Page 8 SOUTHERN OREGON MINER HINDSIGHT ON SPORTS Friday and Saturday! !X MC MÄTUBI1 •wwr TURNS ON * THS Hi AT! i THE LAST PUBLIC ENEMY'S LAST STANDI EVERY FRIDAY FREE! To The LADIES Constance Bennett Cosmetics Editor of National Voice to Speak II • Mr. and Mrs Marion Page and son of Kingman, Artz, who arc spending a month with Mrs Page's parents. Mr and Mrs Wil­ lis Rector, spent a few days last week with friends and relatives 111 at Myrtle Creek By I TOLD YOU SO • Mr and Mrs Willis Byrd were visiting relatives at Prospect last Big. righthanded Paul Hess. Friday. Ashland truck driver who has • Sam Grubb and son Joe of Ta pitched the Medford Rogues to coma. Wash and Mr and Mis three straight wins without a set­ l^arkm Grubb and two sons were back. announced to this depart­ dinner guests Sunday of Mrs Elin ment this week that he will no True longer be on the roster of the • Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell of Rogues. It all came about last "Klamath Falls spent the week-end Sunday when Hess was supposed with the R E. Bell family. t<> pitch but Steve« Crippen, who • Ia>e Rosen, small son of Mr and has been with no less than three Mrs Joe Rosen of Medford, spent clubs already this season, was put a few days last week with his on the mound against Grants pas» grandpa rents. Mr and Mrs J W Steve turned in a fine job but Rosen. Hess, nevertheless, figured the • Miss Ailcen Inlow has entered chucking duties belonged to him Southern Oregon College of Edu- Pitching only Sunday games. cation for the six weeks summer Paul feels that a man must work course. every Sunday if he is to stay in • Aunt Jane McCoy of Ashland shape and should be allowed to do spent the week-end with Mrs Ma- this, especially when he has won linda King every game the team has played • Mrs Harry Farmer returned to this season and has his club at i ' her home at Nubieber. Calif last the top of the league. And another week after spending the past Miss Ethel Huber, whose talks thing that has Hess burned up Is | month with her parents. Mr and have been heard on radio stations the fact that he was supposed to , Mrs. Willis Rector be paid for his services on the • Mr and Mrs Montgomery and from coast to coast for the last mound but so far has not seen the family from Ashland have moved several years, will speak at the to the I lead Indian district to the Neighborhood church. Congrega­ color of the Rogues' money. tional, Wednesday. June IK at 8 Gibson place. What's bothering Hindsight • The Extension Unit met Friday o'clock p. m. is the qucNtion of who is going Miss Hubler. editor and publish­ afternoon at the grange hall and to take the box for the Rog­ voted to have a large booth at the er of the National Voice, national ues if they can't talk Hess into staying with them iinil * grange fair. Mrs. John Heilmeyer tabloid weekly, will discuss repeal was appointed chairman, with and its effects upon the social and they lose Crippen, both of Mrs. R. E Bell and Mrs Vincent business structure of the United which is likely to happen. Lanini to assist her Mrs. Henry States. She will review the prom­ < / < Racin’ Rav Johnson, Medford was delegated to attend the pro­ ises made by those who sought re­ of the lkth Amendment, anil high foot runner who recently ject leaders' meeting in Medford peal discuss the manner in which these to learn about mattress making, took part in the Compton races promlM have been kepi living and did a nice job of coming in which will be sponsored by the up to the minute statistics on fifth against junior college com­ unit sometime this summer. Tues­ bootlegging, kidnapping, drunken petition in the remarkable time of day the Bellview extension unit driving, and liquor consumption 48:2. It might be well for Medford had a joint meeting with the Ash­ since repeal She also will have track fans to note that, consider­ land unit at the home of Mrs something to say about the revolt­ ing Johnson's competition, no ali­ Gladys Doomes. A picnic lunch ing conditions in and around mili­ was enjoyed at noon and install­ bis are necessary ation of officers in the afternoon tary camps where liquor is sold ------------ •------------- Miss Hubler is a member of the • Miss Mary Young, missionary Bellview officers are Mrs. Hash National Temperance Council, chairman; Mrs M A Ring, vice from Korea, was the speaker at composed of