IB. It begins to look as if gasless Sun­ days might not be so necessary aft- er all—if certain bare-knuckle re­ forms in the oil industry are put Poultry rabbit«, rabbit «kina Wrllo through by new National Oil Ad- po«t eartl fur prices. Prloe« very ministrator Ickes, For instance, the high now Bukv a Co.. «38 B. W. Front, Portland. Ora. By LEMUEL F. PARTON tanker system. When an oil tanker comes from (Consolidated Feature» -WNU Service ) the Gulf of Mexico up the East TEW YORK.—Capt. Oliver Lyttle- !l«*tivy«<1uiy Mo tur». a»el» parlo, coast, it may stop at Charleston to • ton who tells the British they boil I um , Hr»». I iu I n I n nini iinrd trurkOi discharge part of its oil, then at can't fight a war and keep their TKUCK Will« KING COMPANY Norfolk, then at Baltimore. It dis­ pants pressed, at one and the same ¡Olli A R K. flaw I horn» Portland. <>r< charges a certain amount at each time, is one port where its company distributes Frayed Cuff and of the hand­ or refines oil. Threadbare Knee somest and WASMIHOTOB HBAUTY COLLUOl Simultaneously, a tanker belong­ Ealalillslird I » I It — MAI» Zui'J Smart in Britain wealthiest ing to another company will stop off Free tools and uniforms Included In and, to date, our new special low ratea on tul I Ion. at exactly the same ports. Thus best-dressed men in England. It is Why not have a lifetime profession? the tankers of three or even four dif­ as president of the board of trade 1BÍV Beoond Ave. Beattie, Wash. ferent companies may be feeding that he rations clothing and decrees the same cities at the same time. the proud distinction of shabby ap­ If, on the other hand, one com­ parel. It is now smart to be shabby For Kummer term. E«»y payment pl»». Free Lite eiiiplnyiiunt aorvlc« pany served one section of the coun­ in Britain. WnaTDHN SHAUTY COLI.ZUS try, or if one tanker delivered oil 719 ■■ W. 4th Av». Portland. Ora. Mr. Lyttleton is managing di­ to all the companies in each port rector of the huge and powerful BBIFYABD WIL.)««« TBAIHSO instead of only to its own, distribu­ British Metals Corporation Ltd., Maryland's tlrsl woman member Advanced «hurt coulee, In.llvld.inl In- tion would be measurably speeded. ■ trui'tlon. i-rrtlflod an»l bonded, no and. before taking his present of rongreaa, Mrs. Katherine Edgar waltliik. enroll now. beg r« clue»«» Also, there are four different types post last year, was controller of now forming dnv and night Byron, ahown at Capitol with her The President has elevated Harlan Fiske Stone (center) to be chief of high octane gasoline being re­ SBIFYABD WBLDSB8 ICKOOL non-ferrous metals. Under a justice of the United States Supreme court, succeeding Charles Evans four sons. Mrs. Byron succeeds her 8313 W. B. Union fined in the United States. All these MU. «73« wide extension of his powers as Hughes, retiring. At the same time the President nominated Attorney late husband. Rep. William D. Its varieties are not particularly neces­ Two Hoys going to II. H or two men head of the board of trade, he General Robert H. Jackson (left) and Sen. James F. Byrnes (D.) of South ron, who was kiilrd several months can earn full tuition Wrlto or call sary, one type being sufficient dur­ was enabled to take over indus­ nt once Modern Barber College, 13« ago in an airplane crash. Carolina, to fill the two vacancies on the high court. ing the emergency. Concentration K. W Madison «t.. Portland. Oregon. try for defense purposes and to on only one type of high octane shift and re-allocate labor to any gas also would considerably increase tasks he deemed necessary. He gasoline output and distribution. Job» waiting Pay artilla learning. No proceeded swiftly with his mobi­ apprenticeship nt.eanury, Faw weeks There is plenty of oil in the lization of defense resources. comptât«, full or writ« U. S. A.; it is only a matter of MOLlk BABIISB COLLÌOZ This assertion of governmental ■ •atti» II Tacoma II Spokane refining and distribution. control caused the newspapers to tag Note — The anti-trust laws have him as the "czar of industry," and prevented the oil companies from . it is interesting to note that our cutting competition of this kind, but Edward R. Stettinius Jr. is thus the government oil administrator headlined, as the mandatory priori­ Boll Developed and Two Print» from should be able to do what the oil ties bill gives him the power to sub­ ■ach Quod N»< alive companies can’t ordinate all production to defense. But LaGuardia, who made his own The extended parallel is also inter­ WBITBSN PHOTO COMFABY terms when he took his defense post esting in that Mr. Stettinius is also Portland, Ora. ■ox w-aaos is still in charge of national morale. a steel-master, former chairman of TOUR PICTURES HATED, no •str* • • • the board of the United States Steel coat. Hr nd« Will appear I« corporation. corner of print z exposure roll loo, SECRECY OF CONVOYS one enlargement free, money refund­ Most people don't realize it, but England, perhaps more ed If not satisfactory. Superior