leading temperance chairman: Mrs Carl Henry, sec ­ the First Methodist church Sun­ retary-treasurer. and Mrs. Chester organizations in America day evening. • Applegate, librarian. • Elmer Byrd who is employed at MERLEY MISSION < llt( l.E Dorris. Calif, spent the week-end HELD AT BAPTIST ( III lit II with his family. The Merley mission study group • Mrs. Arthur Hamaker is visit­ of the Baptist church met Thurs­ ing with Mr. and Mrs. Archie day afternoon of last week with Kincaid. Mrs. Ray Stringer presiding • Miss Marilyn Christlieb left Mrs A. Segsworth reported on Thursday for Eugene to attend the Baptist church state confer­ summer school at the university. ence held at Grants Pass Mrs. J. • Miss Marion Swenson is a R Turnbull spoke on missionary house guest of Veda Williams. She work in India will visit at the -Williams home until her parents get located in California. • Mrs I. E. Deadmond and Mrs. Dot Williams were Medford busi­ We were driving along, go- ness visitors Tuesday afternoon ing around a curve. We • Mrs Mary W1M and daughter saw a car! And the next Marjorie from Carlton. Ore. were thing we knew, we were in week-end guests of the J Z. Walk­ the ditch! An officer stop­ er home. ped. He talked to the other • Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Fry from man a few minutes and let Alamosa. Colo, are spending sev- him go on his way But eral days with Mr. and Mrs John he wouldn't let us go! We Walker. They are parents of Mrs had NO insurance and could Walker. not prove “financial respons­ • George Stacy from Lake Till- ibility.” It took three hours ■■1 coca, South America, spent the to fix the car, but it took week-end with Mr. and Mrs Jesse two days to get a court Walker. He is a brother of Mrs. hearing. Our vacation was Walker. ruined! My husband got • Mrs Sharyon and son Bob of insurance the very day we Ashland were dinner guests Sun­ arrived home day of Miss Wright. Are You Protected • Mrs William I. Byrd of Pros­ pect, sister-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. INSURANCE W. G Byrd, underwent a major OF ALL KINDS operation at the Community hos­ pital Tuesday afternoon. ------------ •------------- • Warren Applewhite, student at OSC last year, has returned home REAL ESTATE and for his summer vacation. REAL INSURANCE • Mrs. M E. Carroll and son Phone 8781 41 East Main have returned home after a visit ■-------------------- - . . - - ■ -. - in California. J Friday, June 13, 1911 ROGUES WIN 1-0 TO KEEP RECORD LITHIA Tlie Medford Rogues remained at the lead of the Southern Oicgoll lur.Hehall loop Sunday when they kept their undefeated record in­ tact with a I wm over Grants Paas Steve Crippen, for the Hog. lies. and Chuck Ostrom, on the mound tor the Merchants, allowed three hits apiece In what was a fine pitchers' duel. The winners scored in the very t il at inning on a ti iple and a pass ball Not once did a Grants Pass man teach third base. Medford's Craters, In Orc.on state league competition, won their first game of the season when they stopped Hills Creek 5 2 at Hills Creek Sunday The Cra­ ters played I'orris of the Northern California league Wednesday night anil face Klamath Falls in a lea­ gue fracas Sunday afternoon All>.my still leads the state loop and Medford is in a tie fol fourth place. I'lioiK' 75111 Friday, Saturday I TAKE THIS OATH’’ with Gordon Jones Joyce Compton and THE DEVIL’S PIPE LINE’’ • Miss Dorothy Moore, duughtei <>f Mr and Mrs H I, Moore, was graduated from Willamette uni- . versitv Saturday. She made a brief visit to her home here kieforc going to Vancouver, It (’. where she will be employed this summer With Andy Devine Richard Arlen A I.SO THE NEWS « FATHER’S DAY Sunday, Monday and Tuesday HER FIRST ROMANCE ” ★ with Remember Dad With a Gift Edith Fellows Wilbur Evans Men’s Sets Bill Folds Brushes Hose Belts, Etc Malinee« Saturday and Sunday only Wednesday and Thursday DIME NIGHTS THE MIKADO’’ ★ The What Not 10c Store IN TH UNII OI.OR A foucet - lust 'urn ° • e of 'he doV -^ny here ’n O' n'9h ( o , gm - hoTo« P*™ IONS ot «o'e ' v oa.o- clean ... __ in*’0" '* " ' rr»ot»c H .h."nev" b onothei thou«1"' CAREFREE aí Billings Agency » LUXURY , AN *u c °LECTR'C ------ HO'*/ oNLV Wed’sday & Thursday BARGAIN DAYS ADULTS ö 15c KIDDIES a Dime Bing Crosby in UTHF STARMAKER” PLUS “FLIGHT FROM DESTINY” Now on Display at your Dealer’s or your COPCO store