Fio- the contents of almost every ship easy and alert than we in ture Co., P. O. Box 480. Portland. Ore. leaving the United States for Eng­ abstractions of social change, S PRINT« AND TWO ENLARGE­ land is known to Nazi Germany. was quick to interpret this cen­ MENTS 34c—Made by Portland» l»rg- However, learning just when the rat retail kodak finisher Hallafao- tralization of power as of pro­ tlon Koarant«. >1 Quality Picture Ofc shipment will reach England and found significance. Beaver­ Box W3573. Portland. Oregon. the route it will take, is another brook's Evening Standard said: matter. “This constitutes the biggest Getting information regarding the economic and perhaps social Htrawberry picker« »anted, new eira» departure of supply ships to Eng­ revolution that this country has fields, picking now at Peel, camping Admiral Otto hchnlewind, The 8. 8. Robin Moor, which was sunk by a German submarine In land is relatively simple. AU Nazi a< comodallona B. Y. Iwaaakl, Boot« 6, faced since the breakdown of the South Atlantic, shown as It appeared at its Staten Island, N. Y., pier was appointed chief of naval opera­ ■ lllaboro, Oregon, or call B. I. Mae- agents have to do is go down to the feudalism. In fact, we are on last April, while taking on cargo. Note how plainly she was marked tions of German navy, succeeding Langhlln * Co., phone Beaverton 07OX waterfront to watch the loading of the verge of a vast experiment with American identification. Eleven survivors were brought into port Admiral l.uetjens, who went down British ships. The type of goods in syndicalism.” I with the Bismarck In epic sea battle. at Recife, Brazil, aboard the Brazilian freighter Osorio. being loaded cannot be readily con­ Captain Lyttleton has never been cealed. 1900 ACRKB, CREEK. 1 HpIClNtlN. 1?& Acres cultivated with 7 In Detlo- Or if an American vessel is load­ involved in any such social drift. He lou» apples 2 houses large barn, ing for the Red Sea, the papers is Cambridge bred, the inhentoi of sheep sheds, chicken houses. I car garage 115.000 terms No trade. signed by the crew must disclose the a vast fortune and an ancient name, Oron Shock. Tonasket, Washington. port of destination. This is required a hard-hitting industrialist and sol­ by law, so that a seaman may know dier with a reputation for quick and Izzo a stock Raneh sultsbla fot <'at- tln or Hheep. 1000 A Cultivation and where he is going, and because ex­ effective action in any emergency. Crop» I nder Iraan 4100 A. all fenced, tra insurance and sometimes extra He fought through the World war Mood bhtge 11000 payment will buy. wages are paid if the ship enters with the Grenadier Guards, gather­ Write Joha Blekert, Meaa. Wash. ing the D.S.O. and several mentions certain areas. I—] >.« Cntnrplllar tractor», wide Once a British ship is loaded, how­ in dispatches. He is 48 years old. gage, thoroughly reconditioned. 1—lit cu. ft. Flatno Electrolux re­ ever, the utmost secrecy is imposed frigerator UCH as it esteems tolerance, on its route and time of departure. 1—Mxllole cream »«perator this department occasionally Usually the ship hugs the shore as 1—290 amp portabio GE aro weldor. 1—No. 16 Caterpillar with 20-ft. head­ far north as the Canadian port of has noted that people who always er. partially on rubber. In good Halifax. There it may wait for days can see both sides of everything condition. or even two or three weeks for a L. O. PABMAB * BOM«. Coadoa New OPM Depot, convoy to be made up. SMALL STOCK FURNITURE, loca­ tion good for corner grocer; rent ll( When it finaUy leaves for the haz­ Boat a Wonder at down with per month. Including living quarter«, ardous voyage across the Atlantic, Human Catalyzing alternating gvendegaard, Bphrata, Wash. personality, orders are given to the ship’s mas- | CATTLE RANCH. «<0 ACHES. 6» ter by hand. Nothing is trusted to . or something like, and just cancel 1 themselves out. I »ere» alfalfa. 400 acres can bn cul- radio, A small boat puts out from lllvat. 1 I i • •• range. Hordern Coulee James L. O'Neill, appointed dep- the commander of the convoy, car­ reservoir for half mile. Ix.catlon for ' uty director of the OPM Priorities ntittlon, resort, 6 mil»'- north Hunter« rying sealed orders to the master of on Oiled S3. C. Tiffany, Cadoala. . is an exception. The baldish, ami- each vessel. Wash. 1 able, friendly New York banker has No other orders are given, and no REG KPOTTED POLAND CHINA an instinct for understanding the oth­ radio messages are exchanged dur­ SWINE Quality breeding National er man's point of view, and at the It,i-ord only. X,. Byrl Burnatn, Pull­ ing the trip except in case of at­ same time holding to his own. It man, Waeh. tack, because radio messages might upped him steadily in the business be picked up by Nazi patrol planes. lleataurant for rent, furnished Also world, to his present post of operat- largo refrigerator, In small thriving Note—American ships, on the oth­ , ing vice president of the Guaranty town of Gaston, Ore. Good location. Rent r«aa. In.iulre at Barber Shop. er hand, follow a regular, well-ad­ Trust Co. of New York. This ambi­ Miks Yunker, Forest Orove, Ore. vertised course and constantly send dextrous vision has given him rare out radio messages informing the , effectiveness in personnel problems world of their position. DENTAL PLATES and in allaying friction in manage­ • • • • ment That might have a bearing on his moving into the OPM at this MERRY-GO-ROUND Supporting the plan of Chief of moment. i Device to give infantrymen an Staff Marshall to lower the age of A Republican, he had a flexi­ Idea of the way to fight dive bomb­ D r . H arry S emlir , Dc+ditt army commanders, war department ble attitude toward the early AtISKY »I OC l.t> I MOR RISOS POSTUMI) QW> . The Office of Production Management has begun a salvage campaign ing, Model plane la hoisted to top officials quote the late Justice Oli­ New Deal, and was loaned by ver Wendell Holmes, who fought In to collect aluminum cooking utensils and other scrap metals to overcome of pole, where It Is automatically the bank as control officer of the major metal shortages facing the defense program. If successful it may released to swoop down on a wire the Civil war. To Lady Pollock, NRA in December, 1934, When during the Spanish-American war, be expanded to a nationwide “pickup" campaign, to begin about July 4. I towards trench In which Infantry­ the Supreme court saw only one he wrote: “A general of 45 and a The photo shows three Richmond, Va., residents with their contribution men wait. This photo was taken at side of the NRA, and not the private of 30 are old men.” Halifax, N. 8. to the “sample" salvage campaign. sunny side, if any, Donald Rich- The commerce department has berg moved out and Mr. O’Neill set up a separate British empire moved in, as administrator. He unit, headed by W. Walton Butter­ solved the problem of immedi­ worth, former state department offi­ ate personnel by firing about cial in London. His job is to estab­ one-third of it, but by this time lish closer commercial ties with the NRA was functioning only British dominions and colonies. to save funeral expenses. Mr. O’Neill liquidated it in neat and After Gen. Allen Guliion, the workmanlike fashion, and went army’s efficient judge advocate back to his bank. But he left general, appeared in the comic strip many friends in Washington, and “Hap Hopper,” he received a let­ should be helpful in breaking pri­ ter from an old boyhood chum say­ ority log-jams. He is known as ing: “I have been wondering where a marvelous human catalyzer. you were for 40 years, and now at "The woman I marry must look He was born and grew up in last I’ve located you through the upon me as the greatest man in th* Pittsburgh. funny papers.” world." Mr. O'Neill drove a grocer’s wag­ Twenty-six years ago Assistant "Oh, well, you may find one. Secretary of the Navy Franklin on at the age of 10, became an er­ When a woman loves she is not Roosevelt toted a friend’s baby son rand boy for the Bradstreet Corp., only blind, but absolutely devoid of around the old Poughkeepsie, N. Y„ and later credit man for the Car­ sense." Savings bank, much to the amuse­ negie Steel Co., a job which nur­ ment of Judge John E. Mack, who tured his talent for mixing and paci­ She Gets the Idea later nominated FDR for President. fying. "Ethel," said the young man tim­ After 22 year« of this, he joined The other day, on the anniversary idly, "Did you ever think of marry­ of the incident, the baby—Charles the Guaranty Trust Co., in 1918, en­ ing?" Durant Maines of Flint, Mich.—was gaged at first mostly in personnel "No, Harry," replied Ethel, look­ studies. He likes people and can inducted into the army. ing demurely at her shoe. "No, tho understand almost anybody. He ia Rural Electrification Administra­ First on President Roosevelt’s schedule after a busy week-end at hi* U. S. Supreme Court Chief Justice tor Harry Slattery is proud of hav­ deeply religiou« and ia occupied ai family home in Hyde Park, N. Y„ was his meeting with legislative Charles Evans Hughes, 79, who subject has never entered my mind I —never at all." ing strung up wires in Alaska and a Presbyterian layman in church leaders, the "Big Four” of congress. L. to R., Majority Leader John submitted a request for retirement "I'm sorry,” Harry said, turning the Virgin Islands. Also, he is mak­ and welfare undertakings at his McCormack, Speaker Sam Rayburn, Vice President Henry Wallace and to the President, effective July 1, be­ away. home in Short Hills, N. J. ing • survey in Puerto Rico, Sen. Walter F. George, chairman senate foreign relations committee. cause of age and health. ‘One minute, Harry,” called Eth­ el- "You'v« set tn« thinking." RABBITS AND SKINS TRUCK PARTS N SCHOOLS REGISTER NOW! BARBERS NEEDED FILM DEVELOPING FAST SERVICE 25c HELP WANTED FOR SALE Aluminum Salvage Campaign Begun Dive Bomber Lesson ‘Big Four’ of Congress Meet With F. D.R. Justice Retires M